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Yes, this⬆️⬆️⬆️

Many naive young adults took these shots, including two of mine. No explanation will be suffice for me. No forgetting for me.

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Yep. My naive adult son took it and so did his 21 year old girl friend. Now she has serious immune issues, can't walk, has POTS, hand tremors, and can't take showers without someone being around. I'm horrified that this happened despite my warning them.

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What about stupidity!! They took shots that were experimental, they have to take the responsibility for being naive and not paying attention. Trump tried to help this country, he did not know he was being lied to, all we had to do was NOTHING! We had a 99% cure rate unless you had many comorbidities and were elderly. Just ride it out. Sorry about all that were vaxxed and had problems but you all chose to follow a LIAR (biden) with all of the media that was paid to push the shots, the LYING CDC, WHO, NIH, the AMA, the doctors too afraid to lose their licenses to stand up to the lies told by hospitals and all the politicians. Read and learn before you take anything experimental, Pfizer has been accused of fraud before and now they are claiming this administration has been in on it since the beginning. I guess everyone forgot that the Administration, biden knew the Pfizer vax was ready BEFORE the 2020 election, Trump found out about it after! Think about that!!!

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But he has no excuse now. He now knows he was deceived. He has ALWAYS known vaccines are not safe and he ALWAYS knew the NIH was corrupt. There is no way he does not now know the death and disability this injection has caused and he keeps supporting them. Yes he was lied too. Yes he was deceived but he knows better now but continues to push his injections. A man that cannot admit to the public he made a mistake, he was lied too, important information was withheld from him and that we all need to never take another COVID injection there are many that will not vote for him.

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I agree. Trump is not coming clean. I don't know why he is doing what he does, but we also have to call it like it is. For our own survival and our children's survival.

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He even asked Robert Kennedy Jr about vaccines in general early on in his presidency and then gates got to Trump and told him otherwise. Trump went with gates according to Robert Kennedy Jr. I would imagine Trump had no choice in the matter. HOWEVER, that still doesn't take the guilt away from him for promoting these lethal weapons after he was in office. Clearly, he knows what's going on if he's invited Paul, Dr. McCoullough, etc to meet with him.

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We don't know.

We are guessing.

Better to take our concern to engaging in activities to change politics at every level, starting on our own home turf.

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Hindsight has 20/20 vision. We have been through a kind of hell and do not wish to mentally revisit the awfulness of lockdowns, masks, 6 feet, loss of freedom and basic rights, threats, naked fear, confusion, sadness, separation, loneliness, and pure rage.

But if we are going to opine on this, we need to recall we were all gripped by fear of the unknown, fear of dying, loved ones dying - even as we were beginning to harbour doubts.

We were not there. We were not on the hot seat of decision. DJT was. And mistakes happened. Why won’t he admit it? Maybe, just maybe, we need to cut him some slack … the slack that might allow he knew and knows something we do not.

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Sorry but we cut NO ONE any slack. Not even DJT. Millions and eventually billions of lives worldwide are at stake here. No matter why he stays silence while he does people are being MURDERED and disabled for life. No excuses for any person that keeps quiet.

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I can see maybe he did have choices to make and he chose what he thought at the time with the info. he had at hand the best choice. His life may have been threatened. His families life too. But I do believe he knew people were going to be injured/die from these shots and turned a blind eye on purpose. He knew these vaccines were harming people BEFORE covid happened. Just saying it like it is.

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I trust that President Trump has a plan.

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WOW that is dangerous way of thinking. So you think it is ok for him to sit back and be quiet while millions of people are being murdered and disabled? It is that naive way of thinking that got us into this mess. I don't care what his plan might be people are DYING for heavens sake and he is remaining silent except to say we should get vaccinated. This is not an issue of trust for heavens sake.

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There is a double of Trump operated by Rothschild is what Benjamin Fulford said. Trump has been fighting deep state Rothschilds and all of them behind the scenes to rid the world permanently of this satanic evil.

I will Absolutely vote For Trump again!

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Sorry but this is all fantasy. Click bait to get desperate people to listen to false hope.

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Please educate me. I've seen Benjamin Fulford in the past and have really no idea about how trustworthy he is or isn't. After reading a bit on his website, it all seems like a James Bond movie. What makes you believe he is truthful and trustworthy? Thank you.

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Seriously, Sharon!!! Do you think young 20 something year olds know anything about politics or medicine. Did you at that age???I sure didn’t. They saw all the fear mongering and “you’re gonna kill grandma” on social media. They saw all the adults scrambling to get the shots and being proud of helping to protect people. Heard the doctors and pharmacist pushing the shots. Young adults weren’t following Biden, they were bombarded with FEAR everyday and were psychologically manipulated. So, NO… not stupidity, niavety. These are the ones & children Trump should have been protecting. HE is the mature adult that DOES know about corruption in politics and medicine. He doesn’t get a pass for… “would have never mandated shots, or it’s your choice, or I didn’t know”.

