Looks like a good chance we will take the house and senate...Rand Paul just said he would subpoena every record of Fauci 💥

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We need him to follow through

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We need to push on all of our Congress to follow through. My delegation has been dragging its feet. Enough.

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They are all conflicted.

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I was emailing some today

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You should realize by now that the vaccine empire of big pharma does not give a hoot about trials, studies, research, safety, efficacy or proving that ANY vaccine works as they claim. We have seen the tremendous fiasco of pushing mRNA gene altering injections upon the world with absolutely no proof they work as described. Well, guess what? Nothing is new under the sun since they have gone through the same lame procedures with most vaccines over the last 50 years.

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It's been this way in the US since the early 1800s when the first vaccine (smallpox) was pushed on Americans. That one was a far worse disaster. Almost all vaccines trigger hundreds to many thousands of wide-ranging adverse reactions. Almost all drugs, chronic stress, EMR, and some other things do the same, but the number for each of these is much lower.

mRNA must have been invented in the late 1700s to early 1800s. That's when previously non-existent conditions started appearing. Existing and rare conditions started increasing at an alarming rate. Causes of death used to be rather flat across categories until suddenly heart disease took off and shot out to #1 then far ahead of the rest. Cancer used to not be much of an issue until suddenly it also took off rising to #2 then far ahead of the rest. Alzheimer's deaths have increased over a 15,000% in the past 40 years. No one is supposed to look at the crazy rises across all the various conditions before 2021. Just stay focused on the past two years.

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Dr. Alexander,

You will want to keep an eye on this Twitter thread (link).

In December 2021, a rather young Hispanic couple (ages 44 and 42) was reported to uave died of covid “within hours of one another” by NBC in Los Angeles. The couple “left 4 children, the youngest being 17-year-old twins, behind.”

The story provided a Go Fund Me page to which people could contribute.

Wouldn’t you know it… both husband and wife were unvaccinated.

So a friend of mine is skeptical the news story is true. I contend that the story IS true - up to a point. (Think about what I mean by this…)

So today, I asked the reporter (Tony Shin of NBC, Los Angeles affiliate) via Twitter if he stands by his story. And I requested additional information. As of the time I am posting this comment, he has not responded. Keep an eye out- this may get interesting.


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I can’t find if they died in the hospital. If they did, the story is most likely 100% true. This is why. Hospital protocol is death. They made decisions on flawed studies first ( to not allow Ivermectin, etc.) The hospitals were putting people on ventilators, even if breathing was ok. No lie. And if they refused, they would sedate some before intubating. Guess what that does to your breathing?! Yep! And Covid death plus ventilator used received more money from Medicare, kickbacks. Evil, calculated, weak medical boards would have NO pushback on this and still don’t. I tell everyone I know & don’t know,,... Do Not go to hospitals with Covid. Period. Take Ivermectin - FLCCC guidelines and live. This story is believable if they were in hospital. For sure. Unconscionable acts of murder there. When have we ever treated every patient the same with respiratory viruses?! Or anything?! Never. Infections need antibiotics. Nope! Got to follow protocol. Ridiculous! Excess deaths that were absolutely preventable. Criminal and unethical malpractice nation wide.

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The spread, shed, and injected versions of the agent trigger thousands of adverse reactions across ages. Everyone does not experience the same ones. I don't know why, but it appears to attack the weakest part(s) of us.

This particular couple allegedly died within hours of each other on the same day. Here are two ways this may have occurred:

#1: From what I've read, both suffered diabetes. Don't know if they had other health issues. This agent turns some people into T1 or T2 diabetics. For some diabetics, it gives them uncontrollably very high blood sugar which then leads to a coma then death.

India has a huge number of diabetics. In the initial stages of rolling out shots, the government over there denied access to early treatments. Per some Indian doctors, hospitalizations and deaths skyrocketed almost entirely due to diabetics with uncontrollably very high blood sugar. Both dropped like a rock when access to these drugs was restored.

#2: The second way is from the standard treatments dictated. A COVID patient is commonly given IV fluids and Remdesivir. When this drug shuts down the kidneys, the person drowns and struggles to breathe. So, (s)he is then put on a ventilator until death occurs. There are other variations to this.

Far too few want to analyze individual cases. Instead, one side has been programmed to solely blame a mutating bug while the other side has been programmed to solely blame the COVID shots. Doctors and nurses have been playing a major role in creating the horror just like they did during the Nazi era.

This man sought treatment for hiccups and ended up dead.


This woman went to a hospital for two units of blood and ended up dead.


One side blindly puts the two in the mutating bug bin while the other side puts them in the shot bin.

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Others @ FDA resigned in protest over this policy-making by White House Officials. Marks should have resigned his post in protest a year ago. He should still do it now.

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Can't remember where I read the FOIA emails. It was a PDF from either Judicial Watch or ICAN/Aaron Siri.

Might be here:


Anyways, it is well worth skimming the emails just to see the tension building amongst Marion Gruber, Phil Krause, and Doran Fink when it comes to dealing with their superior, Peter Marks.

You can tell they can't stand him. He was making promises that they couldn't deliver, to WH and to Pharma.

He wins Sleazey Pharma Salesman of the Year, for sure.

Will be interesting to see where he ends up once he shimmies through the revolving door.

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