I am ever thankful for Dr. Naomi Wolf, to DailyClout, and for all of the people she is helping to make into informed health warriors. Thank you, Dr. Alexander, for another fantastic post and reminder that every day we have to stay in the fight.

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Good for Naomi and Mark Steyn. Thanks for highlighting this outrage. They ARE accomplices in a mass murder event.

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God bless Naomi and Mark Steyn for not backing down, the truth will be heard by millions.

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Dr. Wolf, you should perhaps also consider consulting your attorney with regard to potentially taking defamation action against the BBC which repeatedly refers to you as "Ms Wolf," falsely imputing that you are less academically qualified than you actually are. This is a type of discourtesy which should always be called out when journalists engage in it or when lawyers try it on with expert witnesses in court. These imbeciles at the BBC need to understand that a PhD is an earned doctorate, not an honorific. An MD who is struck off loses the right to be addressed as Dr. This does not happen to a PhD. One can only judge the BBC by their behavior. Unfortunately, their behavior does raise questions about their motivation.

GB News broke rules over Covid jab claims - Ofcom - BBC News


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Nuremberg2 is long overdue, but approaching. I sense the people of the world -- those who are awake, not "woke" -- are tired of being lied to. Many thanks to courageous patriots like Dr. Wolf and Mark Steyn!

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But the governments aren't tired of lying.

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Indeed! You might say, "They're lying like their lives depended on it!"

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Yes!!! Was so hopeful when GB News started. Without Mark Steyn ...it's turned into sludge. Don't watch it now at all. Dr Naomi Wolf is a great fighting lady for all, especially for woman and babies. Love the fight in these two people, need more like them! Must say 'be careful out there', they really want us dead.

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Hi Paul,

I posted the below comment on Naomi's substack, and I'd like to share it here with your readers:

"Hi Naomi,

Even if you were to get the best court evidence from inside the horse's guts, most people in this world are simply not prepared to accept it because, either the best evidence does not suit them one bit, or it shows them up as complete fools. This is a case worth fighting in court. Get the right lawyer in London.

When the big guns take you on, then they know you are dangerous, and you know you have some power.

Give them hell.


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my cousin's toddler died in 2022 with turbo thymus cancer...she was still drinking breast milk possibly from pfizer...

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This is horrific!. I am so sorry. Where is the doctor behind this? Hopefully justice catches up to those perpetrators.

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the mom is a nurse...i don't think she even realizes what could have caused all of this horror... of course i don't dare say a word about my thoughts on this or i would be shunned forever i'm sure. they have a new baby now and he was in nicu for a few weeks with elevated heart rate... my hope is that she refused any more shots at some point so the breast milk is ok now but who the hell knows...

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Sorry for the loss your family has suffered.

I know how difficult it is talking to orthodox medical people about this. My sister is a medical secretary at a well-known hospital, bought all the propaganda and had two shots and I think one booster. The second shot (or the booster?) made her very sick so she swore off the shots. She has shortness of breath on exertion but standard stress test showed nothing, won't even consider asking for a D-Dimer test. I think gold standard for diagnosing myocarditis is a cardiac MRI but of course she won't even consider that. She thinks I'm a "conspiracy theorist." These people all live in their own little bubble. Not sure what it will take to wake them up.

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many will never wake up until they cross into the other side. the ones i know who have awoken, but did take the shots, don't want to talk about it...

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Oh my, I am so sorry. To watch and know what is happening is very difficult. It is so unfortunate your cousin is thick into the brain washing, but we have to hope she comes to a realization sooner than later.

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I am so very sorry!!! Wishing you and your family peace and justice.

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So sorry for your loss, I hope and pray there will be a day of reckoning and the victims will receive justice.

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My warriprs for 2+ years. I sm THOROUGHLY ashamed to be British with an evil wimp like loony, killer Charles pervhed on a chair somewhere.

I would be privileged to sign any Petitions you may have.

Thank you and God Bless for all the work you have done and the danger you put yourself in. Cecile LYNDE.

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God bless Naomi and Mark and Dr Paul for being relentless in telling the truth. The more government and media cover up and lie, the greater the punishment should be for promoting mass murder!

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Ofcom is a department of the British political union parliament and it's the department of culture media and sport that controls how Ofcom acts

We've all been silenced - you're not allowed to speak out against anything that the British political union parliament says or does cos the British political union parliament is bought and paid for by big pharma big finance etc it doesn't matter who you are you will be silenced for going against the narrative

Dr Alexander if you haven't already done so I deeply suggest that you read 1984 by George Orwell cos that is what's really going on

I'm English and I speak English not british

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OFFCOM is a concept straight out of INGSOC. OFFCOM is a propaganda arm of MINITRUE, the British OCEANIAN and INGSOC Airstrip One MINISTRY OF TRUTH which deals in lies, on behalf of BIG BROTHER Rishi Sunak's MINISTRY OF LOVE, which peddles hatred toward the unvaccinated and anyone who challlenges MINITRUE's vax narratives. Ultimately, the goal of INGSOC is for the proles to be VAPORISED, which can readily be achieved throuugh mass jabs. OFFCOM no doubt would say that Dr. Wolf, because of her WRONGTHINK about jabs does not love BIG BROTHER, has committed the heinous offence of THOUGHT CRIME and is doing the work of GOLDSTEIN and undermining the daily TWO MINUTES HATE against the unjabbed. Therefore, she must be taken by the THOUGHT POLICE from OFFCOM to ROOM 101 to be RE-EDUCATED, i.e., VAPORISED.

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Truth will out

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it is already and nothing is being done about it...nor will anything be done about it. millions will die way before their time...

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

In due time, all censors must be executed. Because Attila and Our Huns are generous, they will consider pardoning the families of the censors. But only if they had no role in the crimes.

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In an era of fake news media and government censorship, Naomi can accurately cry Wolf many times, but how many people hear her?

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An Orwellian nightmare.

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Hats off to Naomi and Mark. Thanks for your courage, Naomi, in exposing Big Pharma, Big Gov. There is no doubt to the motivation of Dr. Wolf. She seeks to protect and preserve the health of people, especially women and defenseless children. She has nothing to gain by sticking her neck out with the truth, except for being acknowledged as a true humanitarian.

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