Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, MD, Stanford, Epidemiologist & health economist; I know Jay, worked with him, published with him & while I have spoken out against the COVID mRNA gene injections in toto & said
Jay was wrong in support of the shots e.g. in elderly, I have seen some substack people & sick morons out there attacking, insulting, smearing him, a good man, brilliant; I say to you, FUCK off! Leave
that shit behind, this is a good man, good scientist, smart, smarter than most, God fearing, best father, husband, I am proud he is a friend and will not stand by as you little pusillanimous substackers, you keyboard warrior lowlife freaks, living in mommy’s basement in your crocks, have not taken a shower in months, can’t even get a job and earn a wage, attack a good man when it is the likes of him who across 4 years who has stood up…while you stroked yourself. You loser. A wanna be.
When you can show us your real name, your real face, when you can lay out the science and facts, not using other people’s, when you can come up with an original thought, and not use other people’s work, and explain how you have the right to talk smack on Jay, when you like have an IQ of 3 as you steal and pimp off even Jay’s work…you weakling. It is so amazing these weakling ‘hidden’ people, how they give themselves the license to attack others, other good people like Jay…all they do is write smack all day long on any and everything, just bitch bitch bitch and have nothing original to show…have done nothing in the COVID fight but bitch on what others have done…just type…and bang their teddy bears at night (poor teddy, all its fur now missing) as cannot even go out into the real world…
so this stack is simply to say to these losers and they know who they are, that I stand for and with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (as I stand with Dr. Drew Pinsky, Dr. Kelly Victory, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. James Thorp, Dr. Peter McCullough as we support The Wellness Company (TWC.health)…until you show your face and name you weakling, and allow people like Jay to defend his good name when you smear him (as you smear Drew and McCullough you wanna be faceless nameless nobody), you are nothing other than a freak loser…you are what is all wrong today living in your twisted mind…a nothing, a nobody…likely still sleeping in mommy’s bed, and importantly, you do not matter. We want you to show your face and name, so we can have the same privilege as you, to return what you do in kind. To you….We are equal opportunity that way.
And I know you know who I refer to and let me clue you in, come closer, a little closer, come on, closer, ssshhh, do not tell anyone, when you attack me, I get 100 more subscribers that day and most are from your group…he he he and some even pay…he he he….so keep at it. I love you for that. Hugs.
Jay is a good man, bright, made mistakes like we all do and he is coming around on the shots. I will defend him all day long and did not and do not agree with his initial statements but if you knew what he and family endured at Stanford after he put out the Great Barrington you will feel very sorry
If memory serves, both Dr. Bhattacharya and Dr. McCullough provided expert witness testimony to the Supreme Court that helped to strike down the OSHA employer vaccine mandate. We should all be grateful.