Depopulation timeline

1901. Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, in 1978 Rockefeller University, started the instrumentalization of medicine.

1913. Rockefeller chartered his foundation. “John D. Rockefeller, Jr., was an early advocate of Margaret Sanger’s pioneering work in birth control …” 1

Eugeni-racist Margaret Sanger gave a conference at a UK freemasonic Fabian Society, where she met eugenicist (and later pro-Nazi) Marie Stopes, who advocated sterilization of non-whites and the poor, and helped her writing a chapter on contraception.

fast forward (substack doesn't allow long comments):

1973. John D. Rockefeller 3rd established the Filer Commission to increase detax on their “philanthropy”, especially corporate.11

In 1974 Bilderberger Henry Kissinger wrote the National Security Memorandum 200, a plan to use food scarcity and family planning, defined as health services (in spite of including abortion, abortifacients wrongly called contraception and lethal contraceptives), as weapons (truly WMD) in order to achieve population reduction in lesser-developed countries (LDC). Also, it planned exchanging aid food and funds for mandatory population control through the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), “avoiding the danger that some LDC leaders will see developed-country pressures for family planning as a form of economic or racial imperialism”. 12

In 1977 White House science advisor John P. Holdren’s textbook Ecoscience called for a global dictatorship to enforce depopulation, even with forced sterilization.

In 1988, Prince Phillipe RIP, the queen’s consort, who was a freemason, like most of the UK royals, said: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.” 13

1994. The freemason Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, with an advisory committee including The Heinz Center for Science, Economics and the Environment, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, The Population Council, WEF, The Newshour, National Intelligence Council, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Lt. General E.J. Rokke (Ret.), Business Executives for National Security, and several top universities:

“Population growth. Water scarcity. Degraded ecosystems. Resource depletion. Forced migration. Pandemic disease. Since 1994, the Environmental Change and Security Project has explored the connections among these major challenges as well as their links to conflict, human insecurity, and foreign policy. Read by over 7,000 policymakers, practitioners, journalists, scholars, and interested citizens.” 14 For them, human populations are a national security threat.

3 Apr 2003. In their yearly publication, used as guidelines by masons, Jane Goodall’s article “Bridging the chasm: helping people and the environment across Africa” says: “Tanzania … is very... overpopulated… (to save the chimpanzees from surrounding poor population), The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) conceived the TACARE program… also formed a relationship with Family Health International (FHI), a clinic that provides (abortifacient) contraception... This development is very encouraging for those of us concerned about growing population levels around the world.” So, in their ideology, killing human babies is the solution for chimp babies?

In an interview she goes on: “We concentrate on education because as education rises, family size drops”15

2006. Dr. Erik Pianka advocated in a conference the need to exterminate 90% of the world’s population, “no better than bacteria!”, through sterilization and an airborne virus (avian flu, ebola). Got a standing ovation.16

7 Oct 2007. UN Messenger of Peace, Goodall: to avoid global warming they need “population control” (like “pest control”) of the “mushrooming human population growth” (false, since births are decreasing). The problem is that “people don’t want to be controlled”... “and the Catholic Church”, “a major problem” (opposing contraception and abortion). “We can’t talk about (population control) in the developing world because… it goes against their religion, beliefs…” (mentions 7th day adventists and Muslims). We tell them: if you have more children, you “won’t be happy”. 17

5 May 2009. David Rockefeller Jr hosted a secretive meeting with Gorge Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey, calling themselves “The Good Club”, to discuss depopulation plans. “Why all the secrecy? They wanted to speak rich to rich without worrying anything they said would end up in the newspapers, painting them as an alternative world government.” 18

In 2012, as a result from that meeting, CNN mogul Ted Turner, a freemason Bilderberger, wanted a population reduction of 95% (360 million left out of 7 billion) through a global 100 year one child policy (although he had 5 children and 2 million acres), due to an alleged global warming of 8° in 40 years (although he has private jets).19

Yet, even before that, less than one year after “The Good Club” meeting:

In 2010, Bill Gates said in a TED talk promoting decarbonisation by population culling as a solution to the weather change fake crisis: “So you’ve got a thing on the left, CO2, that you want to get to zero, and that’s going to be based on the number of people, the services each person is using on average, the energy, on average, for each service, and the CO2 being put out per unit of energy… The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services (i.e. murdering unborn babies through abortion and abortifacients promoted by the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation), we could lower that by, perhaps 10 or 15 percent”.20

