Dr. Paul, I can't remember if I shared this with you already. I have posted this on some other Substacks when this topic came up, not sure if I shared with you as well...

Here's the timeline of a healthy 36 year old mother who had her first child in July 2019. Since then, this happened...

Timeline of jabs, pregnancies and miscarriages:

1st jab June 22, 2021

2nd jab August 03, 2021

Known that pregnant December 2021

1st Miscarriage February 2022

3rd jab February 21, 2022

Known that pregnant May 2022

2nd Miscarriage June 2022

1st Miscarriage embryo stopped growing week 8ish

2nd Miscarriage embryo stopped growing week 5/6ish

Her doctor said it's due to "fate, age and misaligned chromosomes."

No questions asked.

I was talking to my friend here in Canada about this. He said his best buddy's wife had the same happening. Embryogenesis stopped at week 6.

I asked another highly educated person about this and got this response:

"She was able to conceive, but embryogenesis stopped - just like what would happen if LINE-1 expression levels were either too high or too low."

LINE-1 Retrotransposons Keep Early Embryonic Chromatin in Line


LINE-1 activation after fertilization regulates global chromatin accessibility in the early mouse embryo


Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line


It reverse transcribes (possibly integrates into human DNA) and it's probably messing up embryogenesis.


Igor Chudov wrote a Substack about declining birth rates and low abortion numbers. What we see happening to pregnant women would explain both.

I am shocked and furious! People need to wake up to what is happening!

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Excellent video with Dr. James Thorpe -- obstetrics/genecology and physician in high-risk pregnancies. ... Every woman of child-bearing age or that is thinking of becoming pregnant, or that is already pregnant, needs to watch.

Patient Betrayal - The Corruption of Healthcare - Dr. James Thorp


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Statistics be damned, just the Word "EXPERIMENTAL" should have been Enough to Avoid getting Jabbed. Then add in the almost insignificant mortality of the Covid 19, WHY would any rational thinking person line up to be Jabbed???

"Thoughts and Prayers" are wholly inadequate words as well, But when people commit mass homicide on themselves it's useless to say anything. It's just a VOID that didn't have to be, that became REALITY.

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Aug 27, 2022
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I am in total control of my Emotions and will weld them appropriately. Kill those that need killing, Protect those that that need protecting. My progeny are all VaXXX Free.

I pray enough as I sharpen my sword, as God blessed David over his enemies. I'm not a "turn the cheek" Christian, nor am I prone to sorrow. Mercy is aiming small, missing small imo. Amen.

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I had warned people of this finding over a year ago. It was already apparent last August that the COVID vaccine had between 80% and 90% abortifacient effect, rivaling the "morning after pill."


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The fact that nothing has been done to stop these jabs, despite all the evidence that has come to light, is the scary thing. Who and why, is behind all of this? Obviously someone with a lot of clout to prevent any actions to be taken against them. The whole world still following orders by the book. Here in Australia you wouldn't think anything bad has ever been said about the toxic jabs because the narrative holds and the operation proceeds as planned.

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This is nothing new with Bill Gates Involvement In vaccines. Isn’t he one the World leaders in the belief in Eugenics? WAKE UP!

There has always been widespread criticism of Microsoft founder Bill Gates began on Twitter in India with the #ArrestBillGates. Gates is being accused of funding a programme in 2009 of testing and sterilizing indigenous vaccines on tribal children via his NGO Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).

It is being claimed that the BMGF conducted an unlawful clinical trial of a vaccine on tribal children, without the consent of their parents.

As per a GreatGameIndia report, a Seattle-based NGO, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), with funding by BMGF, conducted trials in Telangana’s Khammam wherein they administered the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to 14,000 tribal girls of 10-14 years of age.

The report suggests that many children fell ill and four girls died after being injected with Gardasil. Their families, however, did not know that their children were being administered with it. It is believed that most of the girls’ parents had no knowledge of the trials as the girls lived in government-run hostels.”

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As I've said before, we don't know how many pregnant women were vaccinated so there is no dominator. It's complete guess work until they release that figure.

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Our energy should be focused on forcing the FULL DATA set to be released transparently!

Not only do we need to see the percentage of miscarriages- we ALSO need to know WHEN during the pregnancy the vaccine was administered!

Miscarriages are far more likely in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy than later. If a 10% miscarriage rate occurred for a vaccine administered in the first week a woman became pregnant, that *might* be within the range of normal (in other words, perhaps little or no negative effect by the vaccine).

But if 10% of pregnancies resulted in miscarriages for a vaccine administered in the 10th week of pregnancy, the 10% value would be ENORMOUS!

See arkmedic’s substack article from September 2021 - almost a full year ago! If you not following our Mouse friend, you are missing out on a LOT of important content:

“The most extensive and comprehensive study of this sort (2500 women) was only just published in November 2020 so can be relied on to represent contemporary data and is here (Naert et al which I should call the population-miscarriage-rate-study), showing the miscarriage rate at 6 weeks of 12.5% dropping to 0.9% at 13 weeks and an overall rate of 5.4%.”


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Keep an eye out for Dr. Luke McLindon. He says he has data showing 48% miscarriage rate (30 of 62 post-jab women miscarried). He got fired before he could publish.

More info here and links to videos:


Dr. McLindon served as the President of the Australasian Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine in South Brisbane. The specialist obstetrician and gynecologist worked at Mater Health for 13 years as the research lead of the fertility services unit at the hospital. He is starting to speak out with other doctors as part of the group "Doctors Against Mandates". He is also taking his termination case to the Courts with several other doctors.

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Scary times for people planning families, indeed. Important choices regarding health have been growing more critical year by year. Looking back, personally, I find myself amazed my family and I have made it this far sometimes. Not perfect, health wise (far from it), but I've lived and learned so far. Of vital importance: CRITICAL THINKING, and caution.

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