Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

I will unsubscribe if you don’t stop taking cheap shots at Malone. I am a paying subscriber, and I’ve heard enough. I get it. You hate the guy. Please stop. You are free to keep doing it, but you will do it without me.

Here is something positive to focus on:

EPIC! Hilarious!

Russell Brand Calls Out MSNBC's Hypocrisy on Bill Maher’s show:


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I really like how Dr McCullough doesn't seem to denigrate anyone , he just keeps on about these vaccines and their toxicity- to me , that is the clear message regardless of who invented what , where ,when or how .

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Dr. Alexander, you have not been wrong yet! You seem to be able to keep most of your readers ahead of the curve.

Don't change a thing my brother.

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Wow. You get on a rant and just don't let go, huh? You DO KNOW that mRNA tech wasn't developed for vaccines, right? It was actually developed by Malone for legitimate gene therapy. HE didn't use it for "vaccines" and said that it wasn't proper, early on, if I remember.

So get off your 'blame Malone' kick and find something else to harp on. I'm getting tired of the infighting.

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I thought Malone was a good guy until I found out he was suing the Breggin's, Red Voice Media and Jane Ruby, for millions all because he says they embarrassed him, it was a differing opinion and Malone didn't like that. Plus why won't he help reverse the damage being done by the mRNA technology? Paul has the right to say what he wants on his own page, no one has to stay and read it if they don't want to, I chose to stay.

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I'd prefer if no one try to censor anyone on their own substack. Of course, dsagreement is also free speech. It's welcome. But the lecturing and insulting tone are unnecessary.

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The whole purpose of this little exercise was democide. It has been proven that the DoD is in charge of the whole thing. There were no accidents here. No mistakes. Now it appears that the evil ones are trying to distract humanity with the blame game. Unfortunately it will probably work. While people fight over who to blame the DoD will continue the plan to destroy humanity.

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Dr. McCullough should be awarded the highest accolade the medical profession has to offer & shame on Baylor Health System.

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"Malone vaccines" ? If you think you are a man of integrity you deceive yourself. You have just lied. You have doubts about Malone, fine! I can understand. But your vicious attacks on Malone are antithetical to any sane, cool-headed, rational, honest, and "evidence based" discussions on the subject. I cannot take you seriously any longer. In my opinion you cause more harm than good. A final note: in which two books will you find more information about the globalist agenda, the take over by big pharma, and the corruption of the US government and agencies? Your book or Malone's book? Malone's book by far. I recommend Malone's book as essential reading, not yours.

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The fact is Malone has a lot to answer for.

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There it is, another blatant attack against Dr Malone. 100% unprofessional and uncalled for. KNOCK IT OFF! Good bye. Unsubscribing to you right now. As it is, you blow up my email box with duplicate shouting nonsense half the time. I hope Dr McCullough disjoins from you as well. You have become a toxic weed in the fight. You can’t even be civil and professional.

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Just stop the attacks on Malone already. Fast losing respect for you.

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They were paid big bucks by the DOD and HHS to play ball and the game is now in extra innings.

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I'm with Aimee on this.

Dissing another that clearly objects to these jabs reflects an immaturity beyond comprehension.

Bury the bone already, Paul. We get it already. You love Trump. You hate Malone.

There are folks that just want information on these dangerous jabs...

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Malone seems nice but I do kot trust him

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You Didn’t Recognize Me. A familiar figure is found to be behind the plandemic. Watch Turfseer’s music video. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/you-didnt-recognize-me

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