Absolutely not, no forgive & forget, no amnesty, we want justice! "Time to put these bastards in jail"; it is physicians, doctors who are principally culpable for they went along & harmed people
He is a passionate doctor and a warrior for truth. When will the politicians listen to these brilliant doctors? Unfortunately I fear they never will as those who now lead our countries are drunk with power. Censorship has made it possible to control information, destroy knowledge, and pollute truth.
The medical societies, the journals w pharma ads, the college administration and deans of universities looking at grants, the entire research enterprise in science that also buckled to Monsanto for decades and passed through Serle for untested fake sugar in diet soda (obesity epidemic, Rumsfeld under Reagan), the unethical mass corp of physicians and pharmacists now and past that refused to look at everything RFK said on behalf of kids for decades, the union and corporate leaders on the CCP gravy train, the grubby political class down to school boards and up to the highest offices, the MEDIA that took 1 Billion in payments for propaganda and still is. The Healthcare Enterprise has absolutely known at high and frontline levels that they are dosing young people outside Nuremberg Code, against 1/ the long established methods of science and trial testing, 2/ the long established norms and rules of federal agencies that pretended to establish experimental drugs guidelines, 3/ the long established practice standards that permitted discourse and front line trial when there were no early treatment guidelines or ignored research from prior Coronas and similar diseases that evidentially and solidly justified low harm repurposing of WHO essential drugs and others. The national intelligence services (DARPA, CIA, FBI) and defense industry (whose elites do not merit a service designation for evil doing and willful blindness) who have covered up the Anthrax and Camp LeJeaune (sic?) scandals for decades with harm rates above 30% at really significant levels of injury to service members (see COI and money interests for Sec Def Cohen), see the historic bi-partisan politico memberships on Monsanto Boards -- hasn’t ruthless evil been permitted all along among these folks and is this not the deadliest outcome of systematic rot permitted by a distractible and gullible public? The list is so much longer. I would prioritize by Nuremberg starting w heavy expectations for leaders in SuperMax and not just clearing the line without truth and reconciliation so they can clean their souls and heal -- if we don’t heal the ranks who have been enablers and victims at the same time, they will reenact the problems and deepen their victimized paths -- at the end, the broad community bears responsibility too and has to take up the duty of Justice and Truth seeking as they are their brother’s (and children’s keepers). It’s way past easy political labels.
Out of desperation they would knock us down and even toy with the newthink idea of limited nuclear war(!!!)) in a War Of Lies. Trudeau can go f himself if he thinks humanity will fail, upon suffering, to create a general strike such as this world has never seen. Slaves, unite!!
Absolutely 100% agree! My niece was 1 of those injected during her pregnancy and came close to dying when she developed thrombocytopenia and he OBGYN had to do an emergency C-section to save her baby. While her Dr's skill saved their lives, he was responsible, negligent and incompetent when he convinced her to get jabbed in the 1st place. ALL PHYSICIANS should have recognized the dangers and said no. All of them are bought and paid for by Big Pharma. Instead they all got in line behind their corporate medical groups and hospital corporations waiting for their bonuses. They are all complicit.
Huge respect for Dr Roger Hodkinson for standing up to all of them.
Thank you for your opinion and testimony! I hope your niece and baby are doing well now! Yes, the pregancies this past year ended up in miscarriages, one pregnant mama with Bell's palsy (doctor told her it was due to pregnancy. I never heard that one before !?). Or the moms did not have proper labor contractions, and, like all surgeries I know of this year, most led to uncontrolable bleeding. A big Montreal obs clinic was inondated by these cases, menopausal ladies passing clots, not to mention feminine cancers sprouting. Not a peep. They are guilty!!!!
You can get bell's palsy during pregnancy. I developed it at the end of my second trimester in 2001. My husband (doctor) told me it will go away after birth and it did. My limited understanding is the nervous system is being pinched from so much pressure during pregnancy. Possibly it is vax injury as well for these ladies.
Thank you for your input Danielle! Did it take long after your pregnancy for your face condition to get better? I presume we all have our healing path thus no comparison can be made, and Indeed it's hard to tell if my friend's daughter in question developed Bells' because of pregancy or vaxx... her baby girl is about 7 months old now, mama still has the paralysis but it did minimally improve (it was quite severe before).
Dr. Hodkinson was an early critic of the Covid cabal and gave us hope that others would also see the light. He kept his oath to 'first, do no harm' where many did not. Thank you for your consistent courage in the face of evil.
