You'd think that the testimonies of McCullough and David Martin would be enough to bring the curtain down on this 3 and 1/2 year shit show. Heads absolutely must roll. There is simply no denying the overwhelming evidence. Flat out criminal syndicate masquerading as concerned healthcare officials murdering people for fun and profit. The fact that this is still going on is as laughable as it is distressing.

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*BOOM* If the non-believers can't comprehend what Dr McCullough is saying here, then there is NO hope for them.

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Dr. McCullough is big in Europe, really big. I was speaking yesterday to a young lady in rural France and I raised the topic of covid and her first response was to praise the work of Dr. McCullough and The Wellness Company and of course also the much loved and respected late Dr. Zelenko. The Europeans are in shock that the US is pushing shots for six month old babies. There is not a lot of respect for the US given these sorts of policies and given also the behavior of the US leader around young female children.

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Thank-you for sharing your speech with us. At this point, I see the wave of dangerous mandates coming back with a vigorous call from politicians, public health, ngos and media. I also see a divide growing in the people. It is important to keep information like ours available in the public sphere.

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Great speech!

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I want you to know Dr McCullough’s we the American people appreciate all you have done for us. We also would like to know you thoughts on medical clinics on public school campuses. We want to stop them. Can you speak in this issue at one of your conferences. Would it be possible to speak at the one you will be at in Az next time. The patents are so upset about this issue. Thank you again for all you do. May you be blessed 100 fold for your fight for exposing lies of of our failed health care system. I am a leader for AFLDS too. I will continue to promote your cause and your VOICE!



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UNITE WORLD. Like never before we really can see how in this together we all are. Resist. Do Not Comply.

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The infection, the injection and the intentional MEDICAL MURDERS from Profit for protocol of the unvaccinated

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Many more died from the abusive “ hospital” protocol than the “ infection”

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True and the depression/ despair now is REAL !

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You are 100% correct

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He’s FINALLY saying NO ONE should take a shot

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The WHO have overplayed their hand... overstepped the line as far as keeping an even keel on each nations health... it seems they are unable to read data or understand just how unsafe and ineffective these mRNA vaccines are... makes you question if they really are ignorant or wilfully stupid.

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Willfully stupid is not what they are. Murderous villains is more like it!

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Dear Covid Vaccinated,

In The Next Life

You Want To Pay Better Attention.


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Bravo Drs!! Bravo!!!

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"There have been 2 waves of injury to the world, the first was the COVID infection on the frail elderly"

This is starkly at odds with the Michael Yeadon thesis of no virus at all. I'm more inclined to the Yeadon thesis because his 'cure' doesn't bombard me with ads on Zero Hedge. Tgen there's Sasha Latypova who argues that there is absolutely no way to determine the vaccine's contents or even if those contents are consistent across all batches and versions.

Between no virus and indeterminate vaccine content, any alleged ameluoratiin if the effects is almost by definition snake oil.

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Mike Yeadon is essentially correct. Sasha Latypova is correct as we cannot tell what is in each vial and no one ever tests just before injection.

COVID 19 is and was always the 'flu re-branded to make more money for big pharma etc. Harm and death a profitable sideline.



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Fair enough. So you take some exception to McCullough's thesis too.

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Yes, some exception is true. The majority of what he says is true, and overall he is doing a lot of good. Nevertheless I will highlight the things that are incorrect.

1. Sars cov 2 is the ‘flu and not what is understood by most to be a biological virus. The 'flu has been misunderstood by many including myself until I worked out what was going on in 2020.

2. There was no engineered virus.



3. No natural immunity from infection - this is because the 'flu is due to a build up of toxins as explained in my main link attached earlier. There is no herd immunity.


4. Intravenous drugs - he talks about this as part of medical intervention. To be fair he does not say what these are but most big pharma drugs are neuro-toxic and should be avoided. Large doses of vitamin C should have been given. N.B. a lot of disease issues are due to dehydration resulting in build up of toxicity in the body.

5. He still holds to the germ theory/virology model in his thinking and the mutating virus which is false. The farcical nonsense coming out of the WHO gave this away.


6. Individual disease mentality - he still holds to the long fancy names for various syndrome which cover up simple issues. This makes doctors seem cleverer and wiser than they are.

The fact he does so is understandable as it will like turning a huge oil tanker round given the years of indoctrinating the main stream medics have had.

I am not sure whether he thinks any vaccines are of use, but clearly none of them are or ever were except for making big pharma etc an awful lot of money.

In any event, withdrawing from the toxic WHO is very necessary, so by and large I applaud him for what he has said. He is helping enormously to move the push against big pharma and their cronies.

It's only that I knew this in 2020 and have been trying to warn people. I wrote to the UK govt in 2020. They did not listen of course.

I was slow by some standards as there have been those warning us for decades about vaccines. I am sorry I was so slow.

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McCullough wrote a book about the pandemic. "The Courage to Face Covid-19".

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We are so blessed to have you and all of the wonderful Drs & scientists standing up with the facts. Every one of your posts gives us more and more knowledge. Your substack is the best. Blessings!🦋🙏🏻🦋

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