I am writing a piece as it relates to Dr. Malhotra's prior support for the gene injections now being against them; to come. Why "I am sorry" is missing & why it's a must, from all new realty converts
It's scary to read the comments on his Twitter post. The medical community is in complete denial. I ha e several friends that are highly credentialed physicians that refuse to believe the data.
Sounds like your friends have the same disorder as Walensky, Birx, Fauci et al: OCPD. Hitler had it too. He refused to believe anything that contradicted his pre-existing biases. Your friends are not suited to their profession. They should retrain as priests.
I have a friend -- well, I guess a former friend -- who is a doctor who suddenly ceased communications with me.. He wrote about the overload of "covid" (read "vaccination" I suspect) cases on his emergency wards.. I came back with "How come in 3 years I have seen not ONE credible "Covid" case? He stopped responding to my emails... 🙄
Re: your dr x friend: To me, that is precisely what is destroying the country, drip by drip. Brainwashed, group thinking that must be adhered to. Do not think outside of that box. How many brainless fools still think brain ded byden is a good president; that our economy is ok, that we are a free society. Your solution would work but the puzzies are too gutless. Wish someone would find out where all those gonads are buried and dig them up.
Doubt he'll be around much longer.. he told me he'd taken 4 of the shots. What I don't understand is how he makes his living as a doctor... And I wound up earning a living as a security guard... 🙄
Guess it's what happens when you do clever things like music performance degrees ..
So clicking on the twitter link and reading the comments there is eye opening. The long knives are certainly out. A bunch of MDs attesting to the complete safety of these shots during pregnancy, pulling out various studies that say so, others calling Dr Malhotra names, trashing Tucker, and other MDs and non MDs standing in support of Dr Malhotra. These comments are a microsom of the entire covid saga - we the public have been presented with two completely irreconcilable sets of "facts". It has torn huge rifts through our society, in workplaces, between colleagues, between friends, and between families. It has caused some to completely distrust our agencies and medical establishments, and caused others to despise those who have lost trust.
Obviously the notion that the injections are "safe and effective" cannot stand side by side with the notion that the shots are causing horrifying side effects and deaths. There isn't some kind of middle ground way of thinking about it, some kind of missing information that provides an "AHA!" moment which lets an impartial judge say "You're both right, and let me show you why."
This is information warfare. My adult daughter asked "how do you know that this one side is lying? How do you know that the side you agree with isn't the one that is lying?"
The answer lies amongst the dead and injured. Check their wounds, from which direction did the bullets come? And yes, trying to do that will bring out the gaslighters once again claiming absurd things like heart attacks are up because of this or that improbable reason. Or that we now have a new mysterious inexplicable thing called SADS -Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
When TRUTH is being denied to the extent that it is now, a great wave of resistance builds. It requires ever growing recognition that we are being lied to in order to build enough monentum to break through and become understood universally as truth.
The wounds of the dead and injured have been manipulated from the start. Misdirection and propaganda made the world believe they were under assault from the natural world, that a virus borne of bats and wet markets was killing us off. Horrors! But eventually the frightened world began to understand the enemy was really a lab manipulated virus, lockdown protocols, hospital protocols. The enemy was shooting from the direction of those banning HCQ and punishing doctors for using Ivermectin. The enemy disguised itself as the savior of mankind in the form of a shot. And the truth then became so unimaginably horrible, there are still many unwilling to comprehend it could be possible. But the dead and wounded don't lie. The injections are the bullets in this information war. The injections are doing the killing. The enemy is all of those sending these bullets our way.
Listen to those who recognize this. Those who refuse to and continue to insist "safe and effective" are either unwitting dupes or are the ones intentionally pulling the trigger in this information war.
I have been transcribing testimonies about injuries and deaths since early 2021. There are simply too many of them. I defy anyone to look at the great bulk of them and say these people are all lying or that their stories don't add up to anything. Meanwhile all the jabbed people I know have come down with covid, every single one of them, and many of them multiple times. Calling these jabs "safe and effective" and mandating them when they were in fact experimental is a crime, and many people need to be held accountable before the law.
What I would say to anyone who doubts: For every 10 people who talk about their jab injuries on www.realnotrare.com, go out and find 1 -- just one!-- person who will state that they regret not getting jabbed. Ha, you cannot do it. On the contrary you'll find a legion of seriously pissed off people who are only gladder with each passing day that they did NOT get the jab.
I did something similar. I am in a FB group with members of my HS graduating class (1971). I posed the question: If you knew what you know now about the jab and you had young children, would you have had them get it? 18 emplhatic NO and only 3 yes. I call that progress - albeit it way too late.
