We love! Hall had 1 piece to me that was balanced (below) where she called for 'understanding' of unvaccinated as her views were strong against unvaxxed, until shown otherwise, we must suspect vaccine
Perfectly stated! An eye for an eye, a B12 jab for an mRNA jab. Hold Fauc, Hotez, Brix et all down, and jab them with 30 Moderna's and 66 Pfizer's. I hope their final screams will be recorded by wonderful Nueman microphones, and will be played before our National Anthem, in a nation of only 50M, pureblooded, American nationalists. Hail Victory. I HATE the left, and so happy they are far over-represented in the jab aisle!
Please post links showing these two women specifically said they wanted you in camps. I've seen some on the other side state this because they were scared and wanted to protect humanity.
"For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."
These types weren’t “scared”. I’ve worked with their ilk and they lie like rugs to themselves as well as to others about their feelings and motivations. They were seduced by the prospect of power and wealth and they chose their loyalties, however much they tell themselves and the rest of us otherwise.
Sometimes a person like this will change with a near death experience or other especially traumatic event, but usually they won’t. The vast majority of otherwise smart academics and professionals who are vested in a narrative would actually prefer to die than abandon their narratives, despite their statements to the contrary if probed on the subject. Don’t listen to their direct thoughts on the issue, though, watch their actions and listen to their speech over the long term instead, and listen to how they think overall to discern where their loyalties actually lie. Do they typically align themselves with the virtues of humility, moral consistency, insight and the quest for facts and truth? Or with hubris, fear and the need to defend their status and power at any cost?
The jab pushers weren’t pushing the jab for our own good, as they said, but to virtue signal and make good with those above them for their own benefit. I will have mercy and sympathy for those tho tried to think and act for themselves but really WERE fooled or coerced. I will withhold my sympathy from those who threw their own souls under the bus to gain fame, fortune and the power of life and death over others. Bullies rarely understand kindness. They speak only in the language of fists. Therefore I will not be spending my energetic dime to help this bully reach heaven. She needs to spend time somewhere where things can be explained to her in a manner she can comprehend, before she’s released to try again, IMO.
Yep. In Western Australia they built a camp. For $400M containing 500 beds and it is now sitting empty at maintenance cost of $13M per year. The GOVT and fascist dictator Premier of this state relished the thought of locking up vaccine dissenters.
Forgiveness they have from me, at least. But forgiveness does not always lead to reconciliation when the forgiven party is not repentant. And even God requires repentance.
Forgiving doesn't mean I'm excusing or justifying what many did.
The whole point of forgiveness is NOT giving people what they deserve. Not pretending that what they did was really nice or pleading that they meant well.
They've built some in China, and rhey're actually building some in OC Ca as we type! Have fun taking all of rhe shots or donating whatever organ they demand you donate. Kissingers words, not mine!
No one really knows. But I have little doubt some are getting cold feet and want to distance themselves as they realise they've been manipulated by the Fourth Reich.
I'd pondered that. Actually for last year's when Schwab wouldn't hold it at Davos, blaming us, the "extremists on the internet", where in reality he remembered Putin's previous address to Davos telling Schwab, "It's over" (the Great Reset).
Hitler was very anti-vax and had no aspirations of world dominion or depopulation. He merely identified the Tribe, put them in nice camps with pools, and here they are again, trying to wipe out 7.5 billion people. We fought on the wrong side of the Fascism vs Communism tussle. Be a lot better world if the Axis had won. Trannies would not be reading to our kids, debt would be manageable, and no Rothschilds would be lending us money. Paradise.
It’s not that we fought on the wrong side. Allied and Axis have combined forces. So now we have the “best” of both worlds, a nice blend of Communists and Fascists in league to destroy nation states, in particular ours. Oh and throw in the Brotherhood. And the Vatican.
Cape, I would agree that almost every large entity, political philosophy/ideology, and corporate/institutional mechanism is fouled. corrupted. Irretrievably. Human beings, particularly in The West, have been denatured biologically, via Big Pharma, allopathic medicine, processed food supplies, fluorides, chemtrails, industrial runoff, etc.
Those of us, you and I included, who observe this denatured gene pool (we have also forcibly subsidized the breeding of the worst, and the chastisement of the best) look at Davos, WEF, UN, EU, NATO, Vatican,. Zionism, and cast a wide net for the culprits. Personally, I look for motive. Some want power, and pathological control. over otherwise decent, normal people. Some are eugenicists. Some, have been neurotic for 4000+ years, hate any mention of Yaweh as their master, and are jealous of those who find simple solace in spiritual pursuits, and their SkyGod of choice.
I tend to blame it all on the group Hitler fought against, but I am not old enough to have been there, and it has taken me 3-4 decades to sift through the total bullshit Bolshevik/Zionist/jewish media has fed us.
