If the docs took money and signed a hush agreement, they should have their medical licenses revoked. That is wrong, they knew it was wrong, they have the education and training to know the difference and still say nothing to this day, about all the preterm babies and fetal deaths!

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they deserve far worse once legal courts rule, far worse

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Death by injection of all the Covid shots and boosters, given in one week. They need to suffer as they caused so many to.

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I keep asking one question, how can these people continue to control us?

After all we’ve learned, all we know about these “bioweapon Injections”! We’re still being “PLAYED”! Fear-Mongering has started again. CDC, WHO, MSM!

Which brings me to H5N1 and the ramping up of how the fear-mongers have warned, “Deaths On It’s Way”, once again!

Honestly, I have lost all respect for all doctors and scientists who continue to push a new pandemic narrative!

Unless we stand up, unless we don’t comply, this new round of lockdowns are coming! (it’s looking as though they will try again). One could say we’re as screwed as screwed can be. Why?

Because the same way a lackadaisical, unsuspecting duck, floats around on a lake, going about life as usual looking for dinner, suddenly finds itself in the talons of a “peregrine falcon” soaring 600’ feet above.

Who’s eating who? Aren’t we all sitting ducks waiting to be swooped up by the

“Talon’s of the Elites”

Are we not all sitting ducks”? Still?

If this continues and u believe it will, the next level I’m anticipating we’ll be forced to line up for the latest “Bioweapon Injection”! (my opinion only).

We know the next “Bioweapon Injection” is all ready and waiting!

We must educate and warn everyone!

Otherwise we’re all sitting ducks!


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great sharing, always on the money and provoking us to think...

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Thank you Dr.


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Is this just the tip of the iceberg ? We've got turbo cancers, fetal deaths, blood clots, heart disease, & life expectancy has dropped all because of these bloody mrna vaccines. Whilst at the same time you can't talk about, mention excess deaths in parliament & the majority of our mps walk out. They know they did wrong & there shitting themselves. Once this becomes main stream news, maybe a few patsieswill be thrown under the bus, though whether anyone will do anything about is another matter. 🤔. Look at the Clinton's, she lied to Congress& was described as untrustworthy, he shoved a cigar into an intern 😳 yet he was voted back in for his second term. Biden stood down as a presidential candidate after he was discovered to be an outright liar. He also said that anyone caught with crack cocaine would get life in jail, so what happened with hunter ? Obama promised 5 million jobs in the green sector & what happened, nothing. They promised to cut down on co2 & every president since the eighties has increased co2 levels, Clinton said trump would make it worse, but under biden he just made it worse. Our leaders are arseholes, conmen, liars, murders & we only have ourselves to blame. I decided a long time ago to not trust anyone in authority, power corrupts, money buys silence & little kids to fondle. Hollywood is littered with paedophiles & yet people still buy there music, watch their films & even after epstein they still won't believe the world is run by satanists

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We now need an army of dedicated

Scientists to jump into the arena now to get ahead of the next plandemic about to be rolled out??

Had people taken Ivermectin or HCC the death rate might have been a lot less?

They are ready with the Bird flu

So can we get an anecdote out quickly and info to reject the vaccines?

I will offer a suggestion ?

Pure unadulterated celery juice.

On an empty stomach it will fortify all of us. Check the book on celery juice by Anthony William . There are hundreds of people who swear by it for detox and antibacterial properties? I’m

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They have the highest kill rate in history because they are a carefully developed bioweapon.

Who would do such a thing to the entire planet? Our would-be global masters, whose Death Star, the UN, which is, quite literally, no more than a country club of Unelected Nobodies.

Forget all the hoopla about the WHO, which is merely a subsidiary body. They have back up plan after back up plan and, should they not get their phony "consensus" on their ghastly "Pandemic Treaty", we are still facing Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, One Health and all the rest of their evils.

In fact, on September 23, 2024 they are slated to sign the Pact for the Future which makes all of the above look very much like a Sunday School picnic.

The only answer that I can see is to get out of the country club.

Right now the US Congress has before it the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR6645/S3428). Visit https:/./PreventGenocide2030.org to read the bill and then take action to demand that your Congresswo/men pass this legislation with the supermajority necessary to override the inevitable veto from the Oval Office SPiC (Sock Puppet in Charge).

Massive demand will force them to accede. It always does.

And we have very, very little time left to get out before we have been so destroyed that we have no chance ever again, which is, after all, what they are aiming for.

Your future, mine, and the future of humanity are literally at stake.

Is it really too much to ask you to spend 10 minutes reading the Act, taking the Action and then sharing the link? Think about it. Then do it.

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Paul, please send this and other clear statements about the genocide, of OWS to 45 its proud father and chief marketing head, who continues to be a spokesperson for this death jab. When will he be held accountable for the massive death and destruction he caused and is causing.

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Yes let's put it on his truth social...cause m Obama might jump in at last moment and come out with this...he would be crushed.and I think it is gonna happen before any election. Trump needs to wise up.

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No one will be held responsible

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May 12·edited May 12

I hear you. But I pray to God we will be wrong..when I watch people like dr Thorpe it renews my hope...and I pray for God to hold him and his family I'm the palm of his hand. If we had some other brave souls like this...and could start bringing lawsuits for racketeering and corruption against the entire edifice up to Biden... I could die a happy woman

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Hi Paul, Do you agree with Dr.. Cahill that everyone who got at least 1 shot will die within 3-5 years?

thank you

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That is exactly why POTUS TRUMP needs to be ON THE HORSEMEN LIST!

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So? You all will not hold anyone accountable.

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Yes, Trump desperately needs to wise up, the real issue, the 10,000 pound elephant in the room is, did he already know of the dangers, know of the destruction, and still pushed the death jab, like a good obedient evil servant for the death cult. The evidence says yes, he did know and knows now. Now this is almost impossible to prove because he will make excuses, lay the blame on everyone but himself, he has not shown that he can break free, turn against the puppet masters of this death cult, and destroy them.

What Trump has done is a massive crime against humanity.

If we write a hopium script, hoping Trump will suddenly awake to the reality of the present genocidal situation and become the savior, we are most likely placing our own necks in a hangman's noose.

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And the source of off all this suffering is the well-laid depopulation and enslavement program of the UN Death Machine. All of it.

Forget the WHO, which is a subsidiary organization and does the bidding of the Death Machine. Right now the US Congress has before it the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR 6645/ S 3428).

Public pressure of a large enough magnitude will force your Members of Congress to co-sponsor it and pass it with enough votes to override the inevitable Oval Office SPiC (Sock Puppet in Charge) veto.

You can read the Act and then take quick, effective action here: https://PreventGenocide2030.org. And, of course, the most important part is to share the link and encourage everyone you can reach to do precisely the same.

Now, before we no longer have the option to do so much as whimper our dissent.

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Well I guess time will tell? Though it’s not too surprising.

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