They are already dead by the real measure of all that is rightrous, beautiful, and Godly. Fear the wrath of God only, it is real and it is coming. God never lies, that is what righteous is. It represents the breathed fire of the Spirit of God Almighty Himself circulating in the body of Christ right now, building and growing into Agape Love faster and faster. Boom? Nothing about this world can compare to the mystery and power of it. HE IS GOD THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH and Nothing shares His Power as it is an inferior energy to His Being. Know this, He is coming on a white horse with a two edged sword - laying down God's Law which is entirely Godly in total effect. Love one another and let it flow.
He’s correct on so much. But, I must take this to God & ask HIM to avenge, not me. I will stand up & speak up & hope the powers that be will execute Justice. If they don’t ...God eventually will. Psalm 2, Psalm 37
John 7:24 “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” I hope this helps or we will never be able to rise above this. Punishment is part of keeping others from attempting to do the same crimes. There is civility in punishment as you are preventing that person from physically continuing in their immoral behavior.
Halleluia! There is one name, a sacred code they ignore: and this name is Jesus! they are planning their genocide and control in every sector of earth. Don't they know the wrath of God is coming?
I agree with you. BUT...this poison is being given now, as we speak. So we’re just suppose to allow people to be murdered? The jabbed are now shedding poison to the non-jabbed. This shit is getting really, REAL. Bible quotes aren’t going to cut it.
I don't mean to offend anyone with my beliefs, and certainly my faith is no "excuse" to turn me into a sheep, to say nothing and do nothing. Actually, notice that many Christian people have found strengh through their faith to denounce and fight this evil. Yes we have all been attacked on all fronts in this mess, down to our God-given sacred DNA. We are in a spiritual war, Individually and collectively. All I can say is: the devil is in the details but in the main lines now. I cannot afford to put my confidence in humans although there's a bunch of good folks left! (LOL! ). I refer to the Bible because this book has been telling the truth from the start. I'm an older gal now, I don't know what hill will be my last, but I have faith in my God of justice. Sooner or later, on earth or in heaven, there will be retribution.
Indeed, it is squarely in the roots of faith that true courage originates. A sacrifice of this merely material life in favour of the next.
Review the writing of the Star Spangled Banner and the battle against tyranny at Ft Henry. If you are not a stone, you will feel and know the spiritual and emotional basis of courage. The fruits of which Americans have enjoyed. Until now.
Sophie I didn’t mean that literally. I love the Bible! I meant that, someone is going to have to physically do something to stop these sociopaths. We just don’t have the power to physically to do it. But, we can pray…and read the Bible! There is definitely power in prayer! God bless you Sophie.
Thank you! be blessed! I do wonder what can humanly be done to stop this evil agenda... they have made sure we would be divided, so we could not unite to "fight" back. I've stayed on a sour note with the freedom convoy. It certainly was a cold shower to any protesting (I understand the threat is still present concerning tracking donators). I have confidence in whistleblowers, but I know they are risking their livelyhood.
Excerpt: “…Since most of the general public will not exercise restraint, there are only two alternatives to reduce the economic inductance of the system.
Let the populace bludgeon each other to death in war, which will only result in a total destruction of the living earth.
Take control of the world by the use of economic “silent weapons” in a form of “quiet warfare” and reduce the economic inductance of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide.
The latter option has been taken as the obviously better option. At this point it should be crystal clear to the reader why absolute secrecy about the silent weapons is necessary. The general public refuses to improve its own mentality and its faith in its fellow man. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, and, so to speak, a blight upon the face of the earth.”
“In 2006, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock self published, “The Synagogue Of Satan,” the most damning exposure of who had been running the world behind the scenes for centuries.
This 60,000 word book was translated by independent publishers into several different languages and subsequently featured on bestseller lists worldwide.
Now, five years later, Hitchcock’s groundbreaking historical study has been expanded throughout and updated to the end of 2011, forming a virtual encyclopedia of this criminal network which spans over 140,000 words.
Included within the wealth of additional information are the complete, “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” together with excerpts from each of the eighty articles that make up Henry Ford’s four volume set, “The International Jew,” which are presented for the first time in chronological order.
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Document - Full Read
The following document is taken from two sources. The first, was acquired on a website (of which I can't remember the address) listing as its source the book titled Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper; Light Technology Publishing, 1991. The second source is a crudely copied booklet, which does not contain a copyright notice, or a publisher's name. With the exception of the Forward, the Preface, the main thing that was missing from the first source was the illustrations. As we began comparing the two, we realized that the illustrations, and the accompanying text (also missing from the first) made up a significant part of the document. This has now been restored by The Lawful Path, and so far as I know, is the only internet copy available complete with the illustrations.
We have no first-hand knowledge that this document is genuine, however many of the concepts contained herein are certainly reasonable, important, and bear strong consideration.
If anyone has additional knowledge about the source of this document; has better copies of the illustrations than the ones posted here; has any missing pieces to this document, or has any comments which can improve upon the quality of this document, we will appreciate your comments.
Yes! We must fight the immoral, unethical, and illegal, not through being criminals ourselves, but through our legal systems and seek retribution of equal value to the crimes.
I have so much respect for Dr. Roger Hodkinson. I viewed videos with him early on in the plandemic.
He warned us...
He is another individual who I credit with forming my opinion that the covid death shots were poison.
He is a passionate doctor and a warrior for truth. When will the politicians listen to these brilliant doctors? Unfortunately I fear they never will as those who now lead our countries are drunk with power. Censorship has made it possible to control information, destroy knowledge, and pollute truth.
Very, very early on. A dear friend, even though he doesn't know me.
A badass honorable doctor.
Their greed for money and power is beyond belief! Sheer evil!!!
Soooo wrong!
Whose greed for money and power?
Name a few names.
The medical societies, the journals w pharma ads, the college administration and deans of universities looking at grants, the entire research enterprise in science that also buckled to Monsanto for decades and passed through Serle for untested fake sugar in diet soda (obesity epidemic, Rumsfeld under Reagan), the unethical mass corp of physicians and pharmacists now and past that refused to look at everything RFK said on behalf of kids for decades, the union and corporate leaders on the CCP gravy train, the grubby political class down to school boards and up to the highest offices, the MEDIA that took 1 Billion in payments for propaganda and still is. The Healthcare Enterprise has absolutely known at high and frontline levels that they are dosing young people outside Nuremberg Code, against 1/ the long established methods of science and trial testing, 2/ the long established norms and rules of federal agencies that pretended to establish experimental drugs guidelines, 3/ the long established practice standards that permitted discourse and front line trial when there were no early treatment guidelines or ignored research from prior Coronas and similar diseases that evidentially and solidly justified low harm repurposing of WHO essential drugs and others. The national intelligence services (DARPA, CIA, FBI) and defense industry (whose elites do not merit a service designation for evil doing and willful blindness) who have covered up the Anthrax and Camp LeJeaune (sic?) scandals for decades with harm rates above 30% at really significant levels of injury to service members (see COI and money interests for Sec Def Cohen), see the historic bi-partisan politico memberships on Monsanto Boards -- hasn’t ruthless evil been permitted all along among these folks and is this not the deadliest outcome of systematic rot permitted by a distractible and gullible public? The list is so much longer. I would prioritize by Nuremberg starting w heavy expectations for leaders in SuperMax and not just clearing the line without truth and reconciliation so they can clean their souls and heal -- if we don’t heal the ranks who have been enablers and victims at the same time, they will reenact the problems and deepen their victimized paths -- at the end, the broad community bears responsibility too and has to take up the duty of Justice and Truth seeking as they are their brother’s (and children’s keepers). It’s way past easy political labels.
Trudeau, the LIberals, Biden’s, Democrate’s and Communist China of course.
Quit playing coy.
Anthony Fucking Fauci & Dr Debbie Birx McScarfcunt, for starters.
Do your own homework!
I don’t think the globalist perpetrators are in retreat. They aren’t looking to run and hide and seek forgiveness. They’re pushing ahead.
Yes, they are pushing ahead. Considering that Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab were in attendance at the G20 in Bali.
They are not heads of sovereign nations. So why so much influence?
No doubt to continue their murderous plans to enslave humanity.
why aren't they being euthanized like the useless pigs they are?
Out of desperation they would knock us down and even toy with the newthink idea of limited nuclear war(!!!)) in a War Of Lies. Trudeau can go f himself if he thinks humanity will fail, upon suffering, to create a general strike such as this world has never seen. Slaves, unite!!
