Nov 30, 2022·edited Dec 2, 2022

"EBM, medical journal publishing, academic research, medical research, clinical medical doctors...the reputations are now destroyed..." and will never be revived, the entire edifice of the medical establishment is DOA, time of death the early 21st century (after a long illness that spans most of the 20th)

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I agree, Dr. Alexander! EBM is a farce that was meant to control the narrative and support big Pharma's agenda!! God bless you and thank you for all that you do!!

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Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022

Big pharma owns by virtue of advertisements, most of the medical journals. They also sponsor “research”, most of which is fraudulent and only serves their agenda. EBM is deader than the proverbial door nail.

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EBM is like a deadly virus to big pharma and the medical mafia. They avoid it like the plague. If we had true EBM, most medical practices would vanish for lack of substantiation, proof of efficacy and proof of safety.

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I would point out that some of your earlier references to show we had already been able to discern good medical procedures before EBM have been challenged by Eustace Mullins in, "Murder by injection".

The early medical journals, AMA and FDA made money from giving their approval to foods and drugs that were poisons, as soon as the bribes were paid. Dr. Abbott did not pay the bribes and got none of his products passed until he privately exposed the lack of medical qualifications and criminal past of the AMA founder "Doc" Simmons. He then had no need to pay bribes as he used blackmail.

In the chapter on vaccines he exposes the small pox vaccine as not being responsible for the end of small pox as it was already in decline since indoor plumbing and it in fact caused an increase after introduction. The Spanish flu was a bacterial infection and so the vaccine killed many more people than the bacteria did before it was used.

Allopathy (Western or Modern medicine) treat symptoms and diseases using drugs, radiation, or surgery and targets the specific organ or part that is affected in the body, but there is always a risk of side effects and infection spreading to the neighboring body parts.

Homeopathy is usually risk-free as it has no effects on other body parts, and aims to cure the whole body and not just the affected part. It also considers your mental state, "A cheerful Heart does Good like a Medicine, but a broken Spirit dries the Bones."

Once the oil rich Nelson Rockefeller took control of the drug companies Homeopathic doctors were called quacks and he became rich turning oil into drugs. Now Bill Gates has followed his relatives into making himself rich while sterilizing and killing us with his bioweapons.

Since when has scientific evidence ever been part of Western medicine? It has always been about the money and the ability to get away with murder in hospitals.

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True science is about the pursuit of truth regarding the physical-material world, by means of the scientific method. The establishment has no interest in truth. True science must therefore be undermined, censored, and destroyed.

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Evidence-based psychotherapy is a cruel disaster.

The scientific methods used in this type of social science research is worse than some of the Big Pharma studies. What happens is talk therapists (master's of social work or psychologists) present their techniques as scientifically proven to emotionally vulnerable clients. When their techniques fail, the client ends up completely discouraged and hopeless, usually turning to pharmaceutical solutions, and is lost forever. The therapists, in turn, just assume nothing is 100%, dismiss the results, and do it again to the next client, never questioning it because what they are doing is scientific.

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Among smart patients... We want banned doctors....

Here's my current medical provider


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What I am beginning to think is the only thing more insane than the majority of people who have bought the entire covid and jab lie...is the group that saw thru the lie but now think they can convince the covidians they were lied to by using solid evidence and irrefutable data.

We have to be utterly insane to think these people will believe any of it.

In fact...it is getting harder to discern who is buying the bigger lie.

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Excellent article. What we MDs out in the communities need is a new users guide to the medical literature to help us interpret studies for bias

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Please watch another wonderful Dr. Speaking out against the kill plot.


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It goes far beyond a fake oandemic. Please stop giving credit to it by referring to a "pandemic," or "vaccines." There are enough people compicit in this movement. There is currently no vaccine for coronavirus. There have been shots for coronavirus for many years(approximately 20 years.) Only 5 people have lived longer than 5 years after these shots.

To understand what this is really about you must mame yourself aware of the cause behind it. Khazarian Mafia, and the Crown, lead by the corrupt Rothschild family. Whose family owns most banks, and most countrys currency, and the c19 test patent approved in 2015. His sister is Greta Thunbergs handler. Yes, everything you have been told about climate change is being distributed by the same family lying to you about c19 and it's narrative.

Please read and share with everyone.


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Absolutely, Rudy!! You are totally correct!!

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Thank you for this informative article 🙏🏻

We desperately need to return to evidence-based medicine and ethical studies.

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