100%, every single lockdown lunatic policy failed, not one worked! Not one! In all nations globally, all! The lunatic policies harmed and killed people, like the mRNA technology based gene shot
None of those policies were about "protection".. they were all about "inculcating obedience" -- no matter how obviously useless or asinine the dictate.
And obviously, they were an incredible success. 💩🕳️
Even worse, the leaders of U.S. biology research, National Institutes of Health director Dr. Collins & Infectious Disease Director Dr. Fauci did their best to denigrate alternate thinking such as the Great Barrington Declaration. The rest of U.S. government public health agencies followed in lock step. https://authenticmedicine.com/2022/11/senior-scientists-misrepresent-science/
Yes, we know lockdowns, masking and distancing are all fake actions that do nothing against anything. That is why they all will be back with a vengeance as WHO takes over every government in the world. No comply, you die. Death by murder. How marvelous.
None of those policies were about "protection".. they were all about "inculcating obedience" -- no matter how obviously useless or asinine the dictate.
And obviously, they were an incredible success. 💩🕳️
Masks & lockdowns can't work against something that doesn't exist.
I believe most viruses exist in the mind, not in nature.
Johns Hopkins U, did a meta-analysis reaching the same conclusion with 18000+ studies. NOTHING can beat that!
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s a Bio-BOMB, yet less lethal than like the vx ... not what you were drilled
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?
Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!
The full PLAN exposed:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
Those of you who knew from the outset that Covid-19 was the appearance of modern totalitarianism should win some kind of prize.
Maybe we did, we got to live a bit longer.
Even worse, the leaders of U.S. biology research, National Institutes of Health director Dr. Collins & Infectious Disease Director Dr. Fauci did their best to denigrate alternate thinking such as the Great Barrington Declaration. The rest of U.S. government public health agencies followed in lock step. https://authenticmedicine.com/2022/11/senior-scientists-misrepresent-science/
Yes, we know lockdowns, masking and distancing are all fake actions that do nothing against anything. That is why they all will be back with a vengeance as WHO takes over every government in the world. No comply, you die. Death by murder. How marvelous.
Thanks Dr. A. Good post.