There was no pandemic. They murdered people. Couey is 100% correct, we had NO pandemic, no COVID pandemic, it was Fraud lie, all of it & they KILLED PEOPLE in US with OWS & Malone mRNA vaccine (NED)
This is important. J J COUEY does not Fck around. He's at least as smart as anyone in this fight... maybe the smartest of them all. His integrity is stainless, and his presentations are very entertaining. If you want to get smarter, check out this fine man's work.
I agree. He asks all the important questions, and it really makes one wonder why the whole medical freedom movement has turned their backs on him. I do think he is downplaying the danger of the vax in favour of his own hypothesis about why people died, - but who knows maybe he's right.
Well Couey has come to the point where he doubts the theory of evolution, so as an eager proponent of intelligent design, I too think he is smarter than most :-)
We have had a biowar conducted on us by our own government and governments across the world. Years later, still many people haven't figured it out yet. Frustrating, but I am thankful for the people have have figured it out.
yes, our governments did this to us and did in the is time I and you spoke it raw...Operations paper clip, Gulf of Tonkin, northwoods, sea-spray etc. our governments delivered active pathogen on unsuspecting populations, and created deadly wars etc. that killed innocent people
People did get sick, though. And it was not the flu. Was it necessary for lockdowns and mandatory vaccines? No. Could the hospitals and doctors treat the disease without the lockdowns and vaccines? Yes.
Yes people were sick, as one is when being poisoned with some new man made weapon.. Whatever they called it was part of the psyop. After years of making horror films, they knew how to take the familiar and morph it into something monstrous enough to provoke fear and trauma. Which became irrational acceptance of all the handler’s / director's irrational treatments and measures.
I think that too. People did get sick with something, whether you can see the virus under a microscope or not. Way too many family members/couples saying they got sick and a couple days later someone else in their household was sick with the same symptoms. That part I do disagree with.
likely a chemical, toxin, poison...I do not buy a virus anymore...I do not buy anything but yes, dark evil beasts did something and we must hang them one day...after courts but hang them...they knew...all linked to COVD fraud and the vaccine
It wouldn’t surprise me if people were injected with something in a flu vaccine that then created the idea of a pandemic…..or put into the waters …..something was deployed 😐I asked Divine Father what is the energy of these vaccines and I received the word reptilian in my spirit and then was gifted with the image of snake skin scales ….so I did not take the vaccines and have suffered financially yet it appears that is little in compared to the death and destruction caused by these poisons ☠️
True, there was NO PANDEMIC! Nothing but lies to see how far they could get pushing a cold/common flu as a deadly communicable disease. Then, miraculously, a “vaccine” that will protect you!
The so-called monkeypox prodrome is almost indistinguishable from what covid is like for most, just like the so-called HIV prodrome that happens 3 weeks after the so-called infection.
But they are putting the fear into gay and bisexual men, and intravenous drug users, frightening them, telling them not to share needles, and that they may infect their wives and that they need to be monogamous or abstinent or to wear condoms and not go to bathhouses etc otherwise they and their wives could break out in pustules or in 7 years time develop "AIDS, for which, just like all other so-called "viral infections," no virus has ever been cultured in pure form according to Koch's postulates.
There is no HIV, there is no AIDS, there is no MPOX, there is no COVID.
actually, there is no common cold or flu.
I wish you were in charge of public health policy Annie so people could just get on with their lives without all the fear mongering going on.
one of the best posts AWN, sarcasm, intellect, all of it. bisexual males are one of the gravest threats to health and well-being in any society with their lurid feral banal sordid freak filthy lifestyles and high risk behavior that place their often-monogamous woman or wife at home who is at near zero risk...these freaks did this with HIV, take the political correctness out of the debate, sanction their penis male anus filth as they risk expanding pathogen into low risk general populations. during HIV, I was part of 2nd generation surveillance teams and we saw HIV and other STDs THAT were never in women, appearing in pregnant, ante-natal, pre-natal, post and peri-natal women...we knew the bisexual bastards were fornicating with her after visiting the gay bathhouses with Barry and Big Mike...this is a very serious statement I make backed up with solid 2nd generation and 3rd generation behavioral risk data we collected in Canada, US, across the globe, they also share high-risk paraphernalia like injecting needles etc.