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Yep. I am right now dealing with a 21 year old in my life that has sudden immune issues, developed POTS, can't walk on her own, can't even take a shower on her own. WTF? Was she supposed to find the time to research these "vaccines" between going to college and working and her boyfriend? No! She wanted to be socially responsible and not kill her Mother who is fighting cancer. The propaganda was MASSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Feb 20, 2023
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Oh he had lots of people/organizations hating on him. For sure. Again I think his life and family were threatened. Lots of law suits too. I'm more angry he was still touting those toxic shots L......O....N........G after he should have realized people were harmed/dying from it.

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Feb 20, 2023
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@Sharon Sivori: The lack of empathy in this statement is not rare but it continues to startle me every time I read a similar comment. It is estimated that 90% of U.S. physicians took the covid vaccine, including myself. Are you saying we’re all stupid? I think not. The main problem was naïveté and ignorance about the captured and corrupt nature of medical care and scientific research in the US and around the world. Given that so many physicians are being labeled as stupid, I wonder what the labelers are doing for medical care at this point. Prior to the covid pandemic most physicians were not aware of the captured nature of the “health care” industry. We didn’t know and hadn’t grappled with the fact that nearly all of medical care was BROUGHT TO US BY BIG PHARMA. We were still largely making independent medical care decisions to the best of our abilities.

We were busy taking care of patients which in my experience was a nearly all consuming responsibility with only a little time left over for family care and leisure. Dr Pierre Kory of the Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has spoken about this many times. Others have as well. Since covid, we have been educated about the underbelly of the medical care industry and its many critical issues in ways that we never could have imagined. I was aware that the willingness of a majority of physicians to become employees was problematic, but I never contemplated the degree of manipulation, suppression and control that we’ve witnessed since the start of the pandemic.

What’s critically important now is the need to continually educate and raise awareness about the compromised nature of our medical system. Those of us who want to see the current madness rectified must come together and be willing to resist, rebuild, and restore. Such an undertaking is also an all consuming task. I’m retired and not in the thick of things but was willing to participate in the STOP THE MANDATES march on Washington in January 2022. I also have dedicated many hours each day to study what has happened and is happening to educate myself and those around me. I have compiled and cataloged a tremendous amount of data. I have donated to some of the leading groups of covid and medical science truth seekers. Progress has been made and lives saved by many of the courageous medical leaders who have come to the fore. These brave soldiers for change, many of whom have lost their prestigious careers, have done so in the pursuit of truth and doing the right thing. Many have had to rebuild as medical care providers and researchers in the midst of this catastrophe of the highest order.

Let’s support each other. Let’s keep the larger goal of triumph over greed and disregard for population and personal health in mind. Let’s dedicate ourselves to beneficial change. Let’s be willing to put ourselves out there to help ourselves and others even though it’s a daunting task. Let’s control our self defeating tendency to take cheap shots because we see where others have made critical mistakes and have failed. Let’s BUILD A BETTER SYSTEM OF REAL HEALTH CARE.......TOGETHER.

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WHAT about experimental did people not understand. You as a doctor are very limited in your knowledge and training about vaccines. Most people like myself and others that have actually researched vaccines for decades know there are no safe or effective vaccines. While a vaccine may stop a child from getting measles it created a myriad of other health issues and this is the same with all vaccines. Children would be better off allowing natural immunity to protect them rather than take the chance of SIDS, autism, asthma, IBS, anxiety, allergies and many more issues our children suffer today. 40 years ago (before Fauci and before the mass increase in childhood vaccines) chronic childhood illness was 6%. Today it is 54%. You do not need to see the bullets when you find a man dead on the street with gun shot wounds to the head to know he died from gunshots. It has been my experience that most doctors know nothing more about vaccines than the CDC schedule and profits made from adhering to the schedule. Of course there are exceptions like Dr. Thomas and Dr. Hooker who of course had to be destroyed for their research that proved unvaccinated children are much healthier and more intelligent than vaccinated children. And then there is Japan that felt the MMR may be contributing to their high rate of SIDS. This was back in the 90's. They stopped using MMR and today Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate than all other countries while the US doesn't even make the top 20 list. Again, think about the dead man on the street with gun shot wounds. Japan proved MMR causes SIDS. Healty babies DO NOT die in their sleep without any reason. Human are disposable. Kill 10, 10 more are born. So these evil corporations are willing to allow people to die or be disabled for life in order to make profits. You were taking care of patients? What were YOU doing to treat COVID patients?? The only way most people got TREATED were those of us that went to doctors working underground and treated with HCQ and Ivermectin. I was lucky enough to know one of these doctors but there are many more stories of doctors that REFUSED to buck the system and watch people die or treat them with protocols that brought 20% kickback for using deadly protocols in the hospital setting. Sorry, but I have even less sympathy for doctors who should have known better. If more would have stood up and refuse to send people away to die rather than stand up for what is right we could have stopped the genocide that will be the result from this bio-weapon countermeasure. And the countermeasure is due to an arrangement between our DOD and HHS. A countermeasure is used against an enemy or perceived enemy. WE are the enemy.