Absolutely 100% agree! My niece was 1 of those injected during her pregnancy and came close to dying when she developed thrombocytopenia and he OBGYN had to do an emergency C-section to save her baby. While her Dr's skill saved their lives, he was responsible, negligent and incompetent when he convinced her to get jabbed in the 1st place. ALL PHYSICIANS should have recognized the dangers and said no. All of them are bought and paid for by Big Pharma. Instead they all got in line behind their corporate medical groups and hospital corporations waiting for their bonuses. They are all complicit.
Huge respect for Dr Roger Hodkinson for standing up to all of them.
Thank you for your opinion and testimony! I hope your niece and baby are doing well now! Yes, the pregancies this past year ended up in miscarriages, one pregnant mama with Bell's palsy (doctor told her it was due to pregnancy. I never heard that one before !?). Or the moms did not have proper labor contractions, and, like all surgeries I know of this year, most led to uncontrolable bleeding. A big Montreal obs clinic was inondated by these cases, menopausal ladies passing clots, not to mention feminine cancers sprouting. Not a peep. They are guilty!!!!
You can get bell's palsy during pregnancy. I developed it at the end of my second trimester in 2001. My husband (doctor) told me it will go away after birth and it did. My limited understanding is the nervous system is being pinched from so much pressure during pregnancy. Possibly it is vax injury as well for these ladies.
Thank you for your input Danielle! Did it take long after your pregnancy for your face condition to get better? I presume we all have our healing path thus no comparison can be made, and Indeed it's hard to tell if my friend's daughter in question developed Bells' because of pregancy or vaxx... her baby girl is about 7 months old now, mama still has the paralysis but it did minimally improve (it was quite severe before).
Roger Hodkinson rocks!
He really does...
Dr. Hodkinson was an early critic of the Covid cabal and gave us hope that others would also see the light. He kept his oath to 'first, do no harm' where many did not. Thank you for your consistent courage in the face of evil.
I am 100% on board with the good doctor. Never forgive. Never forget. We need justice for all the dead and injured from the death jabs.
Justice. Or a swift brutal repeat of the evil carnage. War we are in, and war we shall win.
The victors will determine the fate of what remains of the humanity.
At some point you cannot let this madness go by the wayside. We weren't treated like humans so why should these perps by given special treatment?
They are already dead by the real measure of all that is rightrous, beautiful, and Godly. Fear the wrath of God only, it is real and it is coming. God never lies, that is what righteous is. It represents the breathed fire of the Spirit of God Almighty Himself circulating in the body of Christ right now, building and growing into Agape Love faster and faster. Boom? Nothing about this world can compare to the mystery and power of it. HE IS GOD THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH and Nothing shares His Power as it is an inferior energy to His Being. Know this, He is coming on a white horse with a two edged sword - laying down God's Law which is entirely Godly in total effect. Love one another and let it flow.
A special thank you to all doctors who actually treated their patients during the “pandemic”. You are the only doctors that deserve praise.
That should not include doctors who "treated their patients ..." but ONLY IF said patient wore a facecovering or was vaxed.
Me too, hang them high!
He’s correct on so much. But, I must take this to God & ask HIM to avenge, not me. I will stand up & speak up & hope the powers that be will execute Justice. If they don’t ...God eventually will. Psalm 2, Psalm 37
John 7:24 “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” I hope this helps or we will never be able to rise above this. Punishment is part of keeping others from attempting to do the same crimes. There is civility in punishment as you are preventing that person from physically continuing in their immoral behavior.
Preventing that person and deterring others - is the theory. We cannot do nothing. That would be stupidity.
Halleluia! There is one name, a sacred code they ignore: and this name is Jesus! they are planning their genocide and control in every sector of earth. Don't they know the wrath of God is coming?
I agree with you. BUT...this poison is being given now, as we speak. So we’re just suppose to allow people to be murdered? The jabbed are now shedding poison to the non-jabbed. This shit is getting really, REAL. Bible quotes aren’t going to cut it.
I don't mean to offend anyone with my beliefs, and certainly my faith is no "excuse" to turn me into a sheep, to say nothing and do nothing. Actually, notice that many Christian people have found strengh through their faith to denounce and fight this evil. Yes we have all been attacked on all fronts in this mess, down to our God-given sacred DNA. We are in a spiritual war, Individually and collectively. All I can say is: the devil is in the details but in the main lines now. I cannot afford to put my confidence in humans although there's a bunch of good folks left! (LOL! ). I refer to the Bible because this book has been telling the truth from the start. I'm an older gal now, I don't know what hill will be my last, but I have faith in my God of justice. Sooner or later, on earth or in heaven, there will be retribution.