Proof of criminal intent: in 2011 Bill Gates confessed in a CNN interview. Notice he didn’t target the new vaccines not “to the poor children” but “to all the children”:

“… progress can be made in both inventing new vaccines and making sure they get out to all the children… and then you would have all the tools to reduce childhood death, reduce population growth, and everything -- the stability, the environment -- benefits from that.” He continued misinforming by denying any connection between vaccines and autism or deaths, while accusing parents of vaccine-injured children as murderers of the babies who died because of non-vaccination. 21

Will soon post the full analysis:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!


FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !

15 million watched the first one in 3 days!

Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!


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Thanks for posting this timeline. I was already subscribed to you before seeing it :) There's one thing I noticed here that I also read in one of your articles regarding Gates’ public admission to population reduction. Yes, he did state this more than few times on camera, but he was referring to a legitimate, legal, non-harmful way to achieve it w/out hurting people thru reducing population growth rates by lowering infant mortality (which could be easily confused w/ his ulterior motives). There’s no way he would admit his real plan which would incriminate him and also reveal that he is, in fact, the mad sociopathic Kill Bill, as opposed to the contradictory and cloaked persona, benevolent and philanthropic “Saint Bill”. This is also used as a clever cover in thwarting incoming accusations of the end result of the vaccines.

One of these video clips was from that TED Talk featured in the doc ‘Died Suddenly’. After watching it I found this article which explains what Gates was referring to, along w/ other factual inaccuracies in the film which unfortunately hurt the covid truth movement: https://jackanapes.substack.com/p/died-suddenly-is-typical-trash-from. I came across his stack from Dr. Malone’s reads. Scroll down to #4 “The depopulation agenda.”

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Thank you shape =)

For many years I also believed the BS of reducing infant mortality causing lower population growth. That's the mason genius: they repeat their lies through all means (formal education, media, academic research, manuals, etc.) so many times that you grow with them without questioning. We are born in an invisible mental cage/labyrinth designed by them It took me a while to realize this:

Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!


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you grow with them embedded in your mind, without questioning because even your parents, teachers, pastors, those who you trust “think” like that. We are born in an invisible mental cage/labyrinth designed by them.

It takes a while to realize their lies because we take everything they jammed for granted, even more when the education collective/socialistic system was designed by masons to make us accept the data by authority, never questioning neither the authority nor the information pushed by authority, never corroborating the answers, never developing creativity, individuality and self-propelled drive, never finding your own creative solutions out-of-the-BOX built by them.

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By the way, it worries me Malone's supporting the depopulation need on twitter. Will soon publish about the real Malone.

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I suspect, all Male and Female people, who got the Covid" Vaccjnes" are now Sterile, or will have trouble conceiving.

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True. Young men have decreased sperm counts after the jab, and young women are having a hard time conceiving, and those who do have a lot of miscarriages, and those who manage to carry a baby to term are having sick, stupid babies.

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Kingston sorted pharma's focus upon women, reproduction way way back. Don't recall what tipped her off but she did follow the bread crumbs. We see women being constantly attacked in various ways recently. Roe fell and Trilateral NGOs immediately sent their young women street assets to protest and violate SC homes where we noted Squatter attacked American judges by allowing the agitator to continue. We note the tremendous Trilateral push to promote homosexuality and, again, Pedo Child Hair sniffer writes EXOs attacking gender, hiring homosexuals in staff many wearing dresses.

And we note CFR controlled fake mass media supporting homosexuals. Pharma's see women as the weak link in the overall cultural Protestant structure of our USA. Terror is the tool, destruction of our Constitution is first step, with Imperial full spectrum domination of the planet the end game. Full spectrum is complete Orwellian obedience, dumbed down, Brave New World Huxley mind control-on-nanos. Huxley would smirk.

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My daughter n law had 2 miscarriages, before giving birth. Her best friend gave birth at 24 weeks and the baby did not make it. My daughter almost lost her baby at full term birth, if wasn’t for an unbelievable team of caring doctors. Their OB’s are silent as to the Covid Vax. Their pediatricians continue to promote the Covid Vax at 6 months. I’ve warned them over a year ago but, they thought I was nuts. How do I convince them that their doctors are compromised?

