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Besides the correlation between autism and childhood vaccines, I believe bad diets, especially Standard American Diet and vegan diets, are correlated with mental illness. Both Big Pharma and Big Farma are implicated.

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Maybe gender dysphoria is a form of autism.

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Brilliant synopsis of what's happening before us...

Understand your enemy....

Please forward to wake as many as you can.


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Autism is one focus of the Politically CORRECTED Science agendas. I suspect the goal of our Mussolini fake MDs and Techs are linked to Huxley's Brave New World concept to stratify (visualize Hindu caste system) our culture, one Imperial World Culture, the NWO retro nonsense, Pax Romana. OK, visualize a savant autistic, able to focus visually on a pile of Rainman straws and voice the correct number. Now imagine a few thousand of various savants that all simply want to do what they do best: focus on a problem and present an immediate answer. With hydrogel and bots in the brain tweaking stuff, you have a nice NWO Savant Slave Tech nerds that simply sit at the computer to sort military problems.

Autism is a schizophrenic problem regardless of type. I doubt that this group would accept any part of genital manipulation without severe mind manipulation via mRNA bots and drugs. I suspect that all autistic children have a savant ribbon and the tech guys know this.

One more thing: CFR-Vatican-Imperial controlled Hollywood began to normalize Autistic insanity with simply painting this group as positive. Pharma nerds know autism rates will climb providing more data to sort out control (brain) targets using neural nets, nanos, whatever. Worse, McElroy said that the techs want autistic people to be viewed as desirable; visualize Bill Gates. :) So we had Autism Awareness month; then Autism Acceptance month, and, if I recall, we now have Acceptance Action month, or something like that. Then the nerds will try to sell that Autism is the next step in our evolution! Goal to place savants into the above focused transhumanist 'singularity,' people into cyborgs. So we have CFR controlled fake Hollywood handing us feel good autistics like Forrest Gump, Brick on the Middle show, Data, Star Trek, Rainman in that film whatever and Sheldon on the Bang show and so on.

Then the Pharma guys pull the Orwell card once again to rewrite history making the new vaccine created autism untrue by pointing out past fake autistic people: If I recall right the following are now the official lie included in the autistic group: Darwin, Tesla, Newton, Mozart, Lewis Carroll, Jefferson (ha), Steve Jobs and a few others that I can't recall.

So, my thinking at this point not so much about transgender, which is indeed a step into transhumanism, but autism probably will NOT work with autistics being mutilated. Trust me on that, BUT autism is about the transhumanism nonsense as the pharma nerds love the savant profile as high functioning enslaved people that are happy to being a slave given that they will use a few fav abilities.

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The reported relationship between autism and transgenderism is interesting. Individuals can become transgender and transition at almost any age. Look at Bruce/Caitlin Jenner as an example. That is one of my fears about a DeSantis presidency. There is a "gay face" algorithm that is quite accurate in identifying gay males from facial photographs. I have heard many people say about DeSantus that he "looks like a gay." Steve Bannon and others have suggested that DeSantis is on the autism spectrum. That has been nominated as a reason for the lack of social skills and perceived obnoxious personality that, especially with female voters, negatively impacted DeSantis' "likability" and which had to be carefully managed during his first gubernatorial race. I would not be surprised if, one day in the future, DeSantis announces that "he" is a "she" and is undergoing gender transitioning. I hope that he or she is not in the White House if or when this occurs.

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