respiratory symptoms; my tweak is that something was released that 'they' knew it, they detected with fraud PCR something that was already circulating way before 2019 even
Wake up everybody to who stood to gain from everything from corruption in Ukraine to the willful destruction of 200,000 small businesses in the USA, to the rollout of the bioweapons complex.
Thanks for your links. I used to have a link to that Chinese CDC guy saying they never isolated the virus and lost it. Thanks. I'll add it to my operation covid hoax collection.
No isolated virus. No Koch's postulates to prove causality. Just 24/7 fear porn from the corporate media and captured govt, and a scientifically fraudulent PCR test.
I avoid these GMO human turnips like the plague. Sometimes, can't even stomach texting them, as though their graphene and spike protein, filthy bodies will tunnel like a toxic VPN across the wire.
One of my jabbed friends texts me almost every day, with some ailment. Yesterday, it was a bloody nose and pink eye. She asked me what I thought she had, and I said it was a classic Pink Pfizer Eye. If she dies, I am going to consider it one less vector to shed on innocent Purebloods. We need to invest in super oven technology, still isn't possible to cremate 6M in 4 years.
On the other hand, I got something upper respiratory in the Fall of 2019. I’ve had bronchitis and colds (maybe a rare flu once), but this was something I’ve never had before that lasted three days. I didn’t go to the doctor because I figured they would tell me it was viral and nothing to do (notice how they did that to so many people and then sent them home telling them if they got worse to go to the ER?) so I took Alka Seltzer Severe Chest Congestion around the clock. By day 4, it finally began to subside. I will always believe that was COVID. Never had it before or since. This was a bio weapon that they war games at Agenda 201 in the Fall of 2019 (look it up and see who sponsored it.)
The people you are "exposing" own the military, the legislature, the judiciary, the media, the money supply, the medical industry, and they practice sick and sinister rituals just because they enjoy the fact that no one has the balls to fight back. Anything other than a violent, militaristic overthrow of this International Cabal is masturbatory typing.
"Let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late."
And you do that and you play right into the globalists’ hands. They are waiting to call for martial law. What do you think the “15 days to slow the spread” was a test run for?
I also admire Dr. Yeadon tremendously for his intelligence, courage and articulate explanations of scientific concepts.
However, I have found it hard, as a clinician who has treated COVID patients many times in the last three years, to ignore these two differences from previous outbreaks: 1) the reduction in oxygen saturation was more pronounced that with prior flu and pneumonia cases, getting down to the 80's even 70's at times. I had not seen that so frequently before in flu/pneumonia/bronchitis cases. 2) Anosmia was much more pronounced, common and long-lasting than in previous cold/flu-type cases.
Atmospheric O2 declined by 1% globally. Also cities like Albuquerque have had the largest documented losses of trees over the last decade. I would bet too on military aerosols of pathogens.
COVID 19 test kits were being exported via Integrated Trade Solutions-The World Bank as early as 2017. I found this out in 9/2020. That was the cherry on the top for me as I had been riding the fence about the voop but this revelation was a deal breaker for me.
Unfortunately we have the “no viruses exist” people warring with the “viruses exist”people. For the love of God, they agree on every other point of malfeasance regarding the plandemic yet, they let that one sticking point derail their whole movement.
Crooks either lit the fuse by releasing dna viral clones in strategic locations to fool unsuspecting virologists into thinking the same virus was sweeping the globe, then used those experts to sell panic and overcycled, fraudulently seeded PCR testing to keep the fire burning long enough to sucker the general population into accepting damaging and deadly protocols.
They somehow conned a bunch of virologists to swallow a narrative that they made up in order to think a novel virus was sweeping the globe, then used those experts to sell panic and overcycled, fraudulently seeded PCR testing to keep the fire burning long enough to sucker the general population into accepting damaging and deadly protocols.
Myself and the rest of my unvaxxed family got sick and lived through this event and I have to say it was pretty weird. I’m 66 years-old and I’ve experienced lots of different respiratory viruses in my lifetime but nothing like whatever this was.
It felt more like a systemic inflammatory response of endothelial cells the likes of which I’ve never experienced before along with major tachycardia and O2 dropping into the 80s yet I felt no dizziness or breathlessness. C’mon man! This was freaking abnormal. It felt like I’d been poisoned. Then there was total loss of olfactory senses that took a year to recover. Was insane.
I don’t think we were suffering from “a narrative.”
