June 2021, huh? Just a couple of months after the weapons became widely available.

The job at Moderna is called a REWARD.

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Let's be honest, they're ALL shills, bought & pd for stooges, with a rubber stamp in both hands including the current FDA commish Califf, a former classmate of mine. Nauseating but nothing new under the sun that's for sure

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This sickening NGO and Government doink fest is as undying as this bullshit Covid narrative.

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Paul, you know that Birx was hired by a pharma? Not moderna or phizer another, starts with 'A' if I recall. Collins and Tony not rewarded yet or most likely not reported.

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If you are surprised, you've not been paying attention.

April 18th, 2022 I wrote an article about it.


And since that time, his turbosupercharger has only run faster.

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The system incentivized corruption by design and no one said a word.

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What a rat!!!

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They certainly have concurred the game, abusing their authority from all angles. Intertwined together and a constant musical chairs of positions within. Screwing and cheating the taxpayer all the way. We funded this entire debacle and they all got rich on our dime. They should all be hung on the hill for the world to watch!

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How can this be ethical?


Crimes against humanity.

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Apparently one of his jobs was to push through Remdesivir. Check out this text message to him mentioning its failure in the Solidarity trial. It's very odd that instead of this lack of efficacy being seen as a reason to reconsider, it's viewed as a hurdle to overcome. I like to know the name of the crony that sent this to him:

"Long time. Hope all is well. Good luck with the vaccines. Approval of remdesivir will be dicey given SOLIDARITY, I think. But I'm not the head of the FDA thank goodness"


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And the cycle of government job to pharma job continues. Folks just aren’t ethical anymore...

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Thank you Doctor Hahn. I linked to your post in my piece here:


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