I don't doubt that there are a lot of covidian doctors out there saying daft shale on Twitter, but Twitter is filled with fake accounts and bots, who knows how many of these people are even real.
On former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston's Substack at the moment it appears she says what you are saying is bullshit. The same nanoparticles used in the Pfizer jab are whay causes covid, according to her.
That's so true. It is really scary how many people cannot think and feel normally, even in the sense of having watched cop and detective shows enough to assess for motive, means and opportunity. My first inkling that something wasn't right, much later than many people, was when Trump tried to talk about hydroxychloriquine and some kind of nebulized treatment and the media went ballistic with every platform nailing him for suggesting that people drink bleach. When I heard Dr. Kory on Dark Horse, at that point it was obvious. Dr. Varon hadn't had a day off in 400 days, Dr. Kory went into the inferno of NYC to help and Dr. Marik was trying to save patients in Virginia. Their attackers were affiliated with corporations making trillions or worked for those corporations. Like duh. Obvious as to motives. Why would these medical professionals and journalists sacrifice their careers to grift or lie? Makes no sense, intellectually or emotionally, but whatever has happened to people---mass psychosis, childhood vaccine injuries, ideological education, social media, poor diet with toxins---they cannot think or feel in a way that is psychologically healthy, only boundariless, online hysterias and infantilization. Pharma is pharma, corporations are corporations and will follow perverse incentives, but what has happened to people?
Last I heard, we're not liars, we're sheep. That's why they call us misinformation spreaders, not disinformation spreaders or malinformation spreaders.
Apparently we're just gullible whack jobs ready to believe any old, or new, bullshit.
Malhotra has spoken about why he was initially fooled and he has taken great risks to make amends.
Dr. Thorpe makes a very valid point- that even innocuous OTC vitamins and herbs carry pregnancy/breast feeding warnings on them. these mRNA shots were never tested on pregnant women before being heavily pushed on them.
my health coach told me almost 2 years ago now that they were messing with women's hormones. her small boutique practice had at that point seen two odd miscarriages and one post menopausal woman with menstrual bleeding. on that basis my doctor's office would neither recommend or give the shots. i don't know if they advised against them. she was speaking to me because i asked her point blank what her position was.
I would say that we all need to acknowledge Tucker Carlson and his "pushing the envelope" against his boss at Fox. It appears he is constantly leveraging his popularity (read: revenue for the network) against management's desire to shut him up (and fire him). I'm sure he took all kinds of heat for having Peter McCullough on a couple of times. It will be interesting to see to what extent (or even if) he is allowed to cover the 40,000+ hours of January 6 tapes like he promised a week ago; crickets since then.
Thanks, Paul, for bringing more attention to the work of these doctors. The numbers speak for themselves. It was a big deal that Tucker Carlson gave this doctor six or so minutes on his show.
On this issue, I am constantly met with survivor bias. “Well so and so got pregnant and had a baby with no issues so it’s fine” Thankfully I know many jabbed who have had complete pregnancies with no complications in the infant (yet or that they are aware of)
The real concern is that the females are sterilised in the womb before being born and this may take 20 years to show up. A species and society can repopulate with few males but not with few fertile females..
Reducing both current and future proportions of fertile females is imperative for depopulation in order to cut emissions and save the planet from climate change.
Oh I don’t doubt there will be long term problems manifest over time. Simply relaying the reactions I receive and my anecdotal observations. The signal will not be acknowledged until it’s a five alarm fire
Apparently that's the very strong suspicion based on the evidence. The infant girls that have been born since the shot rolled out are sterile and there is going to be many, many millions, or billions, of them and they will all be childless.
If the planet can be depopulated by culling as many as possible of the carbon footprint generator while also sterilising as many as possible, C02 levels will eventually fall and, even though the small window of time we had to take urgent action or an irreversible tipping point would be reached that would see us transitioning to the climate and atmosphere of Venus passed decades ago, according to alarmists of the past, this will prevent doomsday.
They're culling and sterilising us with the shots for the good of the planet.
This green ideology will kill far, far, far more than Hitler, Stalin, Mao and GW Bush combined.
Give them time... The injections have been in widespread use for what? 18 months? Give them time.. I fully expect a mortality rate across the West this time next year if not by the end of this year, of 30%.
PS I recall a horror story from many years ago on the CBC of all places, of widespread cervical cancer as a result of women taking the HPV vaccine -- in their daughters... 😳
The drug used years ago was DES Diethylstilbestrol. It was used to prevent recurrent miscarriage and gave rise to several specific cancers. However you are correct that HPV vaccines have are causing long term autoimmune diseases . I haven’t come across much info, but it appears there have also been deaths.
My stepson and wife had a baby about a year ago.. they both took the Lethal Injection, "condition of employment" doncha know, Dear... I tried to warn them, they wouldn't listen...