Very well said Paul. You have done very good work in public health as well as research criticism and it is unfortunate that although you can lead a horse to water, the horse has to want to drink. Thank you for recognizing, and you are good at that, that my post was in jest and in no way advocating for high risk behavior.
Thank you, AWN! It’s common sense! I never was a vaxxer( when I was a kid (1950-60) I had a total of 5-6 “vaccines” . When I was 16 I had a tetanus shot ( my mother insisted. She being German and lived in Nuremberg during WWII only knew of lots of disease at that time .
Since then I had a flu shot in 1996
only because my ex-husband demanded my youngest have a flu shot, I took one because she was having a conniption getting a shot.
After that in 2018 I took a pneumonia 💉shot ( I’m one of those seniors who is suppose to “susceptible” to pneumonia 🤔.
Then in 2019 ( pre-COVID) during my “Wellness” exam ( seniors are encouraged to do this foolish exam I.e. drawing a clock and the practitioner telling what time to put on the drawing.
Anyway,I told the knucklehead ,I took the supposed “only” one I would need last year!
Anyway, she left the room and then sat there &said to myself I was being foolish.
Well she came back in the room &U told her ai would take the shot. She was giddy! Left the room & jabbed💉me.
I had all the symptoms the medical community claimed were common side affects of the poison jabs. 🤔
So, after that I was determined I would not take a “covid” jab.
Never have & never will take another jab.
I’ve changed Docs since then and love my Doctor. She knows how I feel about “vaccines” and never pushes them!
I know my Rx’s are probably not the best thing, I take three Rx’s but, I always say to her when she inquires about my “supply” reply “”I’m good on my BRAIN KILLERS”.She understands.
She’s a great doc. My mother was her first patient when she opened her practice. She thought the world of my mother❤️. We’ll talk for at least 10 minutes about whatever. She also, complimented me and said I”You are a very nice lady”…
I'm glad you have a good doctor. I hope you stay away from "covid" and that you are able to get some sun, although not too much, and that you do some exercise that your doctor says is okay, have some social outings and do things you enjoy.
Paul we may disagree on TRUMP and that can be debated and the truth shall be in the pudding!? Must admit I agree with you on the SCAMDEMIC. I said from start a flu grabbed hold of for an evil agenda! A group of people have got together in Scotland and going to have a SCOTTISH PEOPLES COVID INQUIRY! Hope other countries follow it!?
84 'The elderly in care homes are being abandoned like lambs to the slaughter', The Daily Mail, 13 April 2020 ... Most care home staff and managers interviewed by ...
9 Aug 2020 — Warnings had piled up for years that nursing homes were vulnerable. The pandemic sent them to the back of the line for equipment and care.
By Roy R M McIntosh
After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!
Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…
So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!
Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.
I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!
In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?
This doctor here in Canuckistan has been persecuted by the damned CYSTem as well as by the usual prejudicially biased courts that are filled with dead head pea brained hoplophobic twits. They work by using the process as the punishment and also function illegally using prejudicially biased corrupt bureauCRAPS, police, (OPP) and court officials. Justice up here is an extinct entity when it is weaponized against conservatives and legal firearms owners. The irony is the same damned corrupt CYSTem is favorable to criminals with their catch and release program that releases violent criminals.
I know of a three year old girl who was abducted, raped, and murdered by a sex offender LET OUT BY DAMNED AIRHEADS OF THE SAME MAKE AND MODEL THAT NOW HAVE INFILTRATED THE CORRUPT COURT CYSTEM TO A LARGE DEGREE WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS. I KNOW HER FATHER WELL. These parole libbie loons need to be tried for murder and executed!!! I HAVE NAMES!!!!
Right Donna, Ruth? I can name a dozen of the bastards in a few bureauCRAPcies including the OPP!!
