I cannot believe I have gone from taking my flu injection without any thought 4 years ago to now looking at every single vaccine and their components and refusing all of them. To date I have refused pneumococcal, shingles, flu and of course covid injections I have become quite a rebel in my old age!

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Better late than never Amat! Welcome to team reality!

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Refusal of all big pharma drugs will save more lives than the drugs claim to do.

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Not only the flu shot never works, some unlucky people may get side effects from Hell.

With the bold massacre across the globe successfully imposed on the general population by the “vaccines”, it’s insane for anyone to take any vaccines at all. Because it’s documented officially that none of the vaccines has been tested for safety. Now we legitimately doubt if the vaccines are effective. (It’s scientifically prudent to assume they are NOT.)

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It's the last remaining jab to have thimerisol in it (mercury). American IQ has dropped about 25% in 125 years, driven in part by tetra-ethyl lead additives in gasoline, and mercury in vaccines. Importing the worst of the 3rd world since 1965 hasn't helped either.

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In 1910, allopathic medicine, championed by JD Rockefeller (probably a Marano or crypto jew) was truly launched. He hired a crooked, jewish Dr. Flexner, to basically impugn all natural medicine, and instead switch to allopathic (treating symptoms with petro-carbon, fluoridated molecules).

It's been a good business since then, sucking up about 18% of our GDP, and keeping we Goyim slightly ill. Not as good as banking, but one of their favorites.

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The truth is depressing. They’re not even smart enough to be as evil as we’ve given them credit for being.

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I REALLY liked your comment!

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I stole it. 😼

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Seriously Mandy.....Nobody gives a shit what you've done, what you're doing now, or what you're going to do. Flu shots are utterly pointless and useless. Every one of these shit shots offer diddly freaking squat. Nada.

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Love ya work ,keep the pressure on freedom movement is alive and well

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I live in a resort with lots of families coming and going. I now look at “quirky” kids/teens or children throwing public temper tantrums differently. I used to think what a spoiled brat. Now I think that poor vaccine damaged kid. They are messed up! It’s very sad.

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1: The CDC is pushing for another round of injections this fall.

2: The injections are similar in design to the first round of killer-jabs.

3: The only evidence we (and the CDC) have that they are "safe and effective" are 20 mice and Mandy.

4: If they are ready to "roll them out" over the next couple of months, that means they have already made them. Hundreds of millions - maybe billions - of them.

4a: Smart companies do not make a lot of new and expensive things unless they know their things will sell.

4b: Smart companies do make a lot of new and expensive things when they know that their things are already bought and paid-for by the US government using US taxpayer's money.

5: Are these "boosters" (that word scares me) covered under the original Emergency Use Authorization?

5a: If so, why? On May 11, 2023, something in the basement of the White House declared that the emergency was over.

5b: If not, then the magicians who make these potions cannot claim civil immunity under an EUA because an emergency no longer exists. The thing in the basement said so.

6: Anyone who accepts one of these "new-and-improved" injections should be instantly nominated for a Darwin Award.

7: Am I missing something here?

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I’m not getting any of those creepy shots!

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These Chemically Injected "People"

And Their Doctors

Are Covid Trash.

And That's Exactly How We Treat Them.

Whether Dead Or Alive.


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another Peter Principal idiot promoted beyond her capacity

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When someone is complicit in careless disregard, gross negligence, or perhaps, murder, it should be no surprise they are prepared to lie too.

Yet, on so many occasions throughout this abhorrent crime, people listen to the perpetrators and summarily dismiss all accusations, because the accused said 'not guilty'. Astoundingly, this occurs repeatedly, with the masses prepared to believe the current lie even though a plethora of previous lies have been exposed.

It really is getting difficult to consider the majority of those around us, as being anything other than dormant vassals.

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When someone is complicit in careless disregard, gross negligence, or, perhaps murder, it should be no surprise they are prepared to lie too.

Yet, on so many occasions throughout this abhorrent crime, people listen to the perpetrators and summarily dismiss all accusations because the accused said 'not guilty'. Astoundingly, this occurs repeatedly, with the masses prepared to believe the current lie even though a plethora of previous lies have been exposed.

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You have to be a lost cause to trust anything this woman says or anything the CDC or FDA says.

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When someone is complicit in careless disregard, gross negligence, or, perhaps murder, it should be no surprise they are prepared to lie too.

Yet, on so many occasions throughout this abhorrent crime, people listen to the perpetrators and summarily dismiss all accusations because the accused said 'not guilty'. Astoundingly, this occurs repeatedly, with the masses prepared to believe the current lie even though a plethora of previous lies have been exposed.

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