They're both fine it would seem, and Emelia Grace is fine, but I couldn't help but think, looking at her face just after she was born, how much she resembled those "black eyed babies" spoken of in whispers amongst the more extreme Conspiracy Theorists...
That circulated a while ago, I remember seeing it in 2021....and it seems forgotten or down other rabbit holes that I'm no longer seeing. Is it still being talked about?
In various places.. But I'm into some pretty odd stories, I must admit.. I try not to take all of them seriously...
OTOH when you start learning about "adenochrome" and "spirit cooking" and "child-trafficking" and realize Jeffrey Epstein was in fact merely a Limited Hangout... 😳
Here's something posted at Unz.com nearly a decade ago: https://www.unz.com/article/pizzagate/ When you come to the little smiling child taped to the table, it will freeze your blood...
I believe it was Dr. Ryan Cole with Del Bigtree that analyzed samples of the vax. The one consistent thing about the vaccine he said was it inconsistency. That is, the vaxes are consistently inconsistent in their contents. It is said some vaccines were just saline, some had graphene oxide etc... We don't really know what is in each vaccine. There were more than just three companies making the vaccines. Pfizer and Moderna get a lot of media but there were about a dozen more companies making these vaccines in a rushed manner. Do you know the content sheet of paper that accompanies the vaccine in the box that was sent to doctors/pharmacies was left blank "on purpose"? So yeah I do think a lot of the vaccines were indeed harmless. But who wants to play russian roulette with their health. https://rumble.com/v25ln74-dr.-ryan-cole-and-del-bigtree-investigate-covid-vaccines-in-dr.-coles-labor.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2
Here are some links to videos of Melissa Strickler - Whistle Blower of Pfizer - Ms. Strickler says some of covid shots are from China and they can glow in the dark like a glo stick and by the way I doubt Trump took a shot made in China.
Overall there has been talk that some batches were worse than other batches and some states got on purpose more toxic batches of the shots. People can look up their batch number if they want on How Bad is My Batch and How Bad
With that being said please understand that if something you eat, or consume in any way is not toxic then you body will just pass it out in a few days. It doesn't stay in your body unless it is toxic, as your body has a harder time getting rid of toxins. They can't have a vaccine be only effective for a few days. It won't make it on the market if a vaccine is only effective a few days. VACCINES HAVE TO HAVE TOXINS IN IT TO LAST LONGER IN YOUR BODY!!! ALSO TOXINS CAN ACCUMULATE IN THE BODY AND CAUSE LONG TERM CHRONIC ILLNESSES!!! Doctors generally don't investigate why a person presents in their office with a medical problem, they are trained just to treat the problem.
Please get a copy of The Poisoned Needle, the Suppressed Facts about Vaccination by Eleanor McBean. "Vaccination induces and acute and specific disease (resembling smallpox) and also aggravates existent latent diseases. The absorption of the vaccine virus into the circulation excites the virus already in the system, and nature rebels, as it were, and makes an effort to throw the poison out of the body. When there is sufficient vitality (of the body), it will be successful. But when there is a lack of vitality, or low state of health, there is a little or no external manifestation in the shape of blisters, pustules, or eruptions. In this case the poison sinks in, or is absorbed, and remains in the body, and later develops into some organic disease, generally of the respiratory organs. "..... THAT IS VACCINES CAN CREATE LONG TERM CHRONIC HEALTH PROBLEMS.
They often put heavy metals in vaccines to create vaccine memory in the body. When I had my kids, parents had started to become aware of mercury that was put in kids vaccines and parents complained. So like the world we have been living in for quite sometime, what did the manufacturers/doctors tell the parents? They told parents there was thimerosal in the vaccine. Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative. They didn't change anything up. They just changed the name. Put a new cover on the shot. Then parents complained again. So they stopped for the most part putting mercury in the vaccine and put aluminum in it. Aluminum is another heavy metal, another NEUROTOXIN! NEUROTOXINS AFFECTS PEOPLE NEUROLOGICALLY OF COURSE!!!! Do people always see an immediate effect from the jab. Not necessarily, but there are a lot of parents that say they saw an immediate effect after their child was injected with these heavy metals. Of course these parents were hushed up. People really need to understand all shots have the potential to be toxic. All shots if it stays in the body more than a couple of days have something in it to create vaccine memory. All shots can have the potential to harm your body slowly. So again I can't emphasize this enough, shots can lead to chronic health conditions. Doesn't have to be a quick death from a shot but a slow lingering decline in health.