This form of murder was for POPULATION REDUCTION ALONE, reduction of usless eaters, do you remember the movie SOILENT GREEN caskets went into the factory, and little green chips were produced for the grocery store YUMMY BUDDY don't cause farts loke good old fassion steak of BBQ pork ribs
Come on Kennedy. Here comes your hero music to my ears? Did he forget Couey? Let’s see if he has a real conscience. No matter how out there and I don’t think Couey is at all, Kennedy hopefully will bring Couey back in some way. This waiting to get confirmed while people die and soft peddling the narrative for years puts me in the same camp as Couey…..impatient, mad as hell, potty mouth could be triggered, distrust for incoming new “Hero’s”. Why do we need billions of dollars and AI to tell us how people are being harmed, murdered? I know investors and stake holder’s need ways to make big money. “STOP LYING “ , JJ Couey. Jesus Christ, save us from ourselves…..even dogs are now suffering, have neurological autistic symptoms and die from fricking flea medication. Shanahan said it on Megan Kelly….Moratorium on MRNA! 🙏 GRAMAZON here.
go to JJ Couey's sites and listen, get informed, hear his views, he is wicked smart. on all COVID and someone I greatly admire.
go to JJ Couey here, master site:
Thank you for links, this Stack and for unceasing efforts to shine light!!
This is important. J J COUEY does not Fck around. He's at least as smart as anyone in this fight... maybe the smartest of them all. His integrity is stainless, and his presentations are very entertaining. If you want to get smarter, check out this fine man's work.
Thanks for giving him the attention Dr. Paul!
smartest of them all...I love the guy
yes, you will get educated...he was sidelined by the Freedom Movement because he is smarter than they and does not hold words
I agree. He asks all the important questions, and it really makes one wonder why the whole medical freedom movement has turned their backs on him. I do think he is downplaying the danger of the vax in favour of his own hypothesis about why people died, - but who knows maybe he's right.
because he is smarter, wiser, and firm...he is right...hovering over targets
Well Couey has come to the point where he doubts the theory of evolution, so as an eager proponent of intelligent design, I too think he is smarter than most :-)
Excellent writing.
We have had a biowar conducted on us by our own government and governments across the world. Years later, still many people haven't figured it out yet. Frustrating, but I am thankful for the people have have figured it out.
yes, our governments did this to us and did in the is time I and you spoke it raw...Operations paper clip, Gulf of Tonkin, northwoods, sea-spray etc. our governments delivered active pathogen on unsuspecting populations, and created deadly wars etc. that killed innocent people
People did get sick, though. And it was not the flu. Was it necessary for lockdowns and mandatory vaccines? No. Could the hospitals and doctors treat the disease without the lockdowns and vaccines? Yes.
boom boom...yes, some high risk died but it was the dislocation, terror, isolation, and medical treatment killed most
Yes people were sick, as one is when being poisoned with some new man made weapon.. Whatever they called it was part of the psyop. After years of making horror films, they knew how to take the familiar and morph it into something monstrous enough to provoke fear and trauma. Which became irrational acceptance of all the handler’s / director's irrational treatments and measures.
There was nothing there. People were brainwashed to think they were sick. It was all in their heads. See my reply to Annie.
I think that too. People did get sick with something, whether you can see the virus under a microscope or not. Way too many family members/couples saying they got sick and a couple days later someone else in their household was sick with the same symptoms. That part I do disagree with.
likely a chemical, toxin, poison...I do not buy a virus anymore...I do not buy anything but yes, dark evil beasts did something and we must hang them one day...after courts but hang them...they knew...all linked to COVD fraud and the vaccine
Are you sure they didn't all just imagine they were sick, that it wasn't just all in their heads?
It wouldn’t surprise me if people were injected with something in a flu vaccine that then created the idea of a pandemic…..or put into the waters …..something was deployed 😐I asked Divine Father what is the energy of these vaccines and I received the word reptilian in my spirit and then was gifted with the image of snake skin scales ….so I did not take the vaccines and have suffered financially yet it appears that is little in compared to the death and destruction caused by these poisons ☠️
Maybe listen to some hospital stories.
The Humanity Betrayal Project.
True, there was NO PANDEMIC! Nothing but lies to see how far they could get pushing a cold/common flu as a deadly communicable disease. Then, miraculously, a “vaccine” that will protect you!
