More CYA from the CCP plant and medical tyrant. She and Fauci et al need the same jail cell.

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Or, better yet, wooden platform with matching nooses.

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Works for me.

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She's not only responsible for convincing, perhaps millions, of getting the death jab, due to her influence....she is also responsible for influencing the mandates which left millions more out of work because they wouldn't or couldn't take the death jab. Is SHE vaccinated?

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I doubt it. Notice none of the PM's, Presidents, etc. aren't dropping. The health minister outed macron as not taking it. Not that it would effect him, he's the anti-Christ. Kamal got rhe swotchblade style syringe, canadian got it through a shirt. None of these tyrants took them. Gates has always said he never jabbed his kids. Either hang them or lock them up and give them a daily c shot.

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Why so charitable? She lied. They lied. When people excersizing authority lie and fail to excersize commensurate caution and due diligence so that millions die, there needs to be accountability and personal consequences. Not an "aata girl/boy"

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I agree. I want to hear that they lied for the money. The agreed upon punishment for crimes against humanity would absolutely come NEXT. no charity. Thanks Jimychanga, for forcing clarity!

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She of all people has NO excuse. She escaped from communist China, did multiple TED talks on Freedom, Free speech, Freedom of inquiry, open minds etc etc etc yet utterly FAILED to apply any of her insights to the debacle of the last 3 years. WTH??

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Hmmm. I don’t pay attention to Ted Talks due to some personal biases. I think she may have overplayed her hand there based on what you just stated which makes my point. Who is she really?

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Just a corrupt ccp plant, a nobody really. We can all hope she took the shots though🙏

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Just a plant for the ccp, helping kill people off. She has 0 cred.

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No amnesty for none ! #crimesagainsthumanity right down to injectors , police , media , doctors, pharmacies, judges , employers etc .....

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NEVER will I forget what people like her have inflicted on society. I'm a resident of Quebec in Canada where we had TWO separate instances of CURFEWS being applied on us. CURFEWS!!! Being unable to leave your home without police intervention/police checking your papers to see if you're authorized to be outside. No amnesty is correct-let alone the vaccine passports, loss of jobs, financial issues, wearing the masks. Making kids in schools wear masks all day and even PLAY SPORTS WITH MASKS? Or people in some areas needing to wear masks while SWIMMING!? I could go on but the toxic jabs, "sanitary measures", economic, physical damage, delayed medical treatments, social/mental health costs. We should never allow anyone to forget or negate these atrocities and crimes against humanity.

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Make sure you dox pigs like them. They should never experience peace. Don't think for one second police are there to "protect and serve."

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John Leake, co-author with Dr. McCullough on Courage to Fight COVID19, pointed out on Real America News this morning that $13 Billion went out to the likes of these networks and many, many other agencies and schools and companies, including the NFL to PUSH these vaccines. In fact Maddow of MSNBC continues to scream out even more ridiculous propaganda as if she were in a place of a year or two ago, except she’s talking about why Africa isn’t sick compared to China completely erroneously. America’s vaccines are superior, she said. It was convoluted to say the least.

These people are props. They have scripts to read. That is the admission I want to hear from them - that they were paid to read them. Nothing else would make sense. Follow the money!

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Yes, and always ask "Qui bono?" The money is only part of the equation.

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Not only corporations. Regular joes like george lopez and michelle kwan were paid to coerce their "communities" to kill themselves as well. I guess all of those types have a price. Wonder hoe many lives they have helped to take? I just hope they're taking all of their boosters!

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She acted like a Gestapo prison matron with her pronouncements about punishing the unjabbed.

Her stint as the former head of Planned Parenthood murdering babies whet her appetite for punishment and death.

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No Amnesty for Murderers. 😡

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There's no forgive and forget with someone who so prominently directed others to engage in making life as hard as possible for those who were informed, aware and alert. As a doctor it is her job to convey accurate and reliable information about health and safety, instead she pushed harm and grief onto others. I hope karma delivers in her case.

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Sorry....at this point how do we know if this is the beginning of a long over due mea culpa or a “stringing us along” for other sordid purposes.

In other words, what we are seeing is these weak attempts to ‘open a dialogue’ and act as if certain things are now coming to light is buying of time (as well as what you perceive to be a exercise in coming around).

We have seen that the public due to msm propaganda has a very very short memory and even amnesia in some cases. We know that much of the public is just plain tired of COVID even to the point that their fear has dissipated. I sometimes wonder if the lack of uptake in the boosters by many is just because the “shock” effect of all things COVID is no longer in play, not because people understand the toxicity of the shots for many.

I fear that Dr. Wen and others will just help in the slow wind down....and along the way will become or be transformed into advocates of doing better next time around and then SUDDENLY (but predictably) will then become proponents of all that the WHO and the World Bank and the fin/tech sector have in store for us....a giant tech platform meant to track, trace, quantify all that exists (while they tie it all back to efforts on the health front...to improve individual and global health...yada, yada, yada...).

Wait for it....timing is everything. WHO and when do you think we will start hearing in the msm about “One Health” and the vision for managing things better the next time around?

Heck, even the Dr. Wen’s do not even realize they are being manipulated and used like Pavlov’s dog. Just part of a bigger machine/beast.....they are like logs in the wheel. They get paid and soldier on with their behavior and thought processes being incenitivized and affected by those above them. Call it “trickle down group think.”

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I believe it’s the Network that gets paid by HHS (and The BMGF & Pfizer). The anchors already get paid in the 10s of millions/annually for prostituting themselves. They are thanked in the form of bonuses.

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How much was she paid as a vax influencer ? Aren't influencers supposed to reveal if they are paid for their endorsements? None did because they knew the government would not prosecute them for keeping payments secret.

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Evil bitch

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See sea peeeeee!

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To expect truthfulness, conscience and honesty from the former head of Planned Slaughterhood is a terrific dream.

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Do you think the propaganda pharmaceutical ATM has been cut off?

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She cannot NOW roll back her complicity in murder.

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It's worth looking up her interviews at the Boston Bombing. Something's up with this one.

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