Dr. Michael Yeadon can sleep very well at night!

He’s got the scientific goods!

I trust him period!

Funny how he stands out from all the others!

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Why is the world ignoring the Scottish COVID inquiry? EVERYTHING has been revealled about the fake pandemic.


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Last year we here in Canada had a National Citizen's Inquiry, hundreds of testimonies from injured Canadians, testimonies from relatives of injured or murdered victims, testimonies from scientists, testimonies from police, paramedics, etc., and of course, the inquiry was roundly ignored by our corrupted, bought-and-paid-for trollop medias.


Mainstream medias globally have been bought/bribed/captured, hence the ignored inquiries.

When our governments finally manage to put together bogus inquiries, with carefully-selected "experts" and narrative-friendly outcomes, THEN you will see all manner of coverage on the MSMs... the better rigged they are, the more MSM coverage there will be.

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Yes, am aware of Canada citizen's inquiry and some devastating testimonies but what separates that from Scottish is that in Scotland this is the OFFICIAL public inquiry. It should have woken the world up to the COVID fraud. Sadly no and it exposes the fake 'alternative' media who refuse to make noise about it. BUT the evidence is all there, no one can have any excuse. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiry-impact-256

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Thx…I’ll have to listen!

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Please watch the compilation clips. You will be shocked!! Share with others. All my work is free and non monetized. Truth should be available to all who seek it.

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Always the same players, going back at least 3 decades now, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny was onto that crap in the early 2000s, as well as James Corbett, and many, many more were seeing what these criminals were up to, I'm sure, see here: https://substack.com/@richardleger/note/c-61084577

Actually, I believe that Substack might be messing with notes, whoever is reading here, if you're unable to see that note, could you let me know?

And if you were able to see the note, maybe just a quick "Yes" reply? Thanks.

Oh, and do take time to notice how the criminal ruling class have been preparing the legal frameworks for lockdowns, detainments in camps, forced medication, etc. for decades now.

Nothing "novel" about Convid 19, this has looong been in the planning.

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Yes to Note.

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The Western model of Medicine is strictly materialistic. As such it misses root causes related to spiritual, emotional and mental trauma that inhibit the flow of subtle energies throughout the body. For example, in Chinese 5 element theory the Metal element is associated with the Lungs, Sinuses, Skin, Hair and Large Intestines. The root emotion associated with it is grief. When a person gets stuck in grief it can eventually manifest itself in a physical dysfunction within organs associated with the Metal Element. Symptomatic treatment will not cure the problem. The grief must be dealt with. Flower remedies combined with energy work can be very effective in helping move the stuck energy of grief out of the body. When that happens the colon or lungs begin to heal. I have seen this happen over and over and over again. When the data seems to support the paradigm then one must consider the validity of the paradigm.

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The other side are damned liars and criminals or total inept ignoramuses.

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"Please don’t give in to fear."

Key words that need to be heeded for victory over a corrupt, criminal CYSTem to make happen. Ever notice the CYSTem controls the sheeple by fear. Examples? Give up your right to an opinion and freedom of expression by being low key and not rocking the boat. Have no voiced opinions. Follow the herd and its Judas goats. There are many religious leaders, corrupt politicians, dishonest fake leaders like turdo and biDUMB, college and university presidents, woke wanker entertainers, the very rich, fake law enforcement foot soldiers who do what they are told right or wrong. Add follywood, public education CYSTem, government bureauCRAPcies, etc etc etc

I am not couth in the least nor a martyr, but I have fought the CYSTem all my life and will to my end. Do not get along to go along. If you do, one day you will look in a mirror and puke at what you have become.

Religion holds to many lies and deceptions. The worst people I know are unfortunately relatives who are religious hypocrites who try to justify their secret sins but especially when it benefits them.

Look at mans' in humanity to man. Look at the love of money being the root of all evil. Look at the multi billion dollar industries of porn, aborticide, drug dealing, human trafficking, prostitution, transgender butchery, etc

These and all evils can be eradicated if we dare to take counsel from the Word that says evil triumphs when good men do nothing and that the reason there are is so much criminality in the land is because justice is not served in a timely manner.

Want to see murders drop? Using DNA and eye witness reports to determine culpability. march out the guilty to the gallows the same day a verdict of guilty is reached. That will do it. Ditto for rape and all other crimes.

Load all drug dealers in a boat, stop a mile offshore, wound a few of them and then throw them overboard for the sharks. Ditto for terrorists.

The solutions are easy but the will is lacking to make things safe in every neighborhood.

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You might think we have an election coming up or something? Or something? Deflection? Absolutely once again!

My sarcasm is deliberate, my something, well that’s another story.

Who knows what to believe anymore? Our “trusted sources”I’ve always felt, is first and foremost, your gut instinct.

I have been and I continue to be tremendously grateful for Dr Alexander, Dr Mike Yeadon and many others whom I’ve learned about and learned to trust, because of Substack.

Yes until the “dark-side of Evil” secures their intended objectives, they won’t stop! Which is why “We the People” must STOP THEM or they will continue their “reign of terror” tactics!

They’ll use flu’s and other viruses, followed by more fear-mongering, more virus’s and more fear-mongering! And on and on this will go! Unless we STOP THEM!

The “Merry-Go-Round” effect is the only thing “absolute liars” can do, absolutely! The same holds true for power!

“Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely”!

The most important part “We the People” have to do, is make sure we inform others, as many people as possible, as often as possible. We cannot cower! We cannot walk away! We certainly cannot be silent or silenced! And last but not least, “DO NOT COMPLY”!