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I agree with you Karen these doctors and nurses had to have known after awhile the protocol was killing people. Goodness sometimes viral illnesses can lead to a bacteria infection. If a person was sick for a week or more and/or having trouble breathing they wouldn't do a culture to see what kind of bacteria the person had. They wouldn't prescribe anti-biotics. Heck they could have done a broad spectrum anti-biotic even to see if the person gets better . Was this the first time they treated a viral infection? I do not think so.

Also quite a few doctors came forward with a protocol and were ignored. WTH?

Yes the medical industry has been captured by the Rockerfellers/Carnegie many years ago, and needs redone. I knew this vaccine was deadly and I am not even in the medical field. Why was Bill Gates the main focus and still is for the pandemic? He isn't in the medical field. There was so many different ways to smell a rat in this.

These people were murdered just the same as a thug with a gun in a back alley. Here is a new site I found today made up of widows who watched their spouse not get the proper care they needed. I bet most of them begged for something to a doctor and was ignored. https://1000widows.org/

With that being said I am sure there were nurses and doctors that did stand. That refused to follow orders and kill people. Yeah those people do deserve a pat on the back. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nurses-out-loud/id1658913271

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With the greatest of respect, this is what I find completely incomprehensible about the medical profession today. How could you NOT have known about pharmaceutical industry corruption of medical science and the increasing degree of regulatory capture?!! It's been a growing problem for literally decades. My career has only been peripheral to medicine yet I've known about it for 50 years! Were you really not aware of any of the scandals listed here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_pharmaceutical_settlements?

Did you never read Marcia Angell's outgoing comments as editor of the NEJM back in 2009 ...? "It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine."

How could you NOT think of your oath ("First, do no harm"), of the principle of informed consent, or of the precautionary principle when a revolutionary new technology is being rolled out for the first time with wholly inadequate testing? And where the rushed phase 2/3 combo trial was unblinded (and therefore effectively sabotaged) after just 2 months?! Where even a single evening's research into the technology should have been sufficient to give you pause, just knowing that the LNPs were capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier and the placenta? Let alone that we had only Pfizer and Moderna's word for it that the mRNA was not capable of reverse-transcription into the human genome! (And how would they even know with such a paucity of data?!) There were just SO many red flags here ...

So many of us saw it, yet we have nowhere close to your level of training and expertise in the subject. This is not about taking cheap shots but about genuinely trying to understand how on Earth so many of you were blindsided when it seems to us to be so glaringly obvious. If we're to build a better system of real health care I, for one, want to know I'm working alongside people who can think critically for themselves, know when they're being lied to by corrupt regulators and corporate shills, question treatment protocols handed down the hierarchy when something doesn't seem right about them, take time to read research, and generally act on their own recognisance in the best interests of their patients.

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And yet they are asking for empathy and forgiveness, how do we forgive these supposedly smart people, who literally killed many many people. They should have realized the protocols were not working and stood up against the hospitals, if enough of you dd that you would have earned our respect but most of you just went along with it and so earned our distrust and dislike of doctors and even nurses. I'm a nurse, a critical care nurse and I saw this crap that everyone was dishing out and said NO!! I read and learned about the virus that we Have a 99.8% chance of cure. I learned about Pfizer and their many shortcuts and previous fraud charges and I continued to say no vax. I was ridiculed and picked on because I was unvaxxed and I kept telling my family no vax. I saw the lies by media, CDC, FDA, Big Pharma, and doctors, lies saying it was fully approved when it wasn't. Well, if you all would have read, investigated, a job that the MEDIA should have done, you would have seen and questioned and stood up for what was right, but no I guess the almighty buck was too hard to give up for JUSTICE and TRUTH!!

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We had empathy when this so called pandemic started, we were horrified by the propaganda spit out by doctors and the medico's right and left. am a nurse, and from the start I did not like the idea of taking something experimental, I told my family do not do anything, I'm reading about this vax. The more I read and saw you doctors, and the mainstream media and this administration push this vax I got more worried. I talked to several doctors, and they were get the shot! I'm not taking any shot like this one. Then I saw the killing in the hospitals, WOW, the doctors were afraid of losing their licenses, so they literally killed the patients with the hospital's protocol, even though they and the nurses saw that it was not working. They continued the assault and that was what it was and still is in some areas. Sorry, this pandemic was pushed by CDC, overstating and inflating the numbers to get it declared a pandemic (they admitted it!), you guys just kept doing what you were told like little robots, but the bottom line is YOU KILLED HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE! Now you ask for empathy and lets work together, I feel sorry for all who did this, but you all need to be arrested for MURDER and tried by a jury of your peers!!~

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I think Trump gave some of his campaign money to Pfizer. I can't remember the dates of that. Too busy now to research that. Maybe someone knows.

You got to have figured out that Trump was still touting these toxic shots LONG after many people stepped forward saying they were injured from the shot. That there is nuts. That then discounts the "well Trump didn't know." I freaken knew. Trump had to have known these shots were toxic and he didn't say anything. I am still not sure he spoke out against it yet. He may have his reasons though. I just going with facts.

