Agree... saw his testimony and he spoke his truth... proud of all of you brave drs. who have been put thru hell... And also to all the people & employees who have stood up against the mandatory self appointed vax faux police, which consists of ignorant bullies who think they are deities. Then there are the Drs.& nurses who played along as well. Yes the fools who were dancing in the halls of the hospitals. Leftover Tik Tok losers. How have they been incentivized, God only knows. And then there is the faculty at universities who nailed students & made them the victims of the “ shot attack”. “You must be vaxxed my pretties or you shall be kicked out of school”. So kick me out, it’s a badge of courage. Parents sold their kids health to appease Fauci-esque higher ups who should be fired from their positions for playing ball with the evil kill

Agenda. Sorry, not sorry! Fight on... Standup..Thank you Dr. Alexander🦋🙏🏻🦋

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Just need to get this out there..... David martin


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will share, I had put out a stack on this recent but this is great, thank you

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Love Dr. Martin’s brain!!!! Hope the lawsuit proceeds & these pos people are locked up. Have followed him since 2020... He is just like these other magnificent fighters for Medical Truth & Justice....they standup & spit out all the data. It just rolls off their tongue, and they always have their studies to back it up. They are standing up against the “Depop Drs” and “Globalist Ghouls” who want to rule the world with less useless eaters. They all have their enclaves or islands or bunkers to run to when the planned “blank” hits the fan. It is all so obvious yet many are oblivious, but we are not & that is what counts. Keep negating the lies, we all know the facts... shout it from the rooftops... express it in your writing & convos. Never ever let these cold hearted freaks go near ur children or yourselves with their vax from hell.

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You are a very smart lady. Agape

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Thank you Cindy.

Another piece of the puzzle solved.

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I'm surprised YT hasn't taken it down.

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I know. Share while we can. Hopefully it can be archived and accessed

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It seems that a lot of people are misunderstanding his quote. He said not one HEALTHY child has died from COVID. I have seen several people saying that there have been a few hundred to a few thousand children who died of COVID. But, none of them were HEALTHY children. The children who died of COVID all had serious underlying health conditions, and then tested positive for COVID upon their death. And I suspect that some of those unhealthy children who died of COVID could have been false positives.

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BOOM, thats what the data shows, we looked at it closely, not one healthy child in America for all 3 years, same in Sweden, Germany etc.

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The CONVID was the flu/cold rebranded, children and geezers have always died from the flu, especially people with pre existing conditions; Weak people die, strong people generally don't die;

Fat lazy couch potatoes are 'at risk lifestyles', they would have died anyway, if the COVID-LOBBY hadn't incentived 'murder by hospital' by $10K cash checks for COVID death certificates then we would have any records;

I agree the OP clearly said "Not one healthy child has died"

"Follow the Money" now its Claw-Back time enough said; The biggest assholes in the USSA became Billionaires 2019-2022 from COVID, now its time they go to the poorhouse and become beggars;

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Thank God for even the slow turning of Makary and V Prasad. It may be my wild imagination; but it seems there are more hairs ‘standing on end’ in the appearances of some of these folks than in the past. Less calm composure and more ‘slight desperation’. This is in order for all those wakening up.

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I still believe this was not an accident. Fauci stated before Trump took office that he would be facing a pandemic - really? Covid was no different than the flu. If you are healthy you suffer for a few days and build up antibodies. If you are unhealthy, have other health issues, chances are you are going to be much sicker or may die. JUST LIKE THE FLU. We have to be honest, people were purposely euthanized by Remdesivir and respirators, seniors were neglected in nursing homes, dehydrated, and their normal meds not provided making them weak and vulnerable. The PCR test was a complete scam. This was the worst lie and genocide ever committed on people.

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Many still argue "Why did they release COVID"

BOJO answered that question well over a year ago;

Covid was unleashed to keep the royal UK familys out of prison over their Pedophile problems;


Arguing that the US-GOV is the greatest liar, well Trump released the $2Trillion USD to fight COVID, 1/2 went to 1,000 world-leaders his marching band, aka 'fast-track' the rest of the money to big-pharma & msm; I would say 'follow the money' and force all $2T to be returned.

Regarding the argument "Israel did COVID", no they didn't while the MOSSAD may have released COVID in Italy to destroy Italian economy on behalf of CIA, while MOSSAD dumped COVID on IRAN, and Wuhan Mil games Oct 2019; Israel and the Jews didn't have fuck all to do with COVID propagation; Lastly COVID was patented by UK, Canada, USA in 1990's, and the mRNA patents in 2000's; Everything was already ready set go;

The only wild card is that Africa refused the kill-shot, and China&Russia created their own traditional vax; So the only people who got fucked by mRNA are EU, USA, & UK commonwealth countrys'.

