Here's the thing though...they STILL are demonizing any outpatient treatments! How do we stop hospitals from killing people. People are scared to even go to a hospital these days because so much evil is still happening! False covid tests to get you put in the covid units where they push Remdesivir on you. Demonizing the unvaccinated! Etc!

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Sep 19, 2022
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I'm so so sorry. It is just pure evil what is happening. I also have friends who believe everything and anything the CDC, WHO, NIH, etc say. And 7 of them have heart conditions now and a couple have worsening heart issues. 4 others just dropped dead with no autopsies. I pray your friend recovers. 🙏

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God lead me to the Steve Deace Show in March 2020. I had heard of Daniel Horowitz however at the time I wasn’t listening to him on a regular basis. Watching Steve’s show and listening to Daniel’s podcasts and the guests they had on; led me down other roads which opened my eyes very early in this scamdemic. It led me to places where I could purchase ivermectin and other drugs to have on hand for early treatment. So when Delta hit my family in September 2021, we were fully prepared and it was nothing for us because we started treatment on day one.

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I thought I was prepared with all the supplements but I didn’t have the IVM. So when I got delta it was really bad. It took me a month to get better and it was pure hell. But I beat it and I’m able to do physical activities just like before. I thank Steve Deace for teaching me how to think for myself. He was the first guy to talk about PCR fallacy of Cycle thresholds and how they were getting false positives. Then the total abandonment of early treatment protocols. None of that made any sense.

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I, too, had Delta last October. It was HORRIBLE. I DID have Ivermectin but for whatever reason, I didn't notice that it helped. I was also down for almost a month. I had the nausea version. I couldn't eat or anything. I passed out in my bathroom one night and my husband and daughter were scared so they wanted me to go to the ER. TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE!! I put in a formal complaint against how I was treated but of course, the higher ups did nothing. Now I'm one of those people that fears hospitals. How sad is that?! Makes me so mad!

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You are sooooo lucky they didn't admit you and lock you up in the COVID death wards with unwanted I.V. Remdesivir!

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Wow! I’m glad they didn’t try to give you Run-death-is-near! My mother had taken IVM and her problems stayed out of her lungs and affected her stomach too. I never got my O2 low enough for them to admit me but I went to the ER 3 times during Covid because my blood oximeter was a piece of junk and I wanted to get an accurate reading. But after I got better I was able to help a man get the courage to leave the hospital when they wanted to give him Remdesevir. First they gave him oxygen and got his 02 level up to 96 which was great but then they wanted to add Remdesvir. I said why would they do that when you’re at such a good oxygen level? So I told him ask for monoclonal antibody rather than remdes and they delayed him until he was too late at which point I said then you should check out of the hospital. They made him feel like a crackpot but he is fine and I feel glad to have been able to help him.

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High probability you saved his life!

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It makes perfect sense if your goal is to injure and kill people!!!

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On how someone apparently very smart, a Harvard MD with decades of experience, simply because of the way he responds in terms of current narratives, completely misses the significance of what he thinks he’s talking about.

He says that hundreds of thousands could have been saved from death by C19 through the off-label use of two very common, very cheap, very safe drugs banned by those who are the creators of Covid, Inc.

As he describes it, it sounds like an awful situation.

Unfortunately, because of the way he describes it, he fails to see the situation is unbelievably more horrible.

Here is why:

He assumes the existence of a deadly virus.

But no more died during 2020, the first full year of C19, than in any of the years 2015-2019. And 2020 mortality was lower than 50 of the last 60 years. There was no group that had unusual numbers of deaths during 2020 compared to previous years.

On the one hand, no one knows who ACTUALLY had C19 among the general population compared to other coronaviruses or influenza because neither the antibody tests nor the high cycle PCR protocols were capable of making any reliable distinction between the pathogens (even the CDC recognized the inherent limitations of antibody tests in 2020) which is why the tests were pulled from the market by the end of 2021.

