Smart, tough, fearless. She’s a total threat to them. Pour it on, Wolfie.

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This sounds off topic, but if we had Ghislaine’s client list, everything would be different. We are in a war of good vs evil. ( God bless and protect all truth tellers. In Jesus Holy name, Amen)

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Amen and bring out that list

The pedophiles try typing this out

Pedophiles it makes you type it out

I have typed pedophiles 10,000 times

Predictive AI ought to recognize this

This is how crazy the world has become

Naomi in the concern for woman

Attacked by our WH truly this war is


It’s about total control money power

Weaponizing culture words virus

Biolabs the whole game is to crush

People anyway it can heaven forbid one

Is concerned about about a silly health


We are in the darkest times when the brightest stares shine

We win

God wins

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We all need to shine our lights right on into the darkest shadows. We'll reveal what's hiding in there. What hides in the dark generally doesn't like the light. Like vampires- those parasites......feeding off others.

Heart centered lights.......Keep shining!

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EXACTLY Vampires like stealth ....FULL MOON ILLUNITES THE 3 am NIGHT...

Good for werewolves like me just what I need more hair on my chest could you add some to this dome.....please

Damn These Energy pedophile pizza gate vampires their best glory days are done

watch the cockroaches when the lights turn on run!

I am the Ever more empowered knowing there are White Hat Patriots pulling the biggest STING in the Human Kind history and we get to see.....

I am so ready to pump my fist in victory game over yet .....

Shine ON Beautiful Kelly I ll shine as bright as the east rising Sun....lol

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Stock up on garlic and stakes! 😉🔥♥️

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I love your attitude marry me on Sunday lol 😊🤗

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And wooden crosses and a mallet


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This is starting to remind me of old episodes of Kolchack the Night Stalker.....soooo long ago. I'd much prefer that tamer entertainment to what's going on now.

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Kelly I am backtracking adding these comments to my blog....HUGS I don't Know BUT but I Love YOU and Your attitude <3

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AW, you're so kind. :)

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Same when I type God

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There you go go go google good

What The Fuck wtf there no GOD




FUCK YOU nerds who set up these





Desperados questing requesting no


But go good google

What ever happened to God the D

He took a vacation to Ukraine and siphoned off billions for democracy



Say we must fight for democracy

For national security

Yet where is our God it’s in google

The surveillance state

That can’t won’t spell


But drive your electric cars

While we fly Lear jets

While God is waiting

To place your bets

My money heart soul is on God

With no regrets

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Would send a heart but laptop still dont know how but <3 lol I am Full Moon Pisces watch OUT in my sign devil take 3 steps back I am coming through ...Happy Full Moon Day 3 am the moon moves quickly to the western horizon and shes gone again.....

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The moon is beautiful tonight! 💌

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The list exists, Epstein's little black book and the flight logs. We just are supposed to ignore the list because it has never officially been labeled "criminal".

The disinfo relabeled her as his exclusive "procurer" and all the girls were just for him is the impression being pushed on the public. That they were both blackmailers rather than brothel owners is also being denied/covered up. Prince Andrew would not have been charged by the hour.

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Right. They got people into really compromising situations ( not that that’s an excuse for sickening behavior) then they used it to blackmail them to get them to do whatever they wanted. Many of the names are already common knowledge, John Roberts, Supreme Court Justice, who all of a sudden became liberal, Bill Clinton, who got very quiet, Tom Hanks, not sure what value he was, Chuck Schumer, there is a really incriminating photo of him ( that I did save) many politicians & judges, CEO’S, Royalty, etc. it’s very late & I’m tired. I can’t think of them right now. Well known people from all various positions of some kind of influence or power. I don’t know how true it is, but it is said that Epstein was with the CIA.

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If I remember correctly, the John Roberts situation had to do with the adoption of his children. Not kinky sex.

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The Schumer pic is revealing, many are involved in pedogate even if Roberts story is different.

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That's one I havent seen. Any idea how to find it?

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All the fact checking sites say False, man is the girls father per a snippet, I didn't click any. This is a bad copy of what I had seen elsewhere, & I no idea if Snopes got this one right or not 😉 https://www.riverdavesplace.com/forums/threads/chuck-schumer-on-pedo-island.229179/

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I know it exists , we need to see it. It made me sick how Hollywood Johnny Depp Amber heard trial was televised & very little on Maxwell trial.

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I am sure the list is safe and secure in the bowels of the FBI.

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Next to hunters laptop ooops that got out

This list will too just all about time

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Amen. 🙏

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The list has been posted so many times. I wish I had saved it.

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It has never been released. You’re probably thinking of the flight log.

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Personally, after seeing the little black address book I think the flight logs are more incriminating. There is a famous attorney in that book that I don’t believe for one minute he’s a pedophile. If he’s on the flight log also I might change my mind. But I think some people who are in that book are going to get guilt by association & that’s very bad. You could be in an address book for many reasons.

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Dersshowitz the pedo

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agree, the flight logs seem more incriminating/suggestive of participation.

