Reading this takes me back to the VRBPAC sham approval of the poison product for children 5 to 11 last fall and Eric Rubin's infamous "But we’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes. That’s how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines like coronavirus vaccine. And I do think we should vote to approve it."

That's when the ultimate stage of this reign of terror began for me.

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Everyone should listen to that entire day long meeting. There were so many things said that day that parents need to hear. That one quote made a good soundbyte, but there were dozens of comments that raised red flags.

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The latest email that I have read. BTW, not the worst. Nobody should be receiving these kill shots. NOBODY.

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not suitable for humans or pets period. trust will take me 9 lives to regain.

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Why are children even receiving these experimental biologicals, knowing what we know now? Serious adverse events and deaths reports cdc VAERS. In the UK we are seeing covid cases increasing again in adults. New variant of omicron? Hospitalisations going up. Whatever happened to the vitamin D conversation? Ivermectin?Hcq? No one here has any idea that there are repurposed drugs to treat covid. The job of censorship has been pretty effective. Just wish this government had worked that hard on preventive measures and early treatments. But there was no money in that from big pharma and whoever else is part of the scamdemic.

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Have always tried to avoid dystopian novels whenever possible - incredibly, now we are all living in one - naive to have thought this couldn’t possibly happen in so many “free” and

“first-world” countries………..

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Exactly and we’ll said!!!

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Another terrific report and analysis, Dr. A., of a VERY important issue - and how the so-called health & medical "authorities" have been dishing out less than professional advice!! We owe you a great deal of gratitude for presenting this VERY important issue to all of us - even those of us who do NOT have little children that will be affected (and some, of course, adversely) by these very questionable shots!!

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Group Think! Odd Man Out! Fear! All rule at the NIH/FDA/CDC/NIAID! The one physician that didn't vote should have the guts to speak out! Oops! He would be the "Odd Man Out! No more prestigious position for him! Read my FEAR analysis that is ruling the masses.


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In the US, at least, the "need" to approve the vaccines for kids is not for their health, but for the drug companies' wealth. Vaccines that get on the childhood schedule are immune from damages via the 1986 law, as pointed out by RFK Jr. in his book on Fauci. When Emergency Use $ immunity expires, they'll "need" something else. Are they really that callous and greedy? Evidently so.

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Reading this message actually put my entire head in a brace. I keep thinking I will, at some point, become immune to this information and accept the level of pure unmitigated EVIL that we are witnessing. I should be thankful I am not immune.

And I thank you for your hard work and dedication to TRUTH!

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Anyone willing to submit to taking the experimental mRNA or J & J COVID injections is playing a real game of Russian Roulette with their lives and anyone involved in distributing and administering these dangerous experimental COVID injections is complicit in inflicting serious injuries and deaths that are a consequence of these injections. At this point, everyone on the planet is aware of the potential for serious adverse reactions, health complications and deaths from these injections so anyone involved in administering them (without informed consent) will one day be held liable in a court of law once the lawsuits that are currently being pursued result in a ruling of fraud against Pfizer and Moderna for manipulating and obscuring their clinical trial data and results that were used to obtain EAU. When I have heard Dr. Makary in radio interviews, he does not go far enough in his warnings about the dangerous health risks with the COVID injections. He cites stats on positive COVID cases, hospitalizations etc. but I have never hear him state the most salient truth that for anyone of any age, the serious health risks (including death) that could result from taking these experimental mRNA injections far outweigh any potential benefit and therefore, these COVID injections must be halted!!! Dr. Makary has a public microphone with radio and TV and print media and he needs to be an emphatic voice of warning to parents that these COVID injections are not safe and should not be given to any child! Dr. Makary seems to leave this serious issue open to pediatricians to decide if the child may be at risk for becoming ill from COVID. These dangerous experimental COVID injections will not be halted unless physicians publicly declare that the potential for serious adverse reactions outweighs the potential for any benefit for anyone for all ages.

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Common Propaganda used for not releasing data for adverse reactions to the mRNA injections.

" He suggested that not recommending boosters for young children would create confusion that "could also bleed over to 12-to-17-year-olds, and even the adult population."

This same type of argument is used in pushing climate change/global warming lies.

Wake up to the lies. STOP listening to the junk and uncloud your minds.

"We are His workmanship, created for good works in Christ. He calls us to offer up ourselves a living sacrifice." Keith Green If You Love the Lord.

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Such an inhumane agenda. Feels like a nightmare, but I pinch myself and feel it ...

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Why would you say you thinks it's safe. Pretty sure it's the opposite of safe.

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Gruesome figures from the UK MHRA about what is happening to children re jabs and myocarditis / pericarditis.

We begged the Government not to vaccinate children – now ten are dead and nearly 2,000 injured


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That is absolutely DREADFUL news!! The poor kids of the UK!! I certainly hope that before too many more are dead or seriously injured, cooler - and more sensible - heads will prevail!!

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I fear it is the tip of the iceberg. Seeing lots of news stories across the UK of children suddenly dying - of people of all ages suddenly dying - and UK Press is now trying to convince the population that SDS - Sudden Death Syndrome - is common in young people.

If it is happening in the UK it will be happening in every jabbed country I suspect.

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Thanks for the update/input about what's happening in the UK - and, of course, what may very well start happening over here!! What a terrible scenario - and, bottom line, PREVENTABLE tragedy!! A friend just forwarded a darling photo of the second child of the son of a friend (whom I also know, but not quite as well), but the point being that if that darling little girl were given the VERY UNNECESSARY jab, God only knows what might happen to HER!

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Off topic, someone really needs to start talking to the Russians, they too are rolling out vax for children...

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Did you know this? Russian news sources...

The genome of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, belonging to a subvariant of the omicron strain BA.4, has been isolated in Russia — Head of the Laboratory for Genomic Research of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Kamil Khafizov

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