I couldn't care less if he lied to congress, who are, themselves, a pack of lying thieves. The turd should be drawn and quartered for lying to the American People and shoving them into this "vaccine" madness, denying, through threat of intimidation and demonization, doctors the opportunity for early treatment of positive cases. The thug is direct responsible for millions of lives lost, worldwide. He has the blood of millions of dead on his hands.

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Not just the American but the world as whatever FDA and CDC say it has influence all over the world.

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

Yep, that's why I say farquaad fauci has the blood of MILLIONS worldwide on his hands... The body count is probably five to ten TIMES what it would have been, if he hadn't demonized every doctor who tried to give early treatment or preventative treatments... while he took a bunch of Vitamin D3 every day... and probably a bunch of other stuff.

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and people are dying every single day - just dropping like flies. He should be left in a room with the families of those killed by his policies. Murderer.

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After all this time, the protocols are the same... test positive, go home with a bottle of Tylenol, wait until they can't breathe, then go get a tube stuffed down their throat and jabbed with run-death-is-near (remdesivir), and wait on their 80% death rate...

Meanwhile, I'm taking Vitamin D3, C, Quercetin, Zinc, Ivermectin, NAC, and haven't had a problem... nor have my wife and three kids. But these 'officials' won't even hint at a preventative treatment that helps people. Only their poison death clot shots will save them... Bunch of liars...

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He needs to meet the muffin man...

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Let me ask ths simple question: If Big Pharma wasn't very pleased with Fauci, would Fauci have remained in his position as long as he has?

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Fauxi is a lying demon and Redfield isn't much better. Remember how Redfield said his face diaper offered more protection than the shots? He was trying to use worthless face diapers as a remedy for the worthless shots. This is our American Medical Industrial Complex - straight out of the middle ages. Sigh.

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Redfield said that in September, 2020, and it was jarring, because of his definitive deviation from following the narrative. He was excoriated for saying that, however, intentionally/unintentionally (I believe intentionally), he created some cognitive dissonance. As Dr. Alexander said, I wish Redfield had had more courage, but I cannot put him in the same evil category as Fauci.

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That is because you do not know enough about Redfield. He is a dirt bag just like Fauci but he saw the writing on the wall early on and jumped ship. Just look up what Dr. Mikovits has to say about Redfield.

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Could you provide a specific link? I have to say that I'm undecided when it comes to Dr. Mikovits...

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All the current and former CDC/FDA leadership that resigned should have spoken out after leaving! They did not, and that makes them complicit at best, if not outright negligent. If they are truly honorable people, they need to come forward NOW!

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I think it is safe to say that fauci may very well have lied to EVERYbody - and if that is so, and can be proven, we need to find out if our system works.

And if it works the SAME, for everybody.

Hopeful it does, but also skeptical.

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He doesn't have enough life left in him to make a life sentence worthwhile... He should definitely be put in prison and fined a good chunk of his net work that he's bilked the American taxpayer out of, though.

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Good men gone bad.

These are not courageous men.

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Nothing good about them. Good people don't go bad. They start out bad, but they just hide it very well. Eventually, they slip up, and the patterns become very clear. Fauci has a pattern going, and needs to go to prison for the rest of his life. Anyone that agreed with the turd needs to proudly be beside him.

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My wife knows of a pair (related to a close fiend of hers) of scientists who live in D.C. who think Fauci is a god. Still to this day.

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The most important this is to promote widely the message that a full, honest, politics free investigation needs to take place. For society to get to that point we might finally be ready to address the truth of what has happened here. Yes Fauci is a horrific demon for what he has allowed to transpire.....but the starting point is the general public accepting that no investigation has taken place at all so far - but that rather they have been subjected to a political narrative that has caused them to erroneously believe a investigation has taken place at all

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Dr. Alexander, you did not know Redfield long enough to say he is a good guy. Redfield is not a good guy. He is every bit as corrupt as Fauci and Collins. He just saw the writing on the wall early on and jumped ship and now he is further protecting himself by being the first to throw Fauci under the bus. How come he didn’t throw him under the bus 2 years ago. Why did he wait until now. Now when it was opportune for him. Perhaps Redfield is looking to replace Fauci in December???? No, Dr. Alexander Redfield allowed millions of people to die and never said a word. He is not a good guy and never was a good guy. Just ask Dr. Mikovits about Redfield before you come to his aid.

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Fellow substacker, the needle is indeed moving! Now is the time to ramp it up! I encourage you to share your stats to show that there is momentum — more and more people are becoming in the know. https://leemuller.substack.com/p/the-needle-is-indeed-moving If you see any sign of plateau, step it up a notch!

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It doesn't matter..the damage has been done and is still being done. Mengele fauci is immune from any questioning, the need to provide truthful answers, or any prosecution. The fact that this murdering bum has been allowed to carry on his gruesome experiments on humans for over 40 years is abominable. When he leaves, if ever, there will be another scumbag to replace him.

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Jailed? You are too kind!

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Redfield is a putz covering his fat arse

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From my point of view I need no more facts fauci is guilty of any and all charges.... the time to be soft shoein around is over....he has lied on wuhan leak, mask, get your shots get more shots....

DONE get a Rope or Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry ...."gee in all this comotion I forgot whether i shot 5 or 6 bullets to faucci quivering on the sidewalk ...well punk how lucky do ya feel?"

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I think he is trying to deflect from himself???

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When I clicked on comments, I watched it go from 38 to 32 to31 to 30 to 30. 

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”it” being likes.

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