Am I saying then NO vaccine should be given? If there was a true pandemic, and we really didn't have any way to combat the deadly new illness, maybe. Depends on the person. How healthy are their kidneys ETC?. Can their body handle the toxin in the shot or are they better off risking the illness and taking preventative measures and early treatment, or normal treatment (such as ANTIBIOTICS IF IT BECOMES A BACTERIAL INFECTION ETC). All doctors should be talking about the risk versus benefit of getting the shot. This generally does not happen as doctors most times don't get trained properly to have this discussion with their patient as their med school they went to was captured by Big Pharma years before they even stepped foot in the school. By the way, early treatment and normal treatment was suppressed during the covid plandemic on purpose. Doctors/pharmacies were complicit in these crimes against humanity resulting I believe in millions dying needlessly.
I believe Kissinger is turning 100 in May. My Mom's birthday was in May but she passed in October. My Mom believed in getting all the shots. I could not change her mind. I think my Mom is no longer here and Kissinger is still alive has a lot to do with she got way more toxic shots during her life than he did. Oh and Kissinger attended the last world meeting of the elites.
It was reported Kissinger said (but fake checkers deny it), " Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it’s game over. They will accept anything – forcible blood or organ donation – ‘for the greater good’. We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- ‘for the greater good’. Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It’s a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services….’”
Recommended books to read (besides The Poisoned Needle) and films to see: Murder by Injection:The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America by Eustance Clarence Mullins,
Dr. Mary's Monkeys by Haslem, Edward,
Let our Children Go by Ted Patrick, (talks about how people get brain washed-Children joining cults and how to break them from their cult mindset)
Turtles all the way down: Vaccine Science and Myth
by Anonymous , Zoey O'Toole
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health-from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years
by Paul Thomas M.D. and Jennifer Margulis (Dr. Thomas is/was a pediatrician that allowed parents to make up their own mind to vaccinate their child or not. Some kids got no vaxes, some kids got some vaxes and some got the vax schedule. Over time he realized the unvax kids were way healthier than the vaxed kids. He had someone else look at the date he had accumulated over time and they agreed. He talked about it. Big Pharma didn't like that. Then he wrote a book and had his med license taken away.
DVDs:/shows to watch:
Cancer-The Forbidden Cures by M. Mazzucco,
The Dallas Buyers Club, (Both DVD's explain how cures are hidden by our government.)
Agreed. Trials will reveal that some made honest mistakes but others actively perpetrated a cold-blooded fraud that murdered untold millions. When the perpetrators realize that their denials are falling on deaf ears, they will gladly go to trial where they hope to escape by offering legal bribes for our silence. That must not happen. To accept those bribes is to become their accomplices, not just in this mass murder, but in the next as well.
You won't get apologies because they are afraid of lawsuits. the majority of doctors are cowards. I would go for remedial action before an apology if I had been injured. In our beach community of 225 cottages 8 people have had heart attacks in the past 1.5 years..
I am not a physician, but since there are two opinions to the discussion, would it not be safer to not get the jab, as the risk of death is so low? I am of the opinion no one should have taken the death shots, but if you are pregnant, why not look at the death rates? Your answer is there.
Thank you to Dr. Thorpe and all MD's pushing the truth!!!
We're getting there. Taking awhile. However they tried to scam the whole freaken world. I'm sure they have been doing it for quite some time, but scamming the whole world!!!. Did they really think they would get away with that. Instead I think they are proceeding to wake the world up instead. Last night Woody Harrelson Monologue on SNL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8LX8MQMrag
If your desire is to slow or reverse population growth, no better way to do it then eliminate the probability of consistent reproduction. Older people will die off and older women can not usually have babies. Those mRNA spike proteins are some real nasty critters and I fear the worst is yet to come.
It's scary to read the comments on his Twitter post. The medical community is in complete denial. I ha e several friends that are highly credentialed physicians that refuse to believe the data.
Sounds like your friends have the same disorder as Walensky, Birx, Fauci et al: OCPD. Hitler had it too. He refused to believe anything that contradicted his pre-existing biases. Your friends are not suited to their profession. They should retrain as priests.
Don't insult priests like that... 🤔
I have a friend -- well, I guess a former friend -- who is a doctor who suddenly ceased communications with me.. He wrote about the overload of "covid" (read "vaccination" I suspect) cases on his emergency wards.. I came back with "How come in 3 years I have seen not ONE credible "Covid" case? He stopped responding to my emails... 🙄
Have them watch Woody Harrelson Monologue on SNL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8LX8MQMrag. LOL
So do you think we will ever get an apology? I don't think so.
I'm not interested in apologies. I'm interested in asset seizures, massive compensations and public executions.
