Terrible and all by design.

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It is too bizarre and heartless to consider why any society, much less a global one, would purposely do this and continue doing it to large swaths of the population. It can't be just for the money or to reduce population, though both are incentives. There must be some deeper purpose, but -- whatever it is -- good people must not let them get away with this.

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The ENEMY is trying to make their 'ownership' of humanity legal. Those who took the vaxx are now the vaxx creators' property as the vaxxed are now carrying their owned, patented gene technology and therefore, becoming their PATENTED GENE TECHNOLOGY.

The creators of the vax technology will claim that these people are no longer strictly "human" and that they no longer fall under the protections of the Constitution and Bill of Rights because they are no longer "human" in the sense of the word meant when the documents were written.

As if their pure evil to want so many dead isn't enough, can you imagine the new level of depression and despair people will feel when this piece of the enemy's sick puzzle/agenda comes out?

The enemy also has technology to capture the soul essence of a human when they die with their technology and tracking that they injected people with. Suddenly, there really will be clones everywhere.

If that isn't enough for you, they will get away with it if the courts don't change.

Do you remember Monsanto? They purposely planted GMO cornfields in the middle of generational, familial, ancestral corn seed fields. The GMO cross pollinated the neighbors cornfields when the wind blew and the birds and the bees did their thing. Monsanto accused the neighbors of "stealing" their technology and proving that their corn was cross pollinated with their gmo technology AND THEY WON. Monsanto sued them and put many out of business. Farmers either joined them or went hungry. That's the lot of sick, stupid lobbyist sociopaths we have really running the country.

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What you say makes a lot of sense, Lisa. They want to own everything (and now, everybody) with patents. I remember that Monsanto lawsuit and the outrageous verdict!

I am not buying their narrative. Never have since I was eighteen. Makes for an interesting life!

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It IS just that, a narrative. Good on you, brother. We are going to be needed and of powerful, positive use in helping our brothers going forward. All the best!

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i suppose the ones who don't die will have some sort of genetic programming, for whatever means that is for... why else would they insist so strongly for people to get it...???

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Satan's Trans-Humanism battle with GOD'S creation.

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Satan is in control here on earth.

Focus your eyes toward The Rapture.

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One never gives evil a free pass.

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The government hates us, we will either die from a plane crash or some other man made disaster, I did NOT take the gene altering injections.

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So far..... When the WHO takes over we will all be forced or die trying to escape.

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That is a correct assumption.

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i know our family has zero plans for any flights anytime soon!

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Refused to take it from day dot..... after realising 911 was an inside job and more about how the world really works, I don't trust the government nor any corporation. When COVID was announced, I could see it was a setup, related to 5G and from there I observed and researched at home for two years.

Summary of an eye opening read from my drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bGZA8AAX6IfqbQq2cC-6u2-w0KB2HZLa/view?usp=sharing

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They are starting to drop dead. A friend's lawyer died last week from "coincidence" and one of their employees, multi-vaxxed, is unable to work even though they want to.

Normies will be confronted with these situations and at some point, they will start to take notice.

That's the point WWIII or economic collapse will be ginned up. Anything to keep the cash machine going. To Hell with everyone else.

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The scamdemic, biggest outrage since trudope up here in Canuckistan elbowed a woman in her uppers.

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The "covid virus" does not exist. Nobody died from it. They died from the treatment. The bioweapon is in the jab and that's how people get it. The jabs are self spreading. We are in big trouble.

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I’ve been following this for a year, so glad it’s coming to light.

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Her chapter in Deace's new book the Fourth Reich was incredible. Read/hear the book people, share far and wide!

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I agree. I suspect it will remove some degree of our empathy for others and our connection to the divine in our lives. That is why it is SO important to get all injected with this gene-altering product. When 5 G becomes widely operational, it may be possible to reward and punish us by means of jacking up the voltage at the 5G tower nearest us, like the pet dogs who obey their master... or else, get a shock for leaving the yard.

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Blind stupidity in the ranks. They haven’t got the kahoonas to break ranks and fight for their lives then there is very little others can do to help them

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Our military is being eliminated by our own government / DOD.

As of last year, NATO is in our largest Naval base....Norfolk, Virginia.

Look at what is currently going on in Ukraine, and how heavily involved NATO is.

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Shall we say that everything being done by the traitor selected member of the Council of Foreign Relations and avowed Zionist Biden is deliberately done to weaken our home defenses. We have oil and gas being removed for export and no new or updated refinery capacity and now he drains the strategic stockpile. We need impeachment and soon.

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I think the Nazi’s are still among us. Didn’t we import important Nazi scientist after WII?

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Yep. "Operation Paperclip"

After WWII, the OSS (office of strategic services....now known as the CIA) brought 1,700 of Hitler's top doctors and scientists into the United States, and put them into top positions in our government, running programs like NASA. They were also put into our most inportant industries, like big chem and BIG PHARMA.

I've been saying for the past two years that I think what's currently going on has something to do with Operation Paperclip, as many of the same people / organizations are involved in this "plandemic". Our own government, the CIA, big pharma, big chem....and the World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab's father, Eugene, worked with the Nazis.

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