May 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022

I have never had a tight bond with "society" per se. With family, somewhat. With friends, somewhat. With my wife and kids--certainly. But these last two years have eroded away a great deal of the social outlook that I had built up over decades. I fear God so I continue to try to be as social as I can, but it is not easy. These last two years have only shown to me what I already knew from reading history: people can be manipulated to a state of cold indifference wrapped in a layer of baseless superiority and tribalism. As much as I try to see beyond most of my fellow travelers' social regression and unnecessary compensation with regards to their sense of self-preservation--at the expense of everyone around them--I cannot help but feel less communal (and therefore less caring) towards them. I'm trying, honestly I am, but if I were weak or did not fear God, I do not know what I would do differently. This is exactly why you do not do social experiments on people. Kicking a problem further down the road is cowardly and inhuman. That is exactly what our "rulers" have done to us and over time we will all pay--those kids and their parents paid and we are so much worse for it.

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We also had a sense that those in power, cared about society, cared about the citizens. I think that too, is gone. We used to have people in power that wanted to lift people, that may be in hope or financial. Now we have leaders that lecture and put others down, call names and reprimand. All with help from social media, mainstream media and Hollywood. Those in power are now the victims. They tell us at every turn they don’t care about us. How do we convince our children they’re cared about, if our leaders are telling them they don’t matter.

Yrs ago I had a total hysterectomy. I thought I would feel better afterwards and I didn’t, I felt worse. I described it as being a 90yro woman, with the flu. So I turned to the internet for a group of women who had advice and found answers. Found answers to pain I had that went unexplained by 2 doctors. Tomorrow those questions and answers will be banned by our leaders. We aren’t to question or you will be banned from the internet.

If tomorrow is frightening to me, I can’t imagine being a teenager today, the future would look bleak.

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Well said! I feel the same.

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Clearly, we have been under a sustained psychological attack for decades, but this latest ratcheting up of the gain is unprecedented in human history.

This won't end well, but it will end.

But it is becoming more and more obvious, we won't vote our way out.

There is a saying, "You can vote your way into Communism, but you have to shoot your way out."

Or Fascism, Marxism, Socialism, Crony Capitalism, Corporatism, or insert __________ here.

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As bad as the lockdown were, there are so many other variables. We have had many of our freedoms taken away and what most of us thought of as “normal” will never be again. It all plays a part in the overall disenchantment with the world we are living in. We no longer feel we have a government we can trust and the division in this country looks more like it is ready for a civil war than being unified. Add to that the possibility of a nuclear war. With a government spending out of control and an endless immigration of illegal aliens, schools that are eroding values most of us use to believe in, and people screaming racism at every turn, real or imagined, the youth are lost, not knowing what their future holds. People have been too obsessed with bigger and nicer homes, cars, clothes, buying “things” because they feel entitled, not because they needed it or had the money. Whenever there is a recession, murders and suicides will rise. In all my years, there has never been a time of so much discontent. We no longer have a strong family unit and a faith in a higher being to ground us. We have a puppet for our leader who cares nothing about making our country better, or at least what we consider better. The only question is how do we make this all stop? We have some of the most wicked people in charge with a progressive left wing that is raising the bar for extremist behavior every day. And a Republican leadership that has covered up their true selves to the point they are going along with the left. When people condemn the Democrats and the Republicans equally, they are condemning the people who voted for America first, the constitution, for life, our freedom to make informed choices.. Our voices should be against specific people, networks, and bring light to who is lying and being hypocrites. Stop buying from companies pushing this evil and don’t be a part of social media or watching movies with actors pushing their agenda. When God is removed and the strength of family deteriorates, the country will be in chaos with depression and anger, people killing others as a release to their own pain. Patience has been lost and obscene words have become the norm, even in otherwise good and educated people. What do we think will happen in the underprivileged and recluse parts of society. I know no youths who have not been affected by the pandemic but I can say the same for adults. Those families where everyone is united in how they feel about masks, the shots, books showing gay pornographic sex in elementary schools, (some) teachers “losing” a child’s homework and tests in order that a white child’s grades will be lower than a black child’s, schools pushing CRT, and encouraging students to bully kids with conservative views..... Life today is harder for everyone. Just trying to stay on top of each day’s news is depressing for a lot of people. There seems to be no end. Just saying what I believe causes me to second guess myself as to whether I can say it in public without criticism. I don’t trust any of my Republican officials but the alternative is so much worse.

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Well said.