As far as people knowing the shots were experimental. Hmm... I don't know. Some may have known. The propaganda for these shots were MASSIVE! EXTREMELY MASSIVE. I think they did a job very well done as far as the propaganda is concerned. I have to applaud their work. I am just glad I figured it all out.

You have to understand the average Joe goes to work or school or whatever. They just trust their government and people to tell them the truth. They come home after work/school etc.. make dinner, talk to their friends and family, do laundry, dishes, etc.. and go to bed. Then get up and do it all over again the next day. When 9-11 happened my Mother called me to tell me it happened. I was so in my own world, doing my thing. She knew I would have never turned on my tv to see what was going on if she didn't tell me about it. Not everyone researches stuff. They listen to their doctor etc. Their doctor says get the shot then they get the shot. That simple.

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Trump did not give some of his campaign money to Pfizer. Pfizer gave Trump $1 million to his inauguration committee and they did the same for Biden. The problem is that Trump had asked RFK Jr. to head up a committee to research the safety of all vaccines and RFK Jr. accepted. Then Trump brings in 2 Pfizer guys into his administrations health agencies and they shut down RFK Jrs. committee. Trump DID NOTHING to reprimand them for doing that. Trump KNOWS vaccines are not safe. Trump KNOWS the NIH is corrupt......he stated this during a 2015 interview with Michael Savage. They talked about the corruption at the NIH.

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Wow! You were paying attention. Thank you for filling me in. I kind of had the story but not all of it. I knew Trump allowed RFK jr to be shut down or did it himself and RFK Jr was upset about that. Trump would not return his phone calls. That right there speaks volumes. There is a reason Trump would not return Kennedy's phone calls and this inquiring mind wants to know.

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Well, we know that biden and foreign interests stole the 2020 election and we know Trump won by a landslide. 80% of the votes were his.

The media pushed "safe and effective" and mandates from biden. This is ALL on biden.

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Absolutely. I agree and I never said differently. But it is Trump that refuses to advise the American people to stop taking the vaccine and that has cost us many lives. I love the man and I voted for him twice and donated money to his campaign BUT there is no acceptable excuse at this point for why he does not deny these injections are safe or effective. He could do it in a way that people could accept but to continue the lie is unforgivable.

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I feel the same...truly I think DT did enough damage and should walk into the sunset at this point and enjoy his golden years. Knowing everything we know now and even two years ago...he lost the plot in 3/2020 when his gov was essentially taken over by pharma via fauci...

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Imagine how different things might have been, had he listened to RFK Jr. instead of Tony the Fraud. Pence really should have known better. Ugh.

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Pence is as complicit

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imagine if Scott Atlas actually tried harder to expose all of this and demand that DT take his advice.. Read the Atlas book, you'll want to put your head through a window.

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I hear your frustration but advisors don't "demand" that Presidents take their advice. That is not their role. (The treasonous intrigue from the Deep State succeeded in pushing out all of President Trump's most trustworthy advisors.)

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Wen was the last time you dictated to a POTUS?

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He knew JFK Jr. and surely knew RFK Jr. There is so much more to this picture. We are looking at the tapestry from the back and all we see is outlines, blotches of colour and tangles. I like to think we will see the tapestry turned round - and clarity. In the meantime we must take care of business by changing our local political landscapes, prepare for possible difficult times, and hug our loved ones closely.

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RFK has a vendetta against ALL vaccines, but he's not honest about that. I only trust him partially. He has an agenda.

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If our election had not been hijacked DJT would have NEVER allowed what happened to the world to happen. He would have listened better to The Great Barrington Declaration as well as McCollough, Malone, Risch, et al & the resulting worldwide shut down would have never happened not to mention jabs

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Covid happened before the election...wasn't the election in 11/2020? i have no doubt they planned the release to ruin him but he fell for it all...his presidency effectively ended in 3/2020.

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Exactly, a lot of this Covid crap started under trump!

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We’ll never know. He didn’t support treatments enough in 2020 even though he received them himself when he had supposed Cvd. He had many well credited doctors advise him of them back then, so… This I can’t understand.

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His doctors actually told the public he took Remdesivir and touted the poison jabs. We got to look at the facts.


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Thanks I didn’t remember he took the remdesivir poison as well. Unbelievable. Trump is so gullible

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No remdes

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Are you kidding me? Do you know how many doses of HCQ that Dr. Navarro ordered, to be given free of cost to people? And his intention of doing same for IVM?

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My 2 as well, Gabriella 😔🤬

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Won't happen -- we'll call them 'businessmen' made multi-millions/billions on poison.

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I see what you mean, but it did take guts for these doctors to stand and risk losing their license. I could be wrong, but I don't think they all can be bribed to just shut up and follow orders.

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Sorry I wasn't clear but I'm not referring to the 'doctors' who stood up to all this like McCullough, Risch, Alexander, Kory, etc., etc. I was referring to all the ones pushing the inoculations.

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Agree 100%.

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Trump was misled by advisors such as Fauci. Since Trump had no background in medicine he had to rely on his medical advisors. And I do remember him coming out and speaking in favor of hydroxychloroquine which would have helped many people if taken early and would have kept them out of hospitals.

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Can only hope the content not being shared is something substantive, strategic, and has the potential to make a meaningful impact on the macro scene when it is implemented or released. We are in dangerous territory as a nation at this time, to say the least.

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We are in “dangerous territory” as a planet in my opinion. The “issues” you are having in the USA are replicated on a global scale. The UK where I am, is going through the Great Reset as well. It’s ALL to push for some form of bodily I.d system(the number of the beast?)(nano tech?!)in my opinion. And of course a digital currency thrown in too. ALL again about control of US! That’s it. Control and cull!! Peace out, love wins ❤️

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The whole world is. Digital ID is around the corner and if they are successful in fully implementing this, we are all done.

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Well said!

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Did anybody ask why he still advocates for the poison? I voted for trump twice but if I don’t get an explanation I will not vote for him him desantis runs

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Please don't make that mistake. It's what the Democrats and the Deep State want you to do.

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I know he NEVER would have taken steps to mandate but thousands have been killed or severely damaged by it and he needs to speak out. I know birx and Fauci gave him fake data then but he must know now

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correct. as they say, don't cut off your nose to spite your face. if DJT came out as anti-jab, would that change anything? not much. uptake is now very low. many are beyond repair (jabbed). even a misguided DJT is far superior to anyone/thing from the left.

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Totally agree, I would never vote democrat. But , Desantis had it right from the beginning. I know he’s in a different position with governing one state instead of 50 , but, the fact that Trump still says they were a great thing concerns me as to where his interest lie. Us or his political career?

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You realize that Florida, with DeSantis, is considered a free kill state, which means a doctor in the state of Florida can do just about any thing, make any kind of mistake and the patient can't sue.

Also DeSantis didn't allow the Right To Try which meant that lots of Florida patients were denied ivermectin in the hospital when they asked for it but instead got Remdesivir and lots of people probably died from that. I had a cousin in Florida in his 50's die of "covid", and I got questions about that. Go to this link please and listen to the Florida stories. It is all the same, no mater the state. https://chbmp.org/cases/?filter=true&location=FL

They all have blood on their hands. In the end we still get to vote for what we think is the best candidate of the lot. There is no perfect candidate. I think a lot of them have some explaining to do.

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Feb 20, 2023
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Thanks for your kind remarks. You may want to research more on "Free Kill" state of Florida and I disagree with you. DeSantis denied Right to Try. If he really was in the "people's" corner he would have never done that. Lots of people were trapped in Florida hospitals fighting criminal doctors and nurses trying to get their loved ones better meds. It is a prison once you go in there with covid and can't have an advocate with you. You can't get out of the hospital, you are sick and alone. Is he looking into the MURDERS that happened in Florida hospitals when he was governing? Cause this is MURDER.


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If not for President Trump's sincere concerns about US, "We the People," he would not have entered politics. The fact that he's willing to endure more of the same or worse slander and libel tells me his heart and soul are in the right place.

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I really really want to believe that. I know if it wasn’t for him we would be under worse circumstances if Hillary won. I know he never needed and still downs not need to take the abuse thrown at him but I just want his real thoughts on this! I will never believe he doesn’t know the harms this caused. Even if he said he had to do this because without the vax and dems in WH we’d be in lockdown now and years to come, I would take that as needing this distasteful thing to happen

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I have to believe (with good reason) Trump will take a stand on the vaccines, he knows if he does, right now it could have the opposite effect. This is war folks, the wrong move at the wrong time can backfire and cause more casualties. Please too keep in mind we don’t know ALL the information like Trump does. At the right time, we will learn what really happened. We will learn if these toxic spills are designed to depopulate as most no longer want to be anywhere near the needle. Maybe Trump knows of dangers we can’t see. If he knocks the vaccine out of the park, will it cause even more damage?

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Why do you think that? Since when does Trump do anything he’s told to do? Maybe he is sincerely concerned about the data coming out.

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Since he relied on a medical institution even he trusted for a time. Obviously, that changed. The right time will come for Trump to speak out, or the big three would not have been invited to Mar a Laga. My hopes.

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I’m not sure what you mean. The data shows the shots have done more damage than the disease. All cause mortality has skyrocketed to levels never seen before according to insurance companies and actuaries, just since vax rolled out. Pharma AND FDA tried to keep the trial data under wraps for 75YEARS! With that data he should be calling for an immediate end to them not still saying how great they are, even if that leaves him with egg on his face. I would respect that more than anything

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And there is the over 2 billion dollar settlement Pfizer had years ago, the questionable patents that only a few talk of, the nine pages of illments the FDA said could happen if you get jabbed, the wanting to give this toxic mess to kids who have very low risk from getting covid let alone dying from covid, the modern day death ovens in the hospital that not a lot of people talk of with denial of early treatment as strict censorship is the new norm, and doctors not wanting to give anti-biotics to people when the viral infection becomes a bacteria infection, and doctors pretending that myocarditis is only a temporary setback, and Fauci saying wear no mask, wear a mask, wear two mask, and wear a mask to show support, and the shot is 100% effective, no 80% effective, no 75 % effective, no 60% effective, well it isn't very effective at all so run out and get your booster.....and then get another booster......and then get another.....

