Thank you for this Dr Paul!!

Offit (a name that rhymes with Profit)

A life long nemesis of mine

Nemesis was the goddess who personifies retribution for the sin of hubris: arrogance.

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Been following him for years now. He’s trying to get ahead of the COVID debacle because he has slipped through the cracks for so long.

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Thank you for the informative mythological definition, Jill.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

You're welcome!

But perhaps it's more accurate to say I would like to be Offit & Co's Nemesis......

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Offit is and has always been a total low life, blow hard, self-aggrandizing POS. And those are his good points.

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Oh, yes! I remember this. Good for Sharyl for fighting back and putting Offit in the corner with a dunce cap. Sharyl is a treasure. Offit is a liar and a despicable self-promoter.

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Once a low life snake ..... f*#k offit

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SHARYL ATTKISSON is diligent in her work. I put more trust in her than Offit.

Sharyl Attkisson also has the integrity to update her articles if she comes across 'new' information.

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Offit is scum and has been defending vaccines for years.

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He has never seemingly met a vaxxx he did not like. And to be in bed with Merck? (Nightmares)

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Says a lot about the ethics of a paid shill for various Pharma comp. " anies. Wouldn't surprise me if he's an operative of the secret police security surveillance state parasites. Very unfortunate name: Offit. I understand what "Off" means. It means to "arkancide." Reminds me of the graffiti "Off the pig" and "Up against the wall motherf--ker!" in historical books. Historically, there were various means to "Off the pig." One means was by giving them a "hot shot." But what's meant by "it"? I hope it's not kids? Is he a Democrat? And how does he propose to "off" them? By giving them an injection?

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So Sheryl lied? What about his lies/omissions? What a scumbag.

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There gotta be “VAERS” or Hall Of Shame website with easily searchable info like this on all of them.

There is plenty of information there. Unlike government and private institutions of today, The website must be fortified/inoculated against woke virus/intruders.

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https://www.jcc.org/baltimore-jewish-hall-fame This Filthy Tribe. Unsurprising it was the "Hilleman Chair" either. EVERY single time.

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you must be a fellow zerohedge reader. :)

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They suspended my account, but I do still read! This research i did my own. They have a certain stench, those people!

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Have the Divide and Conquer-ors begun to win again? Unity is the way of all that is Real and Good in the Uni Verse. One Song.

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The nicest thing I could come up with for slimey “Off”it ... a Bigg Harm”ass” Hack

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Offit claims to be an expert...he is...an expert turd.

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These people(Offit etc) HAVE to try and lie their way out of the Covid genocide scandal. If they cave, the world comes crashing down round them. They’ll be caught red handed as it were. You can guarantee that “advisors” all over the world are poring over ways to stop the gates of information opening any further. Trouble for us is that they ‘own’ the media. Not Offit obviously, he’s just an underling, the ‘face’ of the Pharma/deep state beast. Only by keeping our fingers on the pulses of the good people who are fighting this psychological war for our minds, can we begin to make progress. Just keep informing people if the simple facts. That the vaccines are killing and maiming people!! We must unite to fight this. None of the Covid agenda makes sense unless it’s for nefarious purposes!!

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they must be sweating bullets. their end is near.

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Offit still is at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and greenlit all of these new vaxs and set policy for they Childrens Hospital...let that sink in. He pushed this novel gene therapy knowing full well as an experienced vax inventor to kids, nurses and hospital workers on the basis that he is a subject matter expert there. Whatever he said became standard operating care at the children's hopsital. Put this link in his social media feeds and the hospital feeds so people know who he is

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