Josef Mengele looks up in envy.

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It’s actually now a higher death and injury count based on Hodkinson’s and Halligan’s data sources: https://hillmd.substack.com/p/weve-had-25-million-covid-jab-deaths

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It wouldn't surprise me if this numbers are more than accurate. That's because I have seen what happened to those that I know personally, including family members. Although, I don't know yet anyone who died after taking the so called vaccines, my close friends know.

One of their friends died in his sleep after taking the booster shot. He was 50 years old and fit: he was participating in tennis tournaments regularly. There was no reason for him to die suddenly. He had zero comorbidities and was very fit.

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My sister died at 51, at home in her sleep. She did have a rash and since she was an RN she went to the ER. They had no idea what this rash was, neither did she. The next morning she had a fever of 103 and went to the walk-in. She was tested for all the usual suspects and all were negative. She went home, went to bed and died. She left a 14yro daughter and a 17yo son.


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I lost my sister years ago, and my mother to lockdown, though she had lived a long life. The good grief festival, which is free in the UK, and the grief channel on youtube have resources that make sense of hard it is. I am so sorry that happened to you. Shocking and devastating, as it is for so many.

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Sorry for your loss.

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We’ve had a 7th grader, in our school district, a fit football

player , just not wake up one morning. He was vaxxed. We also had an elementary school teacher just outside our district for of

blood clots.

My niece got 1 clot shot, a military must! She went blind in one eye, had a terrible eczema flare up, got

huge oozing lesions on her trunk and legs, She is has a growth in her appendix AND spleen they have to remove. She’s a fit and gorgeous 27 yr old. Marines actually tried to

make her get ANOTHER shot. She put her


down. Full

disclose: Her eyesight returned



but she still

has odd issues like insane

dryness and floaters.

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My wife had a co-worker who was young and healthy but dropped dead after they rolled out the toxxine mandate at her job:


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If those adverse effects are so rare like the CDC claims, how come I know so many, so many people who got in trouble after taking the shots, including close family members? This is the greatest lie ever on history of humanity! And somebody will pay dearly for it.

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It's really not a big deal, only people in ZOG colonys were injected with mRNA

Most of the goyim in ZOG colony's are useless eaters, so say's UN's WHO.

Note that Africa refused mRNA, and Mexico went with China's sino-vac, so even so called poor 3rd world countrys were not culled.

There is a reason for this, its that the derivative-debt ( insurance on assets to be sold 500x ) cannot be paid, $2.2 Quadrillion USD ( 2.2 million-trillion USD ) world assets is only $50 trillion USD, so the insurance companys (BUFFET) that wrote the derivatives which back the ZOG-Colonys retirement plan are BANKRUPT, the only way out for elite it to MURDER all claimants. All stocks & bonds held by pensions hold 'insured assets' but the insurance ain't worth a bucket of piss;

[ wow something up today with substack server, all the paragraphs above were entered 2x, I had to go back and manually remove duplicate paragraphs, strange]

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Double that death rate and you might get closer to the truth.

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This was from last October.

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I hate holocausts

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My 44 y/o son was found dead on the kitchen floor by his wife 6 days ago. He was a big, strong truck driver who was healthy until he began having medical problems after taking the first 2 poison jabs when they initially came out. He totally trusted the recommendations of our government despite my warnings to him.

Because of his relatively young age & sudden, unexpected death the coroner's office has done an autopsy but we may not get the results for 90 days or so. This is all so surreal.

How is this evil insanity continuing? Why can't it be stopped? My son has a 7 y/o daughter who cannot comprehend what happened to her father. To be honest, l cannot comprehend it either. He should NOT be dead!

My family is only one of many that death & destruction has come to but why can't this horror be stopped???

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I am so sorry Laurie.

I do not know how a mother survives this, I pray you can.

I read your comment a few days ago on Mark Crispin Miller's site I think, and it has haunted me.

I have two sons of about your son's age who also took the injections.

Me, a stranger is thinking of you.

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Yes Jill, l did leave a comment on MCM Substack. Thank-you so much for your kind words of sympathy. The kindness of strangers....it means more than l can say! Thank-you for reaching out to me! I pray that your 2 sons will be okay! I pray your sons live well into old age.....l am praying for our whole world. I have come to believe this is truly a spiritual battle between Good & Evil & only our Creator can help us.

Please know your wonderful words helped me immensely. God bless you & yours.

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Mar 30, 2023
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Thank-you so very much Michelle. Your kind words of condolence mean the world to me. The kindness of strangers is a precious gift.

I have been a Christian for many years but it has only been the past 3 years that l have become aware of the satanic Luciferians & the impact of Freemasonry, the WHO & the WEF & on & on. Indeed, we are watching the Book of Revelations unfolding before our very eyes!

I deeply appreciated your words of sympathy in reply to my comment. Thank-you again. God bless you & yours.

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Worldwide Eugenics, Culling the Human Population, NWO? WEF? The number 500 Million remaining, has been mentioned. Those two words; " Safe & Effective" a vast moneymaker for big Pharma, with no consequrnces (yet)....