You were poisoned just like me, non vaxxed! I said on day 1 of my illness- I felt like I had been poisoned. SNAKE 🐍 TOXINS AND conotoxins WERE “cleaved” in the man made “virus “. One of the main symptoms of these toxins are LOSS OF TASTE AND SMELL. FOLLOW DR ARDIS- he is a HERO for discovering this and of course has been smeared.
I rarely get flu or colds, but in mid-Dec. 2022, summer in Australia, I did get symptoms the like of which I had never experienced. Am 78, unvaxt. It took just over 2 months to recover and a bit longer for taste and smell. I don't think the jab would have alleviated symptoms as those I know who were jabbed and boosted had the CV19 flu 2-3 times the past 3 years.
Their dark theory of contagion is at the heart of their scam (the “cornerstone” as one sagacious Substack poster has put it). Remember how they prevented elderly people from seeing their relatives during the heart of their fake pandemic? It was always "Covid" that "tipped the balance" whenever any of these elderly people succumbed to illness. You could have heart disease or cancer for years, but those factors didn't matter--it was Covid that they put down on the death certificate.
And how exactly could they prove that an elderly person could die if you personally were in the room with them? Actually, there was never any evidence because this illusory idea of "transmission" is not measurable. It's as if you're being a convicted of a crime based on a general theory of how a crime is committed without there being any evidence that you personally were responsible. But nonetheless we're told in the most specious general terms that we ALL "could" infect such "vulnerable" people. What a crock of shit!
Their theory that the mere presence of a novel Coronavirus equals CAUSATION of cell death (cytopathic effect) is just that: a theory! But the medical dictators insist that their narrative is sacrosanct, and no one is permitted to challenge it. If you do you are being accused of spreading "medical misinformation."
Even those who have pushed back against this terrible medical tyranny, are enamored with this “one trick pony” viral/germ theory that has never been properly vetted in a real-world clinical study involving thousands of subjects. Instead, we must rely on tests of an extremely small sample of subjects utilizing contaminated tissue cultures and computer simulations of fragments of genetic material.
The bottom line is that the main factor in the death of those elderly people locked away from seeing their relatives was loneliness--a crime against humanity.
The fact that we are not permitted to question the theory of a "killer" virus (ascribing anthropomorphic qualities to sub-microscopic particles which on the surface appears ridiculous) should be a clue that their theory is bogus.
We are in trouble when bright people on our side will not even concede that the theory of contagion has never been properly vetted. We must question EVERYTHING these medical tyrants do and say even if it means demolishing generally accepted shibboleths.
I am not saying it was a virus versus it wasn’t a virus. But something made me very ill. So when I see in print - it was all a LIE, I find that language disrespectful. It disrespects all the folks that died alone. Like there was no reason to get sick, it just happened for no reason.
The pandemic was a lie in the sense they made it sound like a spontaneous event that came from a bat or pangolin. They lied about everything. All the protocols were a big fat lie. They still act like another one is around the corner. They compare it to SARS, MERS, Spanish Flu. All lies. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t something seeded with a virus or toxin to make us sick.
There was definitely SOMETHING, unique and deadly. It could have been a poisoning. There were days when I was sick that I have no memory of it, probably because my oxygen got so low. I hope that they get to the bottom of it because it can’t happen again.
If people remain divisive on the subject it certainly will happen again and according to Fauci it could be as soon as next year. I keep telling everyone to just listen to what they are saying. They’re not hiding their intentions.
Maybe you felt poisoned because you were? Idk. I would not jump to the conclusion it was a new virus without proof. It seems to be turning up that NONE of the viruses we diagnose have ever been properly isolated. That does not negate symptoms! It begs the question why fraudulent science was repeated over and over again when real science was possible? How many causes were not investigated or covered up due to systemic fraud?.
I didn’t say it was a new virus. It could’ve easily been an existing virus. Coronavirus are RNA viruses. Highly unstable and almost impossible to pin down for study.
For over a decade researchers have enriched their stability by cloning them to DNA. This is not gain of function. This is SOP for research.
But, it also enables batches in any quantity to be manufactured and potentially aerosolized over strategic locations to give the illusion that a novel virus is spreading the globe.
Remember, not every virologist, epidemiologist, scientist or doctor was in on the plan. The unsuspecting experts had to be misled so they’d support and spread the narrative.
Overcycled, fraudulently seeded PCR tests took over from there which led to damaging and lethal protocols.
Despite the weird symptoms the disease had a 99.8% survival rate affecting mostly the old and infirm. The “answer” to this disease killed more people than the disease itself.