On an additional note. I love the whole Vioxx drug story. Makes me want to run out and just trust all drug companies. What an awesome, trustworthy group of people who as I understand never went to jail for what they did.

Humanity Betrayal Project https://chbmp.org/

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Trump is just another pawn owned and controlled by the owners of this planet.

Blackrock. Vanguard. The world banksters. The pharmafia. Pfizer.

He had the Clintons at his inaugural luncheon and called them “great people”.

Add the fact he left rotting in jail those who supported him, speaks volumes

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I respectfully disagree. He’s not perfect but I believe he has our best interests at heart. Only after witnessing the past few years have I come to understand just how deep the corruption runs. It’s absolutely everywhere. To expect one man to do it all himself is absolutely ludicrous.

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No way . He is selling you to buy an overpriced condo for a night in Manhattan . You are just not familiar with how executives run scams .

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Trump exposed the corruption within Washington and the media like no one else could have done! Dude was fighting the disgusting bureaucrats from all angles including RINO asshats!

All these morons have one thing in common -they hated Trump’s personality!

His policies were on point and did great for everyone! Look at the shit show we have now - everything is sinking faster than the Titanic, and there’s no one criticizing this Regime of misfits, miscreants and plain thieves.

So who is the real pawn that’s controlled here?

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Unfortunately people have bought into the paradigm that there are two political parties. There is only one. Two heads on one ugly corrupt snake.

Trump fooled me too. He is no better or worse than all the frauds that are politicians.

Trump himself is a fraud. Trump is owned and controlled by his bankers and their agenda.

He never drained the swamp. He never put the Clinton in jail. He never intended to do either.

It was good theater.

His campaign was given mega bucks from Pfizer.

His inaugural dinner was paid in part by Pfizer.

He had BOTH Clintons at his inaugural luncheon.

He pointed them out and called them good people.

He to this day praises and promotes the jab.

Of course because he owes Pfizer.

I’m so sick and tired of those who think Trump is the answer. He’s not.

Not by a long shot.

Elections are a ritual. That’s all they are. If elections REALLY decided anything, those who own this country would make them harder to do, or flat out make them illegal.



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Sure does look like an extreme contradiction to applaud the clintons and notice pelosi’s and Trump’s daughter sitting at the same table as well. We’re doomed then unless the world population in great numbers rises up!!

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Of course President Trump was gracious to the horrible woman he defeated in the 2016 election during his inaugural festivities. That does NOT mean he likes or respects her. He was simply showing good manners, for heaven's sake!

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I’m sorry to say but you are delusional.

An apologist and excuse maker and cannot see the forest from the trees.

Soren Kierkegaard:

“There are two ways to be fooled.

One is to believe what isn't true;

the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”

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@ Taylor.Kathleen: Trump could have been gracious without complementing the Clintons. If that happened, it’s suspect. Even if he didn’t, Mr Trump has substantial personality issues that have been obvious all along. Those issues have constrained his effectiveness. Despite that, he did some good things for the entire country and the world.

Within these comments there’s a thread that contains a statement about Mr. Trump talking about NIH corruption in 2015. I will have to look that up.

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I think Trump's daughter is very much a WEF member.

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Yes, I agree, Dorothy. I also strongly believe she betrayed her father in her mealy-mouthed testimony before the kangaroo court known as the January 6 committee. It is a great measure of President Trump's love for his family that he appears to have forgiven her.

I truly admire Eric Trump and his wife for the way they speak in support of his father. Don Jr. sometimes makes me cringe but he's all in for his Dad and that's true family loyalty.

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That was in 2017. He's learned a whole a lot about them since then. He had no idea Clinton was behind all the Russia crap, in fact, no one knew at that point.

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I agree 100%!!!

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Melissa, I believe you are agreeing with Wolf Cub, so: Yes, me too.

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If he behaved as you prefer it would be political suicide for him. He is a political genius and that is why he does not listen to ill conceived advice. The Dems would love him to denounce the jabs. He supports the J6 prisoners but advocating for them too hard at this point in time will just lead to them rotting in jail for longer. FFS get over your TDS, grow a neuron and realise you don't know jackshit about political strategy and tactics. Trump is a lot smarter than you RINOs.

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Exactly!! 😉 Couldn’t have said it any better.

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Based on previous research, I was never an advocate for the vaxx or any other vaxx to be honest -but I clearly remember Trump saying it’s your choice to get it or not!

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Yes, to associate himself with those raising questions while making himself a fool and hated . So it’s a ploy to associate all vaccine hesitancy with vile stupidity. That’s what he did . On the one hand he mentions hydroxy chloroquine but in a way that looks stupid and then starts talking about injecting bleach . So he roles in the tools that gear him bring attention to a treatment while also others hear him say stupid things . Is it any wonder that they then prevented everyone from accessing it and any other treatment . That was a Trump move !

