Thanks so much for sharing this. I have listened to Dr. Yeadon's interview on the Highwire SO many times (I turn a lot of the videos into MP3s to listen to, while doing housework) and he gave us such a GOLDMINE of information and warnings, early on (he also warned the government cannot be trusted). I tried so hard to get people to listen, and heed his warnings, and it mostly fell on deaf ears. Now, we can clearly see that he was SPOT ON, with the things he tried to warn people about. You can see 3 videos with his warnings, on this page. https://realcovidresearch.blogspot.com/2021/12/think-vaccine-safety-trials-were.html He tried to warn us about the spike proteins causing myocarditis, the UTTER LACK of safety testing (how they don't have to study where the spike proteins will go and what they will DO when they get there), and the potential issues with Syncytin binding potentially causing reproductive harm. This guy knew SO MUCH, it really blew my mind that people didn't get it that a guy with this kind of experience and credibility in his field, REALLY DID know what he was talking about! Thank you for sharing this post.

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Dear Mr Mike Yeadon,

Thank you sir for all you do.

James A Thorp MD


Thorp KE, Thorp JA, Thorp EM, Thorp MM, Walker PR. COVID-19: Energy, Protein Folding & Prion Disease. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): http://www.thegms.co/neurology/neuro-rw-22083101.

Thorp KE, Thorp MM, Thorp EM, Thorp JA. COVID-19 & Disaster Capitalism –

Part I. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1):159-

178. https://www.doi.org/10.46766/thegms.medethics.22071901

Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup

C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal:

The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the

Physician-Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046-



Thorp KE, Thorp JA, Thorp EM. COVID-19 and the Unraveling of Experimental Medicine - P art I. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 015-045. https://www.doi.org/10.46766/thegms.pubheal.22012306

Thorp KE, Thorp JA, Thorp EM. COVID-19 and the Unraveling of Experimental

Medicine - Part II. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1):074-

106. https://www.doi.org/10.46766/thegms.pubheal.22022804

Thorp KE, Thorp JA, Thorp EM. COVID-19 and the Unraveling of Experimental Medicine - Part III. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1):118-158. https://www.doi.org/10.46766/thegms.pubheal.22042302

Parotto T, Thorp JA, Hooker B,

Mills PJ, Newman J, Murphy L, et al. COVID-19 and the surge

in Decidual Cast Shedding. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 107- 117.


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I wrote about this some time ago. I am glad to see you mention that our government has been wagging a war against us. No doubt you risk much to do so.

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It's now up to us. To do what, exactly? You're not going to propose something like voting, are you? If they are doing all that you say, why should I trust the results of an election? Especially one done using networked machines?

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

"I am certain because this all started with a scientific fraud relating to a virus."

I have the greatest respect for Michael Yeadon, and all he has done to alert humanity to the evil at hand. But no, it did not all start with a scientific fraud relating to a virus. This is but a step in a process that has been underway for decades. In large part 'it all started with a scientific fraud relating to' the climate. Namely, Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW).

Same modus operandi: fraudulent data (the infamous 'hockey stick'), a fraudulent narrative - the globe is heating in a manner never before seen, a fraudulent villain - CO2 (ludicrously so, as CO2 is the foundational nutrient of all life on Earth), censorship/deplatforming/defunding of many/any highly reputable scientists who spoke against this deceptive narrative, propaganda pumped out by IPCC/MSM/Government institutions, corruption of historical data, fraudulent claims regarding current events relative to historical facts, leading to a pervasive brain washing of the vast majority of Western World inhabitants.

We have just witnessed what can be inflicted on us to 'flatten the curve', or to 'save grandma'. Wait until you see what can be justified to 'save the planet'. Here's a hint, your carbon footprint will be, by necessity, controlled by an elite global body. That is, they will control everything you do - how many children (if any) you may have, where you can go, what resources you may consume, and, how long your carbon footprint is 'warranted'.

We can bang on about Covid all we want, but, unless we get our heads around the nefarious nature of CAGW, we will be doing nothing more than delaying the inevitable.

Covid was a support act, the main show is CAGW. CAGW will be the sledge hammer that is used to destroy civil liberty and individual sovereignty once and for all.

This is what the 'vaccine passport' was to morph in to - a carbon footprint tracker. The ultimate control device for every global citizen.

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

My fear is this doesn't end. They will try over and over from different angles with different fear campaigns. It is too much! How to stop them? Why are they soo obsessed? They have already everything but why not leave us alone we already have much reduced fertility now anyways. But not good enough for them. I also think it will get deadlier since even they are patient the patience will get less and less with us and it will become more brutal. Like patience is wearing thin as Biden said. They wanted us to willingly take jabs every 6 months for at least 3 years according to european jabcards and schedules. By the end fertility is close to 90% reduced and people depopulate at a constant pace but slow enough to not be too obvious to the general sheep. Babies are especially easy cause people are used to sids etc and elderly are easy too. But did they plan to do this to the sporty or was this unplanned maybe an issue now to them. Since the monkeys they tested it on were sedentary so this issue did not come up in their secret tests which they surely did (and not the ones we are reading about now oh no very different ones detailed ones long term ones and did they even use people in them and if so where did they find them, through Epstein perhaps?)