There was no pandemic. But there certainly was a plandemic. And it was carefully constructed in advance.
That is Couey’s theory. But there’s no proof, it’s just a theory. This “pandemic” had no excess mortality except in specific hospitals in specific cities. Viruses don’t behave that way, to my understanding.
His theory (and let’s face it there’s no proof for anyone’s hypothesis so they’re all theories at this point) answers the most questions which is why, until something better comes along, I think it is the most plausible. Specific hospitals in specific cities lends credence to the seeding of strategic locations.
That’s fair. Who else has heard of this nanopur technology for cloning viruses and how did they isolate a virus to clone? Why does Couey or someone else not share studies that show this technology exists? I agre it’s possible things were done to make ppl sick beyond masking, oversanitizing, orchestrated terrorizing, isolation, medical neglect, witholding treatment and rampant iatrogenacide, but even those did not raise excess mortality
I’ve never heard of so many things before this plandemic event kicked off. Anyone with a healthy curiosity had to hit the ground running.
As such I have changed direction many times. Listening to many experts along the way has confirmed that many are blow hards cashing in on 15min of fame and others are controlled opposition.
Couey and Yeadon so far seem like good guys, they differ a bit on origins but are aligned on most everything else.
I’m not shy about shifting gears, but as of right now I’m inclined to lean into Couey’s theories. The fact that his contemporaries aren’t backing him up reminds me of the climate debate.
Almost nobody in the scientific establishment rocks the boat for fear of being ostracized and having funding cutoff.
Couey (an actual biologist) has already had that happen. So he’s got nothing to lose and displays a healthy dose of resentment toward his contemporaries at Pitt who, from the beginning were not behaving scientifically at all.
Yes, there was something unique that caused healthy people to get so sick. Not influenza. Severe respiratory and sense (taste and smell) involvement- is there something that affects you in that manner? I have a scarred and smaller right lower lobe of my lung because of it. I will not agree that this was all a fake. It seriously could have killed me.
I find the denial of the unique symptoms to be disingenuous and it disrespects Dr.s Kory, Marik, McCollough, Jackie Stone, Dr. Varon, Dr. Fareed, Dr. Wagshul, etc,. all of those who reported those symptoms in terribly sick patients in very particular places. There's one line of inquiry if it was a lab leak or natural in origin, and another if it was a long planned bioweapon. If it was an intentional bioweapon, then other parameters open up. Were particular places seeded somehow, in food or air or water, beforehand? Were particular zip codes chosen for high mortality? Was it a key tumbler mechanism, with two pathogens? Were we locked in our houses as they put something in the water of particular places and it aerosolized from the toilets and showers? Was something in the air? In the food supply---dollar stores owned by China? No explanation has been put forth that explains to me what happened here in Detroit. My neighbor, who worked at a funeral home, transported 700 bodies, and he had no reason to lie to me about that. The unclaimed were guarded by the National Guard. Maybe no one has hit upon what actually happened yet.
Agree. Many equate what he’s saying to backup the “no viruses exist” theory. What he’s saying is the pandemic was faked by something other than a ‘never before seen’ respiratory virus.
Some say snake venom. But it does not rule out the deliberate spreading of an enriched, stabilized cloned DNA virus. It had to be something that would fool unsuspecting virologists, epidemiologists, scientists and doctors world-wide.
They weren’t all in on the malfeasance. So they had to be roped into the plan. What better way than sprinkling viral clones in strategic locations to create consensus that’d justify action.
Many questions remain. Who was responsible? How did they spread the agent? Why they did it is pretty easy to figure out. Just look around. Listen to what’s being said.
They want everyone to believe old systems are failing on all fronts so they can usher in a brand new form of governance.
The truth is, they’re causing everything to fail by not enforcing existing laws to make us desperate for their new an improved plan.
And that proves what? I watched the video of Yeadon and Couey. I did not get the impression Yeadon was completely at odds with Couey.
Both Couey and Yeadon make important points. This is a complex journey that so far has not produced any proof from anyone.
If we are going to get anywhere it is imperative we avoid bickering over which camp we’re in.
Over the past three plus years I’ve listened, believed, then disbelieved several popular “expert” dissenters. Some I think have made a career out of beating a dead horse, others I suspect are controlled opposition.
I think Yeadon and Couey display an honest concern over getting to the bottom of things. Of the two Couey is an actual biologist who has actually worked in the field in question and admitted he was derailed in the beginning.
That does not mean Yeadon is worthless. I like both. But from where I sit (and this could change) all I’m saying is. I think Couey’s DNA clone theory might be on to something.
