Anything to do with his close ties to Pfizer?

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Got to keep the lies and fear mongering going. Especially so you get your babies jabbed. 🤮

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It's and old story and sadly many still follow blindly without any questions since I'll assume most doctors are saying safe and effective .

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86 doctors in Canada dead of their safe and effective Kill Shots last time I checked. 🤔

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Wonder if their families ever question what happened or do they just think that is all bad luck or that they must have had preexisting conditions ?

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They probably think something like "thank God they took the vaccines or they would have died even sooner!"

Two books for your reading pleasure:

1. "The Underground History of American Education" by John Taylor Gatto

2. "Disciplined Minds" by Jeff Schmidt

When you've read those, you'll understand how what has happened over the last nearly three years, happened...

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Wow. I remember not too long ago that it was 14. Sad they didn't learn to question, only to serve, despite their Hippocratic Oath.

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Yeah, just did a short search online and can't find the article in question. Guess the censors have clamped down some more.. May have been Steve Kirsch, or The Vigilant Fox or Paul Alexander's substack .. 🙄

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90 dead doctors now. Did you see this poor man Di tommaso who was supposed to testify for the convoy/Emergency Act trial? poor guy didn't last long, somehow he passed out all of a sudden in front of cameras?....

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Do you have a link for that please? (The 90 doctors... "The Norwegian Blue? Beautiful plummage..." 😘)

You're actually thinking of Gabriel Poliquin who dropped dead in the manner of Tiffany Dover.. He's been going after the Freedom Truckers with a vengeance, took 3 doses of the Lethal Injection. I have no sympathy for him. None.

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Yes sorry, it's Poliquin. I'll be looking for the link. It was a long interview with an updated count as a side commentary.

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Yes indeed . very strange to watch ....wonder what it was ???

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Oh, Linelle. It was clear to all that he was overcome by a sudden attack of climate change.

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"Where is Tiffany Dover?"

-- Gonzalo Lira

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The problem in Ontario is that 90percent of the population are living in fear of their lives and are convinced that masks help. Most are probably wearing them at home already. Kids are getting all sorts of infections because they have been isolated for two years by the government and now have had immune systems wrecked by jabs.

At a concert on Saturday night I'd guess most of the audience was masked except for a very few. And we were being glared at.

People are drunk on government Kool AId.

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Ontario is more than stupid if still wearing masks

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Fully 20% of the people around me in Victoria BC, still wearing masks.. 🙄💩 "Bah!... Baahh!... Bahhh!... Bah!.. BAAAHHHH!...." Go the sheeptards as they're herded off the cliff...

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MD Creekmore put it so well.. "Try telling these people 'Look around you. What do you see?' -- and they still don't get it."

If you're anything like me... you get up in the morning.. go to the bathroom, flip on the light, use the toilet, flush the result, get into the shower, hot water comes out, you clean yourself up and shave... then you get dressed, have some breakfast, drive your car to work, maybe you have to stop and buy gas, grab some stuff in the convenience store which is still (miraculously) stocked with goods; traffic lights are working, the traffic flow is same as ever, no more lunatics on the road than usual... then you go to work, and not one person you're with has been sick with anything out of the ordinary, in at least the last 30 months...

If there were REALLY, a deadly cold virus with a mortality rate of 5% -- because that's the bullshit story they've been selling us -- would any of the above be true? Of course it wouldn't! But try and tell these Blue-Pilled Pinheads any of this, see how far you get.

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Looks like a groundhog day in my life LOL, but I take the metro. It's starting to get packed fulll again. A cough and sniffle here and there on the train. Once a week someone from the office working from home with a few days of Omicron. Last September my hubby and I had it. A cold. We have to presume it's omicron with the home tests... I know lots of people who feel they have been duped by the vax propaganda and say they will not "roll up their sleeve" ever again...

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Let's separate urban ontario from the rural and the smaller centers 😏 ... shall we fellow freedm fighters?

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That would be good.........but my Saturday night concert visit was in small-town rural Ontario. I'm now seeing mask wearers in the grocery store.

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That is astonishing to me. What has happened to Ontario? Or is it just the Covid Karens in the GTA?

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These monsters are killing our babies and they don't care, why don't parents research and tell that pos to F off. I'm so pissed and sick and tired of the evil thats being done to the children of the world.

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Abortion involves ripping the arms, legs, and entrails from the body of a fetus with a well enough developed nervous system to feel the pain.

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Kind of gives you an idea about what they think of children, both born and unborn. I have zero confidence in the medical /pharmaceutical sociopathic skammers, and their longtime stooges, the feministas. I dont like to have to write off whole groups of people as psychopathological idiots, but in these two cases, I will be forced to.

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They have the same mindset as those who execute people who have been exonerated.

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The parents doing this are as clueless and stupid as he is; most of humanity is incapable of critical or even independent thinking.

