Again, Paul, you’ve not known the history of all this and, thus, are unable to evaluate her false claims. I’ve known about Malone’s work with in vivo cell transfection of exogenous genes for years before C19 ever came on the public’s radar. Beside, her talking about “mRNA technology” and who invented it is DELIBERATELY MISLEADING.

The fact is that almost everyone in the world in molecular biology for the past forty years has been using a variety of cell transfection reagents or procedures to introduce exogenous gene constructs into living cells so those cells would translate those genes into protein the behavior of which could then be studied in the context of a living cell. There is ZERO difference between this and what the viral RNA products do. Well, except they’re doing it in vivo and infecting people with the gene of a viral pathogen.

Your tone is unnecessarily strident and histrionic. For the present I’ll attribute that to your simply being unfamiliar with the history of all this and, thus, more prone to jumping to conclusions rather than to any attempt to deliberately inflame public opinion and to direct it in an inappropriate direction.

The viral RNA products themselves are already doing that to deadly effect.

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Thank you! We really need more level-headedness around here!

I have been following Dr. Malone since he first hit the "public eye" during COVID, and I think Dr. Alexander is being quite unrealistic and unfair in his criticisms. Dr. Malone early-on got fooled like millions of other Americans, and he also got Vaxxed. But he figured it out a lot sooner than most. Remember, Steve Kirsch and a lot of other people also got bamboozled into taking them.

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Jul 2, 2023
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Your wild speculation is pointless. We have much more important things to be concerned with than this nonsense

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Jul 2, 2023
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Please be more specific. Are you referring to Dr. Malone?:

". . . he was specifically targeting the elderly . . . ".

In what way? How? Where is the evidence?

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Jul 6, 2023
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Such a big disappointment. Fraud is fraud.

Shame on you Malone.

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You’re either being misled by comments made in ignorance of the facts or you’re being played for some reason. I do know the history of all this and the characterization of it in the and a previous post around 5 PM today is simply wrong.

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Also, long before Paul Alexander said anything about Robert Malone, I was asking questions about his and others’ (Peter McCullough, etc) more elliptical criticisms of the viral RNA products and possible reasons why.

A LOT of trouble could have been avoided if those who actually knew, like I did, came right out and said at all those conferences and interviews, “Hey, Pfizer! You fuckin’ mooks! You’re peddling as a vaccine something that’s nothing but an artificial virus. Here’s why.”

And in about seven easy to understand points all would have been revealed.

Here’s an example I just wrote to a friend tonight:

Well, the thing about this with C19 and the viral RNA products is that it’s just basic knowledge. When you know how one thing works and how another thing works then, when you put them together, there are only a limited number of outcomes that are possible.

That’s why I focused on the primary mechanism of action, which is what told me the products were nothing but artificial, one gene, completely indiscriminate viruses and which made it easy to predict, based on the basic features of the innate and adaptive immune systems, what the basic, inevitable outcomes would be.

Like this:

The basic thing about ribosomes is that they will automatically translate mRNA into a protein. ANY mRNA from ANY source.

Usually the only place the mRNA comes from in a cell is from the nucleus where it was transcribed by the cell from the DNA or from the mitochondria from the mitochondrial DNA.

OR if you get infected by a virus and the cell makes mRNA copies of the viral gene; then the ribosomes will translate them into viral proteins.

The basic thing about the innate immune system is that it can detect viral and bacterial protein and respond accordingly to isolate and eliminate it. It doesn’t detect viruses or bacteria, just specific amino acid sequences in their proteins.

A basic thing about cells is that they can detect inside them the mRNA of viruses and the viral protein translated from it. Just that alone is sufficient to cause the cell to put out an alert to the innate immune system that it’s under attack by a virus that is in replication phase and the innate immune system responds with an inflammatory attack to kill those cells. The greater the amount of signaling, the greater the attack. The more widespread the areas affected, the greater the attack.

A basic thing about that inflammatory attack is that it’s a bit indiscriminate kind of chemical warfare and can damage healthy adjacent cells. If you have a very strong inflammatory attack, then a lot of healthy cells can get whacked. If it goes on too strong for too long, then the organ can become damaged.

So take these basic facts about the viral RNA products:

Unlike viruses, they can get into almost any cell in any organ, because they (except for the AstraZeneca product that uses a replication disabled chimp adenovirus to deliver the C19 spike protein gene) don’t rely on specific cell surface receptors to gain entrance like C19 does using the ACE2 receptor.

They carry into that cell a single viral gene.

Now put those two together with the other basic facts.

