that today’s current media effort to revise or discard wholesale the often-distinguished heritage of Presidential confidentiality"...Wolf again delivers a well-written piece that drives reflection.
Naomi Wolf has been spot on in her observations re the theft of individuals' bodily autonomy (ditto her predictions of vax passports and other draconian policies for which she was initially pilloried as a nut job) and she is on point once again here vis a vis the threat to the Republic when Executive Privilege is attacked by the current illegitimate ruling cabal. Very dangerous times and to be certain one of the slipperiest of slippery slopes in our nation's history, no matter on which side of the aisle one may sit.
No, Wolf totally missed the mark on this. Bannon served in the While House in 2017. He can only claim executive privilege for the time period in which he worked for the President. I don't know if his employment was secretly extended. The real issue here is the judge wouldn't allow this guy to present the defense he wanted at trial. Same thing happened with Alex Jones.
His services as an advisor may well have been extended, whether he was on the WH staff or not, though I obv understand your point here. The entire sham that is the J6 unselect committee is the larger matter imo, that a "judge" will preside over such theatrics as if there is an iota of legitimacy is the Kafka-esque window dressing to it all. The AJ trials provided the template for more of the same, plus the two-tiered system of "justice" has made an utter joke of the "rule of law", talk about an oxymoron ha
How curious that obama to THIS DAY successfully maintains Executive Privilege for the crimes he and his DOJ henchman Holder committed vis-a-vis Operation Fast and Furious.
But of course, recognition that EP transcends an administration’s tenure only applies to Dems, right?
Naomi Wolf is a Godsend for the Truth. Her well written book The Bodies of Others is a MUST read for EVERY American Adult. God our Creator is calling us to prayer and action. Will we answer or will we throw America into the Dark Ages.
There is no attack on Executive Privilege. There is an attack on President Trump’s right to claim it!
You can rest assured when biden is safely out of his stolen White House residency, Executive Privilege will again be robustly granted and fully upheld by the same courts of law that deny it to President Trump and his former associates.
In this piece, I don't declare war on the Democrats, but on the sorry journalists at the mainstream press organizations. I'm tempted to say these people "know not what they do," but I think they do know.
Naomi Wolf has been spot on in her observations re the theft of individuals' bodily autonomy (ditto her predictions of vax passports and other draconian policies for which she was initially pilloried as a nut job) and she is on point once again here vis a vis the threat to the Republic when Executive Privilege is attacked by the current illegitimate ruling cabal. Very dangerous times and to be certain one of the slipperiest of slippery slopes in our nation's history, no matter on which side of the aisle one may sit.
No, Wolf totally missed the mark on this. Bannon served in the While House in 2017. He can only claim executive privilege for the time period in which he worked for the President. I don't know if his employment was secretly extended. The real issue here is the judge wouldn't allow this guy to present the defense he wanted at trial. Same thing happened with Alex Jones.
His services as an advisor may well have been extended, whether he was on the WH staff or not, though I obv understand your point here. The entire sham that is the J6 unselect committee is the larger matter imo, that a "judge" will preside over such theatrics as if there is an iota of legitimacy is the Kafka-esque window dressing to it all. The AJ trials provided the template for more of the same, plus the two-tiered system of "justice" has made an utter joke of the "rule of law", talk about an oxymoron ha
How curious that obama to THIS DAY successfully maintains Executive Privilege for the crimes he and his DOJ henchman Holder committed vis-a-vis Operation Fast and Furious.
But of course, recognition that EP transcends an administration’s tenure only applies to Dems, right?
Naomi Wolf is a Godsend for the Truth. Her well written book The Bodies of Others is a MUST read for EVERY American Adult. God our Creator is calling us to prayer and action. Will we answer or will we throw America into the Dark Ages.
This only happens to one Party Paul. The question to be answered is WHY ??
You can start with one target.
The Uni-Party.
This is all a plan to rid our Constitution of the process of elected Representation.
This selection and Dominion machine manipulated election results has been going on since 1995.
Just who was in charge and running our Country during that time......
There is no attack on Executive Privilege. There is an attack on President Trump’s right to claim it!
You can rest assured when biden is safely out of his stolen White House residency, Executive Privilege will again be robustly granted and fully upheld by the same courts of law that deny it to President Trump and his former associates.
Well actually, it's only a war on Executive Privilege for regime non-members.
In this piece, I don't declare war on the Democrats, but on the sorry journalists at the mainstream press organizations. I'm tempted to say these people "know not what they do," but I think they do know.
Presidential Takedown is also available at Barnes & Noble: