do not watch this woman being burnt alive if you cannot, please do not. but this is what happened and no police, no passerby, no person on the train, did anything, she stood there no doubt in shock, dying, in pain and no one did anything, just walked by and bitched.

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I am having a difficult time believing this happened as it did

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is it New York people are dehumanized? I mean this makes no sense to walk on by?

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It's not just New Yorkers. It's all over this country. How many times have we seen girls getting beaten up in schools, and the other kids just standing around and taking videos with their phones instead of trying to help the girl. It's widespread. Too many people have lost their frigging minds. There is just no morality any more. Our world has turned completely dark.

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thank you for saying this for it is 100% true

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I agree 100%. Influencers on social media, nonstop selfies, tictoc, snapchat and whatever else. People & their children, have become zombies, slaves to technology. Much to the delight of the CCP. Parents are not taking charge of their children's use of electronic devices. Will this be a wake up call? I highly doubt it. This is a dehumanizing process. New York City and San Francisco are ground zero.

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I hope its the wake up call, no matter once you saw it, it destroys the soul...

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Dennis Rader aka BTK (Bind Torture Kill) iwas a devoted volunteer at Christ Lutheran Church where he was active on the church council and shortly befoe his arrest he had ascended to the board’s presidency. He practically lived at the churc. Like many serial killers, including Ted Bundy, Rader was a staunch Republican. He was from Wichita.

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It is not a coincidence that this unfortunate woman received no help soon after the ridiculous Daniel Penny show trial. Reluctant, even cowardly, male behavior is the goal of the Left, and they have largely succeeded.

If the government, society and media made an "about face" and began applauding self-defense and Good Samaritan bravery, outrageous acts like this would immediately start to diminish.

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very important actually true statement "Reluctant, even cowardly, male behavior is the goal of the Left, and they have largely succeeded."

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This is what I have been worried about for the past 40 years when I first started to notice feminism I knew it would come to this. All these years of trying to warn people was a futile endeavor.

When I would see women acting more masculine in the movies people didn’t wanna listen. When they started shamming men on any TV program or commercial on TV nobody would listen. They wouldn’t even believe it was happening.

When is this going to end? ?!?!

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I disagree, personally, about the reference to the Daniel Penny case.

This Penny case has nothing directly to do with this case. In this girl case the damage/crime already happened and no one helped HER. Also there is an online Good Samartian Law in NYC.

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Pretzle logic + mental gymnastics = BS

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It's disgraceful that nobody tried to help. It's small consolation but at least New Yorkers are probably feeling sad over what happened rather than opening champagne bottles and dancing in the streets like they would If the victim had been a Big Pharma boss or health insurance CEO.

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thank you for saying this for it is true.

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issue is it shows us the social contract between us as human beings no longer exists...COVID broke it, dont you think or helped break it.

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I remember when someone started choking at Howard Johnson’s I ran right over there. I would’ve at least started rolling her on the ground. For God sake, I can’t believe this.

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Meh that health company CEO killed more people through denying health claims than any serial killer, no sympathy at all. That's VERY different than burning an innocent young woman to death.

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lots here Mr. Raven is 100% correct. I dont condone killing, I dont. but there is lots to unpack here. her death I think will reshape USA...I hope

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Time flies..treachery..perfidy..sudden death everywhere... underneath the city...now is..mortal peril..as the black crow flies...God speed Mr Raven**Let all decent folk REARM NOW**

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Mr. Raven,

The CEO killed not one person. Stop conflating.

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As I mentioned in another post NYC is a dead city. My heart is completely broken to see this level of evil. The subhuman scum that did this deserves the fate he delivered to Amelia. I believe humanity overall is good. But there are actual demons walking among us and they are absolute cowards. The only way to stop this evil is to deliver it back to them. Publicly. Swiftly.

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thank you for this, this is for her parents, to know people like you exist who see the depravity...

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In all my life, I have not seen anything like this. and the trouble is that no one helped...no one...no police, no one, there is no excuse here.

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To watch a police officer in the video walk right by is SHOCKING!!!!! He should be FIRED immediately! What happened to serve & PROTECT?

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None. The normal thing is to help people. Especially in an emergency.

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People have been systematically desensitized. So much violence in movies and tv. Violence all day long & night in large cities. Sadly, people are turning into dimwitted drones…

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not sure if my prior cued stacked Merry Christmas piece should go out at 830 as planned...I am in two minds. this has broken it all.

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Always celebrate merry Christmas, that doesn’t take away from the life of Amelia, she is with the source our father now she’s not in pain.

And I totally am old testament. I agree on earth we need to give back to evil humans, putting out an equal and opposite force it’s physics, to stop them.

As a woman, I do hold the men of America responsible for this, men are supposed to protect women and children and the vulnerable, and they are very passive as a group. They have lost their instincts and their nature. I personally would’ve done anything to stop this. I would’ve got whatever I needed to clothing blankets my own clothing jackets. I don’t know if there’s fire extinguishers present. I’ve never been on the subway, but I would’ve screamed at people and snapped them out of it till they helped.

I am Generation X and I’m 100% sure that Cellular phones and the Internet are responsible for the brainwash along with the Gwen towers disguised as the 5G towers. I was a computer scientist and programmer in my 20s, and I left it behind because it disappeared time, and made me antisocial, and desensitized me. All that radiation isn’t good for the human being.

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I agree, publicly and swiftly and they must pain...suffer them

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An eye for an eye case if there ever was one, which there are many since the border was opened.

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Manhattan is focus of evil but Brooklyn,Long Island and Staten Island lean republican especially so LI and SI..Let's not discount all of NY. I also believe upstate is good.

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Americans will help if they think there could be a danger to themselves if they don't help. They care about themselves but not so much about women being raped and/or murdered in proximity to them. This has been extensively studied. In this case the witnesses would have considered the fire unlikely to spread and potentially harm them personally. Therefore they would not have been motivated to help

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so very disturbing

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really is a testimony on humanity now

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was she holding on for us, for someone to help her...holding on to the railing

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All they would have needed was a very large coat, or a large blanket, etc., to try to get to that woman and get her out. She needed to be immediately removed, wrapped up, and rolled on the ground to put out the fire, but unfortunately, most of our people these days are too stupid to even know that.

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we are filled to the brim in anguish...

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You are so right. I don't understand why no one would help. Daniel Penny God bless him for preventing this type of violence.

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thank you Chelie, what is ravaging is she was moving as if she was confused, holding on for us to help her

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And look where it got Daniel. In court, fighting to stay out of jail. That's why no one in NY stepped in to help. In 2024 good samaritans get arrested.

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That went through my mind when I saw the video. And what was waving a jacket or something going to do when all it would have done was fan the flames?

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The danger is the LAW. They dont even have to know the law. Rape/murder is another topic because you could assume that the perpetrator or gang has a weapon or they could rape/murder you too. This was a local fire I assume. Very local, except for fast igniting clothes, this is to be seen what the person wore. I cant even imagine how someone can be ignited/immolated, because your clothing usually shouldnt ignite so easily with just you holding your match or lighter at it.

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you must have fire extinguishers every so much space in that car, the police could have acted...this defies logic.

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She was wearing nylon stockings…

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Sucks. That's the conclusion and worse is to come. This is what "liberation" looks like; getting orally raped to death by an immigrant while sleeping or getting lit on fire while sleeping. Choose, white woman.

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Say someone actually did something. They could be Daniel Pennyied.

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They did it with a rape and murder all those years ago. It took hours and people were happily listening.

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The woman who was burned was not a CEO and most likely had not ripped anybody off. so with regard to the prosecution of the perp there will be only a fraction of the energy expended on that compared to what's going into prosecuting Luigi Mangione

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That’s because it was a psyop, intended to inflame all Americans. The “victim” was most likely a crisis actor / stunt man: look at the calves and thighs on the “burning woman.”

Has everyone forgotten about the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012?

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Yes it’s possibly all to do with Dividing Controlling and Conquering the US Public .

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Because you’re ignorant

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But if a Daniel Penny stepped in the New York ‘law’ would put him on trial - evil lives here!

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that no one helped?

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Remember the Uvalde school shooting, how the police cowered in the hallway and let the kids get murdered. Those Uvalde police were far braver and more compassionate than the average American.

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I wrote that the Uvalde police were near scum, to allow the children to die.

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Cowards just collecting taxpayer dollars. DEI comes to mind... Also, in my opinion, men today are not the same as they once were defined. Normandy comes to mind... I am NOT knocking all men, because there are real men out there.

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How compassionate would you be while using hand sanitizer at the end of the hall while children were actively being murdered? If you think that is compassion I don't want to ever be around you.

Iirc, a sheriff rushed past them and subdued the shooter at much risk to his life.

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"Criminally Negligent Homicide occurs when someone causes the death of another person through actions that they failed to perceive as having a substantial and unjustifiable risk of death (NYPL 15.05 and 125.10). This is a class E felony."


Under New York Penal Law § 125.10, you could be prosecuted for criminally negligent homicide if with criminal negligence you kill another person. According to New York Penal Law § 15.05(4), acting with "criminal negligence" means that you failed to perceive a substantial risk that your actions or INACTION would result in another person's death. The risk must constitute a gross deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would observe under the circumstances.


"Negligence is an action or omission that is inconsistent with the course of action a prudent individual would take given the circumstances. Individuals whose negligent conduct results in injuries to others are liable for the damages."



The bystanders can be charged. If guilty according to the requirements must be proven, but this is the least the state/city can do. There was no gun or other immediate life-threating threats involved. I assume the fire was initially local on her clothing, even at a later stage you could have easily used your jacked to eliminate the oxygen input and with it estinguish the fire. I saw the perpetrator was intoxicated, I dont think all the bystanders were as well, even though it seem so...

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Eh.. this looks very surreal. She doesnt even move, how is that possible. Is it some body reaction to being burned alive? I dont think so?

IMO the surronding people especially the police man should be 100% charged with failure to render aid resulting in death. This is just insanity. The soon you see someone on fire you must immediately help, like in miliseconds. I dont know anyone who wouldnt do that.

In mass events there is this "bystander effect" but that no one helps in this case is just insanity. What the fuck is wrong with people in NYC?

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it is shocking

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Remember the case of Justine Damond in Minneapolis? After she called 9-1-1 to report the possible assault of a woman in an alley behind her house the cops showed up and shot her dead.

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yes, the beast islamic police officer, I wrote about this, he identified as shariah islam and that she dared come out of her home in her nightgown...the beast shot her dead just like that...

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Mohamed Noor, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted in the fatal shooting of an Australian woman who called 911 for help, was sentenced Friday to 12 1/2 years in prison.

Noor, 33, fatally shot Justine Ruszczyk Damond, on July 15, 2017, after Noor and his partner responded to Damond’s call to report that she thought a woman was being sexually assaulted.

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I though same, maybe the pain immobilizes you? I dont know. I am numbed.

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I can only imagine maybe at some later stages, but no one helped in the early stage .. Another thing is modern (often synthetic) clothes which have a very low ignition point, dangerous if someone want to ignite you. I dont know the whole details of this event, but surely the surrounding people could have helped here (in any form)

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you raised a key point as to clothing

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How are you a doctor and don’t know about the sociological tenets of bystander apathy?

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as an academic scientist I know everything on bystander effect...the purpose of stacks and this type of forum is for us ALL, not just I to have an opinion and share so that we learn...I dont use here to preach and teach you...if I took you down my areas of expertise you wont understand me. and same you...so respect me and that

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You have 50x responses of shock and dismay. You’re literally spamming “Humans dropped the ball”. We get it. Why? What’s your angle? Why do you keep fucking repeating yourself?

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I'm sure she was overcome with both shock and fear. It can paralyze a person, which I suspect is what happened to her.

But yes, that reality that NO ONE tried to help her is just hard to swallow. Humanity is gone.

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I think, I know she was shocked and immobilized but waiting for someone...

we failed. we had a chance to ensure we did not leave her behind and we did.

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Justice is gone. If that would work as it should people would not hesitate to help. Look what is happening in Germany if you talk against or do something against an illegal migrant.

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I have an opinion that the Lord takes you the second you feel pain.

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I agree with you but the blue district voters decide the elections there. We have family in upstate NY and it’s sad what’s happened to the state.

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I will NOT go into details as to why it happens on this post but, yes, I am not surprised she remained standing. Horriffic.

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where is it gone? the humanity?

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Off the face of the earth, it appears. Sadly.

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if you can, please explain, we want to know...it is so shocking

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Its called burned induced "pugilistic attitude". Its graphic.

Here is a reference paper on the subject. Its a rough article to read if youre not prepared. Apologies in advance...


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thank you so it is that the person has no control...of this

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correct... no control

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I agree that the event is layered, first the crime in itself to immolate someone, and the other second part is that no one helped.

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Have you seen video of self-immolations? There have been some recent examples, and they look just like this, with the victim not moving at all, or not moving much, whether sitting or standing. It may have something to do with paralysis by fear, or pain receptors in the skin being burned and damaged. I think when burning victims do run or flail, it’s because they started moving before the fire got intense enough to prevent movement

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George Soros and his democrat party is what is the matter. Soros and the WEF, and the party they control, did this to us.

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Our part in it is that we've allowed it.

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It could be cultural that you don't know anyone who wouldn't help, if you grew up in Germany.

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you mean Germans would not? I dont know hence asking.

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No, I think Germans would help

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I don't think this is cultural and specific to Americans. I think it's indicative of the desensitization of those living and dealing with the insanity that's been visited upon blue cities. Police deal with so much bullshit they become numb to the horror. It's a defence mechanism.

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My son is 23 and when attending elementary school, possibly first grade, the children were taught what to do if faced with fire... Drop, tuck and roll among other things. The police officer should be held accountable for his in actions.

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My thoughts exactly!

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I could not watch.

But I would think it could have been possible immediately to move the girl to the floor and roll her over and over, back and forth, until the flame was extinguished. Isn't that the advice given if we discover own own clothing in flames?

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good you did not wactch

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it was a failure on humanity, our society as a whole

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I pray the Lord receives her with open arms

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On March 13th, 1964, in New York City, Kitty Genovese was arriving home from work in the middle of the night when she was brutally stabbed to death by disgusting criminal Winston Moseley, an African American psychopath and necrophile. He said later that his motive for the attack was simply "to kill a woman", saying he preferred to kill women because "they were easier and didn't fight back".Two weeks after the murder, The New York Times published an article claiming that thirty-eight witnesses saw or heard the attack, including the woman screaming for help, and that none of them called the police or came to her aid. When Moseley was apprehended, and Chief of Detectives Albert Seedman asked him how he dared to attack a woman in front of so many witnesses, the psychopath calmly replied, 'I knew they wouldn't do anything, people never do.' The incident prompted inquiries into what became known as the bystander effect, or "Genovese syndrome." It was later found that there were fewer witnesses than stated and some did try to help. However, most did not. It was subsequently reportedly found in several studies that Americans are more likely to come to the aid of a woman in their neighborhood yelling "fire" than to a woman yelling "rape." In the case of the sound of a woman yelling "fire," Americans become concerned that the fire could spread and harm them or their property. In the case of a woman yelling "rape" they care less and don't want to get involved because it could be a hassle.

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very disturbing...Wthan Moseley was apprehended, and Chief of Detectives Albert Seedman asked him how he dared to attack a woman in front of so many witnesses, the psychopath calmly replied, 'I knew they wouldn't do anything, people never do.' The incident prompted inquiries into what became known as the bystander effect, or "Genovese syndrome. It was later found that there were fewer witnesses than stated and some did try to help.

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this situation broke me. I admit

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It's all horrific.

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One of the things we were taught in driver's ed is to consider scenarios and decide on proper reactions ahead of time. This not only shortens the reaction time if an incident occurs but increases the likelihood of action. Most people, understandably, don't ponder to themselves, "what would I do if I saw a person on fire in a subway car?" In this instance there may have also been a variant of the "white coat effect" as there is a police officer (from the stills I have seen, I do not wish to view the video) present so it is easy to assume he's in charge. As with most of the posters here I envision I would jump in to help but I, thankfully, have not been in this situation, so I cannot be sure. I am filled with sadness and anger that this was done.

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I can't even imagine how her family must feel..her parents especially!

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thank you...I know you are overcome too.

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It could be that in growing up the islands you were exposed to people who had a sense of community and who cared about people other than themselves. You grew up to be altruistic and compassionate. So you are aghast and stunned by the unfathomable cruelty of what the vile criminal did and by the callous actions of those who did nothing to help. I too am aghast. In fact the whole world is aghast. This incident made international headlines.

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thank you with these words...

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I feel so ashamed to her parents...

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it is a social unwritten contract between you and I that if I run into danger while out, someone will help me...or my child or loved one...this one incident tells us NOT so...

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It is agape love, love of neighbor. Jesus said the second greatest commandment after love of God, is "love your neighbor as yourself." Jesus gave the parable of the good Samaritan as an example for us. The Samaritan assisted a total stranger at his own expense. Jesus indicated that love of neighbor begins with love of ourself. Perhaps this is an indication of the self-loathing felt by many people. Negative self-image is projected onto others. I always say, "If you're a piece of shit, all you can do is shit on everyone else. There is a psychological explanation for all behaviors. I hold a PSYCH degree.

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thank you David, it is as if we need to learn here and form this, we as a society must heal from this, if we ever can. I dont know

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Heroism is not, as Americans are taught, surrendering to the enemy because your plane was shot down, then working for the Viet Cong while you're in a POW camp, before later becoming a zsenator and running for President. It's not butchering civilians in a drone strike while seated at a terminal thousands of miles away, because you were only following orders.

Philip Zimbardo, of Stanford Prison Experiment fame, said in a TED talk on the subject of evil:

"To be a hero, you have to learn to be a deviant, because you're always going against the conformity of the group. Heroes are ordinary people whose social actions are extraordinary. Those people who act. The key to heroism is two things: A. you have to act when other people are passive. B. you have to act socio-centrically, not egocentrically."

In the Darley-Batson study (1973), which was inspired by the Bible’s tale involving a Samaritan woman who helped Jesus, Darley and Batson met with a group of American seminarians, individually, and asked each one to prepare a short, extemporaneous talk on a given biblical theme, then walk over to a nearby building to present it. Along the way to the presentation, each student ran into a man slumped in an alley, head down, eyes closed, coughing and groaning. The question was, who would stop and help?

"The authors state: “Indeed, on several occasions, a seminary student going to give his talk on the parable of the Good Samaritan literally stepped over the victim as he hurried on this way.”

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How do you get people to see the inhumanity in bystanders looking then walking away and not doing anything. At the point we are at they need to be shamed. And the Police? Fire them and charge them with dereliction of duty.

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I am moved to say yes, they are culpable...we had to help...had to

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Good Samaritan Laws protect civilians who help people who are in danger. The law protects people from being sued, to encourage civilians to help when someone is in danger or distress.

Maybe NYC needs to post signs in public areas to make people aware.

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That's even more shocking than the crime. How can you WATCH and do NOTHING?? In my 14 years in NYC, (I drove a taxi for 2 of them) I came to people's rescue many times -on the street (saved a man's life in the blizzard of April 6th 1982,. on the subway in Brooklyn (Stopped a mugging), and on 6th avenue at 58th st. stopped a robbery.. There's more, but how hard is it - in winter no less - to take off your damn jacket and wrap the woman in it? Who doesn't know that? Are we already living in a world of zombies?

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Simple case of bystander apathy. It is inherent in massive cosmopolitan cities. Everyone thought surely everyone else would do something. This is the poison of urbanization.

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for Amelia, the border must be closed. in fact we must name it Amelia's law. Close it. and mass deport. for her, in her memory, what happened is so monstrous it matches deporting 30 million people. all. and still is not enough. for what was done to her and if Trump fails to close the border and mass deport as he promised and I dont mean only illegals who commit crimes, then am out.

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I will reserve judgment until 47 is sworn in but on the mRNA vaccines to be stopped instantly on swearing in and closure of border...he can keep all other actions to help fix USA. just these 2 actions

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We must not only close our borders and deal with the 30,000,000 illegals already here. The motherfuckers who permitted the open border policies must be collected, tried, convicted and executed for their Crimes Agaonst Everyday Americans. Fuck them. No mercy. All of the piece of shit representatives who voted in favor of and continue to support FREE TRADE policies that continue killing Americans nationwide daily must also be collected, charged, tried, prosecuted and promptly EXECUTED. This is The USA. Start acting like Americans instead of pussies. Everything that has played out over the past 30 years in The USA is directly attributable to the TRAITORS who brought US So called FREE TRADE. There is nothing Free about it. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree

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Info released minutes ago identified the woman as a 61 year old New Jersey woman Debrina Kawam. If you look at the photo it is far more consistent with a 61 year old in poor physical condition and not the young Amelia.

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Drew Skonberg,DC

Dr. Drew’s Newsletter


I have no words. This ranks up there with the picture of the Vietnamese burnt young girl that turned public opinion against the war.

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Oh, I just posted on that and now I find that it's already acknowledged. Yes, this is a very good point!

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there is too much sorrow here

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what happened here

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she was holding onto the railing in the subway car, I think hoping someone would come to help her...and no one came...we left her...

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I am so sorry what was done to her...

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and we failed her...

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no one helped her

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would you have helped her?

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so many things I wanted to share and talk about but could not, I had to share this.

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this may be a watershed moment for America...to claw back its soul from the abyss that is now circling the drain

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we as people, in NYC, in USA, failed in so many ways, I think this will scar America for many years. it is really a commentary on human life now.

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the social contract, is now broken.

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But are people paying attention? I don’t see people in the streets like I did in England and Ireland. I see people going back to work like nothing happened.

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this video can destroy your soul, so dont watch

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Unfortunately you must compartmentalize these events in your mind lest you risk losing your soul. Not to be forgotten. Rather, a moment in time that forever hardens your resolve to live on and never accept such things as NOTHING but true evil.

Someone told me this once after a really bad case of unhumanity I witnessed...it helped then and may help you now..

"Nothing can change what happened. Your pity or anger is neither necessary or helpful. It will serve only to cloud your mind. Only through clarity of mind will justice be brought forth for the deceased. Do not fail them."

That is our charge for her.

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thank you...I know you all feel as devastated as me and we are not her family.

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I just dont get how no one helped her

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I haven't watched. Not sure if I will. Probably not. It is bad enough, even though the photo was taken years ago, seeing the image of Napalm Girl, the defining image for its era of America, depicting a distraught little girl in the road with clothes burned off after being napalm bombed by America.

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dont watch it, it destroys your soul...the depravity and the broken social contract.

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The young Vietnamese child recovered and was moved to America, iirc. More than what Amelia received. We have been invaded and subdued, thanks to the deep state and its backers. Amelia was murdered because democrats hate America for not giving them more power

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thank you for this post, very important

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Prior to going after the imported savages we must go after those that imported them.

Mass arrests of all officials and Intelligence Industrial Complex players that allowed for this!

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Amen. Let Tom Holman do his job. He has my full backing to deal with these sub-humans any way he wants.

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Our greatest fears have now seemed to materialize. The school closures, social dislocation, the two years of isolation, the lockdown psychosis, plus dehumanizing masking and the resulting anxiety, depression, and despair, may have unleashed and may have enhanced depraved and murderous behavior.

