Again, Paul, you’ve not known the history of all this and, thus, are unable to evaluate her false claims. I’ve known about Malone’s work with in vivo cell transfection of exogenous genes for years before C19 ever came on the public’s radar. Beside, her talking about “mRNA technology” and who invented it is DELIBERATELY MISLEADING.

The fact is that almost everyone in the world in molecular biology for the past forty years has been using a variety of cell transfection reagents or procedures to introduce exogenous gene constructs into living cells so those cells would translate those genes into protein the behavior of which could then be studied in the context of a living cell. There is ZERO difference between this and what the viral RNA products do. Well, except they’re doing it in vivo and infecting people with the gene of a viral pathogen.

Your tone is unnecessarily strident and histrionic. For the present I’ll attribute that to your simply being unfamiliar with the history of all this and, thus, more prone to jumping to conclusions rather than to any attempt to deliberately inflame public opinion and to direct it in an inappropriate direction.

The viral RNA products themselves are already doing that to deadly effect.

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Such a big disappointment. Fraud is fraud.

Shame on you Malone.

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Why are you pushing the media to do anything? You need to realize what they're there for. How long are you going to play their stupid game, mocking you for falling for their stupid lies everyday. Don't worry about these people - if their intentions were good, we wouldn't be wrestling in the mud like this, we'd be getting shit done. Can't you see it's all a distraction? And you're being played and fooled. These people are playing a script to suck you in. That's control hey - to get you to live their stupid agenda and you just discard your own when you are here as a unique human being with powers of your own that you are failing to exercise.

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Remember to ask Karikó who is paying her, or threatening her, to smear Malone to "divide and conquer" us!

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I remember Malone saying "the mRNA vaccine wasnt meant for use in humans". .

I never got a "why" reply from him.

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Can somebody explain why this obsession with Robert Malone?

As stated in nature magazine :

“Hundreds of scientists had worked on mRNA vaccines for decades before the coronavirus pandemic brought a breakthrough.”

So why this obsession with an individual who at best saw a possibility? He hardly brought it to market.

It’s like calling out physicists who saw the potential of splitting the atom, and then blaming them for nuclear weapons and the destruction caused.

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Yep, it's all a bit cultish for me!

Visit to the Percheron Farm

The Most Interesting Covid Cult in the World (Don't sue me Bruh!)


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If he's going to be Vice President and potentially President if RFK Jr is elected and if anything then happens to RFK Jr then it would be good for Dr. Malone to answer these questions or to answer them again. Even if he's not going to be Veep and if Kariko is talking through her lying ass it would still be good.

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I hope so too... (not really) but then MAYBE we can get some answers! I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for those answers cause I suspect like all the other answers they’ll all be lies. This is very interesting & eye opening! Curious minds WANT to know!!! Thank You

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You might better target Trump who is solely guilty of allowing Operation Warp Speed. He still champions the vaxxx: GENOCIDE!

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Calm down. Target Gates and the top dogs at WHO, CDC, etc. not Malone who though did some research on the idea of the mRNA vaxxx but didn't bring a dangerous "finished product" to market like Dr. Katalin Karikó, etc. At least Malone had the integrity to report the danger of the vaxxx unlike Karilo.

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And one more thing. If Dr. Malone did invent the technology, and I think he did, it certainly make him responsible for the nafarious usage of the technology.

If that were the standard all manor of perfectly good, hell even wonderful inventions that have been turned to evil purposes would subject the inventors to scrutiny. Cars, planes, trains hammers, knives, firearms, dynamite.... You name it and I can probably come up with an example of some asshole doing something bad with it.

So why don't you knock off the bullshit attacks on Malone here and focus on those truly responsible for putting hundreds of thousands of people to sleep permanently?

Whataya say doc?🤔

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Dr. Alexander,

You've named the poison prick (in defamatory fashion) "The Malone, Karikó" several times in previous articles but in this article you're making the argument he didn't invent the technology that produced the shot nor did he mentor Karikó.

Which is it? You can't have it both ways.

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"if this is true"... IF THIS IS TRUE?!!


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Bear in mind that she was/is hoping to win a Nobel for saving the world.

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The Media? The Enemy of the People. They are in on it. Do not hold your breath.

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