Exactly like is happening now with monkeypox.
The so-called monkeypox prodrome is almost indistinguishable from what covid is like for most, just like the so-called HIV prodrome that happens 3 weeks after the so-called infection.
But they are putting the fear into gay and bisexual men, and intravenous drug users, frightening them, telling them not to share needles, and that they may infect their wives and that they need to be monogamous or abstinent or to wear condoms and not go to bathhouses etc otherwise they and their wives could break out in pustules or in 7 years time develop "AIDS, for which, just like all other so-called "viral infections," no virus has ever been cultured in pure form according to Koch's postulates.
There is no HIV, there is no AIDS, there is no MPOX, there is no COVID.
actually, there is no common cold or flu.
I wish you were in charge of public health policy Annie so people could just get on with their lives without all the fear mongering going on.
one of the best posts AWN, sarcasm, intellect, all of it. bisexual males are one of the gravest threats to health and well-being in any society with their lurid feral banal sordid freak filthy lifestyles and high risk behavior that place their often-monogamous woman or wife at home who is at near zero risk...these freaks did this with HIV, take the political correctness out of the debate, sanction their penis male anus filth as they risk expanding pathogen into low risk general populations. during HIV, I was part of 2nd generation surveillance teams and we saw HIV and other STDs THAT were never in women, appearing in pregnant, ante-natal, pre-natal, post and peri-natal women...we knew the bisexual bastards were fornicating with her after visiting the gay bathhouses with Barry and Big Mike...this is a very serious statement I make backed up with solid 2nd generation and 3rd generation behavioral risk data we collected in Canada, US, across the globe, they also share high-risk paraphernalia like injecting needles etc.
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏I applaud you, Dr Paul! Bravo!
All the lurid behavior of the last “regime” ( I want this czar stuff to stop! Administration is the proper word.
Very well said Paul. You have done very good work in public health as well as research criticism and it is unfortunate that although you can lead a horse to water, the horse has to want to drink. Thank you for recognizing, and you are good at that, that my post was in jest and in no way advocating for high risk behavior.
Thank you, AWN! It’s common sense! I never was a vaxxer( when I was a kid (1950-60) I had a total of 5-6 “vaccines” . When I was 16 I had a tetanus shot ( my mother insisted. She being German and lived in Nuremberg during WWII only knew of lots of disease at that time .
Since then I had a flu shot in 1996
only because my ex-husband demanded my youngest have a flu shot, I took one because she was having a conniption getting a shot.
After that in 2018 I took a pneumonia 💉shot ( I’m one of those seniors who is suppose to “susceptible” to pneumonia 🤔.
Then in 2019 ( pre-COVID) during my “Wellness” exam ( seniors are encouraged to do this foolish exam I.e. drawing a clock and the practitioner telling what time to put on the drawing.
Anyway,I told the knucklehead ,I took the supposed “only” one I would need last year!
Anyway, she left the room and then sat there &said to myself I was being foolish.
Well she came back in the room &U told her ai would take the shot. She was giddy! Left the room & jabbed💉me.
I had all the symptoms the medical community claimed were common side affects of the poison jabs. 🤔
So, after that I was determined I would not take a “covid” jab.
Never have & never will take another jab.
I’ve changed Docs since then and love my Doctor. She knows how I feel about “vaccines” and never pushes them!
I know my Rx’s are probably not the best thing, I take three Rx’s but, I always say to her when she inquires about my “supply” reply “”I’m good on my BRAIN KILLERS”.She understands.
She’s a great doc. My mother was her first patient when she opened her practice. She thought the world of my mother❤️. We’ll talk for at least 10 minutes about whatever. She also, complimented me and said I”You are a very nice lady”…
I love her. She cares.
I'm glad you have a good doctor. I hope you stay away from "covid" and that you are able to get some sun, although not too much, and that you do some exercise that your doctor says is okay, have some social outings and do things you enjoy.
