...and that was when the stalinist turdo showed his true colors.

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boom, he moved to hurt us badly and he did hurt the truckers and decent protestors, him and Freeland. bad bad bad

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I remember when Castro Trudeau brought in UN soldiers. They were beating the truckers and whoever got in their way!

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yes they were not from Canada

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The key words here are you remembered...and it will always be a quintessential reality that women do not forget...a woman always knows...such unbelievable endowed abilities that beggar description.

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it was women who really were on the frontline, taking the batons...taking the hits from Trudeau, it was the women who were really the real protestors...brave women...while pusillanimous men stood behind...I was there

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Lynn, wherever I go, and today I will be dealing with clients, I will note again the differences twixt men and women. This never ceases to amaze me in living color. I tend to be tapped/asked to be a friend to women I have contact with based on specifics identified/focused on as my verbal interaction relative to my profession and the glaring difference twixt my angry side on display and compared to my soft side. I am open/transparent and women I both know as well as new clients quickly somehow seem to "get inside my head." (evaluate me in a very favorable way) It is uncanny how I can erupt/express my disapproval of societal sickness and yet even newly introduced women have not been, or have never been afraid of me, in fact, to the contrary gravitate to me. I do not consider myself a prize, but I do note completely unfamiliar women do not fear me in any way even when they are alone with me. Somehow they have an intuitive sense of accurate judgment of me that tends to embrace my angry side as much or more than my soft, affectionate (proper) side.

This has baffled me a long time just how they can form an accurate opinion of men, well knowing they are safe with me and probably knowing I enjoy their company. What and how can they do this? I feel even the ones who I have never met have that ability. I consider myself a simple man, very transparent. Maybe they like that.

One client throws money at me and has tipped me in the four digit figures. Another has bought me a Christmas present for 29 years straight. I think that was because I was hard on her neighbor who tried to bully her when I was close by working and made my displeasure clear to him. But that was decades ago!

I am going to ask my best friend, an abused woman who is very close to me, what it is about me that compelled her to trust me a long time ago when she told me she did not trust any man but me. This of course creates a glow/warmth within me that carries me into a state of awe every time. It is as if women can read my mind, and feel in their spirit I hold them in high regard...and it does show. Yet there is something clearly keen in all of your gender that seems to have the power/ability to judge me and other males in a few moments in time. Did this come as a safety mechanism inherent in them? I know they have an intuition.

I think that recognizing who and what I am in a favorable way, creates approval and trust that within them, becomes naturally stronger as time passes and grows. Love can also lessen in size. It is not stationary. It increases or decreases.

I do not know where my deep appreciation of women came, or where it started. I was always in me, it seems in my youth as far back as I can remember.

Amazing are women. I always thought they were and are, and will always think that to my last breath. Especially conservative real women who can steal my heart away with a smile.

Always Edward

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Sounds like you counsel people. Maybe, you can give me some insight. My nephew in his late thirties told us that his wife wants a divorce. She met another man. They have a 6 year old son. She had the nerve to tell this to my nephew right after his Father passed away 9/5/23. They are still living together in the same house. My nephew said that she began acting different when her Mother passed away about 2 years ago. Her Father passed away years ago. She and her sister were adopted. I'm just wondering how long this living arrangement is going to last.

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Well gal, I see some realities here I expect could be factors in an unfolding situation I feel saddened by. The victim here will be their young son. The "other" male, (not a man) is a dirt bag. He might be a damned fool as well. He might be also married. Why did he not leave the romance instead of being a pos ignoring or not caring of a young boy whose life will be affected for the worse? F*cking selfish pos!

Your nephew's wife is besotted with this male to the point she is confused and perhaps unsure enough to leave, thus she is still living with her husband and son. I would tell her "if in doubt about anything, do not do it" and the battle here is between her feelings for her son and husband vs the pos. The obvious is that she has decided to leave indicated by her asking for a divorce. If he wants to do what will strengthen his hand legally, he should tell her he will not give her a divorce making her leave him. Alimony might well be affected. MAKE HER LEAVE. Giving her a divorce is too easy for her and signals he is okay with it. He must do what makes him look like the victim because he is!

I think if she leaves she will be unhappy. Memories in her mind of a stable marriage and boy she carried inside and bore nine months later are strong. There may be a clue here relative to her mother passing. I call it transferral. There is a chance in dealing with her mother's death, that the male saw her in a vulnerable state of mind, and interacted with her emotionally and then physically. People in sorrow and some women especially are vulnerable to manipulation...a typeset of "transferal development" in this case as a physical illicit interaction.

So thus the struggle. She might leave, and if she does will regret it later. These happenstance relationships are not as strong except for a moment in time. Stable marriages with children. are stronger. I dare say the male pos is not looking for a lengthy romantic cheap affair.

What to do? Were I in that situation being your nephew, I would gently address the obvious and ask her "have you violated your wedding vows?" Are you really wanting to move out? Do you care about this fellow more than me and/or our son? Then ask her to field any questions she has to your nephew. Those questions will tell enough for your nephew to then decide the best thing to do or action to take. No matter what she does, she will not be happy and will always wonder if she made the right decision. The right decision is for her to can the pos right away.

