I believe that the psychological explanations for reluctance to admit mistakes about the COVID-19 "vaccines" have some validity, especially for people not in the decision-making chain. However, when it comes to the mandaters and propagandists, their motivations are more to protect themselves against financial and criminal penalties. If they admit mistakes now, they can be accused of knowingly having promoted these products at a time when their deadly effects were well known.

That's why I believe this criminal enterprise has become "Too Big to Fail". Most of the power structure was involved in this scam, and widescale admission of malfeasance (disguised as "mistakes") would result in the power structure prosecuting and penalizing itself. It will never happen, especially through the legal channels, since the prosecutors and judges themselves were and are complicit!

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Yep, the vaccine evangelists are stuck in a doom loop of doubling down on bad advice, and it's killing people.

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"Vaccine"-triggered spikes attach to aortic endothelium, cause inflammation and local tissue destruction, weaken the aorta and cause it to rupture. Instant death. Cause=Effect. Shots=Death.

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Again, this was an excellent report. Not surprised global media is reaching out to you about it. It’s about time…

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