During the height of the Scamdemic the hospital killing fields murdered patients by ventilating, Remdesivir, starvation or all 3.

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You forgot Midazolam.

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Dec 19, 2023
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😳 Yikes!

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Thank you! I have months worth of Atorvastatin that I didn't take because I did some research. My military issue doctor prescribed me with the highest dose after a physical revealed high cholesterol. This just solidifies my inclination NOT to take it. I can thank Covid for all my new found knowledge. I only wish I had learned this before my kids were born. Dr. Marik is a Godsend, as well as you Dr. Alexander.

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I looked at statin clinical studies. Efficacy rates range from .01 to .001%. It’s a scam

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Same here Jane. I was recently prescribed this drug and I came home and put the prescription straight in the bin. I have changed my diet/lifestyle and do more exercise. I take plant sterols (not sure, but in the past they lowered my readings), and so in a few months I'll see if it's working. 🤞🤞🤞🤞

(and yes both Dr Marik and Dr Alexander are HEROES ✨✨)

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Never a truer statement from Dr Marik, I love that man, hes a hero in my book.

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Ditto. Wouldn't you love him for your own Doctor?

Reminds me so much of Dr. Vernon Coleman...be he is so much gentler.

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Problem is, I am an integrative doctor, I practice well informed integrative medicine, but then just a handful of people realize what I do and how it can really help them, the vast majority of others think I’m nuts

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You Rock!

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Keep at it. Looking for one where I am at, its like needles in a haystack!!

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Thirty eight years as a community pharmacist, and I'd have to say he's exactly right.

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I absolutely agree, I was on cholesterol medication for awhile and then I started to study it. What crap, cholesterol medications as well as diabetic medications, in fact most medications lead you to take other medications because of side effects. This helps this but then you get that so you need this and on and on! BIG PHARMA ALL THE WAY! I have stopped trusting just about all doctors.

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Your LDL is actually made up of 2 different parts. A light buoyant molecule and a dense heavy one. The dense heavy ones are not good but the light buoyant ones are good and associated with longevity. Statins reduce the light buoyant ones, explaining the longevity difference.

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Exactly! I have high total cholesterol....high HDL (good) and high LDL. My doctor wanted to push statins for this reason, and I demanded the more involved (and a bit more expensive) cholesterol test that evaluates particle size. Mine proved to be the desirable big fluffy type, and after seeing that, my doctor said she would not be worrying about my overall high cholesterol score.

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I had that same test done and so was mine. My HDL is always high but my LDL on its own isn’t high. My HDL being high is what makes my total cholesterol look high. I’ve been told that as long as the total is under 300 there isn’t really a concern to begin with in most circumstances. I used niacin for awhile because I was over 300 (almost 400) but after I went to a whole food diet even that wasn’t necessary. While I’m over 200, I’m well under 300.

I think it’s horrible we have vilified cholesterol because it is so important to overall health but especially brain health. Removing cholesterol (whole milk, etc) from a child’s diet is practically child abuse. You are voluntarily lowering your child’s IQ. Glad you were educated enough to dig deeper and avoid the evils of statin use.

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You are So Right!

Here is a video of a woman whose perfectly healthy husband just wanted to have a chest x-ray because he wasn't breathing as well as he thought he should. Well they told the wife they were going to keep him overnight and let him go home. Well one thing led to another and another and they kept him in there over 20 days before they could finally kill him. She had 30 pages of medications they gave him including remdesivir, midazolam, and even fentanyl along with many others. He had 3,000 pages of medical records total. Watch it here if you'd like to see it.


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They only got paid for a COVID death

As your MUNGER who just died and became our first 'IMMORTAL"

So eloquently said

"SHow me the incentives financially, and I will show you the outcome" - charlie munger, brain of warren buffet and worlds first living human head transplant


Besides MUNGER&BUFFET are key here, because not only were they richest guys in "CASH" in world, but they also created the modern insurance racket, including the modern insurance medical racket which controls all outcomes in the medical biz of USA;

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I saw some of this video this morning. It is outrageous, when will there be justice and truth. When will it stop?

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When we expose this video to many many people and help them wake up, and send it to everyone we can think of and ask them to pass it around. They killed my fiance in the hospital...it was out of my hands...his ignorant ex wife put him in there.

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Thank you for highlighting Paul!

This IS important for you and all…

This piece highlights why the UNITING of The People needs to happen more quickly…


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Right on, Dr. Marik!

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doctors are children playing with matches. they make me sick.

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Dr. Marik is absolutely right! I avoid doctors like the Plague! (After working in the nursing profession for 25 years!)

TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF INSTEAD! But do your "homework"!

Probably most people need to:

NOT drink alcohol or smoke.

Take several grams of vitamin C per day, in divided doses.

Take magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, chromium, iodine, more than the RDA!.

Take 10 mg/day boron.

Take high potency B Complex.

Take high dose vitamin D (20,000 to 30,000 i.u./day. No, that is VERY far from being toxic!)

Take vitamin K2

Take mixed tocopherols/tocotrienols: (vitamin E Complex)

Take alpha lipoic acid

Take NAC

Take quercetin

Other supplements as needed.

ELIMINATE omega 6 linoleic fatty acid!!!!! (soybean, canola, corn, cottonseed, peanut, safflower, and most sunflower oils, etc.). VERY IMPORTANT!