Two major incidents have been in the news but the trend is larger. The FBI reports that deaths from active shooter incidents have soared. In 2021, the number of deaths reported as a result of active shootings (103 total) was a 171% increase from 2020. The relationship to lockdown policies should be apparent to any objective observer.

Socially malevolent behavior is potentially driven by the severing of the social contract, socialization, social bonds, and support normally operational in a functional society. The lockdowns and school closures shatter a sense of the future, of belonging, of ‘mattering,’ a sense of loss and hope and dreams of tomorrow that then can drive depravity and wickedness.

With pliable minds in young people, these prolonged restrictive policies facilitated tragic pathologies.

Consider the 18-year-old kid who shot up an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, killing 19 young children, a teacher, and his own grandmother. Information is emerging by the hour, and we are still waiting on the motivations, but we already know the core problem: the gunman, filled with rage and hate, had been locked out of his school for a long period, denied essential social contact, support, and interaction that might otherwise have checked evil impulses.

With an open school and maskless students, with normal school days and no forced isolation, the teachers and administrators would have had a better chance at flagging him. In the midst of all the chaos and confusion, most people in his community came to believe that he had simply dropped out. The human being (potentially with or without already evil impulses) had become a monster who then revealed himself with massive carnage.

Similarly, a few weeks ago, a deranged 18-year old entered a TOPS grocery in Buffalo, New York and shot a reported 14 and killed 10 people. He was white and they, the dead, were black, though there are reports that two or three of those shot who survived (thus far), were white. He shot principally people based on their racial-ethnic makeup, being black. Raw, vicious hate.

Jeffrey Tucker of Brownstone Institute has perhaps done the most justice to these senseless acts and helped focus us onto a key implication of the failed COVID lockdowns. Tucker’s article focuses on the ravaging societal implications and how much the social isolation of the pandemic’s response can take a prior healthy mind and poison and destroy it, as it seemingly did with the Buffalo shooter, driving depths of racist depravity. A primitive, racist depravity that emerged after a sense of loss, social isolation, diminished and weakened hopes and dreams in the future, and the shattering of all that was normal and stable in a person’s life.

Before slaughtering people, the killer wrote:

“Before I begin I will say that I was not born racist nor grew up to be racist. I simply became racist after I learned the truth. I started browsing 4chan in May 2020 after extreme boredom, remember this was during the outbreak of covid…. I never even saw this information until I found these sites, since mostly I would get my news from the front page of Reddit. I didn’t care at the time, but as I learned more and more I realized how serious the situation was. Eventually I couldn’t take it anymore, I told myself that eventually I was going to kill myself to escape this fate. My race was doomed and there was nothing I could do about it.”

Tucker says that the Buffalo shooter conjured up a sense of belongingness via an “imagined artificial solidarity” with others of his clan with whom he had little if any contact; it was all in his deranged head.

Think of those who brought about these inhumane lockdown conditions. The laptop class operates so far removed from the consequences of their actions and disconnected from experiencing the ill effects of lockdowns directly, that they were willing to dispense with sacred rights and liberties of others. In so doing, they decimated societal rules, norms, moral codes, and social mores that took us several hundred years to fashion as part of good societies.

In addition, facial masks may have had a role in the actions of the depraved killers in both Buffalo and Uvalde. The constant mask wearing while in public may have broken the mind and severed the human connection, ending the silent but necessary communication that takes place between human beings.

So very much communication, emotion, care, tenderness, and non-verbal cues can be seen in each other’s faces. Unable to interact with others and unable to see faces when one does, we necessarily blunt compassion, connection, and empathy. It is entirely possible that young people were placed into sheer terror and loss as their entire social existence and connectedness were thereby shredded.

We now must mourn and grieve these tragedies and for the lost souls and their families. It is pain that defies any human discourse and it is now that we must turn to our gods and to each other for understanding, support, solace, and healing. It is our faiths and our communities that will get us through these senseless acts.