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While most in America are unaware, the Communists never stopped their grand strategy in taking down the US and once that is accomplished, the rest of the World.


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Evil unparalleled.

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Good chronology here, but one major event not documented: Fauci's HIV Fraud

April 23rd, 1984. HHS Secretary Margaret Heckler (backed by Fauci and HHS) announces the discovery of the "AIDS virus" (without verification or peer review) discovered by Robert Gallo who stole the samples with Fauci from the French.

This is where the dangerous fear and frauds of viral threats began.


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They keep setting the bar lower, similar to the value of the dollar dropping.

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It's important to acknowledge that some current surveillance methods are reminiscent of those used in dark historical periods like Nazi Germany and the East German Stasi era. The Germans were particularly adept at developing advanced monitoring techniques. Additionally, there were reports during Obama's presidency that the US government conducted surveillance on its own citizens and even utilized propaganda against them.

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The Nazis didn't have the surveillance technology available today. They would have loved it.

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It is a well-known fact that the Nazis had access to IBM machines from the US, which contributed to their cunning strategies. Nevertheless, there is some positive information to share. Reiner Fuellmich, a highly esteemed American lawyer, recently shared in an interview on May 25th that legal action can be taken against those responsible for their heinous actions.



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Pfizer is a puppet for a larger group. This began over 100 years ago. All anyone today has to do is read the UN’s Agenda 2030. This isn’t new.

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ALL ILLEGAL IF WE HAD ANY HONEST LEGAL ENTITIES IN OUR GOVT., IT IS BASICALLY UP TO US AS IT IS WRITTEN,,,,,, RAMPANT MURDER HOMECIDE PRE MEDITATED PRE MEDICATED INVASION OF PRIVACY DISABLING INJURING LIFE TERRORISM AGAINST ALL CITIZENS, POISONIG OUR FOODS AND LIVESTOCK AIR FIRMAMENT WATER LYING ETC.,,,,ALL ILLEGAL LIKE USURPER joe and the demonicrats PLEASE GOOD PEOPLE UNITE WITH GOD AGAINST THESE Evils Remember DANIEL SAMSON AND OTHERS WHO JOIND FORCES WITH OUR LORD AGAINST EVILS, THERE IS NO TREATY WITH CRIMINAL LAW BREAKING MURDERERS. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY 1776 STRONGER AND BETTER WITH A SIDE OF RAW NUREMBERG. WE THE PEOPLES TURN We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles sand organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. Declaration of IndependenceBut when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.-Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.🇺🇸 💪

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Was the goal stopping women from having healthy babies or any babies?

If the goal was the latter, since babies can be killed with poisons for a medical abortion, it shouldn't be too hard to poison the reproductive organs in a multiplicity of ways. Any woman undergoing laparoscopic exams could have her tubes sealed at the same time.

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Pfizer? Or the US Government?………………

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And, not or.

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An awful lot of otherwise smart people seem perplexingly eager to place responsibility for the ongoing global bioweapons attack on the "vaccine" makers rather than the true architects of our seemingly unending woes.

Of course, these Big Pharma collaborators should be called to account for their egregious involvement in the Great Covid Con. But they were simply profiteering stooges of thge US DoD, who farmed out the frankenjab contracts as part of a range of catastrophic"countermeasures" subsequently rolled out worldwide.

We have known this for many months, courtesy of the published findings of meticulous researchers such as Dr David Martin, Karen Kingston, Sasha Laytypova and Katherine Watt, et al. So why are Dr Wolf and other "influencers" seeking to deflect and divert our attention elsewhere?

As a former US President, speaking in a very different context, once declared, if you are not with us, then you're against us.

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Fizer's been murdering people for decades with their toxic garbage. Why would mRNA substances be any different?

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Global population reduction and Cintrol, older unjabbed Men, can still Father children, the potential Mother though, has statistics against conceiving and carrying the child to term....

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- wild horse and mammals humane sterilisation system that is lipid based could be used for covid


subsequently licensed to Pfizer who’s boss is a vet who would have known all about this:


Who then supply a lipid based mRNA vaccine against covid which is now shown of causing fertility problems.

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