Dr. Peter Breggin, Ginger Breggin on how painful the Jewish antisemitism is and how personal it has become; 'Antisemitism becomes personal to the Breggins At 16 million worldwide souls, the core
population of Jews are not yet as populous as they were before the Nazi Holocaust; excellent read, I encourage you to look at this piece, support Breggins.
(100) Antisemitism becomes personal to the Breggins (substack.com)
‘Editorial comment: At 16 million worldwide souls, the core population of Jews are not yet as populous as they were before the Nazi Holocaust. About 7 million Jews reside in Israel, and most others in the US. Jews make up just 0.2% of the world’s human population. There are ten cities in the world with 19 million or more people in residence. How could so much hatred be directed at so few people? Antisemitism — always the harbinger of mass murder.
– Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin’
Brilliant comment by Lakeshore:
I appreciate all this. Though for the life of me I really don’t understand how the murder of 6M brethren gave permission for Irgun Stern and Haganah to displace 1M Palestinian Christian Muslim and non-Zionist Jews during the Nakba, of which 30-50,000 died, and then declare themselves a country, when the Balfour Declaration specially forbade this. Wouldn’t Jews have been much safer migrating to America until some deeper mutual and voluntary agreement could have been arranged with the Arab Nations? It’s not clear to me that Islamic extremism even existed as a defined phenomenon before the 1917 migration started into Palestine. Is there any room at all to ask the question to what extent the political movement known of as Zionism has contributed to bad feelings toward the Jewish people?
Geezus Paul! Anti semitism is the get out of jail card for the occupation, apartheid, imprisonment and genocide of Palestinians. Please write an article about all the horrific pain and torture Palestinians have been subjected. And please quit whining about minor Israeli slights. The disproportionate double standard is nauseating