TL;DR, we need to kill the people who have done this denaturing. Enough typing, and chronicling. it is time for a very violent opposition to form. Men like myself, well trained, healthy, well resourced, and very unafraid to die, let alone fear the de-platforming and stigmatization lesser men feel. Women will not save us, there is no epoch or conflict in history that has been won by women, although they are very valuable if they love and support the men who know they have small chance of returning.
No God, no candidate, no plea to reason, no saviors but ourselves. Personally, I would vastly prefer a Fascist opposition, as Franco, and Germany for a time, showed it to be highly effective, and I quite like a non-degenerate, Nationalist perspective, vs a communist, praise the weak veneer. I hate the weak. 200 years ago these spiteful mutants would not have survived to age 5, and I am fine with that. Hail victory.
Dr Harriet Hall is wearing a mask in her profile pic whilst alluding to the unvaccinated being 'stupid idiots'. Good riddance indeed.
Am I callous for saying so?
Doctors, in particular, like Dr Harriet Hall led many hundreds of thousands of non-medically trained people (and their children) down the road of mRNA vaccination. If we accept this is highly detrimental to their health, then we cannot pretend she has not done enormous harm. She will cease doing such harm now.
There’s nothing wrong and there’s everything right with reminding ourselves of this fact.
The only problem is we know transmission is real. So, given this additional fact from the Pfizer studies, I can see the case being made it’s a good thing when those who’re repeatedly jabbed die. Their death may save an untold number of innocent lives.
I certainly hope those who’ve been jabbed because of their Parents’ consent or because of threats to their livelihood, etc., and regret it are aware of protocols that hopefully mitigate their inevitable damage. I want them to recover and live. They’re victims, too, when you think about it.
But as for the pushers of these shots such as this Doctor, I hope they’re ready for that final trip we’ll all take one day.
You are not callous at all. We need to toughen up, mass die offs will ensure normal, healthy people will be able to work, live and pray without Leftist mass hysteria intruding. Let them die, I celebrate every death. What else do I have to celebrate, given we only nationally celebrate a month of degeneracy, and a day for a black communist?
I'm very with you except on the part that she's responsible for leading the people. The people are responsible for who they listen to. It has to be this way to make any sense. The people must learn from this.
Her role in leading people astray is an indictment of her mis-deeds, not to be confused as relinquishing the personal responsibility of those foolhardy enough to follow.
With the reality of transmission being admitted in the Pfizer documents, you do realize our blood may not be pure now, or if it still is, not for long.
By the various means of disseminating the Spike Proteins and other toxins (food supply, chem trails, other injectables, etc.), we’re all sitting ducks.
Well, we did not volitionally invite becoming GMO's. My contention is we need to rather violently address the maniacal "Elites." But, most in The West are still living large off the national adipose tissue (despite its rancidity)... and have little taste for righteous vengeance. I often wonder what disgusts me more, the mindless minions, or those who wield the gaslighting torches?
NAC, querciten, black seed oil, a few other supplements ( helping my biotoxin mold illness), took ivermectin prescription for a year ( every week), got tests at women’s health center, & when I’m around my fully boosted mom I take a shower when I get home. And pray. And read the substack on any new information . I finally live near my snowbird mom & not going to avoid her, although I stuck to telephone calls the first few weeks after she got her boosters. My shedding problems( bleeding) happened after I was helping her companion, he had blood pressure swings and fell a lot for a year after their second jab.
I just learned yesterday Bromelain works with NAC and actually helps it accomplish more. You can take it as a supplement or get it from pineapples. I was informed you also need to boost your Glutathione if you’re using NAC or you’ll become deficient.
So many things to manage in this mess.
Using a neti pot with Saline with few drops of Povidone Iodine and gargling with Scope or Crest mouthwash after you return home helps a lot, too.
In the words of the late philosopher, Richard Kuklinski, when asked about his life's work he replied, "I have no feeling about it. One way or the other."
I don't wish death on anybody. I am very sad for people who acted in ignorance, misplacing their trust, and have suffered for it.
I am heartbroken for people who took that toxic shot due to coercion or mandate, especially as a sacrifice for their loved ones (to feed & house families, to visit beloved parents imprisoned in care homes).
But when I see the faces of beautiful children, vibrant young people, and all others who were senselessly killed by those experimental clot shots, I cannot muster much sympathy for people in medicine and science who actively promoted the death jab that is murdering all those innocents.
Harriet Hall and all of them should have known better. We knew better because we cared enough to listen to other experts who cared enough to know better. Harriet Hall and her fellow believers chose to follow a false religion, worshipping Pharmakeia and the goddess Vaccinia, only to have their false gods betray them.
I read the GoFundMe on the 25 year old pharmacy manager who died suddenly. Oddly she was heading to the ICU to be with her father when it happened, who had a sudden health emergency of his own (an aortic dissection). Sadly her father has also now died. One can assume that she was jabbed and most older members of her family were also. I'm starting to piece together a very worrying trend: an adrenaline surge of any type often triggers these events in younger people. My greatest concern about that is that the death or collapse of one jabbed member could trigger that same spike in others, which is perhaps why it is becoming common to hear of multiple family members dying within a very short time frame. Prayers for all.... https://www.gofundme.com/f/wswepd-supporting-the-heck-family?qid=71941d4d636417feb79e945d7cbcbd6e
Agreed, Amy. Sadly, I think that snowball effect was the intent. There’s a study on virus-induced myocarditis mice (pre-Covid) on one of these great Substacks that showed researchers adrenaline triggers myocarditis deaths in the mice.
Yes I read that one I believe that was on the Naked Emperor. Come to think of it I should link that and write a substack regarding this. So many died suddenly relate to an adrenaline surge, from finding out final exam results, taking off on first ever flight as captain, getting married, getting engaged, and then the multiple family deaths thing. There were many died suddenly right around Christmas day, which can be an adrenaline surging time depending on family/holiday dynamics...
Dr.. McCullough said that the myocarditis damages the heart. The damaged tissue makes it more likely to experience an irregular heart rate. The combo. of a surge of adrenaline and the irregular heart beat causes the heart attack/sudden death. Says that is why so many die in sleep. We have a surge of adrenaline toward the waking hours.
I have suffered from vax related issues for the past 20 years. Whenever adrenaline surges, my brain suffers. I have found that Himalayan black salt (not the pink salt) is a sure way (for me) to reduce adrenaline for at least a day. One pinch is sufficient for this purpose. This is very sulphurous salt and you really need to develop a taste for it. It should not be added to hot dishes, but should be sprinkled on cold dishes (salads, fruit, buttermilk etc) just before consuming it. In India, it is used in buttermilk on especially hot days. It is used in special dishes where “chaat masala” is used. Hope this will help somebody.
If it were only her "vaccine" position. But she had pure hatred for complementary and alternative healing arts, homeopathy, naturopathy, ayurveda, holistic, all of the non-harmful natural healers who don't injure, maim and kill their patients. She declared them dangerous and supported policies that punished people who knew allopathy to be the dangerous, murderous practice she projected onto natural healers. Her life was about hurting people while pretending to help them, denying to us good health and long, happy lives. Witchdoctor Harriet Hall's departure from this realm will at least stop her from advocating disgusting ideas and public policies, her reign of crimes against humanity has ended. Now, for the rest of her hideous allopathic murderer colleagues to join her.
Ed Dowd is a financial numbers guy. He is all over EXCESS DEATHS. When you look at the timeline from 2019 on, you see that there were no EXCESS DEATHS in 2019. That means the ones predicting the number of people dying were right on target. Think about it, LIFE INSURANCE companies, for example, MUST KNOW how many people are going to die in the future.
Notice in the timeline that 2019 had few excess deaths but after the vaxxxxines came out in Jan 2021, that's when people really started dying. So the vaxxxxxxines which were supposed to save lives are not helping. The real question is: ARE THE VAXXXXINES doing the killing?
Notice the death spikes upward when the vaxxxxxxines were first given, the mandates, the boosters.
The next figure shows what you need to see. OVER ONE MILLION EXCESS DEATHS have come out since the vaxxxxxines started being used. Notice from the next figure that the death numbers are increasing from the younger age groups.
WHY? Younger are dying because they have jobs, jobs require vaxxxxxxinations.
By I mean recently. The last month or so. It is like growing exponentially. And now I see no obvious reason for the acceleration. Are they getting boosters? Is the vax killing more in the long run than short term? I have other theory but it is super crazy.
Not enough! This lesson in discernment, and not trusting industries and governments led by the most expelled Tribe in human history...must be stamped in the blood of billions. Fools or crooks, I care not.
I looked up her Bio. She was a career Air Force Officer with 30 years in.
She retired as a Colonel. She had an excellent Medical Education.
She was a true believer in Vaccines. She was 77.
I did extensive research before the mass injections took place. NFW would I get these shots nor would my wife. America's Frontline Doctors came through with Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin. Only use the HCQ once a week. No COVID, no flu, no
nothing in almost 3 years. Everyone I know who got the shots & booster got serious COVID, pulmonary embolism's & death from Remdesivir in the hospital.
still take 5000 IU of D3, Zinc, Magnesium & Quercetin plus the once per week HCQ.
I'm the same age as the Doctor. I retired from one of my careers as a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Marine Corps after 20 years & fighting in Vietnam 1968-1969. Familiar with PsyOps.
What was her age? I must have missed that. Am I sympathetic yes & no. Here dies an educated woman who herself fell victim to one of the greatest Psyops perpetrated in humanity.
Who is the guilty party?
The Security State for starters aligned with Big Pharma, CDC, ET AL. More will follow.
I don’t care how vile, reprehensible and insensitive their comments or attitudes are toward me or how much hate or anger they have for me I will never fall into hating or wishing ill toward her or any others that feel that way; that is no way to live my life! I don’t say that to sound high and mighty or tolerant or what the hell ever; I say that out of love for all human beings even those as misguided as this lady, her husband, and others that may hate us or wish us harm! People when we start acting like them with that much hate in our heart, they have one in my opinion!!! Hate never conquers hate! Love is the only answer my friends to what ails this world! What does it matter to you if someone wishes you dead or harm upon you, let that shit go! A lot of you all are wishing death and culling upon those that fell for taking a shot or two from this DOD level, Military Grade psyop; well those people happen to be my daughters and grandkids that just really don’t know any better, how can you say those things??? History will show that we are on the right side of the truth! I just hope we can act like better people with more compassion and love toward our fellow human beings along the way!!!
At some point Michael we all must exercise discernment and use critical thinking. We cannot continue to excuse the actions of others in the name of love. It is important to love but love does not give people a license to be foolish in thought and deed.
Never said that these people Don’t deserve punishment for what they have done! I just said I am not going to let myself fall into their trap of hate or vitriol, like they have shown for us, or pleasure and glee over their death or demise! Again, we can seek Justice without acting like they do!
I read the Twitter feed and it refers to antivaxxers as vile persons who celebrate death of those that support the gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine. Those that push this jab are the vile ones. Those that are questioning the safety of these injections are doing so in the hope of saving lives and further injuries caused by them. I would love to challenge the pharmaceutical companies that are getting wealthy in the production of these mRNA shots to come forward and prove that these injections are not causing horrendous injuries and deaths. And I am sick and tired of the ignorant fools that call anyone who questions these gene therapies called “ Covid vaccine” antivaxxers. And we already know they are ineffective. I wonder how many parents whose children have received childhood vaccines would be so anxious to get “boosters” for these “ childhood illnesses” if they were told that they needed to have them to protect them. My children and myself had chickenpox and mumps so I would have been very suspicIous if I had been told they must get these vaccines. Natural immunity is the very best kind of immunity.
The death celebrating is on both sides. As I recall it started out worse on the pro vaxxers side. Our side got more angry and hateful as the mandates and nastiness, including threats, from the vaxx supporters escalated. A number did wish us in FEMA camps or say, "I hope you die on a ventilator." Led by Jimmy Kimmel and other celebrities.
I hope it hurt. No matter her external sentiment, unless she was an affirmative action dummy (possible!) she knew mRNA was mass genocide. I take it back, I hope it hurt, a LOT.
They wanted us in camps Paul...Nah, I'm good.
Perfectly stated! An eye for an eye, a B12 jab for an mRNA jab. Hold Fauc, Hotez, Brix et all down, and jab them with 30 Moderna's and 66 Pfizer's. I hope their final screams will be recorded by wonderful Nueman microphones, and will be played before our National Anthem, in a nation of only 50M, pureblooded, American nationalists. Hail Victory. I HATE the left, and so happy they are far over-represented in the jab aisle!
I am experiencing a really good Shad right now (Schadenfreude)...
Please post links showing these two women specifically said they wanted you in camps. I've seen some on the other side state this because they were scared and wanted to protect humanity.
"For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."
-- Matthew 6:14-15
These types weren’t “scared”. I’ve worked with their ilk and they lie like rugs to themselves as well as to others about their feelings and motivations. They were seduced by the prospect of power and wealth and they chose their loyalties, however much they tell themselves and the rest of us otherwise.
Sometimes a person like this will change with a near death experience or other especially traumatic event, but usually they won’t. The vast majority of otherwise smart academics and professionals who are vested in a narrative would actually prefer to die than abandon their narratives, despite their statements to the contrary if probed on the subject. Don’t listen to their direct thoughts on the issue, though, watch their actions and listen to their speech over the long term instead, and listen to how they think overall to discern where their loyalties actually lie. Do they typically align themselves with the virtues of humility, moral consistency, insight and the quest for facts and truth? Or with hubris, fear and the need to defend their status and power at any cost?
The jab pushers weren’t pushing the jab for our own good, as they said, but to virtue signal and make good with those above them for their own benefit. I will have mercy and sympathy for those tho tried to think and act for themselves but really WERE fooled or coerced. I will withhold my sympathy from those who threw their own souls under the bus to gain fame, fortune and the power of life and death over others. Bullies rarely understand kindness. They speak only in the language of fists. Therefore I will not be spending my energetic dime to help this bully reach heaven. She needs to spend time somewhere where things can be explained to her in a manner she can comprehend, before she’s released to try again, IMO.
Well said....
Hard to argue with your sentiment.
I meant figuratively "They" the Covidians in general.
Yep. In Western Australia they built a camp. For $400M containing 500 beds and it is now sitting empty at maintenance cost of $13M per year. The GOVT and fascist dictator Premier of this state relished the thought of locking up vaccine dissenters.
Nearly a million per bed? Whats an Oz dollar worth in US or Euros? Surely that must be enough to buy a house with. Sounds like someone is on the scam.
Yes, no arguments with you there.
Our state GOVT is no doubt participating in cronyism.
Don't forget that they also hired influencers to Photo op the camp. The should not face the tribunals but go straight to the gallows
Yes! McGowan is a piece of work and then some.
Beady, shifty eyes. Have you noticed that?
Forgiveness they have from me, at least. But forgiveness does not always lead to reconciliation when the forgiven party is not repentant. And even God requires repentance.
Forgiving doesn't mean I'm excusing or justifying what many did.
The whole point of forgiveness is NOT giving people what they deserve. Not pretending that what they did was really nice or pleading that they meant well.
They've built some in China, and rhey're actually building some in OC Ca as we type! Have fun taking all of rhe shots or donating whatever organ they demand you donate. Kissingers words, not mine!
Watch Redacted's latest live stream.
Yes, it's Third Reich Redux. Someone didn't bit of digging on Schwab.
I heard 50% didn't show in Davos. That's not a good sign for Not Blofeld (Klaus Schwab).
No one really knows. But I have little doubt some are getting cold feet and want to distance themselves as they realise they've been manipulated by the Fourth Reich.
I think they were told about people wishing Russia would nuke the joint.
I'd pondered that. Actually for last year's when Schwab wouldn't hold it at Davos, blaming us, the "extremists on the internet", where in reality he remembered Putin's previous address to Davos telling Schwab, "It's over" (the Great Reset).
Ah, I did not remember that! Thank-you!
I heard that isn’t true. Don’t know.
Hitler was very anti-vax and had no aspirations of world dominion or depopulation. He merely identified the Tribe, put them in nice camps with pools, and here they are again, trying to wipe out 7.5 billion people. We fought on the wrong side of the Fascism vs Communism tussle. Be a lot better world if the Axis had won. Trannies would not be reading to our kids, debt would be manageable, and no Rothschilds would be lending us money. Paradise.
It’s not that we fought on the wrong side. Allied and Axis have combined forces. So now we have the “best” of both worlds, a nice blend of Communists and Fascists in league to destroy nation states, in particular ours. Oh and throw in the Brotherhood. And the Vatican.
Cape, I would agree that almost every large entity, political philosophy/ideology, and corporate/institutional mechanism is fouled. corrupted. Irretrievably. Human beings, particularly in The West, have been denatured biologically, via Big Pharma, allopathic medicine, processed food supplies, fluorides, chemtrails, industrial runoff, etc.
Those of us, you and I included, who observe this denatured gene pool (we have also forcibly subsidized the breeding of the worst, and the chastisement of the best) look at Davos, WEF, UN, EU, NATO, Vatican,. Zionism, and cast a wide net for the culprits. Personally, I look for motive. Some want power, and pathological control. over otherwise decent, normal people. Some are eugenicists. Some, have been neurotic for 4000+ years, hate any mention of Yaweh as their master, and are jealous of those who find simple solace in spiritual pursuits, and their SkyGod of choice.
I tend to blame it all on the group Hitler fought against, but I am not old enough to have been there, and it has taken me 3-4 decades to sift through the total bullshit Bolshevik/Zionist/jewish media has fed us.
TL;DR, we need to kill the people who have done this denaturing. Enough typing, and chronicling. it is time for a very violent opposition to form. Men like myself, well trained, healthy, well resourced, and very unafraid to die, let alone fear the de-platforming and stigmatization lesser men feel. Women will not save us, there is no epoch or conflict in history that has been won by women, although they are very valuable if they love and support the men who know they have small chance of returning.
No God, no candidate, no plea to reason, no saviors but ourselves. Personally, I would vastly prefer a Fascist opposition, as Franco, and Germany for a time, showed it to be highly effective, and I quite like a non-degenerate, Nationalist perspective, vs a communist, praise the weak veneer. I hate the weak. 200 years ago these spiteful mutants would not have survived to age 5, and I am fine with that. Hail victory.
Dr Harriet Hall is wearing a mask in her profile pic whilst alluding to the unvaccinated being 'stupid idiots'. Good riddance indeed.
Am I callous for saying so?
Doctors, in particular, like Dr Harriet Hall led many hundreds of thousands of non-medically trained people (and their children) down the road of mRNA vaccination. If we accept this is highly detrimental to their health, then we cannot pretend she has not done enormous harm. She will cease doing such harm now.
yes you are right but I sensed too she was conflicted and tried to thread the needle. I have said I strongly disagreed with her.
I'm so sick of the whole thing!
But it seems the mask wearers are not.
The sight of us NOT dropping over dead with our naked faces and unmodified bodies seems to infuriate them. Denying their "lived experience" no doubt.
We reap what we sow.
There’s nothing wrong and there’s everything right with reminding ourselves of this fact.
The only problem is we know transmission is real. So, given this additional fact from the Pfizer studies, I can see the case being made it’s a good thing when those who’re repeatedly jabbed die. Their death may save an untold number of innocent lives.
I certainly hope those who’ve been jabbed because of their Parents’ consent or because of threats to their livelihood, etc., and regret it are aware of protocols that hopefully mitigate their inevitable damage. I want them to recover and live. They’re victims, too, when you think about it.
But as for the pushers of these shots such as this Doctor, I hope they’re ready for that final trip we’ll all take one day.
Bon voyage!
You are not callous at all. We need to toughen up, mass die offs will ensure normal, healthy people will be able to work, live and pray without Leftist mass hysteria intruding. Let them die, I celebrate every death. What else do I have to celebrate, given we only nationally celebrate a month of degeneracy, and a day for a black communist?
I'm very with you except on the part that she's responsible for leading the people. The people are responsible for who they listen to. It has to be this way to make any sense. The people must learn from this.
Her role in leading people astray is an indictment of her mis-deeds, not to be confused as relinquishing the personal responsibility of those foolhardy enough to follow.
Ditto for everyone who fell for the mass hypnosis/psy opp.
Did you know that hypnotized people cannot be made to do things that violate their moral principles?
No, I didn't know that. Not that it gives me much comfort, given how vapid most people's moral principles are.
Yes, you’re right. We’re responsible for who we listen to and promote.
It’s never too late to learn.
She also was anti natural medicine, so Karmas a bitch!
Aye! Schadenfreude! Her death, makes me quite happy.
It doesn't make me happy, but certainly not losing any sleep over the deaths of those whose behavior was despicable and evil. It is what it is.
I admit I can ne a bit harsh but geez...
Sorry, Dr. Alexander, anyone that wishes me dead, gets the same amount of respect for their life that they gave me.
So, my reply to the headline, "She died suddenly," is 🙌👏🤣🤣🤣🤗
Agreed. Civility is reserved for those who exhibit it, and have pure blood.
With the reality of transmission being admitted in the Pfizer documents, you do realize our blood may not be pure now, or if it still is, not for long.
By the various means of disseminating the Spike Proteins and other toxins (food supply, chem trails, other injectables, etc.), we’re all sitting ducks.
Well, we did not volitionally invite becoming GMO's. My contention is we need to rather violently address the maniacal "Elites." But, most in The West are still living large off the national adipose tissue (despite its rancidity)... and have little taste for righteous vengeance. I often wonder what disgusts me more, the mindless minions, or those who wield the gaslighting torches?
Convention of states, and just ignore them. Nothing will ever take priority over our Constitution. That's the way I plan on living.
I’ve had shedding problems
What are you doing about it?
NAC, querciten, black seed oil, a few other supplements ( helping my biotoxin mold illness), took ivermectin prescription for a year ( every week), got tests at women’s health center, & when I’m around my fully boosted mom I take a shower when I get home. And pray. And read the substack on any new information . I finally live near my snowbird mom & not going to avoid her, although I stuck to telephone calls the first few weeks after she got her boosters. My shedding problems( bleeding) happened after I was helping her companion, he had blood pressure swings and fell a lot for a year after their second jab.
& I took serreptase (?) enzymes for a few months, on an empty stomach at night.
I just learned yesterday Bromelain works with NAC and actually helps it accomplish more. You can take it as a supplement or get it from pineapples. I was informed you also need to boost your Glutathione if you’re using NAC or you’ll become deficient.
So many things to manage in this mess.
Using a neti pot with Saline with few drops of Povidone Iodine and gargling with Scope or Crest mouthwash after you return home helps a lot, too.
In the words of the late philosopher, Richard Kuklinski, when asked about his life's work he replied, "I have no feeling about it. One way or the other."
I don't wish death on anybody. I am very sad for people who acted in ignorance, misplacing their trust, and have suffered for it.
I am heartbroken for people who took that toxic shot due to coercion or mandate, especially as a sacrifice for their loved ones (to feed & house families, to visit beloved parents imprisoned in care homes).