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“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”

“it is the function of mass agitation to exploit all the grievances, hopes, aspirations, prejudices, fears, and ideals of all the special groups that make up our society, social, religious, economic, racial, political. Stir them up. Set one against the other. Divide and conquer. That’s the way to soften up a democracy.”

― J. Edgar Hoover

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The only way to stop them is with massive numbers. Full stop. Voting will not change this. Lawsuits are too slow and will not alter this course. Good science will not stop this on its own. Alternative media cannot change this on its own.

Yeadon is right. This depends on people.

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022

Dr, Yeadon has been pouring his heart out to humanity to hear him, those who have the ears to hear that is. Sadly, normalcy bias (along with the sweeping effectiveness of the dumbing down agenda) has disabled otherwise rational individuals' capacity to think clearly, critically, analytically, and objectively. Fear, more than anything else imho, was the tool TPTB used to club the masses into passive submission, to the extent that so many become so afraid of dying they succumbed to fear of living! Those of us who could see, who were not taken in by the mass formation hypnosis psy-op, found ourselves among a small minority from the very start of the CV plandemic. Many more have awakened since then, but the Winter ahead may well prove to be catastrophic beyond our comprehension in terms of both death & disability, on top of energy and food shortages (all engineered, not that anyone here has the slightest doubt about that). We are surely in need of Divine intervention here on Planet Earth but until then we need to keep connecting with one another, more & more of us, and not go into the fetal position as the flood waters rise around us. Pray for wisdom, strength, and courage friends, and do not allow fear to infect our Spirit. Thank you Dr. Alexander for sharing Mike Yeadon's plea and I hope he will continue in the fight to help humanity triumph in the Spiritual battle of good vs evil, it is nothing less than the ultimate struggle to determine our very existence as a species.

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Truly frightening.

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No argument here. There is no other conclusion you can come to if you are awake and paying attention.

Dr. Yeadon is spot on.

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Dear Dr. Michael Yeadon

There is plenty left for you to do. We need you.

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The number one thing to do is, get the hell out of the city, move to the mountains or to somewhere others think like you, do homesteading with a community or alone, but get out of the city. We will all have to fight like hell to win this war, voting will not help, I believe corruption goes deep and on both sides of the isle.

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My entire life has been for this moment, or at least it feels that way at times. Very innocent and quiet upbringing, believing in the inherent goodness of people. Then, some entanglements with young men who did not have my best interests at heart in my twenties led me to learning about psychology, particularly the psychology of evil. I read "The People of the Lie" by M. Scott Peck and it made an impact. I then looked into the topic of lies and deception. A bit later in life I was trying to puzzle my way through some bewildering relationships and came across such things as gaslighting and personality disorders. Many other side interests over the years as well, including a study of hypnosis and the psychology of success or achievement (which includes self-hypnosis). And the natural world, behavior of animals and plants and where humans fit in. The wonderful thing about growing old is that we gain a body of knowledge through experience, research and study.

The harshest lesson I ever had to learn was that human evil exists; while it comes in many guises, it all holds true what I learned long ago: the banality of evil.

Even though many of my learning experiences were quite painful, I now credit them with my ability to recognize what was happening and avoid the injections and keep my mental health reasonably intact through the lockdowns, isolation and shunning, as well as the twilight zone stuff going on now. Bizarre, right?

Here are a few things to know about evil: 1) it deceives. Truth is never good for evil, and even if some truth is told, it is sprinkled with lies. This is to confuse you. 2) it wants to demoralize and discourage you, to make you think that it is hopeless. This is NOT true (another lie). Truth is the weapon against evil. 3) it will divert or distract you by any means possible, to try to derail you from your mission of its opposite (which can mean different things to different people: to me it is obvious that our mission is to develop a close relationship with God, to love one another, and anything that takes us away from that is satanic) 4) it destroys. Ultimately, your free will is the most sacred gift you have, because approaching God (or salvation) is based upon our choosing that freely. Evil would have you deceived into "choosing" your own self destruction or assisting in that of others. Failing that, evil would have you so demoralized by witnessing your loved ones "choosing" their self-destruction, with you helplessly standing by and watching.

Depopulation is certainly evil, and certainly is what is going on. It's obvious, even if it can be hard to grasp.

How many people do we know who do not believe that satan exists? (and that is the biggest lie) But it is hard to "go there" so maybe better to begin with the considering nature of evil. We don't have much time.

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Dr. Yeadon, you are, as usual, spot on, and a hero. I am ever thankful for your insight and wisdom. I am praying for you and yours, and for all of humanity. This is truly a spiritual battle of God vs Satan, and while God is sovereign, and we are saved if we accept Jesus Christ, we must do all we can to reveal to others the true evil which we are fighting, as you are doing. Thank you, Dr. Yeadon.

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It's hardly difficult to believe the government is against the citizens...it has happened throughout history and is far more common than government acting to support its citizens ensuring freedom and prosperity.

The supremely arrogant tyrants love power and control and using government to exercise that desire is relatively easy. All it requires is money and/or a supportive army of some kind. It's often easier to act like an idiot if you control the fallout from your mistakes by using lies, deception and propaganda.

In the end, even the most despotic of demons cannot control reality and nature.

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