As it was, the folks who created Covid, Inc. in order to pad the numbers, had to take virtually all the estimated flu cases (usually around 35 MILLION) and attribute them to C19 because not enough people were getting sick or dying, as predicted by that cuckholding fraud Ferguson from the UK, who later admitted that his computer models were made, not to accurately describe effects of the actual disease, but to generate predictions to drive public policy and behavior.

Get that: to drive public policy decisions and actions about an as-yet undemonstrated danger.

On the other hand, the advent of the manufactured hysteria over C19 was the impetus to try existing drugs in novel ways (hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin), resulting in the discovery that they were effective in protecting very old, sick, weak people with crapped-out immune systems from the typical deadly effects of the common cold and other respiratory infections that regularly kill every single year that many members of exactly that population.

If so, then Dr. Risch’s emphasis should be on THAT—that many people, normally doomed by something that everyone else could just shake off, if they even noticed it, could have been saved by the unexpected novel uses of these drugs discovered as the result of other people in government agencies pushing a phony pandemic that they couldn’t even reliably detect by means of antibody and PCR tests.

That is, many thousands of people who normally would have died each year COULD have been saved, simply by the serendipity of a fake pandemic revealing unexpected benefits for cheap and very safe drugs with a LONG history of safe use, had it not been for the fact of the evil assholes of Covid, Inc wanting to kneecap anything that would get in the way of setting up their trillion dollar industry centered on EUA products that, not only never did reduce deaths due to a pathogen they weren’t reliably able to detect in the populace at large but, in contrast to the proven safety record of hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, their viral RNA products literally infected anyone injected with them with C19 viral RNA, leading to all the immunological consequences of a viral infection and more, resulting in significant levels of serious injury and death.

The multiple levels of irony when looked at in this way are astounding.

So, Dr. Risch’s way of characterizing it, @hundreds of thousands killed by C19 could have been saved but for the banning of these drugs,” misses the essential point.

How so?

Because of their inherent physical condition, those people who died, year in and year out, were the perennially-doomed by any frigging respiratory infection, no matter how innocuous to the general population, and with nothing that could save them.

The truth, though, is both much more spectacular and horrifying.

In the advent of yet another common cold virus that didn’t kill any more people throughout 2020 than regularly died from respiratory diseases every other year, it was discovered that the use of two drugs, hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, offered significant protection against, as well as successful treatment of any viral respiratory infection, thus dramatically decreasing suffering and death from what had been believed for years to be an intractable problem of old sick people with crapped-out immune systems.

Instead of this discovery being hailed as something revolutionary that could dramatically decrease the yearly mortality from its usual numbers (though still the lowest in 50 of the last 60 years), this discovery was suppressed and the off-label use of the drugs banned.


Because if there existed any means of prevention or treatment, then Emergency Use Authorizations of unapproved, experimental drugs would not be granted.

So those who stood to benefit by a group of EUA products got those drugs banned. And they got their EUAs for products that not only were ineffective in their promised outcome but were injurious and deadly in their primary effects.


Those effects were the inherent and unavoidable consequences of a primary mechanism of action which is that of viral infection.

But it’s even worse than that.

It’s not just a normal viral infection that targets only a limited population of cells with the receptor the particular virus uses to enter healthy cells for replication, like the ACE2 expressing cells of the respiratory tract targeted by C19.

Instead, the viral RNA products are the equivalent of a super virus that can enter any cells of any organ undetected and then set off a massive innate immune inflammatory response to kill the product-compromised cells. And all of that coincidentally with zero product liability to the companies that are taking the cash with one hand while passing out false hope, injury, and death with the other—and now even to infants.

And here’s the truly sick thing about it.

Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin will offer protection against VIRUSES, but they offer ZERO protection against the C19 viral RNA artificial viruses because those products don’t have any mechanisms of entry that can be blocked by those drugs.

So not only have the movers and shakers of Covid, Inc prevented a medical revolution that would have protected hundreds of thousands if not millions of vulnerable old people that regularly die every year that left those folks doomed to death, they have also introduced a drug that infects of those given it with viral RNA 100%, causes cellular damage to 100% of the recipients, and injures and kills huge numbers of people.