Re: your dr x friend: To me, that is precisely what is destroying the country, drip by drip. Brainwashed, group thinking that must be adhered to. Do not think outside of that box. How many brainless fools still think brain ded byden is a good president; that our economy is ok, that we are a free society. Your solution would work but the puzzies are too gutless. Wish someone would find out where all those gonads are buried and dig them up.
Doubt he'll be around much longer.. he told me he'd taken 4 of the shots. What I don't understand is how he makes his living as a doctor... And I wound up earning a living as a security guard... 🙄
Guess it's what happens when you do clever things like music performance degrees ..
He SAYS he took 4 shots.....maybe normal saline??
Who knows? There's rumours 2/3rds -- 3/4s of the vaccine vials are just saline. I've not been able to verify anything. 🙄
So clicking on the twitter link and reading the comments there is eye opening. The long knives are certainly out. A bunch of MDs attesting to the complete safety of these shots during pregnancy, pulling out various studies that say so, others calling Dr Malhotra names, trashing Tucker, and other MDs and non MDs standing in support of Dr Malhotra. These comments are a microsom of the entire covid saga - we the public have been presented with two completely irreconcilable sets of "facts". It has torn huge rifts through our society, in workplaces, between colleagues, between friends, and between families. It has caused some to completely distrust our agencies and medical establishments, and caused others to despise those who have lost trust.
Obviously the notion that the injections are "safe and effective" cannot stand side by side with the notion that the shots are causing horrifying side effects and deaths. There isn't some kind of middle ground way of thinking about it, some kind of missing information that provides an "AHA!" moment which lets an impartial judge say "You're both right, and let me show you why."
This is information warfare. My adult daughter asked "how do you know that this one side is lying? How do you know that the side you agree with isn't the one that is lying?"
The answer lies amongst the dead and injured. Check their wounds, from which direction did the bullets come? And yes, trying to do that will bring out the gaslighters once again claiming absurd things like heart attacks are up because of this or that improbable reason. Or that we now have a new mysterious inexplicable thing called SADS -Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
When TRUTH is being denied to the extent that it is now, a great wave of resistance builds. It requires ever growing recognition that we are being lied to in order to build enough monentum to break through and become understood universally as truth.
The wounds of the dead and injured have been manipulated from the start. Misdirection and propaganda made the world believe they were under assault from the natural world, that a virus borne of bats and wet markets was killing us off. Horrors! But eventually the frightened world began to understand the enemy was really a lab manipulated virus, lockdown protocols, hospital protocols. The enemy was shooting from the direction of those banning HCQ and punishing doctors for using Ivermectin. The enemy disguised itself as the savior of mankind in the form of a shot. And the truth then became so unimaginably horrible, there are still many unwilling to comprehend it could be possible. But the dead and wounded don't lie. The injections are the bullets in this information war. The injections are doing the killing. The enemy is all of those sending these bullets our way.
Listen to those who recognize this. Those who refuse to and continue to insist "safe and effective" are either unwitting dupes or are the ones intentionally pulling the trigger in this information war.
I have been transcribing testimonies about injuries and deaths since early 2021. There are simply too many of them. I defy anyone to look at the great bulk of them and say these people are all lying or that their stories don't add up to anything. Meanwhile all the jabbed people I know have come down with covid, every single one of them, and many of them multiple times. Calling these jabs "safe and effective" and mandating them when they were in fact experimental is a crime, and many people need to be held accountable before the law.
What I would say to anyone who doubts: For every 10 people who talk about their jab injuries on www.realnotrare.com, go out and find 1 -- just one!-- person who will state that they regret not getting jabbed. Ha, you cannot do it. On the contrary you'll find a legion of seriously pissed off people who are only gladder with each passing day that they did NOT get the jab.
I did something similar. I am in a FB group with members of my HS graduating class (1971). I posed the question: If you knew what you know now about the jab and you had young children, would you have had them get it? 18 emplhatic NO and only 3 yes. I call that progress - albeit it way too late.
They lied when they said the genetic molecules will stay in the arm muscle, we did not.
They lied when they said the synthetic mRNA will quickly degrade, we did not.
They lied when they said the protein produced by the synthetic mRNA is harmless, we did not.
Maybe ask your daughter whether past form also enters into the equation, when deciding who is lying now?
I don't doubt that there are a lot of covidian doctors out there saying daft shale on Twitter, but Twitter is filled with fake accounts and bots, who knows how many of these people are even real.
On former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston's Substack at the moment it appears she says what you are saying is bullshit. The same nanoparticles used in the Pfizer jab are whay causes covid, according to her.
If your daughter is open to some books to read:
The Poisoned Needle::Suppresed Facts about vaccinations by Eleanor McBean,
Murder by Injection:The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America by Eustance Clarence Mullins,
Dr. Mary's Monkeys by Haslem, Edward,
Let our Children Go by Ted Patrick, (talks about how people get brain washed-Children joining cults and how to break them from their cult mindset)
Cancer-The Forbidden Cures by M. Mazzucco,
The Dallas Buyers Club, (Both DVD's explain how cures are hidden by our government.)