Reduce olive oil (it is still about 15% polyunsaturated)

Eat ample protein, including organ meats.

Eat animal fats, from grass-fed if you can afford it.

Don't eat farmed fish.

Avoid grain-fed chicken and pork.

Avoid high oxalate foods.

Avoid grains, especially whole grains.

Get some sun exposure.

Get your bare feet on the Earth, weather permitting.

Get some exercise — preferably through useful activities.

Socialize. Play. Relax.

Get 6 to 7 hours sleep, preferably earlier in the evening rather than late.

Sleep in total darkness.

Stay away from wifi, especially at night.

Avoid blue light, monitors/screens.

Use cellphone only on speaker, not near your head. Don't carry it on your body.

Don't eat close to bedtime.

Stay away from doctors.

Take NO vaccines of any kind!

Avoid medical tests: mammograms, other x-rays, MRIs with contrast (gadolinium), any others except in a dire situation.

Stay away from hospitals!!!!

Treat yourself. Get a nebulizer for respiratory infections (will be rare on that much vitamin D) and mix up a "normal saline" solution to 1% hydrogen peroxide— nebulize 5cc every 3 or 4 hours or so if you do catch something: COVID, Flu, etc. (Diluted cheap drugstore peroxide is fine)

For prevention and after possible viral exposure do a nasal rinse with diluted peroxide or povidone iodine.

People with higher levels of vitamin D or glutathione had a very low mortality rate from COVID. High-dose vitamin C and vitamin D both appear to prevent blood clots in the lungs from COVID. I took both and had zero breathing or O2 saturation issues (with a nasty early strain of COVID). Also took Ivermectin. (Never needed to go to a doctor and was up and about by day five. Supplements and Ivermectin work!)

Am I giving you medical advice? No, of course not. Just healthy advice! FDA: go to hell!

I'm 75 and take no prescriptions. I guess I'm doing something right.

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Love your advice... what an excellent summary of what I have been adopting since 2020. God bless you

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Great advice. Have just about all of it covered save the alcohol. Only change I would make, coming from someone having a spouse with severe eosinophilic asthma and using a nebulizer regularly, is to use food-grade hydrogen peroxide vs. the drug store stuff. Sure it’s 8x the price per oz, but $10 bottle will last for 6-12 months.

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Yes, it is nice to get the food grade H2O2 but regular is much more accessible (as well as cheaper). One of the COVID drs. stated that the cheap stuff is just fine for nebulizing (McCullough, maybe?) so that is what I have used, plus used by friends. The preservative they put in it seems harmless— we had no bad effects from it.

It quickly "knocks the snot out of" respiratory infections!!!!!

I suspect that a few cents-worth of H2O2 would have stopped COVID in its tracks . . . bye bye billions of dollars of bioweapon shot profits for Big Pharma!!!!

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Is your wife taking high-dose vitamin D to help modulate her immune sysyem? (Works wonders on some people's inflammatory and autoimmune conditions). And magnesium to relax the bronchi? And vitamin C and NAC for ROS control? And avoiding toxic foods— wheat and other grains— and the high oxalate foods? And controlling leaky gut and Candida overgrowth?

And NOT taking any calcium supplements?!

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She is taking all of the supplements you mention. Probably not getting enough D3 (10,000 IU) or C (2000mg) due to digestion issues. Hasn’t committed to giving up grains/gluten yet - which is a likely a problem. Other than that avoids toxic foods.

Nebulized Hydrogen peroxide in saline is working as good or better than the albuterol sulfate Rx.

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Wheat is one of the biggest problems because of its effect to open the "tight junctions" in the intestines and let inflammation-causing particles enter the circulation.

"Other than that avoids toxic foods."

Wheat is the "grand-daddy" of toxic foods! Some people have had all kinds of problems go away just by eliminating that one thing.

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Colorado has BANNED Trump from being on the Ballot

I’m NO fan of fucking “TRUMP”

But this is some serious JEW-SHIT

Colorado has BANNED Trump from being on the Ballot

I mean that’s ok, in 1918 the fucking assholes BANNED Eugene-Debs the socialist from being on the ballot, they did a write in using his prison number, in those days if they didn’t like you they just put you in prison and after you died, they had a trial for your corpse.


Colorado has BANNED Trump from being on the Ballot

[ Sorry when I say jew-shit, I’m talking zog-shit the ‘evil people’ aka deep-state the rule the fucking world on the behalf of satan.

I honestly think that TRUMP is the deep-state selected man, and the jew-shit here is their reverse psychology, they pretend to hate Trump, but in fact he gives them 110% of everything they ask, like Pompeo, and Goldman-SACKS running his GOV;

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Where are the solutions when The People are NOT UNITED and under a serious experienced group of strategic planners???

Go read the book…ART OF WAR…on how to have any wins!



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Forgot…You CANNOT save yourselves if you do NOT save your country!

How are you going to survive if your country is collapsing around you???

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Okay I get what you’re saying, BUT a year ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was caught very early and was completely removed with mastectomy and reconstruction. No need for chemo or radiation. I would be dead or at least would have had to have all the poisons if I had followed this advice. My healthcare team was surprisingly awesome.

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I'm glad you did what you needed to do and did not follow bad advice that might have killed you.

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I’m a senior and don’t need any meds....whew. I’d be afraid to take any of them now.

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