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No, I’m talking about the little black book. It was posted on GETTR. I’m trying to remember who posted it. And I saw it on Telegram just recently. It has been leaked. Names, addresses, phone numbers. The works.

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I must have missed that.

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Flight log I’ve seen online, nothing more.

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Honestly I saw this stuff coming down the pike with all the media collusion and hype when Obama was elected, and at the time I felt that things might not turn around...and people would not wake up until we literally had gotten to the point of concentration camps in the United States.

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Many of us saw the writing on the wall after 9/11 & how shocking that our country became enamored by Obama and fell for his divisive lies. So here we are! Now we also see the truth of full blown Obamacare fascism.

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I thought the exact same thing.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

We're heeere!

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Dr Wolf posted on Gettr how much this upset her. I'm royally pissed off - no, infuriated! - these lying, vindictive, lawless, treasonous pack of bastards don't give a damn about the American people.

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They hate us. Dr Wolf is a treasure & her work a blessing.

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That’s it - in a nut shell!

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

Naomi Wolf is a gift-- a fearless warrior! Shame on these people!

In your list of those who need to be investigated, don't forget Jen Psaki-- Liar-and-Snark-in-Chief of the Biden Administration. Although she is no longer in her role, the stench of her lies lives on. The divisions she created in this country will take generations to heal.

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Can you also find out who convinced the Queen E II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh to get vaxxed? They sre both dead within 1.5 year..

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Charles urged them to get jabbed. He is a Davos boy who said covid was a chance for a Great Reset.

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It’s a horrible thing to say, but he always wanted to be King. And he’s a heartless SOB.

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The Davos cabal are not known for empathy.

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Just this past week I lost a friend due to CHF and my daughter in law lost her Grandmother.

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Naomi Wolf is a unique kind of danger to the pile of liars .. she sees through the bullshit and explains it with so much love. She knew early on where this wanted to go with tech surveillance / overreach, because that's her field. She didn't jump to conclusions about nefarious plans to use these shots to harm or mess with fertility, she reached that after much reluctance and honest looks at the evidence of what was known in the Pfizer docs.

And she's an inspiration for those of us who used to identify with team blue, even if we didn't trust centrist Dems, we thought that the "progressive" / "left" "side" was more caring, And more able to stand up to corporate power. Whew, that was wrong.

We can't let them get away with spinning this lawsuit to say OK, yes, they did collude, but it was to make sure Americans had access to "factual" "science-based" information. The opposite. But that's the spin.


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You are 100% correct. She is an inspiration and a hero, highly respected level of expertise that through her work exposed the big lie by revealing the government, big tech and big Pharma collusion on a cover up. And as we have recently also seen the collusion by big tech and certain influence by unnamed agencies on recent events and much more. I watched her interview and certainly understand her fear. Especially given these recent events. Try as they may to take her down, the truth is out. That being said, being a woman investigating the dangers facing women and the underlying ramifications makes certain parties eager to completely discredit everything she stands for, destroying her in the process.

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This shows us all that the depths of evil of those in the White House, they have no bottom. The J6 political prisoners include Dr Simone Gold, and now threaten Dr Naomi Wolf for telling the truth. It almost feels like the cabal has a distaste for women and want to punish Dr Gold & Dr Wolf for standing up for medical freedom. How dare women have the guts to speak out on the dangers of the vax. Especially in pointing out a particular danger from the vax to women.

This is appalling.

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If you don't tow the line and are a dissenter you will be targeted by these people. It's been a theme on the left for quite some time.

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They want to shut down all who support healthcare freedom, destroying their narrative. They can’t do it. They are losing their minds and want to come after all to silence.us.

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This is very unnerving. I wonder exactly what she found out? Whatever it was, it doesn't sound good, if she's using words like "terrifying." I put nothing past these people, so I am quite concerned for her, and the other brave truth tellers.

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Please pray for her. It’s a spiritual battle.

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I like Naomi Wolf....I recognize the truth in her

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I wonder if Naomi regrets voting for the corrupt demented pedophile now?

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It’s very true that Biden could end this madness but deliberately chooses not to.

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I am so grateful to Naomi for her strength and conviction and service to life. She is the ultimate role model. You go girl! ;)

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Last year Dr Wolf mentioned it’s all about the vacks passport in Europe coming to America. Imagine flashing medical I.D. Just to walk into a fricking boutique in Beverly Hills. Staying home till it’s safe to be free

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

We have seen the most evil corrupt White House emerge in the history of the U.S. They worship Satan and all the evil he represents. We must keep everyone in our prayers who are standing up to this tyranny! Obiden and Obama and crew are attacking every credible and truthful person who exposes their plans to destroy us and our great Country! God bless America and may God reign down his wrath on these evil people! As others have said, we are truly in a fight versus evil and good! When it has become open season on children by these monsters as well, and they are no longer protected but sacrificed for their evil lust, then we know without a doubt we have a serious battle on our hands! That’s why they are going after Christians and all these good and moral people! God bless all of you who are fighting to expose the truth! Edited to fix typos!

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Man...... the truth really does hurt the liers.

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