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Bigger than that. Covid, as big as it is, is just a small part of something much bigger. It was just something too use to scare people into staying home, adopting unhealthy life styles, destroying independent businesses, and to accepting around the clock electronic surveillance of their finances and physical movements, among other things. You left out Japan in your list of countries that use the mRNA shots.

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Yes, sadly most of the worlds ma&pa stores were killed worldwide during COVID by Trump's payroll 'fastrack' Trump even said "Love the BIG CORP" "LOVE BIG" fuck small

All of asia did same Walmart stayed open, and ma&pa closed, some 40% have not returned, also during COVID in all of asia they quit trading paper-money now its all mobile-phone payment so cashless society is here

Goes to show you the entire world is on COVID team and that include Russia&CHINA, the only diff is those GOV didn't kill their own people with mRNA

The owners want ASIA(RUSSIA included) to be cash-less, and the west to be purged 90% drop in population by 2025 has always been the Deagle (Rockefeller) projection for western countrys, young move out for jobs, old die from inability to pay for healthcare

So yes, COVID is the elephant the blindmen, COVID is just the trunk of elephants its the snake mRNA is said to be made from snake-venom so all is good, but the real elephant is that CHINA&RUSSIA are all birthed by Rockefeller, as STALIN&MAO were agents, all modern world countrys are all owned by the 'company' this goes back to East India Company, and don't have fuck all to do with the 'jews'

In simple terms its rotation, like crops, every 4-8 generations by war drop price of land so the elite can buy-low and sell high, to keep the next generation of elite spawn rich, all wars are banker wars and all banker wars are intended to return a profit from annuity investment of the super-rich, been this way sine 16th century.

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How in the world did operation warp speed kill small businesses anywhere? Long term lockdowns and shot mandates, neither of which he advocated for. In fact, he was openly against.

There are few National leaders who did not go all in for all the Covid mitigation madness. Trump is among these rare few. He is far from perfect, but he is the best we’ve got.

The move to a cashless society predates Trump’s presidency. It was slowly catching on in Japan, which has always been predominantly cash based but this has skyrocketed during the panic as people are now afraid of touching anything another has just touched. There now an ever increasing number of cash registers that do not accept cash. However, one of our local super markets has recently reverted to cash only. Not a done deal yet, at least not in Japan. Getting close though.

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TRUMP made big-pharma CEO's 'made mafia men' forever - exempt from criminality

OP Warp-Speed was his baby

They closed ma&pa shops they kept big box open, ma&pa died;

None are so Blind as those who suck the orange phallus


the Orange Conman never apologized for;

bending over backwards 24/7 for Israel

sponsoring Big Pharma (Operation Warp Speed)

not breaking up Big Tech giants like Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (basically all the Covid 'fact checkers' and government propagandists) by continuing to turn a blind eye on their consistent abuse of Section 230. (until the Orange Dumbf•ck was kicked off Tw@tter himself, real 3-D chess... 🤣 )

sponsoring the MIC (record billions spent on 'defense.')

sponsoring Wall Street (hiring Jay Powell and Steve Mnuchin)

not building The Wall

not "locking her up"

hiring neocon fascists (Pompeo, Haspel, Wurmser, Haley, Bolton) and a convicted war criminal like Elliott Abrams

dragging Assange out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London

not Pardoning Assange, Snowden, Manning

hiring Epstein prosecutor Acosta who cut Epstein a sweetheart deal

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What he did or did not do with the shots has little, I’d say nothing to do with closures of any kind. Nor, is he alone in wanting the make shots available, which in and of itself, is not a bad thing. Great Britain approved them before the U.S..

As he was not a medical expert, he relied on people he should have been able to trust, we should have been able to trust. For their own, personal, nefarious reasons, they lied and we are were we are today. Yes, ultimately, it is his responsibility as he was president, but cool the emotion and think logically, who else would have done as good as he did under those circumstances? If Hilary won, where would we be? Better off or worse off. If he won re-election, would we be better off or worse off?

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A mind is a terrible thing to waste on an orange phallus;

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But AGAIN clearly understand the BULLSHIT mRNA the killshot, as COVID was just the common cold/flu rebranded, while I would say the COV-19 dump on IRAN&ITALY Sep2019 was a potent strain, most of the later post Mar2020 COV was rather weak, not much more potent than the flu, which kills geezers all the time;

Yes, I left out JAPAN, my sorry; In my mind its just a fucking OBVIOUS that JAPAN is a CIA COLONY that nothing needs to be said, so is Taiwan; For that matter Germany.