I agree with you. The pandemic, however, was fake. In so far as it was not a spontaneous event occurring happenstance from our biological ecosystem. PLANdemic is a more accurate term.
NOBODY PANIC! This time next year, America will have 7 million "reinforcements" from around the world, who are only coming here (bravely climbing Trump's imaginary wall!) to add their 60-70 IQs to the already incredible defense no one has made against the end of an entire nation, race and culture! We are a very impressive lot, but these 7 million fine (mostly men) people will soon be researching, chronicling and defending us! They will spend their days, becoming Physicists, Doctors, and engineers! Imagine how much better we will be, after they kill off us evil, white supremacists!
I have never been so optimistic! The US Capital will be moved to Jerusalem! Pedophilia will be legal! Drag Queens will rule us, and America will look more and more like Liberia!
I followed Dr. Mike Yeadon on twitter and he repeatedly called covid a PCR false positive pseudopandemic and that all we had to do to make covid disappear was to stop the scientifically fraudulent PCR test.
Look, I can’t be more direct. We can’t have a lethal pandemic sweeping the land, killing thousands of people & it NOT show up in the total mortality charts. Not unless someone is hiding dead bodies. And they’re not. Its MISDIAGNOSES. Please wake up. It’s not even new.
PCR false positive pseudo epidemics exist. We’ve got one. When in a pseudoepidemic everyone thinks it’s a real epidemic. But we don’t have extra deaths. That’s howling out for an explanation & there’s only one. Is literally not a single person interested?
Anyone running a city council who has the power to decline PCR mass testing or to switch to an alternative test? If you do that, I predict your city will return to normal within a small number of weeks. Of course I’d give you hours of rationale beforehand. And not just me.
Do you know how many tests that population had in total over last two days? The fascinating thing about test related pseudo epidemics is that they vanish as soon as the aberrant test is halted. Nothing else changes because nothing else is happening.
I am an investigative journalist and I’ve spent over 3000 hours studying the scam. Yeaden is exactly right through very well may have been some sort of gain of function virus however, in general, the pandemic was caused by a mind virus and a PCR test that just claimed normal. Respiratory problems were a nasty flu.
For someone who never gets sick, was not fearful, didn’t wear masks, was enjoying summer activities indoors and oit, SUMMER of ‘21 (that in itself is foreign to me) I had something that my usual natural supplements/herbs could not shake for 2 wks. I did not have a virus of fear.
I have been sick in countries all over the world and I was sick in Italy whenthe scam Demic hit. But I really can’t say it was worse than what I’ve suffered many times before I personally don’t think it was anything special. It was just the approach to it that made it seem special.
If that’s true then you didn’t have the thing they call covid-19. Because if you did you wouldn’t be so laissez faire. You sound like you probably had a cold or flu. I too was a disingenuous clown. When People described their symptoms I’d always make excuses. Like, no shit, I’ve lost my sense of taste and smell. It’s called the flu! Dummy. You people are making a mountain out of nothing. I never wore a mask unless forced. Didn’t wash off my groceries. Ate in restaurants. Prided myself on not being neurotic. Then I got sick. Holy fuck was it weird. Like no other respiratory malady I’ve ever experienced. And I’m 66 years old and over time I’ve had almost everything at one point or another except pneumonia. This thing they call covid is totally different. If you had it you’d know it.
Yeah, they released the "pathogen" called vax bioweapon. Dr. Yeadon is correct , there was no pandemic
A Pandemic of Deceit
Reminder. Dr Phil Febo: Moderna and Pfizer Never Had the ‘Isolated’ Virus in Their Lab, They Used the Sequence Sent From China
Chinese CDC Admits They Never Isolated the Virus. Kary Mullis about PCR test
Totally the right point.
Wake up everybody to who stood to gain from everything from corruption in Ukraine to the willful destruction of 200,000 small businesses in the USA, to the rollout of the bioweapons complex.
Thanks for your links. I used to have a link to that Chinese CDC guy saying they never isolated the virus and lost it. Thanks. I'll add it to my operation covid hoax collection.
No isolated virus. No Koch's postulates to prove causality. Just 24/7 fear porn from the corporate media and captured govt, and a scientifically fraudulent PCR test.
if you want lots more FOIA responses regarding lack of isolated virus evidence, read here:
Oh, yeah, I've been following Christine for a long time!!
