Unfortunately, I’m a senior citizen on a limited income. I really can’t afford to pay for information. I really appreciate those that allow me to read without a pay wall. True patriots in my opinion.

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Me too Te! They say “for the cost of a Starbucks each week... “ I can’t even afford a damn Starbucks once a month 🤣 Thanks Joe!!

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Sasha done some amazing work on the dangers of vaccines. I take it one step further and ask “do we even need vaccines?”


We have medical treatments that can heal in the event of sickness, so why vaccinate? Especially when the risk/benefit ratio isn’t worth it -- especially for children

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Yes I’ve wondered about all vaccines ever since I read that the statistics for (?) Florida showed that when fewer parents took their children to be vaccinated because of covid, there were also fewer sudden infant deaths 🤔 The % of each didn’t correlate exactly .. It was something like 20% fewer parents had their children vaccinated, and 15% fewer children died of cot death (SID).... close enough to need investigating though.

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you're spot on! when we look closely into the science and medicine practiced, we start to realize that it's not about health, but more about profits. that's how our industry was built.

i talk about this in my book and also in my article here:


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Whether we need vaccines or not they can always be mandated. The Western democracies like the US 🐏🐑🐏🐑 are not communist dictatorships like China where the rulers feared what the reaction of the people would be if they were to attempt to mandate mRNA jabs.

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agreed -- we've become very passive here in the states. that's due to years and years of mkultra mind control that has made extremly docile: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-success-of-mk-ultra#details

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The money honey.

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Yes, sure, find out what he knew, but as I understand it, Malone took the vaccine, and had his eyes opened when he was injured by it. Seems a pretty good explanation to me. I’m really sad at the infighting, but continue to read all of you anyway.

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What was in the so called vaxx Malone took?

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As far as I remember, he looked it up on a website showing which batches caused most of the injuries. He found that the batch he had was a particularly bad one. I think he said he felt he had escaped lightly because he was lucky enough to have a good heart person to help him. He seemed to think he could have died otherwise.

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Dr, I am no authority on this topic, but I just wanted to add that I recall an interview with Dr Malone I believe back in 2020 where he said his work on MRNA was intended to repair broken DNA in cases of CF or other diseases that harmed individuals. His emphasis was on protecting and fixing DNA that needed to be repaired. He stressed that he had no idea other people would use his research to make vaccines for healthy people. I think this was on Dr Weinstein’s show. So many interviews have been censored that it’s difficult to find those early shows. Dr Malone was concerned that he has no control over how other actors misused his findings.

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Couple of things about “Dr” Jane Ruby. She is not a medical doctor. She has degrees but she is not a medical doctor. I initially followed her because I was in search of information. But what I found was that she was hostile in her responses, she took lots of sexy pictures of herself with a stethoscope and she called herself a doctor which is misleading- just like “Dr” Jill Biden. Just don’t find her credible in this sea of trying to figure out who is telling the truth and who is not. Needless to say, I stopped following her a long time ago.

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I’m with you Elizabeth. I think Ruby is a huge fraud. She can’t even pronounce the medical jargon she uses 🤣 There are too many other legit sources to waste time on her.

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Malone appears to be as crazy as a loon. It looks like he's suffering from querulous or litigous paranoia. He's raving on, yada yada, about the CIA and psyops and controlled opposition etc etc etc. That's exactly what paranoiacs rave on about. Plus DARPA, DoD etc. Real whack job stuff. He seems very paranoid. And people with litigous paranoia sue people. Malone appears to think his critics are CIA operatives and also appears to think he has proven, or at least provided hard evidence, that Jane Ruby has a history of falsifying data for Big Pharma. It's not impossible that he's right. Having just one mRNA shot causes madness in some people and it's possible Malone has had two. It hasn't affected his intelligence though. Get the popcorn. I'm sure Malone has more shots in his locker . He hasn't come out all guns blazing yet.

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I disagree. I think his writing is quite well done and he is does not sound "crazy as a loon".

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He is highly intelligent and he writes well but he has proven himself to be a vexatious litigant who launches doomed to fail lawsuits and who is now espousing the same sort of conspiratorial themes as many of his critics among the readers of these stacks who clearly are nut jobs.

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With all due respect, Dr. Alexander, your argument, as always, is as silly as “we want justice for the men who invented the handgun” because of all the lives lost through murder with the handgun.

You are an angry man focusing on the wrong thing and it’s too bad because I believe you get it right on a host of other issues and will keep following you because of that. I don’t mind being in the jury when Malone presents his arguments and you present yours, however, you have a weaker argument when it comes to who’s to blame for all the death and disability attributed to the MRNA shots.

My focused anger (and why not yours?) is on the people (governments included) who mandated the shot, who locked communities down and thus people loosing their businesses, there jobs, time with their loved ones! Many of my family and some friends chose to get the shot - the beauty of free will - and that was their choice. I have yet to find a video of Malone putting a gun to someone’s head requiring “them” to inject an experimental drug into “their” body. I have yet to find a video of Malone requiring anyone to any medical procedure.

Trump pushes the shot and I don’t blame him for people’s deaths. I’m certainly not happy with his stance on the “vaccine” and he may pay for that stance at the ballot box but Trump has WAY more to do with these deadly shots than Malone ever will! Lastly, I’m way more angry with Trump (even though I voted for him twice) for allowing the CDC, FDA, NIH, etc... go rogue I.e squashing early treatment - ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, Zelenko protocol, etc... and that, my friend, is where the blame lies as far as deaths go!!

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I agree with your arguments, Dr. Alexander. Dealing with these dangerous individuals requires equally powerful strategies, possibly through special tribunals with unlimited powers of retribution.

- Luc

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Dec 29, 2023
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Stop the fear porn please 🙄

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Dec 29, 2023
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I agree totally. The flip flopping is ridiculous and now so many are selling more pharmaceuticals (supplements have risks and side effects too lol). One guy in the movement I used to follow is now speaking about alien creatures. You can’t make this stuff up! Oh…. Ya can lol!

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