They are selling products that produce effects that neither hydroxychloroquine nor Ivermectin can protect against or treat. Those companies have made their products to be undetectable by the innate immune system and have designed them to be unstoppable.

And it was those assholes in high places who blocked these new beneficial uses of cheap, safe drugs because they would screw with the “pandemic” that they had been pimping to gain unprecedented amounts of money and unaccountable degrees of power over citizens’ lives and livelihoods.

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It’s imperative that you stop ceding ground to these fascists by reifying the Big Lie that "Covid" is a unique disease and that it is responsible for a global pandemic.

You’re only fortifying the narrative and implying that any extra-ordinary response was ever necessary, that a single one of their “public health” diktats was legitimate.

This has never had anything to with what is nothing more than a computer-generated genome falsely attributed to a novel pathogen. It is a global conspiracy by the worlds transnational ruling class which was planned out and war-gamed at the WEF, the central bankers summit in Jackson Hole, and at Event 201.

It’s all right there for anyone to look up and see for themselves. It is about radically transforming every aspect of society in response to the final crisis of capitalism, which was no long profitable or sustainable, transitioning to the new digital financial system, implementing the technologies of the so-called 4th Industrial Revolution, and exterminating and sterilizing broad swathes of the “useless eaters” and now-surplus labor/population, who in old crises would be sent off to war, which is too risky today with weapons of mass destruction that could blow up the world a hundred times over.

Today they’re accomplishing the same thing through the bio-medical weapons of mass destruction of “covid” measures (isolation, medical malpractice, sedation, ventilation, manufactured unemployment, neglect, austerity, etc.) and poison injections.

The lockdowns, mandatory muzzles, anti-social distancing, and the other measures that did nothing to protect or improve public health were all designed to deliberately break the global economy (and crush competition, especially small businesses) as well as break our minds and the social fabric, in order to “build back better”, according to the diabolical and dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war, which is essentially a billionaires utopia, in which they own the planet like a techno-feudal fiefdom, and oversee the drastically reduced population of digitally branded humanity like cattle in a super-surveilled technocracy.

All talk of so-called "Covid" is a meaningless distraction and quite besides the (existentially urgent) point when you understand that the virus/disease they’re allegedly designed to protect against doesn’t exist in the first place and, additionally, what their real, above-mentioned purpose(s) is.

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Agree with almost all you wrote.

Yet there was an unusual (computer generated) pathogen? toxin? poison? that could turn into a weird loss of oxygen and potentially lethal illness for a small section of even healthy people. Though usually there were underlying health issues, (perhaps 5g? previous vaccines?) in people who got dangerously ill and or died for lack of early treatment.

All you say can be verified in my opinion, but so can the examples of serious illness and deaths I illustrated above.

So I have assumed from the beginning there was a bio weapon and the injections are more of the same only worse.

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5G and what damage can all these satellites do up in the upper atmosphere? Not to mention the constant spraying in our skies multiple times daily. That would cause similar symtoms in every family/ neighborhood/ community!!

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Your comment is absolutely correct! Perpetuating the lies and the narrative over and over, only succeed in helping them with their plans for us.

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Confirms the pre planning and the creation of a pseudo pandemic. Global communities have become the victims for the benefit of the elitists that want to reshape the world!

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wow! and twitter "allowed" this to be posted?

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Best, clearest and most concise understanding of the scamdemic in all its treating and motivational dimensions ever proffered publicly. Great, key, pivotal question by Steve.

And Dr Risch is a national treasure, a very discerning, caring clinician and a true friend of humanity.

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Totally agree with him. I couldn’t get anything until I was hospitalized with pneumonia and a dvt.

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The CDC and FDA HAD to lie about it or the FDA couldn't have pushed through the EUA for the shots. It would have been the end of the whole COVID bioweapon-shot depopulation program. Then Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari would have been SOOOO disappointed!!!

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