Might be worth a listen for you
Well that would explain why we never got sick in spite of taking zero precautions, UNTIL we were “shed” on by two recently vaccinated house guests 😖
I avoid these GMO human turnips like the plague. Sometimes, can't even stomach texting them, as though their graphene and spike protein, filthy bodies will tunnel like a toxic VPN across the wire.
One of my jabbed friends texts me almost every day, with some ailment. Yesterday, it was a bloody nose and pink eye. She asked me what I thought she had, and I said it was a classic Pink Pfizer Eye. If she dies, I am going to consider it one less vector to shed on innocent Purebloods. We need to invest in super oven technology, still isn't possible to cremate 6M in 4 years.
Pfink Eye.
Bit of a dirty solution, but, these are unconventional times!
On the other hand, I got something upper respiratory in the Fall of 2019. I’ve had bronchitis and colds (maybe a rare flu once), but this was something I’ve never had before that lasted three days. I didn’t go to the doctor because I figured they would tell me it was viral and nothing to do (notice how they did that to so many people and then sent them home telling them if they got worse to go to the ER?) so I took Alka Seltzer Severe Chest Congestion around the clock. By day 4, it finally began to subside. I will always believe that was COVID. Never had it before or since. This was a bio weapon that they war games at Agenda 201 in the Fall of 2019 (look it up and see who sponsored it.)
The people you are "exposing" own the military, the legislature, the judiciary, the media, the money supply, the medical industry, and they practice sick and sinister rituals just because they enjoy the fact that no one has the balls to fight back. Anything other than a violent, militaristic overthrow of this International Cabal is masturbatory typing.
"Let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late."
-- Dylan
And you do that and you play right into the globalists’ hands. They are waiting to call for martial law. What do you think the “15 days to slow the spread” was a test run for?
I always thought it was a lie. The real danger was their mandates and shots.
When will truth yield prosecution and punishment? Thankful for him and you too.
It never will. Time to realize that the globalists have methodically infiltrated everything.
No!! Don’t give up hope!
That’s not giving up hope. That’s seeing reality. And my ultimate faith and hope is in Jesus Christ.
Thy kingdom come!
I also admire Dr. Yeadon tremendously for his intelligence, courage and articulate explanations of scientific concepts.
However, I have found it hard, as a clinician who has treated COVID patients many times in the last three years, to ignore these two differences from previous outbreaks: 1) the reduction in oxygen saturation was more pronounced that with prior flu and pneumonia cases, getting down to the 80's even 70's at times. I had not seen that so frequently before in flu/pneumonia/bronchitis cases. 2) Anosmia was much more pronounced, common and long-lasting than in previous cold/flu-type cases.
Atmospheric O2 declined by 1% globally. Also cities like Albuquerque have had the largest documented losses of trees over the last decade. I would bet too on military aerosols of pathogens.
Please provide reference about the O2 levels and the trees.
What is the reference for your claims? Share
Hope those two help. Urban forestry is a subset of Forestry and it's a thankless undertaking these days.
For trees, just like for people, Water Is Life.
COVID 19 test kits were being exported via Integrated Trade Solutions-The World Bank as early as 2017. I found this out in 9/2020. That was the cherry on the top for me as I had been riding the fence about the voop but this revelation was a deal breaker for me.
And they were never validated.
Unfortunately we have the “no viruses exist” people warring with the “viruses exist”people. For the love of God, they agree on every other point of malfeasance regarding the plandemic yet, they let that one sticking point derail their whole movement.
Crooks either lit the fuse by releasing dna viral clones in strategic locations to fool unsuspecting virologists into thinking the same virus was sweeping the globe, then used those experts to sell panic and overcycled, fraudulently seeded PCR testing to keep the fire burning long enough to sucker the general population into accepting damaging and deadly protocols.
They somehow conned a bunch of virologists to swallow a narrative that they made up in order to think a novel virus was sweeping the globe, then used those experts to sell panic and overcycled, fraudulently seeded PCR testing to keep the fire burning long enough to sucker the general population into accepting damaging and deadly protocols.
Myself and the rest of my unvaxxed family got sick and lived through this event and I have to say it was pretty weird. I’m 66 years-old and I’ve experienced lots of different respiratory viruses in my lifetime but nothing like whatever this was.
It felt more like a systemic inflammatory response of endothelial cells the likes of which I’ve never experienced before along with major tachycardia and O2 dropping into the 80s yet I felt no dizziness or breathlessness. C’mon man! This was freaking abnormal. It felt like I’d been poisoned. Then there was total loss of olfactory senses that took a year to recover. Was insane.