Netflix: The Wave, also known as The Third Wave and We are the Wave, https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a30152438/we-are-the-wave-netflix-true-story-experiment-nazi-germany/
That's so true. It is really scary how many people cannot think and feel normally, even in the sense of having watched cop and detective shows enough to assess for motive, means and opportunity. My first inkling that something wasn't right, much later than many people, was when Trump tried to talk about hydroxychloriquine and some kind of nebulized treatment and the media went ballistic with every platform nailing him for suggesting that people drink bleach. When I heard Dr. Kory on Dark Horse, at that point it was obvious. Dr. Varon hadn't had a day off in 400 days, Dr. Kory went into the inferno of NYC to help and Dr. Marik was trying to save patients in Virginia. Their attackers were affiliated with corporations making trillions or worked for those corporations. Like duh. Obvious as to motives. Why would these medical professionals and journalists sacrifice their careers to grift or lie? Makes no sense, intellectually or emotionally, but whatever has happened to people---mass psychosis, childhood vaccine injuries, ideological education, social media, poor diet with toxins---they cannot think or feel in a way that is psychologically healthy, only boundariless, online hysterias and infantilization. Pharma is pharma, corporations are corporations and will follow perverse incentives, but what has happened to people?
Last I heard, we're not liars, we're sheep. That's why they call us misinformation spreaders, not disinformation spreaders or malinformation spreaders.
Apparently we're just gullible whack jobs ready to believe any old, or new, bullshit.
Yup, the 3. All or singularly: power, control money.
Malhotra has spoken about why he was initially fooled and he has taken great risks to make amends.
Dr. Thorpe makes a very valid point- that even innocuous OTC vitamins and herbs carry pregnancy/breast feeding warnings on them. these mRNA shots were never tested on pregnant women before being heavily pushed on them.
my health coach told me almost 2 years ago now that they were messing with women's hormones. her small boutique practice had at that point seen two odd miscarriages and one post menopausal woman with menstrual bleeding. on that basis my doctor's office would neither recommend or give the shots. i don't know if they advised against them. she was speaking to me because i asked her point blank what her position was.
I would say that we all need to acknowledge Tucker Carlson and his "pushing the envelope" against his boss at Fox. It appears he is constantly leveraging his popularity (read: revenue for the network) against management's desire to shut him up (and fire him). I'm sure he took all kinds of heat for having Peter McCullough on a couple of times. It will be interesting to see to what extent (or even if) he is allowed to cover the 40,000+ hours of January 6 tapes like he promised a week ago; crickets since then.
It’s very worth the watch - love Ed Dowd
Thanks, Paul, for bringing more attention to the work of these doctors. The numbers speak for themselves. It was a big deal that Tucker Carlson gave this doctor six or so minutes on his show.
On this issue, I am constantly met with survivor bias. “Well so and so got pregnant and had a baby with no issues so it’s fine” Thankfully I know many jabbed who have had complete pregnancies with no complications in the infant (yet or that they are aware of)
The real concern is that the females are sterilised in the womb before being born and this may take 20 years to show up. A species and society can repopulate with few males but not with few fertile females..
Reducing both current and future proportions of fertile females is imperative for depopulation in order to cut emissions and save the planet from climate change.
Oh I don’t doubt there will be long term problems manifest over time. Simply relaying the reactions I receive and my anecdotal observations. The signal will not be acknowledged until it’s a five alarm fire
I would say that it already is. It's just that no one is calling the fire department (MSM).
Most of humanity is so irremediably stupid, probably not even then.
Apparently that's the very strong suspicion based on the evidence. The infant girls that have been born since the shot rolled out are sterile and there is going to be many, many millions, or billions, of them and they will all be childless.
If the planet can be depopulated by culling as many as possible of the carbon footprint generator while also sterilising as many as possible, C02 levels will eventually fall and, even though the small window of time we had to take urgent action or an irreversible tipping point would be reached that would see us transitioning to the climate and atmosphere of Venus passed decades ago, according to alarmists of the past, this will prevent doomsday.
They're culling and sterilising us with the shots for the good of the planet.
This green ideology will kill far, far, far more than Hitler, Stalin, Mao and GW Bush combined.
The only ones needing extermination are the psychopathic eugenicists.
Give them time... The injections have been in widespread use for what? 18 months? Give them time.. I fully expect a mortality rate across the West this time next year if not by the end of this year, of 30%.