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This was a predictable outcome of the lockdowns. The immense impact of lockdowns and school closures as well as masking of kids especially, but even adults, has been one where people have been dehumanized. Kids are psychologically damaged. And we're just now starting to see the results. It will not be 'merely' self-harm or failure to develop normally, but it will look like this... heinous senseless acts of violence at several levels including mass murders.

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More blood on Fauci's hands.

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editor asked me to remove names so I did but I submitted with Fauci and Birx and Francis Collins for I do believe they caused serious societal devastation...long term. I have talked to teens after Buffalo shooter and yesterday and they told me yes, it is true, this has impacted them, the lockdowns, many of their friends...badly.

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May 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022

There is no way that lockdowns could have had any other effect. Still astounding to me ( as it clearly is to all other rational people ) that they knew they would have devasting consequences but carried on regardless. What is also terrifying is the complete lack of concern by the very authorities ( and state media, medical professionals ) who supported them despite knowing this.

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We’re these idiots actually intelligent enough to have foreseen the outcomes of their criminal stupidity?

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Bill gates(of hell) believes in eugenics. Fauci is a political animal with an md. Nothing more. He's played the power game since the mid 1980s, destroyed Dr. Judy Mikovits' career. She was ahead of him in AIDS research

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They-do-not-care. Bottom line - power and control.

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Dr. Alexander, Your Brownstone article is beautiful in the way of describing what has been done to everyone. I pray your article would get lots of mainstream attention. All people need to read this. They need to understand what has been done to the people of the world.

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He doesn't care, never did. Same thing in the AIDS crisis 1980s

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The lockdowns may be, in many cases, the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back". The tendencies towards this type of senseless mass murder have been percolating for some time now. One factor, a result of left-wing policies, is the fatherless family and the family without a strong male presence. Closely related is the breakdown of the nuclear family structure. [H. Clinton-- "It Takes a Village"] Another factor is the gruesome violence expressed in the Hollywood productions and in the video games. Lack of respect for the sanctity of life is a major cause. Last, but certainly not least, GOD and religion are no longer a life anchor. Yes, the COVID mandates were a contributory slice of the pie chart, but the source of violence runs deeper.

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So true, and you've barely scratched the surface.

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When we send hundreds of thousands of assault rifles and millions of rounds of ammunition to kill people in other countries, kids get to watch their country's solution to everything...Why is our country's solution to every problem with deadly weapons...!

Why would you expect them to 'see' things differently? Or, model their lives after the solutions their beloved country uses...? You want them to turn out differently do you...? Then clean up your government first...!

How far would that $40 bullion, that was just sent to a very corrupt country, go to fix school security in every city in American...?

Instead the American government sends all kinds of deadly weapons to other countries so they can kill even more people...And you want your kids to be different...?

How stupid can you possibly be...The U.S. government is CORRUPT and should be spending money on our children to protect them and provide not just security, but even baby food...

In any critical situation, like when an airplane loses cabin pressure, you put YOUR oxygen mask on first and then help your child sitting next to you put their mask on...You cannot help others without first being whole or healthy yourself first...The same is true with our country...!

We left billions of dollars of deadly military equipment in Afghanistan, so the corrupt government could wage war against their own people...You believe 18 year-old kids don't see what's happening...They do, but they are not smart enough to see that this not only wrecks their lives but also innocent people.


Before trying to help other countries...!

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Imagine how America would look if drug dealers and gang members were immediately executed after being found guilty of killing someone. Or, if local school boards did not allow kids with behavior issues in public schools with normal kids. Or, if Hollyweird wasn't allowed to glorify criminals in open venues, but instead the filthy violent type of entertainment was banned. Young people imitate the stupidity that they see. Imagine what the country would look like if politicians were corrupt and not allowed to start wars and profit from them...Just imagine...!

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That's kinda the way I grew up. Rotten kids were not tolerated. They were taught how to behave or else. We never locked our doors, nor worried about guns, knives, etc. We had guns but they were for hunting.

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Unfortunately, those that put those lockdowns/mandates into effect, will never admit what they have done.

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They don't care.

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Bear in mind that this list has an international readership.

In Scotland, we had one mass-school shooter event at Dunblane, and closed down almost all access to private guns.

I have never even seen a gun in Scotland except at airport security.

And so, I find myself running out of compassion for the USA: it's your problem, not mine, but please don't expect any more contributions to this thread - if you don't want your people to die , then ban most private guns: it is really that simple.

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