Here's a thought. What if they intended there to be multiple different types of jab configurations so that when the jab was made available to the public, they would actually be running a large multi armed experiment that would then inform them as to which configurations should be used in this next "emergency" to be as effective as possible in killing more people. We have a hot batch site people created so they could see if they need to be worried about the batch they themselves got, but the site info can also be used by nefarious people to find out the "hot" [most effective in killing] batches to be modeled for future jabs. They "hide" in plain site.

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Now the challenge is convincing those who still push jab efficacy. At dinner last night, hosted by a former health care academic, I was rebuked for not following the herd. My immune system is compromised and my GP recommended against an experimental drug. In 2021, I was hospitalized with C19 (Delta). While I survived, despite multiple blood clots requiring blood thinners & 2 mos of O2, my overall health has improved however greatly impacted by heart palpitations, choking spasms, random itching along spine, gastrointestinal issues, diminished lung capacity, loss of taste & smell, noisy ears etc. It hasn’t been fun but I manage my symptoms well because I’m matriculating in a doctorate program. I won’t give up the fight! But I’m in a mission to expose the truth. Thank for this informative thread.

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Thank you. Now, the challenge is to convince those who still believe in jab efficacy. At dinner last night, hosted by a former health care academic, I was rebuked for not following sheep. My immune system is compromised; my GP didn’t recommend submitting to an experimental drug.

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Yep! Heroes!! &Thank-you Dr Paul for the transcript! πŸ‘β™₯️✨"His Truth is Marching On" ⚑

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May 2019 yeh I can believe that. 2 decades of clear planning leading up to it on the wider scale...

A Century+ if you go by the Eugenicists timeline of historical events:


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this is maybe the best KW interview ever and no surprise that the breggins would be responsible!

Paul do you have any intel you can share about the role of the Public Health Emergencies Medical Countermeasures Enterprise [42 USC 300hh-10a.] and who are involved? thanks!

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We are toast.

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