For three years, innocent individuals, from the elderly to children and even unborn babies, have been intoxinated for no useful purpose by dangerous messenger RNA vaccines.
The government is still pushing these death jabs. Even though pharma is immune from lawsuits, there should be a way to initiate a lawsuit against all the "false advertising". Plenty of evidence to show "not safe and effective". All the advertisers should be sued.
And surely now that their 'switch & bait' (? - not sure I got that right ), process has come to light, there should be a massive lawsuit ??? It's simply out and out fraud - on a scale never seen before. There must be A lawyer out there somewhere who is just itching to get to the bottom of this totally visible fraud !
And how can you prove fraud in a totally corrupt governmental system? They have all the bases covered. I hate being negative but we can't even get to justice in our justice system!
We have huge lists of deadly drugs that pharma knowingly marketed, until the FDA ordered an end and issued their fines. No one ever sued them for fraud, even though, yes fraud was the case. Today the FDA is complicit in the deadly mRNA death jabs.
I'm guessing by comments and results of various Yahoo, and MSM articles, that the public is turning away from the death jabs. But what's needed is the families of the many victims, to join together in a powerful group, pool their money. and hire power house attorneys. The families aren't connected, feel they're all alone, and feel powerless. But it's their fault for not demanding the proper autopsies, demanding accountability, and admitting defeat. They're not part of Dr. Alexanders Substack, or Steve Kirsch, they remain in the dark, ignorant.
At the time of Dr. McCullough's testimony in Europe, he had already co-written a paper with Kevin McKernan. McKernan, we know, discovered the DNA contamination in this junk back in Mar and presented his findings to the FDA in Jun. Philip Buckhaults, PhD of the University of South Carolina, confirmed McKernan's findings in Aug (?) and testified before the Medical Affairs committee of the South Carolina State Senate. This story is breaking...and I predict will be the one that "cracks" the whole crime wide open.
The government is still pushing these death jabs. Even though pharma is immune from lawsuits, there should be a way to initiate a lawsuit against all the "false advertising". Plenty of evidence to show "not safe and effective". All the advertisers should be sued.
And surely now that their 'switch & bait' (? - not sure I got that right ), process has come to light, there should be a massive lawsuit ??? It's simply out and out fraud - on a scale never seen before. There must be A lawyer out there somewhere who is just itching to get to the bottom of this totally visible fraud !
And how can you prove fraud in a totally corrupt governmental system? They have all the bases covered. I hate being negative but we can't even get to justice in our justice system!
You're dare you suggest I kill myself when I'm simply stating the obvious.
Excellent point. Very true
We have huge lists of deadly drugs that pharma knowingly marketed, until the FDA ordered an end and issued their fines. No one ever sued them for fraud, even though, yes fraud was the case. Today the FDA is complicit in the deadly mRNA death jabs.
I'm guessing by comments and results of various Yahoo, and MSM articles, that the public is turning away from the death jabs. But what's needed is the families of the many victims, to join together in a powerful group, pool their money. and hire power house attorneys. The families aren't connected, feel they're all alone, and feel powerless. But it's their fault for not demanding the proper autopsies, demanding accountability, and admitting defeat. They're not part of Dr. Alexanders Substack, or Steve Kirsch, they remain in the dark, ignorant.
At the time of Dr. McCullough's testimony in Europe, he had already co-written a paper with Kevin McKernan. McKernan, we know, discovered the DNA contamination in this junk back in Mar and presented his findings to the FDA in Jun. Philip Buckhaults, PhD of the University of South Carolina, confirmed McKernan's findings in Aug (?) and testified before the Medical Affairs committee of the South Carolina State Senate. This story is breaking...and I predict will be the one that "cracks" the whole crime wide open.
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