The viral mRNA will automatically get translated into viral protein in a lot of different cells in a lot of different organs.

The cells in all those organs will detect both the viral RNA and viral protein and will automatically signal the innate immune system for a hit by inflammatory attack on those cells in the different organs.


1. there are huge numbers of a viral protein that can adhere or embed themselves in cell membranes,

2. any of those viral proteins when detected by the innate immune system can trigger an attack on those cells, and

3. any of those lone proteins floating around after they get out of a cell will also trigger innate immune responses against viral attack,

then it’s only to be expected that the viral RNA products will automatically cause large innate immune inflammatory attacks throughout the body against any organs containing cells that were compromised by the viral RNA products.

All that is just a given from the basic facts.

Maybe someone thought, “Oh, it’s just a single viral gene and a single viral protein, not a whole virus, so there won’t be a problem.”

Well, if so, they overlooked the basic fact that the innate immune system does NOT detect viruses, only viral protein.

As a result, shooting someone up with something that will produce bazillions of single viral proteins floating around in the extracellular fluid compartment or bloodstream will have exactly the same immune effect as having a bazillion actual viruses floating around there.

So it’s just a given from the basic facts that the viral RNA products are inevitably and invariably going to have a LOT of bad effects.

A viral protein vaccine, by contrast, won’t. The bits and pieces of viral protein in it will be detected and cleaned up but they won’t invade cells or trigger such extreme innate immune responses.

So how could anyone not see that the viral RNA products don’t behave like viral proteins vaccines but, instead, like some kind of super virus that will invade any cell?

Sure they can’t replicate. Big deal. Many deaths from viral diseases do not come from the virus but from excessive levels of immune inflammatory response. Two that come to mind were smallpox and the 1918 Spanish flu.

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See my other relies below.

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Bet you think these are vaccines. You are a misinformant. Everything I say is backed by True Science and highly credible sources.

You are part of the problem. Now go away

And don't come back or i will report you.

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Eugene, your reply (especially your capitalization of “True Science”) tells me one of two things.


1. You haven’t read anything I’ve written on the subject, or

2. You haven’t understood anything I’ve written on the subject.

So, go ahead and report someone with a PhD in the biological sciences with his doctoral work in molecular neurobiology and his post-doctoral fellowship in neurobio/pharm/phys and 28 years in academic science. I predict the result, upon investigation post-report, is not going to be to your liking.

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Why are you pushing the media to do anything? You need to realize what they're there for. How long are you going to play their stupid game, mocking you for falling for their stupid lies everyday. Don't worry about these people - if their intentions were good, we wouldn't be wrestling in the mud like this, we'd be getting shit done. Can't you see it's all a distraction? And you're being played and fooled. These people are playing a script to suck you in. That's control hey - to get you to live their stupid agenda and you just discard your own when you are here as a unique human being with powers of your own that you are failing to exercise.

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Remember to ask Karikó who is paying her, or threatening her, to smear Malone to "divide and conquer" us!

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Exactly. All you have to do is look at what Wikipedia has done over the past two plus years on this matter. Once Malone said that no one should be getting injected with viral RNA as a vaccine and especially not using those companies’ delivery vehicles (which are nothing more than 40 year old cell transfection reagents) he has been dropped down the memory hole and everything about his pioneering work in using in vivo cell transfection for therapeutic aims has been scrubbed and replaced with articles touting this woman as the noble and brave inventor. It is utter fraud and, really, I’m sort of taken aback that Paul Alexander has been taken in by it.

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Unfortunately, Dr. Alexander, in spite of all the effort he is putting out and the good he is doing, seems to have a tendency to get a little "opinionated" and overly emotional on certain subjects that he doesn't really understand the fine details or "backstory" of. For some inexplicable reason, he seems to a vendetta against Dr. Malone and makes statements not supported by the facts.

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I remember Malone saying "the mRNA vaccine wasnt meant for use in humans". .

I never got a "why" reply from him.

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For starters, they aren't vaccines! They are officially (per FDA) "Biologics", also called "gene therapy" even though there is nothing therapeutic about them.

They could not (at least the COVID vaxxes) even qualify as "vaccines" because they do not meet the minimum standard of at least 50% absolute efficacy to prevent disease for one year.

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RFK Jr. Recently anounced these vaccines are "Bioweapons funded by DOD" and Phizer, Moderna, JJ and others were hired as proxies for distribution.

Doesn't surprise me.

You think the "Big Guy" is on the take?

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All that was already in motion long before Biden took office. The "vaccines" were under development in Wuhan, at least, but probably other places also, years ahead of time, contemporaneously with the gain-of-function research. "Operation Warp Speed" was just a cover for the illegal bioweapons program so they could "spring" the bioweapon shots on the public.