The pos might be culpable to an "alienation of affection" lawsuit by your nephew made more the serious by the woman being in mourning from her mother's death and a dirtbag taking advantage of her emotional vulnerability. The court would take a negative view of this. The financial settlement should favor your nephew and he should, if it comes to this, fight for his son as his wife is the cause.

Do not force her hand to choose. Tell her the problems and damage to her son, divorce would cause. She MUST choose and while it appears she has, it is the choice I expect will bring her huge regrets as time passes.

I favor your nephew getting a woman lawyer. But that is his choice. Women are more intelligent in such cases and she would see this as a pos male destroying an established marriage. I believe she might well have been seeing this pos from the time her mother died or shortly after.

Any more questions let me know. Going to town to inspect/price a tree with some cracked branches. Back in afternoon. Always Edward You have a pretty name.

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I am down on the OPP for fraud, theft, conspiracy, obstruction, reckless endangerment and over another dozen CCC violations, and Bill of Rights and Charter rights violations.

I would have taken this link and whipped the bare exposed asses of the OPP to a ruby red color.

Yet I met a Sergeant a few days ago I found amenable and low key along with a young officer who will learn much from him.

The policeman in the link though I would usually attack as a criminal I am not inclined to be critical of. Were I his lawyer I would delve into his apparent bondage of alcohol. I lost two good uncles to the bottle and its victims are legion.

I further advise a medical examination relative to his health that may be affected. I then would ask for a motion to adjourn until these details are available, also including his family and wife relationships.

I would plead that on the basis there are probably extenuating circumstances here that need to be investigated to see justice done but not used as a weapon to punish someone who may not be guilty.

If what I suspect is true, he has a substance abuse problem out of control as many do and should be suspended with pay to not make things worse. If I am correct a just sentence would be to drop all charges, and have him enter a treatment center to purge him of this bondage after which time he be placed back on his job. I would also recommend if there are family/marriage problems that experts deal with that.

I hate cops but only the bad ones. This officer is not bad, he made a mistake but none were injured. Rescue his life, and that of his family. Fines, jail, etc are not useful here. I tell you he will not make the same mistake again.

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Paul slightly off topic but you did support the Canadian trukcers as well and I think you might like to read this piece by Daniel Jupp about Justin Trudeau - here is a taste "In many ways Justin Trudeau was the purest archetype of the Globalist Puppet, the Pretend World Leader. Everything about him was fake and pitiful. Nothing about him was earned or a genuine achievement" It is worth reading the whole stack https://jupplandia.substack.com/p/farewell-shit-prince

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Merry Orthodox Christmas!

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When "white working class" was still 'a thing, you could take your rig to the Starlight Six and watch WHITE LINE FEVER with your chick for the 8th time, grab a meal at the TURKEY PALACE, and head home with change still left from the 20 you took with you.

Now the trick is to find a home state that isn't talking about banning diesel, or isn't actively trying to turn itself into some kind of break away trotskyite paradise where 'teachers unions' dictate social policy and the 'guvvner' drinks horse semen.

What a life it was. Nobody ever came close to Dave Dudley's pic-to-graph of life on the road... nobody ever will. Because soon nuff there won't be no drivers , cause 'driving' will be 'banned' to save the whales, trucks will be 'autonomous' and besides hoo could afford to own a private vehicle anyways. Yes, that's the plan. And Dave WAS the man.

Well, my rig's a little old but that don't mean she's slow

That's a flame from my stack and that smoke's a-blowin' black as coal

My hometown's a-comin' in sight

If you think I'm a-happy, you're right

Six days on the road and I'm a-gonna make it home tonight

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You talk about a time and place long ago when everything was real, when men did not wear pink panties and ministers did not make excuses for sin. The time used to be when drive in theaters on a Friday and Saturday night were packed with people watching movies with themes that actually had good guys and bad guys. Going to the men's rest rooms there were no surprises like fake men using the toilet to sit on to urinate and then coming out to wash their hands and apply make up to accentuate their cheek dimples.

Marriages were not unisexual and the key participants were always a man and a woman, not two of each. Venereal diseases were not terminal and I could go to an A and W drive in to order in my car, watch the pretty waitresses running back and forth taking and delivering other orders and fastening them to cars by lowering them them over the drivers window.

Men could eye the gals and I was not the only 18 year old who noted a certain way a waitress would smile when she initially took my order and I would tell her after asking for a teen burger and coney fries and large root beer that I wanted her name and number so I could call her to ask her for a date in three days. They would tell me that was not allowed but would write the info on a separate pad and drop it inside the window, smile sweetly and on the third day I called at six knowing she would answer from her chair right next to the phone on the table.

My modus operandi was to be there a few days later before supper to take her out dining and then parking on a big hill overlooking the lake the city was built near. Acquainting ourselves with each other 's real lives, I would drive her home before nine when it was dark expecting a fast kiss on my cheek without her father seeing that.