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No one will believe this and those that don’t believe will say it’s false information, including Facebook, etc.

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Oct 11, 2022

clip from complete interview by Laura-Lynn Tyler Thomas

Laura-Lynn & Friends, Oct 5, 2022



DR. ROGER HODKINSON: One of the big pieces of news over the last couple of days has been a Substack by a gentleman called Peter Halligan.* Peter Halligan has been looking, he's a most-experienced analyst, ex-financial industry, extremely used to looking at statistics and translating them into a summary statement.

And this is the summary statement, and I hope your readers are sitting down, holding themselves, because what I'm going to tell you intuitively sounds ridiculous. That's why it's so incredibly important that I say this. These numbers are best estimates at this point in time using government data for the global consequences of the clot shot in terms of death and morbidity, otherwise known as serious adverse events such as heart attacks, strokes, pulmonic emboli, etcetera.

We've been focusing for good reason on North American statistics during the last two and a half years. But this man has extrapolated that into the total effect, negative effect, of the clot shots. And these are the numbers.

Deaths, global deaths directly attributable to the vaccine, 20 million. Two zero million deaths due to the clot shot.

And two billion, big b, two billion serious adverse reactions of the type I described.

Now these these numbers are beyond staggering. To contrast that with history, vaccines have typically been pulled from the market, when the [?] vaccine was pulled with only 35, three five, deaths.

I hope people can appreciate the scale of what is going on here. An unimaginable carnage. Which isn't over. Because that number, first of all, is the current estimate, it does not include future deaths of a similar type which will be cumulative, on top of that. It does not include stillbirths, it does not include those avoidable deaths due to having had a one disease health care system for two and a half years with people not being treated or investigated for cancer, or treated for cancer for example.

Those numbers are not included. The numbers from the lockdowns, the suicides, are not included. And also not included are the future deaths that we are anticipating from a rapid increase in the rates of cancer presentations and fatal infections because of immune suppression induced by the clot shot. Those factors are in addition to those jaw-dropping numbers that I just mentioned.



# # #


Dr. Roger Hodkinson's webpage is https://medmaldoctors.ca/dr-roger-hodkinson/

* https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/25-years-of-failed-covid19-measures

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Paul and all,

Sasha Latypova told everyone in a video that her friend, Katherine Watt has a saying…”If you find what the Globalists DO NOT LIKE, do more of it and harder!”

YES…it is UNITY…I repeat…UNITY of The People in a serious Freedom Movement that will meltdown the Globalist psychopaths!

But, WHO is going to unify The People so all the serious evidence of Treason can be addressed properly?

How about you Paul…contact Lex Greene to understand what a real Freedom Movement looks like and HELP LEAD The People in unity with serious strategic planners to save our Republic?

Our strength rests in our numbers and unity, nowhere else. So, we either work together to put an end to the evil insanity, or we perish together!

UNITED, We can do anything we want!

DIVIDED, distracted, deceived, demoralized and/or defeated, there is nothing we can do!

Lex Greene, writer with a serious resume has another important piece out for those who value UNITY for Freedom and Liberty!

Click on Lex’s name to read his last 3 pieces so we all can get in the same lane!


P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. If you want to unite with brilliant, strategic minds actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene whose email is at the end of all his pieces!

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"Nation of Israel" had a post three days ago they said saying "Fuck You" to the Zionists knocks them off guard, like a nazi death camp of 1 guard per 1,000 inmates, the entire rule of ZOG is done by intimidation and controlling speech&fear, they are a tiny minority ruling over vast herds of sheep

Like the recent protests in Israel, France and Germany all 100% anti-ZOG the people in mass said "FUCK YOU " to ZOG power.

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These are unintended consequences of the Suicide Juice...

The real deal is when they release Phase Two:

Dr. Lee Merritt explains how mRNA Vaccines killed animals during testing and how MRNA Vaccines could be used to kill millions of people by first injecting people with the So Called Vaccine and then releasing a counterpart even years later to be killed at will - She calls this a Binary Poison (as it's in two parts) https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/70925

Full interview https://humansarefree.com/2021/01/dr-lee-merritt-animal-studies-mrna-technology-all-animals-died.html

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There's no reason to doubt these numbers because all of the countries that mandated the jab are experiencing increases in all cause mortality.

If the vaccines* worked in any capacity, all cause mortality would be statistically normal. But it isn't, it's increasing.

There is only one common factor amongst all these countries -- the vaccines*. To assume it's anything else is illogical.

They even came up with a ridiculous name to try and hide these deaths. SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome). There's a new "syndrome" but for some reason, nobody seems to be interested in the cause. Funny how that works isn't it?

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Always clarify this statement with "Those countrys that mandated the mRNA bio-weapon jab"

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I think that's just the tip of the iceberg.

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Worst genocide in history thanks to the blue flag 🇺🇳, the architects are in Switzerland 🇨🇭. We can never let this happen again.

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Worst was Spanish-Flu 1918-1919 50 Million worldwide were murdered, originated at USA mid-west army bases then & now;

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As for now

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