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Our tax dollars paid for 9/11.

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I think Trump was mislead by Faucii, FDA, CDC, and Pharma to keep it going and support "Warp Speed".

He had no reason not to trust them given their reputation which now has NO VALUE.

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Faith, the CDC has always identified these shots as vaccines that are safe and effective.

This claim is where fraud begins.

The true definition of vaccine is "a vaccine is a vaccination that gives one immunity to a virus". None have done so up to now or ever will.

Gatz is heavily envolved in the pandemic and depopulation which is in full swing. The next pandemic will be in 24 or 25. Now how would they know that now unless they were going to release it?

Why did Pfizer want 75 years to release their vaccine study data?

Read March 1 2022 release that shows 1,271 side effects?

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Can somebody explain why this obsession with Robert Malone?

As stated in nature magazine :

“Hundreds of scientists had worked on mRNA vaccines for decades before the coronavirus pandemic brought a breakthrough.”

So why this obsession with an individual who at best saw a possibility? He hardly brought it to market.

It’s like calling out physicists who saw the potential of splitting the atom, and then blaming them for nuclear weapons and the destruction caused.

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Yep, it's all a bit cultish for me!

Visit to the Percheron Farm

The Most Interesting Covid Cult in the World (Don't sue me Bruh!)


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If he's going to be Vice President and potentially President if RFK Jr is elected and if anything then happens to RFK Jr then it would be good for Dr. Malone to answer these questions or to answer them again. Even if he's not going to be Veep and if Kariko is talking through her lying ass it would still be good.

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Who ever said anything about Malone being VP? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard yet. I’ve listened to most of RFK’s Videos & never have I even heard Malone’s name come up in any capacity. I don’t think the subject of who he would like for VP has ever come up. I think he’s more interested in getting his word out & hoping for debates, which look pretty iffy. Brain dead Biden can’t remember whether he’s talking about Iraq or Ukraine, much less debate. RFK would make him look like the sock puppet he is.

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Biden would NEVER debate RFK, Jr., nor probably anyone else! He would be "bulldozed" in any real debate. Without his teleprompter, he is lost!

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"Who ever said anything about Malone being VP? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard yet."

You think the Breggins are making ridiculous statements Leslie?

"At present, it looks like Malone is angling to replace Fauci — but hang onto your hats and think about this: Maybe Malone could be thinking of the Vice-Presidency. Why not? He would seem stunningly qualified compared to Vice President Kamala Harris."

Robert Kennedy, Steve Kirsch, and Robert Malone – What’s It All About?


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OMG! I wrote a whole long reply & it disappeared!

Thank you for sending the link. I knew about the $25 million lawsuit against the Breggins, which is egregious to say the least.

I had no idea that RFK was so entangled with Malone. Dr. Alexander has been very outspoken about Dr. Malone & I have much more respect for Dr. Alexander than Malone. I had no idea of the high esteem Dr. Malone held himself (sarcasm). I hardly read Malone anymore, I don’t buy into the mass psychosis garbage, although I do think the mind control over the CNN illiterate masses was very clever & it worked. I put it down to the Mockingbird Media that has gone on for generations here. RFK might very well have taken himself out of the running today with his comments about Affirmative Action. It certainly proves why he’s running as a democrat. Apparently Steve Kirsch is also a democrat & I don’t mean that in a complimentary way. RFK tried to explain that he wanted to bring the democrat party back to sanity, but now I don’t believe that. I also find it very interesting that Steve Kirsch has NEVER accepted that the COVID ‘pandemic’ was a hoax in order to bring in the bioweapon shot to PURPOSELY kill & maim people. He’s laser focused on the ‘science.’

Malone described by this article is a dangerous man. I agree that he has fractured the medical freedom community.

I hope that RFK fails in getting support for his candidacy, I hope the Breggins somehow manage to get Malone in court so discovery can happen & he can be exposed for the fraud that he is.

The one thing positive that I can say about Steve Kirsch is he gave strong testimony in Congress about vaccines causing Autism. About President Trump this is the best explanation I have seen:


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Thanks for sharing. I agree that Prezident Trump is well intentioned when he pushes

the shots.

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Another Democrat leftist in the White House will be the end of the United States. They have shredded the Constitution & made this country unrecognizable.

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Nice try but another RINO would be the end of the world. #NeverDeSatan #NeverPence #NeverHaley

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Jul 2, 2023
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I don’t believe that he took Pfizer money. It would have come out by now.

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Pure speculation. A horse would be stunningly qualified compared to Kamala Harris.

Apparently you haven’t heard the talk that Kamala will be moved over to take Diane Feinstein’s Senate seat & 🤢 Gavin Newsom will be made VP so when Joe resigns because of his health Newsom will become president.

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That is speculation indeed about Newsom. Why would Kamala agree to that?

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Why wouldn’t she. Her numbers are in the toilet. She’s a huge liability.

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I don't share your high opinion of her. You think she has insight and no ambition? Let's get real. Her numbers were in the toilet and she was a huge liability when Biden picked her.

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No choice. I have heard this from people in high places. It’s Newsom’s plan. He’s been kissing up to Biden.

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Newsom's plan is to replace a black woman with a white man? The Dem base would be ok with rolling an affirmative action hire? Newsom's been kissing up to Biden and Kamala's on her knees? "Gavin, your hair smells pretty." I think Kamala would make more of an impression on Joe. But don't believe me. Ask Willie Brown.

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Wait... vice president???? WTF 🤬

Well now that’s all we need now!

Omg Lord Help Us

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Jul 2, 2023
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You are being sarcastic I hope.

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Steve for V.P. What an interesting idea!

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Pardon me while I 🤢. Steve does great work on outing the injections but he’s no more qualified for VP than I am.

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Well yes you would say that wouldn't you Leslie. Steve's a multimillionaire businessman and scientist who cured his own cancer and is willing to debate anyone. He's a genius. It's lonely at the upper extreme of the IQ distribution under that bell curve but he handles being there with ease.

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That doesn’t qualify him to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

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Seems like it was only yesterday that RINOs and Dems were saying how unqualified Trump was and how Hildebeast was the most qualified ever.

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Jul 2, 2023
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The COVID shots were rolled out in mid-December 2020. If a paper got published in February 2021, it had to be written many weeks earlier, long before the injuries and deaths started racking up, and long before Steve became aware that they were not the "safe and effective" harmless drugs that our criminal government was promoting to save us all from the terrible SARS-CoV-2 virus . Also, how would Steve have known about Remdesivir's deadly past in the Ebola trial? He is not a doctor or epidemiologist. I think there is 'way too much unfounded speculation going on, and some of it is getting rather hysterical. Again, this is the "Divide and Conquer" strategy of the Globalists to try to discredit their most prominent opponents.

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The only way RFK will ever be President is if Steve Kirsch buys it for him.

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It could be Steve. It could be Dr. Malone. It could be someone else. I don't think it's been decided yet. It's not like either of them could be any worse than Dick Cheney, Joe Biden, Mike Pence or Kamala Harris. Each would be far more competent and ethical.

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Malone is not ethical.

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Even if tbat was true. he'd still be a lot more ethical than Harrris. Pence, Biden and Cheney.

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Unethical is unethical. Once you cross that line you are on a slippery slope.

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Ethical politicians? Ha ha ha ha ha!

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I hope so too... (not really) but then MAYBE we can get some answers! I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for those answers cause I suspect like all the other answers they’ll all be lies. This is very interesting & eye opening! Curious minds WANT to know!!! Thank You

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You might better target Trump who is solely guilty of allowing Operation Warp Speed. He still champions the vaxxx: GENOCIDE!

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Calm down. Target Gates and the top dogs at WHO, CDC, etc. not Malone who though did some research on the idea of the mRNA vaxxx but didn't bring a dangerous "finished product" to market like Dr. Katalin Karikó, etc. At least Malone had the integrity to report the danger of the vaxxx unlike Karilo.

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And one more thing. If Dr. Malone did invent the technology, and I think he did, it certainly make him responsible for the nafarious usage of the technology.

If that were the standard all manor of perfectly good, hell even wonderful inventions that have been turned to evil purposes would subject the inventors to scrutiny. Cars, planes, trains hammers, knives, firearms, dynamite.... You name it and I can probably come up with an example of some asshole doing something bad with it.

So why don't you knock off the bullshit attacks on Malone here and focus on those truly responsible for putting hundreds of thousands of people to sleep permanently?

Whataya say doc?🤔

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Dr. Alexander,

You've named the poison prick (in defamatory fashion) "The Malone, Karikó" several times in previous articles but in this article you're making the argument he didn't invent the technology that produced the shot nor did he mentor Karikó.

Which is it? You can't have it both ways.

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"if this is true"... IF THIS IS TRUE?!!


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Bear in mind that she was/is hoping to win a Nobel for saving the world.

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The Media? The Enemy of the People. They are in on it. Do not hold your breath.

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