There were no drugs, no weed, and my dates involved no alcohol. Fathers tended to trust my clean cut look, my demeanor, and their questions answered with no hesitation. One of these DQ girls lied to me which triggered me cancelling the friendship. She had told me she did not smoke but the night I held her close, for an extra long hug, after an extra long kiss, I detected a trace of tobacco on her hair, then walked her to the door, and told her I would call her next day.

I did, and told her I liked her but could not trust a girl who would lie to me. She sounded hurt, but that was the end but not the end. She had a brother, and years later, at age 29 I was hired to work on a Hydro project and that same day, recognized her oldest brother. At the morning fifteen minute rest period, I sat beside him in the lunch room asking questions about Francine and at the end of that rest period walked out with sadness proceeding me.

He told me she had become a drug user, but beat it, and married. Then had a baby girl, but shortly after divorced and got back into drugs and was not doing well. I asked no more questions of her brother and wonder if she is alive today.

I could go on and on but while my lot in life was "kosher" I dodged a lot of trouble by adhering to the principles my parents taught me.

Yes LMS, I am saddened by that and other things that happened to others I knew, that are dead now from suicides, drug overdoses, incarcerated, unhappy, homeless, divorced, alone, and who knows what else. You speak of the past, let me take you there on a personal journey.

A close friend used to tell me, "Life is a bitch and then you die" but I do not laugh anymore when that slogan finds its way through my head. Graveyards hereabouts hold the bodies of beautiful teen girls I knew, friends I played hockey with, worked with and for, and will claim another friend I grew up with who has less than a year to live. I go places to fish that have memories falling all around me as I recognize big rocks and rugged shorelines of granite where sat my father, uncles, cousins and friends going back to the time I was 9 years of age. Add the same with those and my young son year after year hunting for ducks out of a duck blind that created good memories as well. He has grown into far better than his uncles and superior to me as well in man y ways. How do I know that? Because women of quality in my life love him.

I go back to the city where once I lived as a boy, see the school I attended, that is now the city headquarters of Bell Canada, and walk up the aged concrete walkway to the same stone steps I walked on the first day I went to Kindergarten. I can walk from there to the houses owned by my father and though he rented one, we lived there long enough before he built another that we moved into and rented the other.

My memory is clear but perhaps having a good memory can be a tragedy because I still have in my mind the exact layout of the interior of both those houses. Every car I owned, every motorcycle I owned, and memories of old girlfriends, chums, etc are still there in living color.

I go at times, north, 120 miles to three graveyards in between holding my parents, my grandparents, and deceased friends, one who died at age 18, a very pretty girl with long flowing black hair, pretty blue eyes, a veritable angel. She died 22 years ago when her bf refused to take her to a dance because he had a final exam to write and needed to study. She went with another who had a small car. Weed and alcohol sat with Death that night in the back seat when after the dance, on the way home, the driver missed a curve, and drove into a parking lot under a dump truck that made a mangled wreck of the car killing the driver, and Sherry DOI. Dead on impact.

I am getting personal here so I will stop. There is another part to this very persona invective I wrote here in my emotions. I might or might not include it later.

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And so in 2022 I wondered, why? What’s their end game? Today, those same questions exist. Trudeau can resign, “what a relief” for Canada right now. Right now.

Obama completed two terms in plain view and one term, “in plain view!” What?

What I’ve learned from these past few years is, politicians come and go, “or do they?”

Where will “Waldo” turn-up?

Yes, the more damage inflicted, the higher places in power they go! Private power that is. They’ve learned the “In & out” processes, which are vulnerable or have been made vulnerable.

My concern, as many people who know, it’s not over until it’s over is, where will we find “Justin Treudeau?” Where will he turn up?

This “public-private” evilest monstrosity “takes care of its own!”

This fuels more and more internal problems for all nations, for Western World Nations in particular.

Having an “insider” now on the outside, is the best of both worlds. Treudeau may have / will resign, he’s not finished.

The “Globalist-Deep-Elites” know exactly what they’re doing. They know how long, when to pull the trigger and ultimately will prevail with their “New World Order!”

Whether this culminating “power & control-system,”made up of “has-beens”washed up, destructive pions, are able to maintain their “Global-Power & Global Surveillance” world order of Govt. isn’t so clear, what is clear is, this is where the world is headed!

Silicone Valley, Silicon Valley has a workforce of 1.7 million people, with 28% of the workforce employed in tech.

This is a 1% increase from 2019, before the pandemic.the tech sector in Silicon Valley still had more than 37,000 more employees at the end of 2023 than before the pandemic.

San Francisco, is such the “Hell-Fire-Epicenter” of everything “Lunatic-Leftist” could ever dream of. And is right here in America. Imposing leftist ideology and ideas one has to ask,

“what have you idiots done” to one of America’s favorite iconic cities?

San Francisco is where private Big-Tech and special Govt. Interests intersect. Now the world is my playground, has never been more clear, more dangerous to all freedom loving people!

Treudeau will be employed, somewhere between Big-Tech and the WEF or WHO. One thing is certain, the more damaging fear, anger, dissolving of freedoms any public or private “Useful Idiot inflicts, the better off they find themselves after resigning.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Bravo Dr. Paul!

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