Indeed, it is squarely in the roots of faith that true courage originates. A sacrifice of this merely material life in favour of the next.
Review the writing of the Star Spangled Banner and the battle against tyranny at Ft Henry. If you are not a stone, you will feel and know the spiritual and emotional basis of courage. The fruits of which Americans have enjoyed. Until now.
Sophie I didn’t mean that literally. I love the Bible! I meant that, someone is going to have to physically do something to stop these sociopaths. We just don’t have the power to physically to do it. But, we can pray…and read the Bible! There is definitely power in prayer! God bless you Sophie.
Thank you! be blessed! I do wonder what can humanly be done to stop this evil agenda... they have made sure we would be divided, so we could not unite to "fight" back. I've stayed on a sour note with the freedom convoy. It certainly was a cold shower to any protesting (I understand the threat is still present concerning tracking donators). I have confidence in whistleblowers, but I know they are risking their livelyhood.
Sophie, know that you have done, and continue to do your part in all of this. Evil has its weapons, and you have yours.🙏🏽🇨🇦
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars Document
By Kerry Cassidy August 15, 2014, 2 Mins Read
This is a fascinating document outlining the planned subjugation of the human race that is now in full force:
Excerpt: “…Since most of the general public will not exercise restraint, there are only two alternatives to reduce the economic inductance of the system.
Let the populace bludgeon each other to death in war, which will only result in a total destruction of the living earth.
Take control of the world by the use of economic “silent weapons” in a form of “quiet warfare” and reduce the economic inductance of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide.
The latter option has been taken as the obviously better option. At this point it should be crystal clear to the reader why absolute secrecy about the silent weapons is necessary. The general public refuses to improve its own mentality and its faith in its fellow man. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, and, so to speak, a blight upon the face of the earth.”
“In 2006, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock self published, “The Synagogue Of Satan,” the most damning exposure of who had been running the world behind the scenes for centuries.
This 60,000 word book was translated by independent publishers into several different languages and subsequently featured on bestseller lists worldwide.
Now, five years later, Hitchcock’s groundbreaking historical study has been expanded throughout and updated to the end of 2011, forming a virtual encyclopedia of this criminal network which spans over 140,000 words.
Included within the wealth of additional information are the complete, “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” together with excerpts from each of the eighty articles that make up Henry Ford’s four volume set, “The International Jew,” which are presented for the first time in chronological order.
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Document - Full Read
This document represents the doctrine adopted by the Policy Committee of the Bilderberg Group during its first known meeting in 1954.
The following document, dated May 1979, was found on July 7, 1986, in an IBM copier that had been purchased at a surplus sale.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
http://www.lawfulpath.com/ref/sw4qw/index.shtml -
preface http://www.lawfulpath.com/ref/sw4qw/
The following document is taken from two sources. The first, was acquired on a website (of which I can't remember the address) listing as its source the book titled Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper; Light Technology Publishing, 1991. The second source is a crudely copied booklet, which does not contain a copyright notice, or a publisher's name. With the exception of the Forward, the Preface, the main thing that was missing from the first source was the illustrations. As we began comparing the two, we realized that the illustrations, and the accompanying text (also missing from the first) made up a significant part of the document. This has now been restored by The Lawful Path, and so far as I know, is the only internet copy available complete with the illustrations.
We have no first-hand knowledge that this document is genuine, however many of the concepts contained herein are certainly reasonable, important, and bear strong consideration.
If anyone has additional knowledge about the source of this document; has better copies of the illustrations than the ones posted here; has any missing pieces to this document, or has any comments which can improve upon the quality of this document, we will appreciate your comments.
The Lawful Path http://www.lawfulpath.com/
Additional information includes confirmation that this policy was adopted by the International "Elites" at the first Bilderberg Meeting in 1954.
Yes! We must fight the immoral, unethical, and illegal, not through being criminals ourselves, but through our legal systems and seek retribution of equal value to the crimes.
Please watch the short YT video. Brings tears to my eyes. We need the madness to stop and justice for all that harmed.
I watched it. It’s gut wrenching.
Yes Sir! One hundred percent! We have been with Dr. Paul’s way of thinking for a long time. Lock them all to hell up!
Love it!