Interesting thing here is now they took out Nord Stream to kill German economy, the COV on Italy destroyed their economy, yes your right COVID is just a distraction, the bigger is kill all industry in EU;

Lastly, I would like to remind all that young chinese girls were brought into Italy in 1990's to make stuff "Made in Italy" for MENA/ASIAN markets, these girls all supplemented low-wages by sex services to older Italian gentlemen, so when COV got dump in the Chinese factorys in ITALY SEP2019, tons of Italian geezers died, in Jan2020 the girls return home for a month for 'spring fest' ( called chinese new year by west ) this is how they infected all of China with COV, and China had to lockdown all,, prior they only locked down Wuhan.

Russia&China both saw COV as a mil bio-weapon from Sep2019 on

Regarding the 'lockdowns' in the USSA, I personally don't give a fuck, couldn't have happend to a nicer bunch of parasites, you all elected these fucking grifters now eat your own dogfood;

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None of what you say has to be true for what has happened. All that was required is an worse than usual flu season, if even that, and relabel it as something horrible to scare everyone into doing whatever they were told. Populations of every country had already been conditioned through decades of subtle reeducation to accept and enforce these unlawful mandates. In the 70s, I was taught that a major difference between the US and the USSR was that subjects living in the latter would tattle on their neighbors if they caught them not following the rules, implying that we in the US did not. We sure do now, don’t we? That did not happen over night.

The reality is, covid does not kill. Back to the 70s again, and 80s, if someone was real frail and sick, we’d say “She/He is so sick that even a common cold will kill her/him.” But we never said that they died of the cold, if they caught one. They died of whatever condition they were in that made it impossible for their body to fend off the common cold. If we applied the same standard to covid, no covid deaths. More than one doctor has said we do not have a covid pandemic, we have a malnutrition pandemic made apparent by a virus that is benign to the healthy. I tend to agree.

Most deaths attributed to covid in most if not all of the countries you list were in nursing homes where health care officials sent those who were sick with some respiratory disease that they called covid. The results were as predictable as the rising of the sun. It was those numbers, reported in such a way as to imply that the healthy were also falling victim to the virus that terrified everyone enough to accept policies they would never do otherwise. There need not even be a SARS Cov 2 virus. I am not saying their isn’t, just that it need not to even exist for them to pull off what they have.

Personally, I believe the virus has been with us for a long time, it just wasn’t discovered because we did not have a reason to look for it. But an uptick in infections of a particularly bad flu, as happens from time to time, was the opportunity they planned for.

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Tell the truth even if it is uncomfortable.

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I eat out occasionally. My favorite restaurants servers to keep their jobs had to be Covid "Vaccinated", soon afterwards, their Mental Acquity seemed impared, remembering foods, what Wine complemented the dishes, orders that previously were easy, became embarrassing, I suspect, due to the Jab....

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I am not sure that he has been slow to come around. He is one of, if not the first doctor I heard question any of this. He has been on the Clay and Buck show since the early days of that program calling the covid response in to question.

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ELSEVIER has just published on-line the Journal Food and Chemical Toxicity featuring an article by Peter McCullough et al titled Innate immune suppression by SARS CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations.

Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVID-19-related research that is available on the COVID-19 resource centre

Their findings show catastrophic harms, and they insist no one should take this vax.

Please read this most important study.

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Great presentation by Dr. Makary. For more on the history up to August 2021, see the film Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics (2022). Every aspect of the pandemic was orchestrated in unhealthy ways, particularly these shots which were the most dangerous since the one to two dozen experimental shots given to millions of soldiers entering World War I that a number of researchers actually started what even PBS labeled the "so-called Spanish Flu."

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There was a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study in 2008 to test people over age 90 for the 1918 flu antibodies. It found children at the time still had antibodies for it when they were in their 80 - 90's.

One and done !! Survive a flu infection - you won't EVER get that one again the rest of your life.


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I am shocked John’s Hopkins hasn’t canned Makary already.

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Quite common in all GOV robberys like this the first to change colors are survivors;

Liken this to south-sea bubble where many were wiped out, lots of people who sold stock were killed, but many of the ponzi operators survived by being early snitches, so my point is you will see many of the COVID traitors rat on each other, because the hangsmen noose is now being placed in trees an lightposts are ready to hang the fauci enablers by wires around the neck;

Long term we must 'follow the money', and claw-back the trillions that were stolen with the COVID scam orchestrated by TRUMP, short-term put the fear of GOD into all the assholes that ENABLED the COVID hysteria

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