I don’t think we were suffering from “a narrative.”
You were poisoned just like me, non vaxxed! I said on day 1 of my illness- I felt like I had been poisoned. SNAKE 🐍 TOXINS AND conotoxins WERE “cleaved” in the man made “virus “. One of the main symptoms of these toxins are LOSS OF TASTE AND SMELL. FOLLOW DR ARDIS- he is a HERO for discovering this and of course has been smeared.
I rarely get flu or colds, but in mid-Dec. 2022, summer in Australia, I did get symptoms the like of which I had never experienced. Am 78, unvaxt. It took just over 2 months to recover and a bit longer for taste and smell. I don't think the jab would have alleviated symptoms as those I know who were jabbed and boosted had the CV19 flu 2-3 times the past 3 years.
Their dark theory of contagion is at the heart of their scam (the “cornerstone” as one sagacious Substack poster has put it). Remember how they prevented elderly people from seeing their relatives during the heart of their fake pandemic? It was always "Covid" that "tipped the balance" whenever any of these elderly people succumbed to illness. You could have heart disease or cancer for years, but those factors didn't matter--it was Covid that they put down on the death certificate.
And how exactly could they prove that an elderly person could die if you personally were in the room with them? Actually, there was never any evidence because this illusory idea of "transmission" is not measurable. It's as if you're being a convicted of a crime based on a general theory of how a crime is committed without there being any evidence that you personally were responsible. But nonetheless we're told in the most specious general terms that we ALL "could" infect such "vulnerable" people. What a crock of shit!
Their theory that the mere presence of a novel Coronavirus equals CAUSATION of cell death (cytopathic effect) is just that: a theory! But the medical dictators insist that their narrative is sacrosanct, and no one is permitted to challenge it. If you do you are being accused of spreading "medical misinformation."
Even those who have pushed back against this terrible medical tyranny, are enamored with this “one trick pony” viral/germ theory that has never been properly vetted in a real-world clinical study involving thousands of subjects. Instead, we must rely on tests of an extremely small sample of subjects utilizing contaminated tissue cultures and computer simulations of fragments of genetic material.
The bottom line is that the main factor in the death of those elderly people locked away from seeing their relatives was loneliness--a crime against humanity.
The fact that we are not permitted to question the theory of a "killer" virus (ascribing anthropomorphic qualities to sub-microscopic particles which on the surface appears ridiculous) should be a clue that their theory is bogus.
We are in trouble when bright people on our side will not even concede that the theory of contagion has never been properly vetted. We must question EVERYTHING these medical tyrants do and say even if it means demolishing generally accepted shibboleths.
Read Jon Rappoport's seminal blog: The Pandemic Pattern--How the Illusion is Built.
A man takes the virus as his bride. Watch Turfseer’s music video ONE TRICK PONY.
I am not saying it was a virus versus it wasn’t a virus. But something made me very ill. So when I see in print - it was all a LIE, I find that language disrespectful. It disrespects all the folks that died alone. Like there was no reason to get sick, it just happened for no reason.
The pandemic was a lie in the sense they made it sound like a spontaneous event that came from a bat or pangolin. They lied about everything. All the protocols were a big fat lie. They still act like another one is around the corner. They compare it to SARS, MERS, Spanish Flu. All lies. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t something seeded with a virus or toxin to make us sick.
There was definitely SOMETHING, unique and deadly. It could have been a poisoning. There were days when I was sick that I have no memory of it, probably because my oxygen got so low. I hope that they get to the bottom of it because it can’t happen again.
If people remain divisive on the subject it certainly will happen again and according to Fauci it could be as soon as next year. I keep telling everyone to just listen to what they are saying. They’re not hiding their intentions.
Maybe you felt poisoned because you were? Idk. I would not jump to the conclusion it was a new virus without proof. It seems to be turning up that NONE of the viruses we diagnose have ever been properly isolated. That does not negate symptoms! It begs the question why fraudulent science was repeated over and over again when real science was possible? How many causes were not investigated or covered up due to systemic fraud?.
I didn’t say it was a new virus. It could’ve easily been an existing virus. Coronavirus are RNA viruses. Highly unstable and almost impossible to pin down for study.
For over a decade researchers have enriched their stability by cloning them to DNA. This is not gain of function. This is SOP for research.
But, it also enables batches in any quantity to be manufactured and potentially aerosolized over strategic locations to give the illusion that a novel virus is spreading the globe.
Remember, not every virologist, epidemiologist, scientist or doctor was in on the plan. The unsuspecting experts had to be misled so they’d support and spread the narrative.
