
Jay is a good man, bright, made mistakes like we all do and he is coming around on the shots. I will defend him all day long and did not and do not agree with his initial statements but if you knew what he and family endured at Stanford after he put out the Great Barrington you will feel very sorry

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If memory serves, both Dr. Bhattacharya and Dr. McCullough provided expert witness testimony to the Supreme Court that helped to strike down the OSHA employer vaccine mandate. We should all be grateful.

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yes we should and this stack today was to hit at those fu****s who are envious, sit in mommy's basement playing with themselves the entire day, banging at their keyboards, read our stuff, then write as they know shit, and impugns the character of Drew, McCullough, Jay, Foster, you, me, Sasha etc. and others who have been fighting day one, they have done nothing but play with themselves and their molested teddy bears with holes in the crotch area and patches of fur missing all over, sick twisted freaks like many of our medical doctors and scientists in COVID, and want to talk smack when they have no idea what hardships people face and threats...these low life key board pukes dont know many times I am on stage and some others, because of how blunt we are and punishing with the data and facts we have police, law enforcement advising us and at times need to wear a bullet proof vest. they dont know that and why? to get the word out to help others...

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No wish to attack, but to call him 'brilliant' after initially, and very wrongly, endorsing the genetic jabs is a little too much. After all, us 'dummies' had easily figured it out by then.

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yes, but I have questioned him on it, he is not there today and we need judge someone by arc of their life...but you need to support or agree and even dislike him...I am talking to those who make it personal and dont know him and all he does and he does real good...I dont agree 100% that it ever worked but I worked with him and met with him several times, on occasions and this is a damn good human being, and the faculty at Stanford smeared and attacked him...with actions placing him and family at risk...our own colleagues are the most dangerous to us, university profs etc. , due to my work for Trump I got worst death threats from University faculty

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I do support what he says now, or anyone else speaking loudly out regarding the mRNA abominations.

An off-topic rant:

If the cabal/globalists are to be defeated we must all stand together, including left and right. I do not mean the sell-out democrat politicians, but the grass-roots. The ones that would not let their kids within a million miles of conventionally grown food, preferring to spend money to buy them only the cleanest organic food. They would not go near a cigarette or alcohol if pregnant.

When they realise they've been fatally duped by the people they trusted they're going to be mad, big time. There must be a good few who have already come to this conclusion. If the right continue calling them stupid sheep, which indeed they were, winning will be much more difficult.

They split us up by focussing on certain issues which provoke a visceral emotional response, such as abortion or gun control. I would argue all other issues are vastly less important than stopping the mRNA 'technologies'. At present no one knows the fallout from, eg. propagating prion proteins, or mRNA contaminated blood/food supply. One thing is certain, the less organisms injected with these things the safer we all are.

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It is worth noting that America's Frontline Doctors were not unanimously on the same page concerning the covid vaccines. Some thought that noone should take it. Some thought that maybe very high risk patients could benefit from it. That was before we had solid evidence about the toxicity of the spike protein. The main concern was that it could backfire and have negative efficacy, but it wasn't really on people's minds that it would directly cause deaths all by itself. Fog of war. By end of April 2021 we had solid evidence the spike protein was toxic. By then VAERS was dinging through the roof with safety signals. And Biden was occupying the stolen White House. Here's the document: https://drelef.org/zelenko/white-papers/afd-paper-on-experimental-vaccines.pdf

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Do you happen to know the publication date of the linked AFLDS White Paper?

I was curious to know that before reading, scanned the document quickly and then once again more carefully, and could not find that date. (I apologize if I'm somehow overlooking it and am wasting your time by asking.)

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Being A Doctor

Ain’t What It Used To Be.

Unfortunately Being A Patient

Still Is.


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“have not taken a shower in months” 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😛sorry laughing so hard my stomach acid🤮

“…just type…and bang their teddy bears at night (poor teddy, all its fur now missing)” 😆🥹😜😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤮whoops sorry


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This is why Theodor Arkoudovic now has their own nuclear arsenal. (you need to translate "bear" to Greek to get to the haha moment)

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Sounds like your having fun and letting it out. Nothing is wrong with that. This is your substack and if people don’t agree they can move on.

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I admire a person who will come forward & admit they were wrong.

We need more doctors & health professionals to come forward, but if they see others just getting roasted for doing so then they won’t, and that only hurts all of us because we need unity now more than ever in this country.

The NWO elite tyrants are doing anything & everything to keep us divided & distracted from all the evil stuff they are doing behind the scenes?!

I agree that every doctor that KNEW & still profited off of the jabs should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

But doctors have always trusted the CDC & NIH as their peers & rarely doubted their integrity, just like we use to trust the nightly news until we all got the internet?!?

I respect a doctor or anyone who is willing to admit they were wrong, that’s an honest doctor.

For the haters out there: Stop pretending you were never wrong in your life?!

Let’s unite people who are honest & even took the jabs because they thought they were doing the right thing & now worried about their future, I have friends & family that took the jabs that I love & pray nothing bad happens to them.

Also remember the Left uses bots to purposefully stir up hate among us, so be aware of that & just block the “hatred trolls”.

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Jay is a god man, father, human being.

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I obviously do not know him like you do but I know many good & intelligent people who were fooled into taking the jabs & now wish they hadn’t.

As I stated before I have respect for most people who come forward & admit they were wrong.

We truly need to unite as many good & Godly people as we can.

The evil elite tyrants want us divided & fearful & full of hatred, attacking each other instead of them.

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done more in this battle than most and lost lots.

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That's a tough one, doc. How can I support anyone who told people to take a bioweapon?

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