Thank you, ANW❣️
There was a virus 🦠 and it’s called money pox of which there is no cure 🥴
Paul we may disagree on TRUMP and that can be debated and the truth shall be in the pudding!? Must admit I agree with you on the SCAMDEMIC. I said from start a flu grabbed hold of for an evil agenda! A group of people have got together in Scotland and going to have a SCOTTISH PEOPLES COVID INQUIRY! Hope other countries follow it!? VIDEO-- SCOTTISH PEOPLES MURDER ( COVID ) INQUIRY!
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Coronavirus could be 'quite useful' to get rid of hospital bed ...
London Evening Standard › News › Health
6 Mar 2020 — A former Scottish government official has said a coronavirus pandemic “would be quite useful” in taking out hospital bed blockers.
Amnesty UK › files
84 'The elderly in care homes are being abandoned like lambs to the slaughter', The Daily Mail, 13 April 2020 ... Most care home staff and managers interviewed by ...
When Covid-19 Hit, Many Elderly Were Left to Die
The New York Times › World › Europe
9 Aug 2020 — Warnings had piled up for years that nursing homes were vulnerable. The pandemic sent them to the back of the line for equipment and care.
By Roy R M McIntosh
After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!
Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…
So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!
Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.
I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!
In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?
thank you, I admire your views, balanced
Hey Paul Scots and Santa is always right ho ho ho
By this time, any informed person is aware of the MEGA-CRIME that the Covid "pandemic" was.
What matters now is what is going to be done in the name of law and justice.
So far under Trump, it's been a BIG FAT ZERO!! They won't even bring it up!
Okay, fine, "it's too early", people say. Yeah, right ... let's then continue patiently observing ...
Oh! And don’t forget the PCR Test! Nothing like a snoot full of graphene oxide!
🤔 Wonder what harm comes from the tests???🤔
97% of all positives were never...PCR is an amplification process
that is all
Wait until they find out that they are injected with neurotoxins
This doctor here in Canuckistan has been persecuted by the damned CYSTem as well as by the usual prejudicially biased courts that are filled with dead head pea brained hoplophobic twits. They work by using the process as the punishment and also function illegally using prejudicially biased corrupt bureauCRAPS, police, (OPP) and court officials. Justice up here is an extinct entity when it is weaponized against conservatives and legal firearms owners. The irony is the same damned corrupt CYSTem is favorable to criminals with their catch and release program that releases violent criminals.
I know of a three year old girl who was abducted, raped, and murdered by a sex offender LET OUT BY DAMNED AIRHEADS OF THE SAME MAKE AND MODEL THAT NOW HAVE INFILTRATED THE CORRUPT COURT CYSTEM TO A LARGE DEGREE WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS. I KNOW HER FATHER WELL. These parole libbie loons need to be tried for murder and executed!!! I HAVE NAMES!!!!
Right Donna, Ruth? I can name a dozen of the bastards in a few bureauCRAPcies including the OPP!!
Jonathan Couey is the GOAT.
This form of murder was for POPULATION REDUCTION ALONE, reduction of usless eaters, do you remember the movie SOILENT GREEN caskets went into the factory, and little green chips were produced for the grocery store YUMMY BUDDY don't cause farts loke good old fassion steak of BBQ pork ribs
Come on Kennedy. Here comes your hero music to my ears? Did he forget Couey? Let’s see if he has a real conscience. No matter how out there and I don’t think Couey is at all, Kennedy hopefully will bring Couey back in some way. This waiting to get confirmed while people die and soft peddling the narrative for years puts me in the same camp as Couey…..impatient, mad as hell, potty mouth could be triggered, distrust for incoming new “Hero’s”. Why do we need billions of dollars and AI to tell us how people are being harmed, murdered? I know investors and stake holder’s need ways to make big money. “STOP LYING “ , JJ Couey. Jesus Christ, save us from ourselves…..even dogs are now suffering, have neurological autistic symptoms and die from fricking flea medication. Shanahan said it on Megan Kelly….Moratorium on MRNA! 🙏 GRAMAZON here.
Eye opening. Was it a poison ? I believe it all qualifies as such. With an excuse to use the deadly protocols to finish them off.
I think poison, chemical, toxin...something...that was always there too...?
yes and yes
Good one