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President Trump NEVER suggested "injecting bleach." That is a deliberate slur and misrepresentation of what he said.

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Yes it is . And he came out at the exact moment when power needed to quash treatment . Whether your going to argue about interpretation is irrelevant . The man has a clear cadence and method that is so consistent it defies any idea the nan is stupid . Yet he acts it . You can argue the what he really said blah blah , but that has been the case the whole presidency . Well executed !

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Look up his policies- I would bet you’d find you like them.

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No, he's/she's/they're a typical dumb RINO. Sounds like it spends a lot of time kneeling before Mitt Romney. Zippp. Schlurp.

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No...in every case - media. Although, I will grant you, the man has his own personality of which we are all entitled to, but the left simply can’t handle HIS!

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Like so many others for instance “good people on both sides”. He NEVER said that either. Look up the entire quote. This for the cannabis man.

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He joked about it.

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Not sure what you're referring to, B Bulluck. President Trump NEVER advocated for injecting bleach.

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Bulluck. taylor. kathleen he joked about it one afternoon during a press conference not long after press's wild crazy bulls--t about hydroxychloroquine.

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Give me a break! You really should look a lot deeper into all of it!

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Maybe you should . I know enough hustlers to recognize one . And it’s pretty clear he divided the nation quite well and played dumb. He took the heat for the bigger moves of power . And it looks like they want him to do it again . This guy is not the friend of integrity . Don’t get stuck in opposing the radical left extremism so much that your blind

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The nation was divided by the media-left. Not by Trump. Wake up!

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Sure I don’t deny that . But they needed a Trump to make the plan work . Trump played the role that allowed for radical left extremism to take hold and express all manner of extra judicial and social instruments . Just like it is said he emboldens the right radicals , the radical left all around us has been emboldened . And it is quite note worthy that he like other world powers were moving toward national isolationism just prior to a global event that would make it make sense . No no no . Your being mislead and going to screw me and everyone else along the way .

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I am definitely not blind and I definitely opposed the radical left. I think another couple of words for that is marxism and communism. Yes, I oppose!

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Perhaps he is starting to come around. I think inviting them to his home is a very positive sign!

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Yes I hope it was a factor in the meeting. I’m not the only one who feels this way

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Listen closely...there’s a reason behind everything he does and says. You have to understand that there is more than meets the eye here. Trump’s having this meeting for a reason. He’s well aware. The whole truth will come out. Frustration is evident but just remember specifics...1) HE NEVER ADVOCATED the jab for anyone BUT THE FRAIL, IMMUNE COMPROMISED ELDERLY and 2) NEVER, EVER DID HE “MANDATE” jabs or hold people hostage with their jobs, nor would he ever force military to do anything unethical or unlawful. That was ALL O’BIDEN’S ADMINISTRATION.

PLEASE...If you’re going to point fingers👈, point in the direction where it’s rightly deserved.

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Until the elections are fixed voting is not going to matter

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Arizona is a disaster. Not one good judge there so far.

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DeSantis is a neocon RINO who can't be trusted around minors.

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I suggest you go on Truth Social and follow TommyMac171. Then you will get the truth about the vaccines and DeSantis. There were two vaccines- Trump’s and Deep States. Ron is played by an actor as he is no longer living.

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You mean “Propaganda Social”?



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That was 14 months ago. Let's wait and see what he says after meeting with Paul and Harvey.

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Yes, many thought so. Even Robert Malone thought that after 30 years, they must have figured out how to fix the initial problems he encountered and took his first. Fauci et al, esp, Birx and Redfield fooled many, didn’t they. Don’t displace the blame out of anger. It’s easy to do. This was a Fauci PROJECT going back to 2003 very well hidden from the public in terms of patents.

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Have a good day Music Man. I am not going to argue with you.

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Joe Biden - is that you? Spoken like a real hater.

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That's BIDEN! He's a "Bernie"!

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exactly MaryEllen - why is he still pushing these fucking things?! I’m tearing my hair out over here!

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He's not pushing them. He's evading a trap.

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For someone who is suppose to be so intelligent, how is it he has never paid attention to all the information out there about the poison even he was pushing. Does he not read anything on his "Truth" Social? I'm just an old woman with a laptop and it wasn't that difficult to find information. I hope this is a wake-up call for Trump. Maybe, instead of being on the Golf course, he can get updated on the devastation this bio-weapon has caused and spend more time focusing on the research out there and do something. I'm just glad he invited the Doctors into his home for a meeting on this.

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They would have buried him alive had he spoken out. Look at what they did to 60-70% of our doctors and our country. They either believed the crap or were too frightened to speak out. Many republicans in house and senate are part of this scam. Trump must have the right kind of support before speaking out or he’ll never become 47.

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You get it!

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Yes, I’ve spent 2.5 years researching this shot! Before that - I liked reading books on virus outbreaks - real ones. But I was shocked and I think many of us have gone through a grieving process of sorts realizing who our federal government really is. So sad.