PS I recall a horror story from many years ago on the CBC of all places, of widespread cervical cancer as a result of women taking the HPV vaccine -- in their daughters... 😳
The drug used years ago was DES Diethylstilbestrol. It was used to prevent recurrent miscarriage and gave rise to several specific cancers. However you are correct that HPV vaccines have are causing long term autoimmune diseases . I haven’t come across much info, but it appears there have also been deaths.
My stepson and wife had a baby about a year ago.. they both took the Lethal Injection, "condition of employment" doncha know, Dear... I tried to warn them, they wouldn't listen...
They're both fine it would seem, and Emelia Grace is fine, but I couldn't help but think, looking at her face just after she was born, how much she resembled those "black eyed babies" spoken of in whispers amongst the more extreme Conspiracy Theorists...
Google "Black-eyed babies"; see what you find. It's creepy.
That circulated a while ago, I remember seeing it in 2021....and it seems forgotten or down other rabbit holes that I'm no longer seeing. Is it still being talked about?
In various places.. But I'm into some pretty odd stories, I must admit.. I try not to take all of them seriously...
OTOH when you start learning about "adenochrome" and "spirit cooking" and "child-trafficking" and realize Jeffrey Epstein was in fact merely a Limited Hangout... 😳
Here's something posted at Unz.com nearly a decade ago: https://www.unz.com/article/pizzagate/ When you come to the little smiling child taped to the table, it will freeze your blood...
Even creepier if you type back eye adrenochrome.
Back in the day, loads of pregnant women who took thalidomide had perfectly healthy looking babies.
Good for them. What about the babies born without arms and or legs?
Don't go there.
The company that made Thalidomide worked for Hitler.
I believe it was Dr. Ryan Cole with Del Bigtree that analyzed samples of the vax. The one consistent thing about the vaccine he said was it inconsistency. That is, the vaxes are consistently inconsistent in their contents. It is said some vaccines were just saline, some had graphene oxide etc... We don't really know what is in each vaccine. There were more than just three companies making the vaccines. Pfizer and Moderna get a lot of media but there were about a dozen more companies making these vaccines in a rushed manner. Do you know the content sheet of paper that accompanies the vaccine in the box that was sent to doctors/pharmacies was left blank "on purpose"? So yeah I do think a lot of the vaccines were indeed harmless. But who wants to play russian roulette with their health. https://rumble.com/v25ln74-dr.-ryan-cole-and-del-bigtree-investigate-covid-vaccines-in-dr.-coles-labor.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2
Here are some links to videos of Melissa Strickler - Whistle Blower of Pfizer - Ms. Strickler says some of covid shots are from China and they can glow in the dark like a glo stick and by the way I doubt Trump took a shot made in China.
Overall there has been talk that some batches were worse than other batches and some states got on purpose more toxic batches of the shots. People can look up their batch number if they want on How Bad is My Batch and How Bad
With that being said please understand that if something you eat, or consume in any way is not toxic then you body will just pass it out in a few days. It doesn't stay in your body unless it is toxic, as your body has a harder time getting rid of toxins. They can't have a vaccine be only effective for a few days. It won't make it on the market if a vaccine is only effective a few days. VACCINES HAVE TO HAVE TOXINS IN IT TO LAST LONGER IN YOUR BODY!!! ALSO TOXINS CAN ACCUMULATE IN THE BODY AND CAUSE LONG TERM CHRONIC ILLNESSES!!! Doctors generally don't investigate why a person presents in their office with a medical problem, they are trained just to treat the problem.
Please get a copy of The Poisoned Needle, the Suppressed Facts about Vaccination by Eleanor McBean. "Vaccination induces and acute and specific disease (resembling smallpox) and also aggravates existent latent diseases. The absorption of the vaccine virus into the circulation excites the virus already in the system, and nature rebels, as it were, and makes an effort to throw the poison out of the body. When there is sufficient vitality (of the body), it will be successful. But when there is a lack of vitality, or low state of health, there is a little or no external manifestation in the shape of blisters, pustules, or eruptions. In this case the poison sinks in, or is absorbed, and remains in the body, and later develops into some organic disease, generally of the respiratory organs. "..... THAT IS VACCINES CAN CREATE LONG TERM CHRONIC HEALTH PROBLEMS.