But when I see the faces of beautiful children, vibrant young people, and all others who were senselessly killed by those experimental clot shots, I cannot muster much sympathy for people in medicine and science who actively promoted the death jab that is murdering all those innocents.
Harriet Hall and all of them should have known better. We knew better because we cared enough to listen to other experts who cared enough to know better. Harriet Hall and her fellow believers chose to follow a false religion, worshipping Pharmakeia and the goddess Vaccinia, only to have their false gods betray them.
Very reasonable.
I read the GoFundMe on the 25 year old pharmacy manager who died suddenly. Oddly she was heading to the ICU to be with her father when it happened, who had a sudden health emergency of his own (an aortic dissection). Sadly her father has also now died. One can assume that she was jabbed and most older members of her family were also. I'm starting to piece together a very worrying trend: an adrenaline surge of any type often triggers these events in younger people. My greatest concern about that is that the death or collapse of one jabbed member could trigger that same spike in others, which is perhaps why it is becoming common to hear of multiple family members dying within a very short time frame. Prayers for all.... https://www.gofundme.com/f/wswepd-supporting-the-heck-family?qid=71941d4d636417feb79e945d7cbcbd6e
Agreed, Amy. Sadly, I think that snowball effect was the intent. There’s a study on virus-induced myocarditis mice (pre-Covid) on one of these great Substacks that showed researchers adrenaline triggers myocarditis deaths in the mice.
Yes I read that one I believe that was on the Naked Emperor. Come to think of it I should link that and write a substack regarding this. So many died suddenly relate to an adrenaline surge, from finding out final exam results, taking off on first ever flight as captain, getting married, getting engaged, and then the multiple family deaths thing. There were many died suddenly right around Christmas day, which can be an adrenaline surging time depending on family/holiday dynamics...
Dr.. McCullough said that the myocarditis damages the heart. The damaged tissue makes it more likely to experience an irregular heart rate. The combo. of a surge of adrenaline and the irregular heart beat causes the heart attack/sudden death. Says that is why so many die in sleep. We have a surge of adrenaline toward the waking hours.
I have suffered from vax related issues for the past 20 years. Whenever adrenaline surges, my brain suffers. I have found that Himalayan black salt (not the pink salt) is a sure way (for me) to reduce adrenaline for at least a day. One pinch is sufficient for this purpose. This is very sulphurous salt and you really need to develop a taste for it. It should not be added to hot dishes, but should be sprinkled on cold dishes (salads, fruit, buttermilk etc) just before consuming it. In India, it is used in buttermilk on especially hot days. It is used in special dishes where “chaat masala” is used. Hope this will help somebody.
No proof of dads death , come on be cool & truthful .
It's in the update on the GoFundMe I linked
The update is on the Go Fund Me Link. I just verified it.
If it were only her "vaccine" position. But she had pure hatred for complementary and alternative healing arts, homeopathy, naturopathy, ayurveda, holistic, all of the non-harmful natural healers who don't injure, maim and kill their patients. She declared them dangerous and supported policies that punished people who knew allopathy to be the dangerous, murderous practice she projected onto natural healers. Her life was about hurting people while pretending to help them, denying to us good health and long, happy lives. Witchdoctor Harriet Hall's departure from this realm will at least stop her from advocating disgusting ideas and public policies, her reign of crimes against humanity has ended. Now, for the rest of her hideous allopathic murderer colleagues to join her.
Is the number of sudden deaths skyrocketing? Or just my impression.
Ed Dowd is a financial numbers guy. He is all over EXCESS DEATHS. When you look at the timeline from 2019 on, you see that there were no EXCESS DEATHS in 2019. That means the ones predicting the number of people dying were right on target. Think about it, LIFE INSURANCE companies, for example, MUST KNOW how many people are going to die in the future.
Notice in the timeline that 2019 had few excess deaths but after the vaxxxxines came out in Jan 2021, that's when people really started dying. So the vaxxxxxxines which were supposed to save lives are not helping. The real question is: ARE THE VAXXXXINES doing the killing?
Notice the death spikes upward when the vaxxxxxxines were first given, the mandates, the boosters.
The next figure shows what you need to see. OVER ONE MILLION EXCESS DEATHS have come out since the vaxxxxxines started being used. Notice from the next figure that the death numbers are increasing from the younger age groups.
WHY? Younger are dying because they have jobs, jobs require vaxxxxxxinations.
Ed Dowd says EXCESS DEATHS continue to escalate from insiders in the insurance industry.. See him on GETR.
So YES! The number of deaths is skyrocketing AND it is shifting to younger and younger ages.
By I mean recently. The last month or so. It is like growing exponentially. And now I see no obvious reason for the acceleration. Are they getting boosters? Is the vax killing more in the long run than short term? I have other theory but it is super crazy.
