Her predictions back in 2020-21 were scoffed at, but they should’ve been heeded as warnings! Maybe we wouldn’t be in such a mess if we had.

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Ditto with her predictions in 2007! She's a gem.

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absolutely brilliant

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YUP! She’s been right about EvErYtHiNg.

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Dr. Wolf has been a voice in the dark, a beacon of truth, the Bastards tried to silence her, they failed, the common man has become aware.

Said Bastards will pay the price; the degree will be commensurate with the harm. Right now the emerging “truth” is frightening for all who trusted their government not to lie to them.

Many of my personal friends are spitting mad at their government for the bald face lies and deceptions. They will accept nothing less than criminal indictments and prison terms for the perpetrators of this crime against humanity.

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As someone who is injured by the vaccine almost a year ago, they silenced the people who were reporting accurately for a full year & a half before I had my elderly parents convince me to take it to protect them & when I protested I didn’t want it because no one could know it was safe, I wasn’t able to find the evidence & information I needed to defend my position against getting it thanks to the government colluding with Twitter to censor the truth tellers. We should be able to sue them as well. They took our informed consent away and they refused to allow us to get informed when we knew our doctors couldn’t possibly know it was safe for us personally. Infuriating!

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So sad.

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Dr Alexander, as always I am grateful to you for your steadfast support for my work. I also appreciate the credit you give to the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers' groundbreaking work. And I am glad that the talented journalist Etana Hecht gets a shout out here too. Thank you for all you do and Brian and I are proud to be your colleagues and friends.

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I was 33 years old in 2001, firmly in the middle of adulthood with a medical career and about to start a family. I was living 30 minutes from midtown manhattan NYC in northern NJ and on my way to meet a friend to play tennis in Westchester county when the first plane hit the twin towers. I went down to the river near the George washington bridge and saw the second plane hit.

I was always a bit of a prepper boy scout so I went home and prepared for … world war 3. But over the next several weeks it became apparent that a small group of determined criminals were reaponsible for the attacks. And instead of vowing to seek justice , the US fed government launched an assault on Iraq, a country which had nothing do to with the attacks. And it was KNOWN at the time Iraq had nothing to do with it

The fed government used the attacks as a pretext

This whole episode ocurred shortly after the whole Bush/Gore contested election

When the bombs started falling on Bagdad I had a sinking sick feeling for months that i was witnessing the dying days of my country. The US remained mired in Iraq and afganistan well … everyone knows the story.

The covid episode was the same.

A total incompetent overreaction that made everything worse

A dying bankrupt overentended corrupt empire

Cry my beloved country

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" it became apparent that a small group of determined criminals were responsible for the attacks" Oh, you must be speaking about the small group of MOSSAD and CIA criminals. 911 was an INSIDE JOB. No doubt about it. AE911truth.org

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I have the End of America. And as bad as it is right now, it isn't going to happen in my lifetime.

"It’s important to remember that these agencies work for We, the People, and we have the right, and even the responsibility to closely monitor the way they operate." Sorry, Doc, ever since the Federal Reserve act went into place we the people have become slaves and they don't work for us anymore.

"The writers of the constitution knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote in Article I Section 10 paragraph 1 'No state shall... make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts. ' People able to barter with gold and silver coin control government and are free. Loss of the right to trade in gold and silver coin enslaves people to the creators of psychological 'money.'":

-Merrill Jenkins, Sr.,

Money - The Greatest Hoax on Earth

"The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money--almost any amount of it."

~ The National Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, p. 8

ALMOST? Why only ALMOST? What keeps them from creating ALL they want? You? Me? Your dog? A full moon?

"...Keynes argues that inflation is a 'method of taxation' which the government uses to 'secure the command over real resources, resources just as real as those obtained by [ordinary] taxation'. 'What is raised by printing notes, ' he writes, is just as much taken from the public as is a beer duty or an income tax.' "

- 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, pg 10

"All the paper money issued today is Federal Reserve notes. The real backing for the nation's money is faith in the strength, soundness and stability of the American economy."

~ The Hats the Federal Reserve Wears, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, pg 4

Faith is what backs our monetary system. YOUR faith. Do you still have faith?

"When plunder has become a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."

~ Frederic Bastiat in "The Law"

"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation,

governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens."

~ 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve

Bank of Richmond, pg 6

Isn't confiscation of the wealth of the citizens a nice way of saying STEALING?

Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) over 50 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.

"Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience." ~ John Locke (1690)

If the money you earn has no value and you are forced through fiat paper legislation to take it for your labor, are you not having your property (labor) destroyed and are you not being reduced to nothing but slavery? Is not the state at war with the people?

5th Plank Communist Manifesto: Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

The Federal Reserve System, created by the Federal Reserve Act of Congress in 1913, is indeed such a “national bank” and it politically manipulates interest rates and holds a monopoly on legal counterfeiting in the United States. This is exactly what Marx had in mind and completely fulfills this plank, another major socialist objective. Yet, most Americans naively believe the U.S. of A. is far from Marxist. WRONG! It's way worse than you may think..https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/communism-american-style

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We live in a fascist tyrannical dictatorship. It’s getting worse. The progressives hate US - We The People - Trump was right. “It’s not me they hate, it’s YOU, I am just standing in their way”. This is a very bad omen that the progressives just funded 87,000 new IRS agents armed with state of the art weaponry including hollow tip bullets to kill you if you don’t comply


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I guess the psychopathic control freaks running the show for now haven't heard of 4GW. More commonly known as "The War of The Flea." Heck they couldn't beat a bunch of goat herders in Afghanistan, imagine starting something here with 150 million armed Americans. Maybe the armed IRS agents will be the reason folks figure out what the 2nd amendment is really for. Arm up and carry on.

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I think many of us would shoot back…it could get interesting.

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Dr. Wolf was handcuffed but committed NO CRIME.

Dr. Alexander et al were handcuffed but committed NO CRIME.

We were ALL handcuffed, in so many ways, for 2.5 long years. We committed NO CRIME.

ALL the perps who actually did commit crimes against the people, should be charged with MALICE AFORETHOUGHT:

"This [malice aforethought] is the grand criterion which now distinguishes murder from other killing: and this malice prepense, malitia praecogitata, is not so properly spite or malevolence to the deceased in particular, as any evil design in general; the dictate of a wicked, depraved, and malignant heart: un disposition a faire un male chose [an inclination to do an evil thing]: and it may be either express or implied in law".

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They should be charged with crimes against humanity, tried, convicted and taken out and shot on a nationally televised event. NO internationally televised.

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she's a regular on War Room and she predicted european vax passports for americans last year. I've been buying non perishables just in case they card me at Ralphs Market

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They start that crap here and that's it for me.

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Love her and so thankful for her bravery to speak the truth and uncover the lies! Everyone should read her latest book. 🙏❤️

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The End of America is where I started with her. And she may be correct. But we aren't going down without a major fight.

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Isn’t Stephen Miller’s wife a horrible, awful, and worthless human?

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