Dr. James Thorpe gave his female patients a voice on Tucker Carlson as to harms of the mRNA technology COVID gene injections causing menstrual abnormalities, miscarriages, fetal death, still births
I am writing a piece as it relates to Dr. Malhotra's prior support for the gene injections now being against them; to come. Why "I am sorry" is missing & why it's a must, from all new realty converts
Hat-tip to Dr. Thorpe, I know him, spoke on stage with him, maybe one of the most genuine no-nonsense persons, loves humanity, loves our God and strives only to do the right thing, was out there day one banging away at this mRNA gene injection madness.
I say hang them high, all who have perpetrated this, all involved, hang them high! Proper trials then to the gallows once ruled death penalty is the verdict and punishment. No amnesty, no “I did not know” bull sh*t. None.

Dr. James Thorpe:
“We compared the COVID-19 vaccine adverse events over 18 months with that of the influenza vaccine over 282 months” using data from the U.S. Food and Drus Administration (FDA) as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Thorp explained regarding his paper.
“We found a 1200-fold increase in severe menstrual abnormalities, a 57-fold increase in miscarriage, a 38-fold increase in fetal death or stillbirth rates,” he said.
Thorp also revealed he found “15 other major pregnancy complications all far exceeding the CDC and FDA values of safety,” before referencing “more than 30 other completely independent sources globally that corroborate exactly our findings.”
It's scary to read the comments on his Twitter post. The medical community is in complete denial. I ha e several friends that are highly credentialed physicians that refuse to believe the data.
So clicking on the twitter link and reading the comments there is eye opening. The long knives are certainly out. A bunch of MDs attesting to the complete safety of these shots during pregnancy, pulling out various studies that say so, others calling Dr Malhotra names, trashing Tucker, and other MDs and non MDs standing in support of Dr Malhotra. These comments are a microsom of the entire covid saga - we the public have been presented with two completely irreconcilable sets of "facts". It has torn huge rifts through our society, in workplaces, between colleagues, between friends, and between families. It has caused some to completely distrust our agencies and medical establishments, and caused others to despise those who have lost trust.
Obviously the notion that the injections are "safe and effective" cannot stand side by side with the notion that the shots are causing horrifying side effects and deaths. There isn't some kind of middle ground way of thinking about it, some kind of missing information that provides an "AHA!" moment which lets an impartial judge say "You're both right, and let me show you why."
This is information warfare. My adult daughter asked "how do you know that this one side is lying? How do you know that the side you agree with isn't the one that is lying?"
The answer lies amongst the dead and injured. Check their wounds, from which direction did the bullets come? And yes, trying to do that will bring out the gaslighters once again claiming absurd things like heart attacks are up because of this or that improbable reason. Or that we now have a new mysterious inexplicable thing called SADS -Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
When TRUTH is being denied to the extent that it is now, a great wave of resistance builds. It requires ever growing recognition that we are being lied to in order to build enough monentum to break through and become understood universally as truth.
The wounds of the dead and injured have been manipulated from the start. Misdirection and propaganda made the world believe they were under assault from the natural world, that a virus borne of bats and wet markets was killing us off. Horrors! But eventually the frightened world began to understand the enemy was really a lab manipulated virus, lockdown protocols, hospital protocols. The enemy was shooting from the direction of those banning HCQ and punishing doctors for using Ivermectin. The enemy disguised itself as the savior of mankind in the form of a shot. And the truth then became so unimaginably horrible, there are still many unwilling to comprehend it could be possible. But the dead and wounded don't lie. The injections are the bullets in this information war. The injections are doing the killing. The enemy is all of those sending these bullets our way.
Listen to those who recognize this. Those who refuse to and continue to insist "safe and effective" are either unwitting dupes or are the ones intentionally pulling the trigger in this information war.