Not enough! This lesson in discernment, and not trusting industries and governments led by the most expelled Tribe in human history...must be stamped in the blood of billions. Fools or crooks, I care not.
It’s actually very sad that people bought in on all the lies. May she rest in peace.
She was a gross perpetrator and propogator of the lies.
There are a lot of those out there.
And taken in by them too. She sure didn't take that shot hoping it would kill her.
She carries the burden of responsibility for her mistake in 'being taken in by them' too.
I looked up her Bio. She was a career Air Force Officer with 30 years in.
She retired as a Colonel. She had an excellent Medical Education.
She was a true believer in Vaccines. She was 77.
I did extensive research before the mass injections took place. NFW would I get these shots nor would my wife. America's Frontline Doctors came through with Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin. Only use the HCQ once a week. No COVID, no flu, no
nothing in almost 3 years. Everyone I know who got the shots & booster got serious COVID, pulmonary embolism's & death from Remdesivir in the hospital.
still take 5000 IU of D3, Zinc, Magnesium & Quercetin plus the once per week HCQ.
I'm the same age as the Doctor. I retired from one of my careers as a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Marine Corps after 20 years & fighting in Vietnam 1968-1969. Familiar with PsyOps.
What was her age? I must have missed that. Am I sympathetic yes & no. Here dies an educated woman who herself fell victim to one of the greatest Psyops perpetrated in humanity.
Who is the guilty party?
The Security State for starters aligned with Big Pharma, CDC, ET AL. More will follow.
I don’t care how vile, reprehensible and insensitive their comments or attitudes are toward me or how much hate or anger they have for me I will never fall into hating or wishing ill toward her or any others that feel that way; that is no way to live my life! I don’t say that to sound high and mighty or tolerant or what the hell ever; I say that out of love for all human beings even those as misguided as this lady, her husband, and others that may hate us or wish us harm! People when we start acting like them with that much hate in our heart, they have one in my opinion!!! Hate never conquers hate! Love is the only answer my friends to what ails this world! What does it matter to you if someone wishes you dead or harm upon you, let that shit go! A lot of you all are wishing death and culling upon those that fell for taking a shot or two from this DOD level, Military Grade psyop; well those people happen to be my daughters and grandkids that just really don’t know any better, how can you say those things??? History will show that we are on the right side of the truth! I just hope we can act like better people with more compassion and love toward our fellow human beings along the way!!!
You don't have to hate a murderer to accept that hanging was his just reward. She's complicit in millions of vax murders so its just for her too.
At some point Michael we all must exercise discernment and use critical thinking. We cannot continue to excuse the actions of others in the name of love. It is important to love but love does not give people a license to be foolish in thought and deed.
Never said that these people Don’t deserve punishment for what they have done! I just said I am not going to let myself fall into their trap of hate or vitriol, like they have shown for us, or pleasure and glee over their death or demise! Again, we can seek Justice without acting like they do!
I read the Twitter feed and it refers to antivaxxers as vile persons who celebrate death of those that support the gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine. Those that push this jab are the vile ones. Those that are questioning the safety of these injections are doing so in the hope of saving lives and further injuries caused by them. I would love to challenge the pharmaceutical companies that are getting wealthy in the production of these mRNA shots to come forward and prove that these injections are not causing horrendous injuries and deaths. And I am sick and tired of the ignorant fools that call anyone who questions these gene therapies called “ Covid vaccine” antivaxxers. And we already know they are ineffective. I wonder how many parents whose children have received childhood vaccines would be so anxious to get “boosters” for these “ childhood illnesses” if they were told that they needed to have them to protect them. My children and myself had chickenpox and mumps so I would have been very suspicIous if I had been told they must get these vaccines. Natural immunity is the very best kind of immunity.
That's been my observation throughout. The Covidians want the anti-vaxxers to die, whereas the anti-vaxxers want the Covidians to live.
Critical difference in personality types.
The death celebrating is on both sides. As I recall it started out worse on the pro vaxxers side. Our side got more angry and hateful as the mandates and nastiness, including threats, from the vaxx supporters escalated. A number did wish us in FEMA camps or say, "I hope you die on a ventilator." Led by Jimmy Kimmel and other celebrities.
I hope it hurt. No matter her external sentiment, unless she was an affirmative action dummy (possible!) she knew mRNA was mass genocide. I take it back, I hope it hurt, a LOT.
These deaths sadden me. I’m glad she wasn’t hateful toward the unjab’d.
But she was..and her husband and supporters are.
Did she rethink that towards the end? I can forgive those capable of evolving with new info.
Actually, no I wasn’t lol, maybe I SHOULD have been tho 🙂
You gave me too much credit, thanks! 😂
not hateful but she advocated for them to take the death shots.
They get to spout nonsense and die. All we get is a label (ie: anti-vaxxer)