Your continuing attacks on Dr. Malone say more about you than about him. It's unbecoming of you. The Medical Freedom movement is large enough to accommodate a variety of views. You're on the verge of losing the plot.

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I’m grateful for your good work, but your constant attacks on Dr. Malone are giving me too much exposure to your petty, vindictive side. You, of all people, should know that we are in the middle of a much bigger battle.

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It irks me to no end when someone plays victim over their actions. They, without fail, go on the defensive. The internet is forever, and some ace researchers are out there. No surprise they find it hard to get their findings out to the masses, regardless of how well documented. As for being sued, think many are ahead of you in that line. Thankful to you and others like you, Dr. Alexander, for upholding your oath.

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I cant imagine there is anything one could do to turn off the mRNA without turning off vital parts of our own cellular processes. It's always good to ask questions though. Anything that might mitigate the damage is worth investigating.

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Thank you Paul, you're asking the right questions. For Malone to go on Twitter and say hateful things about you and others is just wrong and I don't blame you for saying what you said in the above letter to him, he has caused so much damage to so many people. If he knows how to reverse the mRNA in the bioweapon shots then he should speak up. Many people have died and are suffering to this day.

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Great Great Great Great stuff Mr Paul!!! Truth truth truth truth is the only way!!! And you are getting at it!!!!

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Hi Paul,

In say ten years from now, you will be able to hold your head up high, knowing your actions will show you did your well best and you were only concerned for the injected injured and dead; for those who died and who suffered terribly from and during lockdown; for those who lost their money and their livelihoods.

It does not matter what people say or think about you.

I can see you do not care.

And that makes you dangerous and authentic.

Malone does not matter in the bigger scheme of things either.

His type will come and go.

You find false prophets in all walks of life.

It's not about the money.

It's only ever about the empathy for mankind.

Malone will do nothing to you in the courts.

He will not expose himself to cross-examination.

Even a half-arsed lawyer will rip him to shreds on cross-examination.

But one thing, if may say so Paul, you must know when to stop - meaning the principle of only saying what you need to say once or maximum twice; as repetition will only dilute your argument and grind it into dust.

Wishing you the very best.


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Malone has a history of being slime

No surprise to me

He always came off slimy and disingenuous


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Paul this is fiya! And also can we learn what this guy picked famotidine over hcq and ivm and for a rigged study at a time when hcq and ivm would have saved lives?

Can we also get an explanation if there is graphene in the hydrogel in the Relcovax described and shown in this slide presentation? https://www.bitchute.com/video/IQKb6lL8RxGy/

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Thank you Paul for sharing your truths and not bowing to the fear. You share hard truths and that is what we need to see. Don’t let anyone try to silence you. This is what free speech is folks. If you don’t like it move on!!

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Dr. Alexander please take a break. In my opinion you are losing perspective. I subscribed to your Substack because you made sense in the beginning but imo not so much now a days. Since my subscription renewed in Jan. I will leave it alone but already put in that I did not wish to renew. I will not be moved by anger or name callings. Also you sent too many emails in a day that I do not read anymore. Please return to your dignity which seemed like it was in the beginning.

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Your constant focus on Malone is not doing you any good and I would say is mentally unhealthy. I appreciate your passion and love your other posts however if this continues, I will stop following you and I am sure others will follow. Malone mentioned the supplements that your company sells BUT TOOK IT DOWN after he received backlash. On your posts people say he's suing McCullough and I haven't seen you step in to correct that false information. It almost seems you are taunting him to sue you. I truly hope for the good of everyone, and truly yourself that you stop with this Malone bashing.

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I like to listen to all sides and make my own decision.

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So you’re ridiculing Malone without him even responding? The Atlantic?? Is that not another MSM propaganda outfit. Do you trust the “other side” more than Malone? Clearly.

Methinks you doth protest to much young man!!!

Are YOU the controlled opposition? Is it your job to demolish Malone?

Why aren’t you uniting?

Why are you causing a divide?

Who went on Joe Rogan and blew the whole thing wide open?

I’m always a sceptic so the jury is still out on BOTH of you.


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I could see malones dark aura from the start

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Dr Robert Malone has been a leader in the #StopTheShot movement. He is one man with a unique perspective. His career was up ended by the US Covid response as have many physicians and scientists in the Covid truth and medical freedom battle. He has made a valuable contribution. I suspect Dr Alexander attacks and bullies Malone in an attempt to protect the reputation of himself and his colleagues in their current business venture, The Wellness Company. Dr Malone has been critical of the prices charged by this group. I disagree with that criticism as much as the bullying that’s going on here. The potential patients of the Wellness Company can decide for themselves if they want to pay for the services provided. Let capitalism, while we still have it, rule the day. However Dr. Malone also has every right to rebuild some semblance of a career all-be-it very different. If he wants to speak and consult far and wide, so be it. There’s been a great interest in his perspective.

This incessant public negativity toward Dr Malone over work he did while a PhD student is reckless and harmful. He has provided in depth explanations about his work ad nauseam. His disagreements with Dr Kariko should have remained between them but she took her complaints to The Atlantic of all places. That publication appears to be radical left wing and is a part of the vast media effort to suppress and censor the truth about the U.S. and international covid pandemic and response. That was a poor move. All of this cat fighting should cease and desist. We have more important battles to win.

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