If Gov. DeSantis was smart, he would sign an executive order halting the deployment of covid shots in the state of Florida.

He should do it a day before Fauci appears before Congress.

It would be shot heard across the world. (No pun intended.)

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IF Gov. DeSantis was smart. IF. What you say is true. It would be very smart to do what you suggest. It would indeed be a shot heard across the world. However, if Gov. DeSantard was smart he would not be challenging Trump for the GOP nomination.

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It will show up in the genome of the cells invaded and infected by the viral RNA product (and in their daughter cells) IF those cells, via the cells’ cellular reverse transcriptase, recoded the viral mRNA into a DNA-encoded version and inserted it into the DNA of that particular cell. That is, its presence is limited to the lineage of one particular cell.

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Unless it gets in a germ cell.

What I'm unsure of is, is this such a big deal? Our cells have already incorporated untold numbers of exogenous viral code into part of its DNA, which then, through copying and pasting, become (benign) human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs).

Why would the body translate possibly dangerous proteins in large amounts? Though, there must be a reason it needs to store this information; perhaps, if the pathogen emerges again after a long time, the information is used to quickly make a defence??

Certainly, retroviruses have always been seen as harmless (and I would argue possibly useful), until Fauci's fake HIV theories took hold.

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It adds a third strand of beast DNA and cuts out your God given DNA. Also marks the jabbed with luciferase so they will glow under special lights. Full of graphene oxide and self assembling nanotechnology, including nano chips. Elon’s neuralink is contained in the jabs. This material goes all over the body including the hands and forehead. I’ve seen videos by airport employees showing that airport scanners pick it up on the hands and forehead of passengers. All of these things this man in Florida is saying are like a red herring. It’s too late. At this point we need Divine Intervention.

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We definitely need Divine Intervention. We always need Divine intervention. And we also need to take some action , each one of us.

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Look what "Scientific American" said..... No, COVID mRNA Vaccines Won't Damage Your DNA

You have a “better chance of becoming Spider-Man” than being harmed by DNA from COVID vaccines https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/no-covid-mrna-vaccines-wont-damage-your-dna/

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That "Scientific American" article also states "The risk of myocarditis from COVID itself is higher, however, and COVID-related myocarditis tends to be more severe."

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Right but you can also become Spider-Man... that's cool, too....

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Two Questions Dr. Paul.

1. Does Ladapo have access to the Florida vaccination database?

2. Does Ladapo have access to Florida death certificates?

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Thank God for Dr. Ladapo for taking action. We need to see more of that from our elected officials and “leaders”, politicians. But then we need to hold these people accountable and be an encouragement to them. ❤️🙌

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What a stud! I guarantee you he sleeps well at night.

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