Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

I don't have a dog in this fight other than the truth and I could care less whose ego gets bruised whether it be Malone or you or anyone else. I think the lawsuits are petty too but then maybe I don't "the full" story and if it were me, maybe I'd sue too...dont think so but maybe. I did, in real time watch Stew Peters throw a gotcha moment at Malone while I was watching in real time. I've been following for over 3 years and am confident enough. The f ing patents are in the patent docs from official gov site-You can't dr this shit when you go to the original source. Anyone who has ever been involved with patents/entrepreneurs know how it works ie you get a patent, someone else references/credits your patent, builds to it (the 2 Penn scientists) and then repatent it. It happens ALL the time. Stews assertion that the original inventor of mRNA is somehow equal to the inventor of the VACCINES doesn't even make logical sense....but its a great way to use media click bait to increase your views and gain followers under the banner of being a messenger of God. If I invented the hyperdermic needle am I responsible for heroin overdoses b/c they used my delivery method? I don't even really want to take time out of my day to write this but I feel like if I don't say what I believe, many many people will continue to be misled from some sort of MD pissing match between egos. Everytime a false statement gets released from people we look to for guidance, our side gets more and more divisive and its hard enough to go against CDC/NIH/WHO etc etc that we will never win. Let all accusations be made (although you should be accurate & fair for your own integrity), and all truth come forth, and every beef play out in front of the world. Free speech will eventually get us to the truth. With that in mind, I offer this Malone along with Kirsch and Weinstein did tell the world way back in June of 2021 about the lipid nano particle leaving injection site, and explained the dangerous shots to other organs, IVM/Hydroxy, his treatment, his warnings and stands in direct contrast to what you keep telling me. The 3 of these guys were the first who went quasi mainstream on the record. Everyone should watch and make their own critical thinking determination https://odysee.com/@BretWeinstein:f/how-to-save-the-world%2C-in-three-easy:0

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I don't believe Malone took the shots, I think he just said that so people would take him seriously. No one would believe he'd lie after admitting he took the death shot.

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Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, I have to admit. I did think it was odd that Malone was never 100% against the vaccines*. He said, "Only people with the highest risk factors should [make the decision to] take it" or something to that effect.

In reality nobody should ever take any of these gene therapies. Malone had to know that. He was well aware of how the mRNA tech failed miserably in testing for years a Merck. Merck spent more than 1 billion dollars on mRNA tech and were unable to make it beneficial. That's why they abandoned it, there were intrinsic problems with mRNA itself, not just the delivery system.

Malone said this on video at a gathering. He also went into detail about how it was the DoD that drove the whole project. He explained how the whole push was to get the delivery system FDA approved, so that it would open the door to other mRNA vaccines in the future, but that Pfizer and Moderna were the only ones who would benefit from sales. He also writes considerably about 5th Generation Warfare.

To me anyone who is making people stop and look around is doing more good than harm. It's like when Bill Maher has a moment of clarity. Sure, he's definitely NOT in agreement with me on 99% of any issue, but he does make some people stop and look around. People who otherwise might never do so, as they are influenced and spoon fed information from compromised sources. When someone lefties consider "one of their own" pipes up, they listen.

In the aggregate, I don't know whether he's looking out for his own interest, while trying to damage the competition, and score some cash in the meantime, or if he's honest. If Malone has an angle, I'm not sure what it is.

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He did tell the world on the Bret Weinstein interview. He was subsequently deleted from Linkedin and Wikipedia etc and that censorship continued throughout 2021. I can't stand this focus on a mute point that he didn't warn the world. As much as I believe you have saved us with information and your diligence and focus, you are discrediting yourself with vindictive pettiness. The Breggins started the squabble, should have apologized and it would be over. They made a bad decision out of pride. This article from Italy in June 2021. https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2021/07/04/usa-uno-degli-scienziati-dellrna-messaggero-denuncia-censurato-da-linkedin-dopo-aver-espresso-preoccupazione-sulla-trasparenza-del-governo-rispetto-ai-potenziali-rischi-dei-vaccini-la-polemic/6249833/

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I am subscribed to this Substack for the information, and though you may be making a valid argument, it’s kind of tiring to be reading constant references to Malone. I get it, he may have obfuscated the damage done by the mRNA technology., And he may be doing so for monetary gain… let’s try to focus on the information for people if possible. I would like to stay subscribed, but I’m not here for that

But again thank you for gathering the. information that exposes this technology and the damage it can cause.

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Robert Malone got the jabs and was vaccine injured. I wouldn’t think he would have taken the shots if he knew that? 🤷‍♀️🤔

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Again, I appreciate all your work, enthusiasm and serious evidence of the COVID19 treason, ALL great!

But, WHO is going to unify The People so this serious evidence of Treason can be addressed properly?

How about you contact Lex Greene to understand what a real Freedom Movement looks like…the sooner the better because the Treason is continuing!

Our strength rests in our numbers and unity, nowhere else. So, we either work together to put an end to the evil insanity, or we perish together!

UNITED, We can do anything we want!

DIVIDED, distracted, deceived, demoralized and/or defeated, there is nothing we can do!

Lex Greene, writer with a serious resume has another important piece out for those who value UNITY for Freedom and Liberty!

Click on Lex’s name to read his last 3 pieces so we all can get in the same lane!


P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. I highly suggest if you want to unite with people actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!

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Malone is DOD... he is a false actor... his purpose is to deflect anti vaxxers from the truth.


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The whole roll-out of the mRNA vaccine was the hight of human hubris and foolishness, perhaps rivaling the attempt to build the Tower of Babel.

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Dr. Alexander. DR MALONE will be on Epoch TV today 1:00pm Eastern about How to Detox From SPIKE PROTEIN. I subscribe to Epoch and got an email this morning. Hmmm did your pressure work?? IDK. 🤔🤔

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The Japanese biodistribution data is really Pfizer Confidential Document 2.4 translated into Japanese and not an independent series of experiments. Malone presented this data in the podcast above June 11, 2021.


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Dr Robert Malone almost died after he got the double dose of Covid jabs. Just sayin.

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