They often put heavy metals in vaccines to create vaccine memory in the body. When I had my kids, parents had started to become aware of mercury that was put in kids vaccines and parents complained. So like the world we have been living in for quite sometime, what did the manufacturers/doctors tell the parents? They told parents there was thimerosal in the vaccine. Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative. They didn't change anything up. They just changed the name. Put a new cover on the shot. Then parents complained again. So they stopped for the most part putting mercury in the vaccine and put aluminum in it. Aluminum is another heavy metal, another NEUROTOXIN! NEUROTOXINS AFFECTS PEOPLE NEUROLOGICALLY OF COURSE!!!! Do people always see an immediate effect from the jab. Not necessarily, but there are a lot of parents that say they saw an immediate effect after their child was injected with these heavy metals. Of course these parents were hushed up. People really need to understand all shots have the potential to be toxic. All shots if it stays in the body more than a couple of days have something in it to create vaccine memory. All shots can have the potential to harm your body slowly. So again I can't emphasize this enough, shots can lead to chronic health conditions. Doesn't have to be a quick death from a shot but a slow lingering decline in health.
Am I saying then NO vaccine should be given? If there was a true pandemic, and we really didn't have any way to combat the deadly new illness, maybe. Depends on the person. How healthy are their kidneys ETC?. Can their body handle the toxin in the shot or are they better off risking the illness and taking preventative measures and early treatment, or normal treatment (such as ANTIBIOTICS IF IT BECOMES A BACTERIAL INFECTION ETC). All doctors should be talking about the risk versus benefit of getting the shot. This generally does not happen as doctors most times don't get trained properly to have this discussion with their patient as their med school they went to was captured by Big Pharma years before they even stepped foot in the school. By the way, early treatment and normal treatment was suppressed during the covid plandemic on purpose. Doctors/pharmacies were complicit in these crimes against humanity resulting I believe in millions dying needlessly.
I believe Kissinger is turning 100 in May. My Mom's birthday was in May but she passed in October. My Mom believed in getting all the shots. I could not change her mind. I think my Mom is no longer here and Kissinger is still alive has a lot to do with she got way more toxic shots during her life than he did. Oh and Kissinger attended the last world meeting of the elites.
It was reported Kissinger said (but fake checkers deny it), " Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it’s game over. They will accept anything – forcible blood or organ donation – ‘for the greater good’. We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- ‘for the greater good’. Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It’s a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services….’”
Recommended books to read (besides The Poisoned Needle) and films to see: Murder by Injection:The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America by Eustance Clarence Mullins,
Dr. Mary's Monkeys by Haslem, Edward,
Let our Children Go by Ted Patrick, (talks about how people get brain washed-Children joining cults and how to break them from their cult mindset)
Turtles all the way down: Vaccine Science and Myth
by Anonymous , Zoey O'Toole
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health-from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years
by Paul Thomas M.D. and Jennifer Margulis (Dr. Thomas is/was a pediatrician that allowed parents to make up their own mind to vaccinate their child or not. Some kids got no vaxes, some kids got some vaxes and some got the vax schedule. Over time he realized the unvax kids were way healthier than the vaxed kids. He had someone else look at the date he had accumulated over time and they agreed. He talked about it. Big Pharma didn't like that. Then he wrote a book and had his med license taken away.
DVDs:/shows to watch:
Cancer-The Forbidden Cures by M. Mazzucco,
The Dallas Buyers Club, (Both DVD's explain how cures are hidden by our government.)
Netflix: The Wave, also known as The Third Wave and We are the Wave, https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a30152438/we-are-the-wave-netflix-true-story-experiment-nazi-germany/
Thanks for sharing and caring and for thinking of others and for all your hard work Dorothy.
"hang them high"
Agreed. Trials will reveal that some made honest mistakes but others actively perpetrated a cold-blooded fraud that murdered untold millions. When the perpetrators realize that their denials are falling on deaf ears, they will gladly go to trial where they hope to escape by offering legal bribes for our silence. That must not happen. To accept those bribes is to become their accomplices, not just in this mass murder, but in the next as well.
You won't get apologies because they are afraid of lawsuits. the majority of doctors are cowards. I would go for remedial action before an apology if I had been injured. In our beach community of 225 cottages 8 people have had heart attacks in the past 1.5 years..
I’m with you. Public hangings 👎🏻
I am not a physician, but since there are two opinions to the discussion, would it not be safer to not get the jab, as the risk of death is so low? I am of the opinion no one should have taken the death shots, but if you are pregnant, why not look at the death rates? Your answer is there.
Thank you to Dr. Thorpe and all MD's pushing the truth!!!
No apology will happen. Only double down. Disgusting
We're getting there. Taking awhile. However they tried to scam the whole freaken world. I'm sure they have been doing it for quite some time, but scamming the whole world!!!. Did they really think they would get away with that. Instead I think they are proceeding to wake the world up instead. Last night Woody Harrelson Monologue on SNL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8LX8MQMrag
If your desire is to slow or reverse population growth, no better way to do it then eliminate the probability of consistent reproduction. Older people will die off and older women can not usually have babies. Those mRNA spike proteins are some real nasty critters and I fear the worst is yet to come.