Almost as sad, is to watch the rift developing between Dr. Malone and Dr. Paul. It’s heartbreaking. When Peters said what he did about Malone and babies, the Breggins should have walked out of the studio. They didn’t!

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I wrote shxt for shix if you know what I mean - not shot. Stupid spellcheck!

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How much thought did you give this before you replied to my comments. Buried Trump??? How many times have the Demon-rats tried to bury Trump and failed? How many impeachments? How many IRS investigations? Raiding Mara-Logo? Have they buried him? This is a man that knows no fear. The Physicians feared losing their income and their license. Trump is wealthy. Trump's tenacity and courage has not weakened. Trump will never be back as President as long as the Dems are allowed to cheat.

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Or do something worse to him or a family member. They are that desperate and that low! I’m surprised that he would even agree to try again. He loves this country and knows he could possibly fix the evils Biden has incurred on this nation. And as long as the conservative nation seems to want him to run - he’ll sacrifice.

How many grandchildren does he have - I wonder. He’s missing time with them, but of course, he would be doing it for them.

If he gets in Ladies and Gents, we have got to be louder than ever as to why his policies are right! (If he manages the same as before, of course.)

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Thank you, Dr. Alexander, for accepting that invitation. In addition to being a patriotic Canadian, I consider you a U.S. patriot as well.

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Since he knows Paul, I’m sure he knows the data. To maintain support he has to walk the political fence to not alienate those who are not awake about the data yet.

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And there are many republican voters who are NOT awake. My neighbors, my brother, and many others. Just pointing out to those who think this “mass formation” is drawn between “political lines”, it is NOT.

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You get it! All of these dumbfucks with TDS who are commenting are just setting everyone up for the forever vax

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You can’t tip tie around a murder you have to scream and yell!

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I'm glad you weren't in the Idaho student house when Kohberger allegedly walked out. There are people kidnapped by serial killers who are still alive because they knew how to stay quiet and play it dumb until the right time came. I seriously hope you don't have daughters.

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Wow. Ok. Yeah I get about the timing when you are alone with a serial killer but how about when thousands upon thousands are being ruined by something you are still touting as “ good”. Bit of a difference

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Stop thinking like Faucii and Birx

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I am watching Naomi Wolf right now, reviewing autopsy reports of “vaccine” victims. O.M.G. This is the most disturbing thing I have seen to date. Trump cannot continue to ignore this. Biden cannot continue to ignore this. Universities are still mandating this poison into our young people! IT HAS TO STOP! RIGHT NOW!

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we are working on this.

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Dr. Paul - it brings tears to my eyes that you might be reaching him. So sorry Dr Mc Cullough couldn't be there. Maybe by zoom - he was - hopefully.

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Thank you, Dr. Paul. I am praying for you!

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Where are you watching Naomi now?

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Late in the first hour of Bannon’s Warroom, he gave her two segments. She had images that will make you sick to your stomach when you see them. Multiple obvious issues caused post-jab.

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Thanks so much Aimee. Almost every day, I watch. Missed this morning. Quietly getting caught up with Substack! I’ll look back. Thanks again!

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You can see it here:

Naomi Wolf: This “vaccine” is NOT a medical product! (Video—start at minute 20:10 - 31:50)


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Especially On kids at Universities that haven't a clue and have been fed propaganda.

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Link pls

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Let's hope this means ACTION! We are all so tired of waiting for the corrupt heads to start rolling, but nothing seems to happen to any of them. I am hopeful that Mr 45 will bring the entire house down on them.

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I know you weren’t shy about your views, let’s hope he listened. It would be a defining moment for him and the country.

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He must know it is a bioweapon. DoD and HSS OTA contracts

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I have been concerned about President Trump's unwillingness to acknowledge what has happened with the vaccines. The fact that he invited some of the most outspoken people on the matter to meet with him is very encouraging!

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And then what happened?!

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People still pushing Trump after all the damage he caused, unbelievable.

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I would like to see the R. nominee to run on, not in any particular order. RINOS need not apply.

1. No digital currency

2. No digital passports

3. No mandates for vaccines of any kind

4. Reinstate all - across all sectors - all who lost their jobs due to mandates (military, teachers, etc)

5. Defund WHO

6. Free the J6 political prisoners

7. Reduce FBI, CIA, IFS employees starting at the top by 50%

8. Stop the war on energy, drill baby drill

9. Restart the keystone pipleline

10. Bring manufacting back to USA and reduce our dependency on China.

11. Restore peace, reduce crime

12. Close the border.

13. Harden our grid, utilities

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Don't trust Trump. The cabal plays both sides...divide and conquer. I believe Trump is part of the cabal and part of the deception. And before any idiot chimes in and says I have TDS...I voted for him, twice. I have woken up to the true structure and global governing strategy of this cabal, and how they plan to implement their NWO...the two party system we have, are two wings on the same, evil bird. Trump is not the savior everyone thinks he is.

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I’m slowly coming to the same conclusions. It’s hard. I was all in on Trump until the Covid Lockdowns. Trump completely ignored Dr Atlas after inviting him to the Hill.

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