Again, as I wrote in my article (https://www.tech4law.co.za/humour/text-funnies/the-faceless-powerful/), the fake covid Freedom Movement has about as much allegiance and camaraderie as whores in a cathouse.

Paul, why do you show us this infighting?

It's all just politics - "me, me, me, me" juvenile-I-want-the-accolade crap.

Proper people with souls do not go for the glory; they go for the benefit of mankind - they lift everyone up together with themselves.

I have seen successful lead lawyers in big cases give all the credit to junior lawyers on their team, much lower down on the food chain. This showed an intelligence, an emotional maturity and a light touch on their part.

Something in very short supply these days in the west.

Everyone knew the lead lawyer won the case; it was his/her acumen; but he/she did not need the accolade. The work and success spoke for itself.

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I found Robert Malone before finding the Substack platform. He convinced me NOT to take jab. As such, I feel indebted to the man.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have serious concerns about Malone. I AM saying that he kept me from killing myself with these dangerous jabs.

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I have lost faith in American justice. Prove me wrong!

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

i wish we could all just get along. there is too much at stake- like the Constitution- to be arguing over who takes credit for what. the reality is we've all suffered losses- jobs, licenses and reputations, friends and family members (some to death and others to a difference of opinion), our trust and faith in humanity, government and institutions, and we have big battles ahead: the 2024 election, the WHO's pandemic preparedness "treaty" (power grab), pending legislation in canada and the EU to control the internet and podcasts, bill gates' buying up farmland, possible WW3- the list is endless and overwhelming.

this infighting is just what "their" side wants.

i've been meaning to say this for awhile but i do not understand (and i object to) the constant harping about Malone. i don't think he belongs on the list of Horsemen. he was one of the most powerful speakers at the March Against the Mandates in DC and he's risked his reputation, probably his personal safety, his income and just the peace of retired life as a horse breeder to constantly warn against these shots, shots which he himself took (not realizing the switch from uridine to pseudouridine and suffering a severe adverse event) and shots which he had a hand in developing, although long ago and way down in the early stages. many scientists work over the course of many years on things like this. someone invented the wheel but we do not still hold him accountable for every car accident.

Malone could have rested on his laurels and perhaps even been included in the worst Noble prize awarded since Obama's premature nod for "peace" but he opened his mouth and brought forth a world of hurt. he doesn't need more from his own side. he is a good friend and supporter of both RFKjr, Dr. Nass and the rest of them.

i understand that the optics of his suit against the Breggins are bad and i confess that i don't fully understand it; then again i sometimes read this substack and wonder that he hasn't sued Dr. Alexander for liable.

by all means, replace him with Mandy Cohen who deserves a "prize" for being even more foolish than her predecessor, if such a thing is possible! but remember that many scientists have contributed bits and pieces over the years of information, discoveries and technologies that led ultimately to these "vaccines." many of them saw the possible application as a cancer therapy and Malone has said that in the beginning of the pandemic, he instructed his team to look at repurposed drugs since he didn't think the mRNA platform was either ready or suitable for this purpose. i don't think that any individual scientist who worked on the development of mRNA should be on the list, unless they knowingly lied or otherwise went along with the propaganda (Weissman certainly fits the bill; see episode 194 of the Darkhorse podcast). for example, you don't have Kizzmekia Corbett on your list even though she is "credited" with "inventing" the Moderna vaccine and she shouldn't be. one wonders why she wasn't included in the Noble prize as a nod to diversity, equity and inclusion.

but there's a world of difference between "inventing" a vaccine and forcing it on everyone. Trump green lit Operation Warp Speed but i don't blame Trump for getting me fired from my job. i do blame Biden with his relentless mandates, othering and propaganda.

others you can add to your list: Leana Wen, Sanjay Gupta, the cast of TWIV, Theresa Tam, Justin Trudeau.

what about entertainers: Colbert, Kimmel, Stern, Young, Penn, Aniston

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Add Mandy Cohen.

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The brain selects for social information. We are all a bunch of gossips and we come by that through evolution, but we also love a great heroic narrative, much as the nihilists and postmodernists distrust the grand narrative. The heroic narrative begins in mammals, when they leave the nest and face obstacles and predators, and return home triumphant with food or without food but having gained knowledge, according to the late Walter Burkert, the historian of Greek Religions. Everyone might benefit from reading a little Robin Dunbar. You know in your heart that our enemies, who want nothing more than to preen and feel superior while they look upon us infighting have fed all of human psychology and history and anthropology into an AI and asked it how to conquer us. Let's thwart their pretentious dark triad ambitions by proving ourselves impervious to their little (and huge, tragic and shocking) machinations.

Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language Hardcover – March 10, 1997

by Prof. Robin Dunbar

"What a big brain we have for all the small talk we make. It's an evolutionary riddle that at long last makes sense in this intriguing book about what gossip has done for our talkative species. Psychologist Robin Dunbar looks at gossip as an instrument of social order and cohesion--much like the endless grooming with which our primate cousins tend to their social relationships.

Apes and monkeys, humanity's closest kin, differ from other animals in the intensity of these relationships. All their grooming is not so much about hygiene as it is about cementing bonds, making friends, and influencing fellow primates. But for early humans, grooming as a way to social success posed a problem: given their large social groups of 150 or so, our earliest ancestors would have had to spend almost half their time grooming one another--an impossible burden. What Dunbar suggests--and his research, whether in the realm of primatology or in that of gossip, confirms--is that humans developed language to serve the same purpose, but far more efficiently. It seems there is nothing idle about chatter, which holds together a diverse, dynamic group--whether of hunter-gatherers, soldiers, or workmates.

Anthropologists have long assumed that language developed in relationships among males during activities such as hunting. Dunbar's original and extremely interesting studies suggest otherwise: that language in fact evolved in response to our need to keep up to date with friends and family. We needed conversation to stay in touch, and we still need it in ways that will not be satisfied by teleconferencing, email, or any other communication technology. As Dunbar shows, the impersonal world of cyberspace will not fulfill our primordial need for face-to-face contact".

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GREETINGS Dr. Alexander,

I ask that you strongly consider adding the following people to your list of the "Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse" (would naming it the "Horsemen of the COVID Armageddon" be more apropos?) and I will provide my own reasoning for their inclusion to the list :

Beginning with two other key individuals at the W.H.O., Dr. Michael J. Ryan and Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove must surely be included on the list of "Horsemen." Throughout the global scam-demic psyop, even up to our present day, both Ryan and Van Kerkhove continue to "advocate" for the death-vaxx, particularly Van Kerkhove. Those two also pushed for implementation of the global draconian lockdowns and even separation of family members. Dr. Ryan's comments being among the most chilling I've heard any bureaucratic speak, saying : "We must in "dignity" quarantine the infected family members.". I thought I was hearing a recount of something from a WWII NAZI concentration camp.

The next individuals are from the world of global finance. None of us ought overlook the fact that the entire global scam-demic psyop required Trillions in financing (thrust on to the backs of the taxpayers in the U.S., Canada and the E.U.). They are :

*Jerome Powell - Present FED Chairman. My reasoning will be presented below tied with Larry Fink at BlackRock.

*James Bullard - St. Louis FED President. Remember, it is Bullard that made the public statement : "The COVID-19 Pandemic is a planned partial shutdown of the global economy."

*Christine Lagarde - President of the ECB. Lagarde remains a stalwart advocate for the death-vaxx.

*David Malpass - Former President of the World Bank. Though his term ended this past June, during his tenure he and his staff are the ones that published documentation telling all of us that the COVID-19 Pandemic is "Phase 1 of a Multi-Phase process" and "Phase 1 is expected to end March 31, 2025."

*Ajaypal Singh Banga - Current President of the World Bank. Assuming his post after David Malpass' term concluded, does anybody believe Banga is going to alter course? Hardly.

*Kristalina Georgieva - Managing Director of the IMF. Georgieva has been, and remains to this day, a staunch "advocate" for every draconian measure put forth regarding the global scam-demic psyop.

*Agustin Carstens - Managing Director of the Bank for International Settlements. Carstens remains a pro-death-vaxx stalwart. And, it was at the July 2019 Kansas City FED sponsored "Economic Symposium" (held annually in Jackson Hole, Wyoming) that Carstens "formally" announced "Going Direct," the global push for Central Bank Digital Currencies.

*Larry Fink - Co-Founder and, present Chairman and CEO of BlackRock. Irony of ironies (or "coincidence?"...Nah, couldn't possibly be!!) it was at the same 2019 Economic Symposium that Fink. (and his crew at BlackRock) told Jerome Powell, "the FED will have to implement unprecedented economic stimulus due to an event that will affect the entire global economy begining in the first calendar quarter of 2020." Not so coincidentally, Fink and his crew provided FED Chairman Powell with the requisite "roadmap" to navigate the forthcoming economic turmoil. Two "coincidental" (?) bits of trivia : *The "C.A.R.E.S. ACT of 2019" passed House vote in June or July of 2019 and then sat "idle" until March of 2020 before it passed the Senate vote and signed by DJT ; *Note that Fink's advice and plans come months before "EVENT 201." Regarding "EVENT 201," a representative from one of the key sponsors of "EVENT 201" stated on record that a "gathering of such magnitude takes well more than a year to organize and hold."

Additional Individuals to be added :

*Ursula van der Leyen - President of the E.U. Commission. Van der Leyen has been, and remains to our present day, an individual of significant interest. Not only because of her continued advocacy of every draconian measure put forth regarding the global scam-demic psyop, including her continued promotion of the death-vaxx, also he highly questionable ties to the global pharmaceutical industrial complex, directly and indirectly by way of her husband.

*Antonio Guterrez - Secretary General of the United Nations. It ought not be overlooked by any of us that Guterrez is an avowed communist, and is an unceasing, unrelenting, advocate for the death-vaxx, not to mention the fact that he leads one of the most corrupt, highly questionable NGOs in existence. And let none of forget, it is the United Nations that thrust in to the global public sphere the even greater global psyop : The "Global Warming"/"Global Climate Change" fear-mongering campaign that began with the 1992 "Earth Summit" held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Undoubtedly, the global scam-demic psyop and the "Global Warming"/"Global Climate Change" fear-mongering campaign are inextricably and incestuously intertwined. I will even go so far as to say the two psyops are inextricably and incestuously intertwined with the current global financial crisis. Also of note, it is within the past ten or fifteen days that Guterrez "demands" all national governments implement Digital ID.

That about rounds out my suggestions for accomplices in the global scam-demic psyop.

PEACE and be well.

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And I hope bourla, Pfizer, is prosecuted and executed!

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