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You must not understand the difference between ignorant and stupid.

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Oh... I think I do... What really sends my blood pressure skyrocketing is "willful ignorance"... How anyone could get sucked into this "covid-19" horsepucky -- this nakedly obvious fraud -- is for me, absolutely incredible. 🙄

But fully 80 - 85% of Canadians have been sucked into it, to the point they've taken an injection guaranteed to eventually kill them.. 😱

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The only difference that willfulness makes is substantiation that one knows they are ignorant. Those who are truly ignorant do not know that getting the "vaccine" will shorten their lives, because their television told them it was safe and effective.

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"Expecting Deltas to know what "liberty" is? And now expecting them to understand "Othello"? My good boy!

I suppose I'm pretty foolish to expect any degree of intelligence from the vast majority of dumbed-down, indoctrinated humanity. We live in a world that seems to be a blend of Huxley's "Brave New World" and Orwell's "1984"... other than there is no eugenics program but people like Bill Gates are working hard on that... 🙄

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Are you talking about Deltas as members of an elite military force or in Brave New World terms?

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The masks were just obedience training for the vaccines. It took some time for people to climb down off the ledge when the mask mandates were lifted in March in Ontario and things opened up and masks were discarded somewhat slowly.

Anyone left wearing masks all throughout the summer are the neurotic germaphobes and I don't mean to be unkind, but that is the reality. The truth has been available on the internet for anyone and everyone who can exercise critical thinking skills.

If masking is coming back again it's to scare the hell out everyone, they don't want it to drop off, it's the gift that keeps on giving for pharma. Scaring the hell out of people to keep getting a vaccine is sick and grotesque. They want you to get both a booster AND a flu shot now it's just pavlovian conditioning for people to do what they're told.

And yes Linelle MacDougal they are all linked to pharma, doctors are now nothing more than drug sales for horrific drugs. It really is a sick world now and turn of fate.

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"everyone who can exercise critical thinking skills" is at best 10-15% of the population. Probably more like 5%. Hopefully the vaccines will take effect soon and we'll be rid of the pinheads. Better buy a shovel and a hazmat suit -- and possibly a wheelbarrow -- for the days ahead: You'll need them for the grave-digging detail.

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Every time I see one wearing a mask I say to myself what an idiot because more health harm is being done than health benefit if any and the evidence is near zero benefit .

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I say we need to begin calling a spade a spade here. That is, this class of morons, useful idiots, and utter dolts must be name-called for what they are -- and that has to be done publicly. The special kind of stupid they exhibit must be called out. We must start to put them on the receiving end of ridicule. They present a danger to all that is good and decent, destructive of decency and accumulated knowledge

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You might want to watch few "Walking Dead" episodes, because that's truly what you're dealing with, with these people...

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

It is interesting that at an early point Toronto Children's Hospital in developing guidelines for schools could not come to an agreement on masking kids. So they refrained from including advice on that. A number of doctors felt masks were detrimental for children and recent experience proves they interfere with learning. One childrens doctor stated that children should never be forced to wear masks. It's traumatizing. And yet, Ontario's head doctor now says: "He also recommended children between two and five wear a mask, if possible." He should be challenged on this.

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Ontario's head doctor should be put in a guillotine and his shoulders relieved of his fat, swollen head.

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Canada is doomed.

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Cannot watch the video. Don’t want to throw up. But, does he mean If the parents are sick or the kids?

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I really must get a laptop without any Google in it so I can get back to doing what I could do before my Chromebook went bonkers.

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All the fools that didn’t use common sense should have their licenses taken. Oh wait that’s every doctor I go to except one.

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Don't even bother with that one.

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I'll never darken a doctor's doors again, if I can by any means avoid it.

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Wow. How many doctors do you go to, anyway........aside from a chiropractor and a dentist?

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Same here. I avoid all doctors but the two you mentioned. Who goes to the "white coats" anymore? I haven't for years.

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He needs to wax his head some more.

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Dr Lenin - there is a resemblance.

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They're just trying to determine the level of chloroformed brainwashing on the subject........will they continue to adhere to the narrative in the face of new information that conflicts with the old or do they become skeptical, needing reprogramming and to be taken under deeper next time so that the meme becomes: Dr FAUCI IST MEIN FUHRER, RIGHT OR WRONG!!!!

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These politicians have no understanding of biology whatsoever. Why do people listen to them? Our educational system has failed society, keeping most in a juvenile state who are unable to critically think or read on their own. It really speaks to the education system's failures which go far beyond just school closings. All the adults completed their education and look how they behave. How can we expect public officials to be any different? Even the adults seem stuck at the elementary level of education.

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And not one member of his audience told this over-educated drug pusher to f*** off and shut up?

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THis guy is an idiot. We know that masks don't stop Covid viruses. If I was there I would ask what data he has to support this. This is maddening!!!

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this is child abuse

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