Look what’s happened to millions of people who complied? I’m certainly not going to allow this to happen again if I have any say! All of us must harness this same “passion for humanity” otherwise we will be doomed!

On a lighter note, I’m still waiting for the next “Chinese Weather Balloon” to lower the grappling hook’s over DC and lift-away every political hack along with Washington, in total! Hmmm I wonder if this is possible?

Oh then, if possible, drop Washington into the center of the Bermuda Triangle! No life preservers needed! Cruel? No not after what they’ve done to us! We can even help China to the rescue! What do we have to lose? After all china’s already here. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind limiting the number of “Useless Eaters”!

You know the one or two balloons or God I believe nine balloons in total now, yes those, but who’s counting?

All kidding aside, once again, these “Evil-Bastards” will continue to try to “conquer and divide” us! We mustn’t allow them! This is exactly what they’re trying to do, keep the pressure cooker pressurized! Sadly, millions of Americans will heed their warnings! They’ll believe anything they’ve been told. Which makes it incredibly difficult to “undo” their mindset.

If they truly want to eliminate humanity, they will! They can! We won’t be told! Remember, 80% of the “iceberg” we can’t see. We won’t be told anything.

They’ll use something unspoken about or unheard of. Something that doesn’t exist, but they’ll fear millions into believing it does. This is our biggest challenge, the only way “We the People” can counter, is to inform people, as many people as possible.

Today, there’s something or a host of “corrupt happenings” they want to deflect our attention away from. They’ll keep our eyes fixated on something else maybe

“chicken droppings”! Who knows? One thing I’ve learned is “don’t believe” what they’re saying!

Literally we have a “50/50 chance they’re lying again!

Odds are in our favor not to comply!

What’s so disturbing is they’re literally culling, thousands of birds, cows, etc.! One thing I noticed was, they haven’t mentioned anything about “PIGS” anymore. I wonder why?

Is it because pigs were being injected with mRNA 10 years ago? Or is it, pork is almost certainly China’s main food ingredient? All I know is 1. I haven’t eaten pork in years and 2. Something doesn’t make sense about why have they been silent about pork?

Literally our food supply is being destroyed! In order to stress and control the masses. Of course they’ll tell us how important “government intervention” is! And yes millions of people will follow along in lockstep!

Certainly and ultimately this is part of their “One World Order” government controlled desired outcome. Control everything! Food, transportation, healthcare, housing, anything and everything!

Isn’t this what they want us to believe? The governments here to help, take a number and come back on Wednesday, June 23 2030! How efficient? And how else will “We the People” get through these tumultuous times if it’s not for the government?

Aren’t they so thoughtful? So helpful? So caring? And they know, in order to provide the very best protection for all of us, they’re borrowing (stealing) our children’s and grandchildren’s money, to pay for our safety today! What a bunch of good eggs, hey?


We’re being culled in the same manner as livestock is! We know they’re trying.

NOT, NOT, NOT!!!!! They’re robbing our children’s and our grandchildren’s money! They’re killing our food supply! They’ve killed millions of people! They’re not helpful! They’re not caring!

They’re “Evil-Bastards”! Their leader, “Satan” and their ultimate goal is to “Destroy-America” in order for a “One World Order” government can takeover!

Reality? Positively YES!

If the recent peer reviewed study released by the Lancet is correct and I don’t believe it’s incorrect, the world is screwed! When 73.9% of deaths are linked to the covid vaccine and 5.5 billion shots were administered worldwide, do the math.

Roughly 4.07 billion people will die worldwide, from this covid “Bioweapon Shot” alone! There’s a “time-release” function I call it, within these shots. In other words, someone may die 5 years from now at a young age, directly tied to the shot! The story will be completely debunked by the MSM and CDC and this cycle repeats!

But who’s keeping track? Or as they will explain this death , he or she didn’t eat healthy, or some excuse will be given! Possibly none of this will matter given the heightened % of increased mortality rates which have already been recorded? One thing is certain, death rates have not gone down. They’ve increased significantly and continue to increase! Perhaps they’ll have a “shot for the shot” shot, available soon? How crazy would that be?

In time, only God knows how many more people will die from these so called “safe and effective” Bioweapon Shot” to the heart SHOTS! Still to this day, the CDC is calling such a tragedy of a poisonous death shot, “safe and effective”!

Yes, more people have woken up, and still more people are aware, but unfortunately the amount of death and disability has already destroyed millions of lives! How many more lives need to be destroyed?

All we can do is help ourselves and others understand the truth! If we can do this, we can and we will help humanity on a giant scale. In reality, for most of us, myself included, this is all I / we can do. It’s certainly better than doing nothing and it may help save someone’s life! Possibly our own.

This war is a “Spiritual War” a battle between “Good vs Evil” and we know who’s good and who’s evil. For the most part we know. This is all we can do.

“Help each other, helps us all”!

Thank you Dr Alexander once again, you’re always bringing us the most important news

“We the People” must hear!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I hear what you say and respect your thoughts and expertise but I still have trouble getting my mind around something not being contagious. In my youth measles would go through the school, then mumps would go through then German measles etc. The younger kids who had not had these afflictions would get them but the older ones would not. Hard to rationalize that there wasn't some kind of organism or entity causing the unique problems. If your hypothesis is right we should be able to protect ourselves by improving our bodies or the environment. Even today if the grand kids develop a cold I will usually get the same symptoms. It is worse in winter.

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Same cast of characters. That figures. The chutzpah they exhibit is really something, much like a majority of politicians. But the important thing to see will be if the public gets suckered into yet another scam/fraud.

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Thank you🥰

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You need reported hack☝️

Report this fraud👍

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