Overcycled, fraudulently seeded PCR tests took over from there which led to damaging and lethal protocols.
Despite the weird symptoms the disease had a 99.8% survival rate affecting mostly the old and infirm. The “answer” to this disease killed more people than the disease itself.
There was no pandemic. But there certainly was a plandemic. And it was carefully constructed in advance.
That is Couey’s theory. But there’s no proof, it’s just a theory. This “pandemic” had no excess mortality except in specific hospitals in specific cities. Viruses don’t behave that way, to my understanding.
His theory (and let’s face it there’s no proof for anyone’s hypothesis so they’re all theories at this point) answers the most questions which is why, until something better comes along, I think it is the most plausible. Specific hospitals in specific cities lends credence to the seeding of strategic locations.
That’s fair. Who else has heard of this nanopur technology for cloning viruses and how did they isolate a virus to clone? Why does Couey or someone else not share studies that show this technology exists? I agre it’s possible things were done to make ppl sick beyond masking, oversanitizing, orchestrated terrorizing, isolation, medical neglect, witholding treatment and rampant iatrogenacide, but even those did not raise excess mortality
I’ve never heard of so many things before this plandemic event kicked off. Anyone with a healthy curiosity had to hit the ground running.
As such I have changed direction many times. Listening to many experts along the way has confirmed that many are blow hards cashing in on 15min of fame and others are controlled opposition.
Couey and Yeadon so far seem like good guys, they differ a bit on origins but are aligned on most everything else.
I’m not shy about shifting gears, but as of right now I’m inclined to lean into Couey’s theories. The fact that his contemporaries aren’t backing him up reminds me of the climate debate.
Almost nobody in the scientific establishment rocks the boat for fear of being ostracized and having funding cutoff.
Couey (an actual biologist) has already had that happen. So he’s got nothing to lose and displays a healthy dose of resentment toward his contemporaries at Pitt who, from the beginning were not behaving scientifically at all.
Yes, there was something unique that caused healthy people to get so sick. Not influenza. Severe respiratory and sense (taste and smell) involvement- is there something that affects you in that manner? I have a scarred and smaller right lower lobe of my lung because of it. I will not agree that this was all a fake. It seriously could have killed me.
I find the denial of the unique symptoms to be disingenuous and it disrespects Dr.s Kory, Marik, McCollough, Jackie Stone, Dr. Varon, Dr. Fareed, Dr. Wagshul, etc,. all of those who reported those symptoms in terribly sick patients in very particular places. There's one line of inquiry if it was a lab leak or natural in origin, and another if it was a long planned bioweapon. If it was an intentional bioweapon, then other parameters open up. Were particular places seeded somehow, in food or air or water, beforehand? Were particular zip codes chosen for high mortality? Was it a key tumbler mechanism, with two pathogens? Were we locked in our houses as they put something in the water of particular places and it aerosolized from the toilets and showers? Was something in the air? In the food supply---dollar stores owned by China? No explanation has been put forth that explains to me what happened here in Detroit. My neighbor, who worked at a funeral home, transported 700 bodies, and he had no reason to lie to me about that. The unclaimed were guarded by the National Guard. Maybe no one has hit upon what actually happened yet.
Nobody is saying people didn’t get sick. Yeadon is saying there was never a novel respiratory virus.
Agree. Many equate what he’s saying to backup the “no viruses exist” theory. What he’s saying is the pandemic was faked by something other than a ‘never before seen’ respiratory virus.
Some say snake venom. But it does not rule out the deliberate spreading of an enriched, stabilized cloned DNA virus. It had to be something that would fool unsuspecting virologists, epidemiologists, scientists and doctors world-wide.
They weren’t all in on the malfeasance. So they had to be roped into the plan. What better way than sprinkling viral clones in strategic locations to create consensus that’d justify action.
Many questions remain. Who was responsible? How did they spread the agent? Why they did it is pretty easy to figure out. Just look around. Listen to what’s being said.
They want everyone to believe old systems are failing on all fronts so they can usher in a brand new form of governance.
The truth is, they’re causing everything to fail by not enforcing existing laws to make us desperate for their new an improved plan.
We are being led.
That’s Couey’s theory but again there’s no evidence and Yeadon heard his theory and was not convinced
And that proves what? I watched the video of Yeadon and Couey. I did not get the impression Yeadon was completely at odds with Couey.
Both Couey and Yeadon make important points. This is a complex journey that so far has not produced any proof from anyone.
If we are going to get anywhere it is imperative we avoid bickering over which camp we’re in.
Over the past three plus years I’ve listened, believed, then disbelieved several popular “expert” dissenters. Some I think have made a career out of beating a dead horse, others I suspect are controlled opposition.
I think Yeadon and Couey display an honest concern over getting to the bottom of things. Of the two Couey is an actual biologist who has actually worked in the field in question and admitted he was derailed in the beginning.
That does not mean Yeadon is worthless. I like both. But from where I sit (and this could change) all I’m saying is. I think Couey’s DNA clone theory might be on to something.
He’s not the only one saying this. Karen Kingston is too. She says it was aerosolized .
Searching for personal answers. For clarity that this is what caused my best friend to die.
Your best friend was murdered. Horrific. What will WE, in aggregate, do? Type angry letters, on this little promontory of nowhere?
Covid was real-and covid malfeasance was real.
They are not mutually exclusive.
I agree with you. The pandemic, however, was fake. In so far as it was not a spontaneous event occurring happenstance from our biological ecosystem. PLANdemic is a more accurate term.
NOBODY PANIC! This time next year, America will have 7 million "reinforcements" from around the world, who are only coming here (bravely climbing Trump's imaginary wall!) to add their 60-70 IQs to the already incredible defense no one has made against the end of an entire nation, race and culture! We are a very impressive lot, but these 7 million fine (mostly men) people will soon be researching, chronicling and defending us! They will spend their days, becoming Physicists, Doctors, and engineers! Imagine how much better we will be, after they kill off us evil, white supremacists!
I have never been so optimistic! The US Capital will be moved to Jerusalem! Pedophilia will be legal! Drag Queens will rule us, and America will look more and more like Liberia!
What a blessed time! Hey, let's all pray!
I followed Dr. Mike Yeadon on twitter and he repeatedly called covid a PCR false positive pseudopandemic and that all we had to do to make covid disappear was to stop the scientifically fraudulent PCR test.
Look, I can’t be more direct. We can’t have a lethal pandemic sweeping the land, killing thousands of people & it NOT show up in the total mortality charts. Not unless someone is hiding dead bodies. And they’re not. Its MISDIAGNOSES. Please wake up. It’s not even new.
PCR false positive pseudo epidemics exist. We’ve got one. When in a pseudoepidemic everyone thinks it’s a real epidemic. But we don’t have extra deaths. That’s howling out for an explanation & there’s only one. Is literally not a single person interested?
Anyone running a city council who has the power to decline PCR mass testing or to switch to an alternative test? If you do that, I predict your city will return to normal within a small number of weeks. Of course I’d give you hours of rationale beforehand. And not just me.
Do you know how many tests that population had in total over last two days? The fascinating thing about test related pseudo epidemics is that they vanish as soon as the aberrant test is halted. Nothing else changes because nothing else is happening.
I am an investigative journalist and I’ve spent over 3000 hours studying the scam. Yeaden is exactly right through very well may have been some sort of gain of function virus however, in general, the pandemic was caused by a mind virus and a PCR test that just claimed normal. Respiratory problems were a nasty flu.
For someone who never gets sick, was not fearful, didn’t wear masks, was enjoying summer activities indoors and oit, SUMMER of ‘21 (that in itself is foreign to me) I had something that my usual natural supplements/herbs could not shake for 2 wks. I did not have a virus of fear.
Two words - Barrie Trower.
I have been sick in countries all over the world and I was sick in Italy whenthe scam Demic hit. But I really can’t say it was worse than what I’ve suffered many times before I personally don’t think it was anything special. It was just the approach to it that made it seem special.
If that’s true then you didn’t have the thing they call covid-19. Because if you did you wouldn’t be so laissez faire. You sound like you probably had a cold or flu. I too was a disingenuous clown. When People described their symptoms I’d always make excuses. Like, no shit, I’ve lost my sense of taste and smell. It’s called the flu! Dummy. You people are making a mountain out of nothing. I never wore a mask unless forced. Didn’t wash off my groceries. Ate in restaurants. Prided myself on not being neurotic. Then I got sick. Holy fuck was it weird. Like no other respiratory malady I’ve ever experienced. And I’m 66 years old and over time I’ve had almost everything at one point or another except pneumonia. This thing they call covid is totally different. If you had it you’d know it.
And imagine how much DNA that test gathered
Undoubtedly that was part of the game.
Pathogen or Toxin? I could elaborate...
I just call it poison
Please do....