Is this Buffalo teen shooter and the Texas teen shooter the last such shooters? I fear not, as we may have damaged the minds of many people irreparably. There are grave consequences due to lockdowns and school closures, not only from a weakened immune system and the vast economic damage, but also due to the wrecked psyches of many young people.

Had the governments, policy makers, and covid Task Force officials heeded the early warnings on the disastrous lockdown and school closures, we may have been able to circumvent such tragedies. It is imperative now that we have urgent discussions that are broadened and include experts who bring alternative viewpoints to the table.

We may have opened Pandora’s box with these crushing school closures, forced masking, and lockdowns. The ramifications are beginning to emerge. Lockdown policies have damaged society, structurally and psychologically, and for a very long time to come. It might take the rest of the 21st century or longer for society to recover from the devastation of lockdown policies.

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I wrote this paper published

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lockdowns, masks damaged us, COVID will have an effect for 100 years

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I've found it astounding that almost every mass shooter left mountains of evidence before hand that they were a danger and likely to do something horrific, and yet the system, people knowledgeable about the danger, did nothing or even if they warned others, nothing was done. The FBI was warned in one case, and did nothing. I knew one such person, and the police wouldn't remove his guns, he eventually was taken in for observation, then set free where he ended up suicide by cop.

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thank you for this sharing, this is truly horrendous, and your observation is key

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How does this affect those Muslim females who have to wear burkas?

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ravaging societal implications and how much the social isolation of the pandemic’s response can take a prior healthy mind and poison and destroy it, as it seemingly did with the Buffalo shooter, driving depths of racist depravity. A primitive, racist depravity that emerged after a sense of loss, social isolation, diminished and weakened hopes and dreams in the future, and the shattering of all that was normal and stable in a person’s life.

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Think of those who brought about these inhumane lockdown conditions. The laptop class operates so far removed from the consequences of their actions and disconnected from experiencing the ill effects of lockdowns directly, that they were willing to dispense with sacred rights and liberties of others. In so doing, they decimated societal rules, norms, moral codes, and social mores that took us several hundred years to fashion as part of good societies.

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It was horrific to watch. The police did nothing and neither did ANY bystanders who just sat there and filmed. How would you feel if that was you or your loved one. At least, attempt to help her in whatever way you can. This video shows clearly how low we have sunken as a society and frankly it will only get worse. What is happening is disgusting! Criminals need to be treated very harshly!!

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thank you for this and for her family to know people like you exist

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nobody helped her

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I was shocked to my core when I saw that video, and wtf, who was videoing her instead of helping her, the world has gotten desensitized to trauma thanks to cell phone cameras, they don't give a shit, they'd rather get likes and go viral. May God wrap His wings around this precious angel, RIP Amelia.

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I fear the videographer was dreaming of a huge payoff for selling the clip to the media rather than recognizing Amelia's humanity. An empty shell of a person without empathy.

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Disgusting beyond words.

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Many are blaming the Daniel Penny episode from keeping others from helping the poor burning gal out of the fear good Samaritans get prosecuted int NYC, but this is not an atypical event in NYC. Who remembers March 13, 1964, Kitty Genovese, a 28-year-old bartender, was raped and stabbed outside the apartment building where she lived. Despite her screams no one came to her aide.

Something is seriously fussed up in that city and has been fussed up obviously for decades. We are dealing with spiritual insanity and this is what brings down societies. Tic Tok, time is nigh.

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yes, I agree. spiritual insanity

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you are right on the Kitty G rape, shocked us all...

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Yes, that was the one I was referring to in another comment. People did that then and they are doing it now. We have been sick for a very long time. And the millennials and generation Z will not listen to us.

I tried to tell my cousin how scary it is for a woman who been molested to have a man come in her restroom, and all she could say was that people who are prejudice against these trans are just sick ignorant people. When I tried to tell her the statistics, she said I don’t wanna listen. I don’t wanna listen.

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We may disagree on many issues, even, yet I respect you greatly.

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