I read Dr. Wolf's article late last night and was so stunned, sleep was not an option. Thank you for sharing her work.

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Naomi is the right person, in the right place, at the right time. God Bless her!

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This is horrifying and it is unbelievable that people are capable to of such monstrosities… I weep for humanity

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What is horrifying is the whole idea that people can do this to fellow humans knowingly. And then, people who know about it, knowingly cover for the ones who are knowingly doing it. That is a conspiracy. A group of people have gotten together and plotted to do this to us, and to lie about it in order to deceive as many as possible into going along with it and being useful tools in their genocidal plot.

And also, people who are brainwashed into believing that these experts are trustworthy and should be believed. These brainwashed people are the good Germans who I can't quite let off the hook for being brainwashed because this is genocide. What is chilling is the response I've seen from my good friends, good people who drank the koolaid and absolutely refuse to look at information such as Naomi Wolf's excellent substack.

Even though I know it is brainwashing telling them not to look. They say, "I'm not going to waste my time on reading misinformation that you send me. Naomi Wolf is not a good source." Those exact words. Substitute RFK, Jr. or Dr. Robert Malone, or any number of others. Nope. Not gonna listen, not gonna read, not gonna think. "Too busy.... excuse me while I go take my 4th jab and wear my mask to the grocery and socially distance myself from you, you anti-vaxxer!"

The narrative is so opposite from the truth, that the truth sounds outlandish and preposterous to them. "Genocide?!???????? Stop reading that far-right conspiracy, flat-earth stuff..."

How can we break through?

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i asked the health coach at my doctor's office for her take on the "vaccines" way back when they were first rolled out, even before the mandate that cost me my job of 40 years. i had no intention of taking it under any circumstances but my boyfriend had asked me to get their medical opinion. she said, no, they would not recommend it. they had already seen in their small boutique practice two odd miscarriages and a 69 year old woman who spontaneously started her menstrual cycle. my health coach (a former ER nurse from a major hospital until she retrained as a functional practitioner) said to me "these shots are messing with women's hormones." nothing that has happened since has proved her wrong.

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I'd like to know, what if anything are "we" going to do about these atrocities against humanity? These are our friends, our children, our mothers and fathers...

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Best post of the month. I reposted it as well as “performing” it for audio. Lots of people no longer read.

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The biggest calamity is our "elected" Representatives in Congress.

Not one peep from the body politic.

WHY ??? Where are these voices of reason ? Are they all in on it collectively ?

Who do you vote for in a short 5 months ? ANYBODY !!!

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She missed the part where Jews rejected the Messiah. The OT and its prophets pointed to the Messiah; “by his stripes we are healed”. Is Naomi still waiting for the Christ? Is she still doing sacrifices? Your savior awaits you Naomi He is patient. Step into the light.

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As I understand the known science so far, to sterilise a child required less RNA vax than for an adult.

This would explain why there is the frankly ludicrous pressure from many governments to vaccinate children.

I have no doubt whatsoever now that we are witnessing genocide on a global scale.

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May 31, 2022·edited May 31, 2022

And on the other hand we have the Protocols that pretty much lays this all out. But Wolf is correct in that evil walks among us and yet so so many are anesthetized to this by their own narcissistic indulgence of their knowing to 'trust the science'. For those of us that see what is going down have faith that justice will eventually prevail. It always does. As for those that can never be reached I think 'we' have to be prepared to right them off sad as that might be.

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